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Unmovable Page 6

by Richard P Rigoli

  The rain fell heavily, yet the river, though very high, seemed to flow normally. Amber could feel the desire to breathe but not the need for it. It was an odd sensation. She moved to open the driver’s side door and accidentally tore it completely from the vehicle. A realization dawned, and Amber gingerly pulled her friend out. Jeanette’s body was weightless and extremely fragile in her arms.

  Rai ran up as Amber carefully set Jeanette down. “Wow! You saved h... Wait! Is she breathing?” Rai asked.

  Amber tried to answer but coughed up gouts of water instead. Rai slapped her on the back a couple of times. “Ow!” he exclaimed and pulled his hand away. “I think, I just bruised my hand!”

  “I’m okay,” Amber gasped after she cleared the water from her lungs. She must have been closer to death than she realized down there. “You need to check her,” she said. “I might hurt her the way I am right now.”

  “Right, right!” Rai said excitedly. “I don’t think she’s breathing. I could try and make air go in her! I just need to be careful not to do too much! Or maybe I could…”

  “Rai!” Amber interrupted his tirade. “Not the time for powers! Do you know CPR?”

  “Of course, I do, why?” He paused for a heartbeat, and it seemed to connect. “CPR, right!” Rai leaned in and went to work.

  Amber sat on her knees, watched, and prayed. The bridge looked like it was close to a mile away. There were red flashing lights from emergency vehicles, and she was about to get up and run for help when she heard Jeanette cough.


  Two days later, Amber and Rai sat at the Cypress. It was another hour before her shift started, and she was enjoying a glass of sweet tea. Rai was halfway through what he kept referring to as “Second Breakfast.”

  “You know it’s not really a ‘second’ breakfast if you’re eating it at noon,” Amber commented. “I’m pretty sure that’s called lunch. The menu will back me up on it.”

  “Stop pooping on my witty references.” Rai grinned. “So, how’s your friend doing?”

  “She’s already back working the drive-thru today.” Amber shook her head. “Are you sure you didn’t do something to her?”

  “What do you mean by that?” Rai asked with a raised brow.

  “I mean like some power-thing. I don’t know.”

  “I don’t think so.” Rai shrugged. “She didn’t even have any water in her. I’m pretty sure all I did was wake her up. Just accept that you went full superhero and saved your friend.”

  “I’ll take the win.” Amber smiled in agreement. “Any idea what I saved her from?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine.” Rai looked concerned now. “I’ve concluded that we’re not the weirdest things in Wimberley these days,” he said seriously and started eating again.

  “What a comforting thought,” Amber complained. “So, what am I supposed to do now?”

  “That’s up to you,” Rai said through a mouthful of breakfast taco. “I can always use a partner on my patrols. I even have a cool code name for you.”

  “I’m afraid to ask.” She laughed.

  “How does ‘Terrain’ grab you?” he said while waving his arms in a grand gesture.

  “That means ‘dirt.’” Amber glowered at him.

  “Well, yeah,” he said.

  “I don’t want to be called ‘dirt.'” She stuck out her tongue. “What’s your code name?”

  “I’m going with ‘Wind Ninja’,” he proclaimed proudly.

  “I guess ‘Terrain’ isn’t so bad after all,” she said in her best deadpan.

  “You’re mean.” Rai laughed. “Seriously though, Emma is going to be here any minute. Are you ready for this conversation?”

  “I guess.” Amber shrugged. “It’s not like you didn’t already blab to her all about me.”

  “I already said I was sorry.” Rai threw his hands up. “Emma totally tricked me and that was before I even knew what your powers were. So, it’s not like I had anything other than your ‘glow’ to give away. She’s my best friend in the world though,” he added. “You can trust her.”

  “I’m not even mad anymore,” Amber assured him. “It’ll be nice to have someone normal to talk to about this weird stuff.”

  “Yeah, I think so too.” Rai began and then made a face. “Wait, what do you mean normal?”

  Amber gave him a grin as she glanced up to see Emma Vanora make her way to their table. Crazy changes were coming fast in Amber’s life, and she suspected many more were on the way. The universe itself seemed to be trying to push her this way or that.

  Let it try to move me if I don’t want to, she promised.

  Pronunciation Guide

  Rai Aoi - “Ray” “Ah-oh-wee”


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  About the Authors

  Richard P. Rigoli

  Richard has been writing stories for books, graphic novels, on-line communities, and podcast audio dramas over the years. He enjoys well-planned epic fantasy tales, games, and book with storylines that reveal complex fleshed-out characters, and of course, well-placed snarks. A wordsmith with a vivid imagination, Richard has been known to lead family and friends on harrowing and entertaining epic gaming adventures.

  Suzanna Reeves

  Suzanna has toyed with fantasy story ideas since childhood and has a folder full of ideas, outlines, and drawings for stories. Suzanna is an accomplished musician and prolific artist and has published various works throughout her life. Suzanna currently daydreams and lives in an enchanted forest somewhere in south-eastern Texas.


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  Scale of Elements

  Book 2

  By Rigoli & Reeves

  © 2019 Second Revised Edition. Richard P. Rigoli and Suzanna Reeves. All rights reserved. Library of Congress, United States of America.



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  This novel/book is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, places, and events portrayed within are products of the authors’ imaginations and used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely used for fiction. Please buy only authorized electronic editions, and do not take part in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the authors’ rights and protection o
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  For more information about this work and the authors, please visit rigoliandreeves.com. Requests for guest or panel appearances, inquiries, or other requests should be directed to rigoliandreeves.com

  Cover Art & Layout: Unmovable, by Suzanna Reeves, 2019. Original image used as base, Adobe, License #101579887





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