Ruins of Majesta: Vol. 2.1 Creatures and Cupcakes

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Ruins of Majesta: Vol. 2.1 Creatures and Cupcakes Page 13

by Taj McCoy El

  A tree came spinning into view almost landing on the cat. Grax dove sideways as the tree slammed into the ground. Mayah didn’t let up she tossed acid grenade after acid grenade at the scampering cat. She paused momentarily and drew another rune on her bicep.

  Mayah’s shadow raced forward and stood up from the ground. Mayah shifted happiness in her hands and the shadow did the same.

  Shadow clones!!! I got shadow clones.

  She moved towards Grax. The shadow ten feet in front of her reached him first. She swung with happiness and the shadow delivered. The blow only pushed him to the side, but he wasn’t knocked back.

  You have attacked

  Graxiel Destruir

  -17 DP Fight (S)

  Well that was unimpressive.

  Grax smiled and charged again. Mayah had time for one last rune and wrote it in the air in front of her.

  A torrent of water poured forth from the ground making walls around Grax. Whenever he walked the walls took on strange shapes only allowing him to go in certain directions. He was facing to her left and lifted his sword and pointed dead ahead and said, “When these walls come down, I’m coming to get you.

  “Grax I’m over here.”

  “Yeah…I see you,” he said still facing left. “Just wait Cupcake. Just wait…”

  Mayah took a moment letting her mana and stamina refill as she checked the timers for her new runes.

  Grax still facing her left said, “So, you think you have time to rest, huh. I’m coming for you.”

  Mayah wasn’t like liking his anger and decided to keep the tests going. She pulled out her book and found the rune she was looking for.

  Heh…for science.

  As she wrote the rune Grax backed up and got ready. He was actually angling towards her showing his back. She canceled the walls and cast the new rune. The sickly black mass in her hand dripped like oil. Where the light hit it, it reflected green. She threw it at his back. It took on a dart shape and hit him dead center between the shoulder blades.

  Grax shrieked like a banshee and fell to the ground spasming. His screaming continued as Mayah looked at her notifications.

  You have attacked

  Graxiel Destruir

  -147DP Water (D)

  You have attacked

  Graxiel Destruir

  -55DP Water (D)

  You have attacked

  Graxiel Destruir

  -45DP Water (D)

  You have attacked

  Graxiel Destruir

  -200DP Water (D)

  Negative Status Inflicted

  Spinal necrosis

  You have attacked

  Graxiel Destruir

  -38DP Water (D)


  Duel Completed

  Winner: Pretty Princess Cuddle Fluff

  Thank you for playing Majesta

  Mayah looked up and noticed Grax’s body going transparent.


  8.6 The eight lives of Alejandro Diaz

  Alejandro exited Majesta with a growl. He pushed the helm up off his head and opened the pod. Angrily swinging his legs over the edge of the pod he stubbed his pinky toe. Recoiling from the blow and wincing in agony he grabbed his foot. He slowly hissed to himself as the pain subsided.

  Placing both feet on the ground he muttered, “Stupid Fluff.”

  Anger wasn’t the word to use at this point in time. Anger wasn’t deep enough. There was a devil in his chest that he could only exorcise in the heat of combat. He sat up and took a deep breath. It smelled like home.

  The light from the desk lamp illuminated his room. His model travwings floating around his ceiling, magnetically following the metal track he had put up. There was his engine blueprint for a 2029 Mustang convertible hanging on the wall above his desk. Then his thoughts turned back to his death at the hands of his friend. 20% loss of total XP knocked him back to level 15. He hoped Mayah looted his body. The drops would fall from his inventory, and he wanted it all back. With a surge of anger, he shook off the last of the Majestan cobwebs, placed his feet in his slippers, and stood up.

  He picked up his housecoat from the back of his chair and dragged it onto his arm. He spun towards the door finishing with the robe and walked across the room. He silently turned the knob not wishing to wake his mother and turned down the hall towards the bathroom and the kitchen.

  He stood at the sink staring into his father’s face just younger. Smooth tan skin and head shaved on one side. Glossy black hair that came down to his shoulders was tucked behind his left ear. He sneered at the memory and finally remembered to wash his hands. As furious as he was by being killed, his stomach reminded him he still had an appetite.

  An appetite for destruction.

  He turned off the kitchen lights, and then turned into the kitchen.

  Pepinillos, or Pepi, Graxiella’s cat, mrowled at his feet then rubbed his fat white and orange body around his leg. He reached down and gave him a scratch behind the ear.

  Okay time to make something to eat.

  His fourteen-year-old stomach was an empty abyss of rumbling insatiability. He cracked the fridge and grabbed three of his mother’s leftover Tamales and threw them into the induction toaster. Thirty seconds later he sat at the table and grabbed the spicy green hot sauce and slathered the Tamales with it.

  I can’t believe she killed me.

  He gripped his fork tightly, knuckles going white. He stabbed a tamale, picked up a large chunk and crammed it into his mouth. He gnashed the tamale like it was Fluff's soul not realizing he looked like an angry chipmunk. He looked around the dining room, his eyes landing on the family portrait. His sister was looking out from the photo directly at him. Her smile was bright and joyful. He stopped chewing for a moment, relaxed slightly, and stared back at her. After a moment, he wanted to look away, but her eyes held him there.

  What? What are you trying to tell me, sis?

  She just smiled back at him and his shoulders slumped.

  Che… ! I couldn’t stay mad at you either.

  After a few minutes of practically swallowing tamales whole and wrangling with his anger he looked at the picture again and thought, Fine, we’ll do it your way.

  He picked up his plate, rinsed it in the sink and placed his dishes in the dishwasher. Walking down the hallway he stopped at Graxiella’s last school picture to smile at her again. He kissed his fingertips and gently placed them on her cheek. He whispered, “Miss you, Pollito,” and continued on to his room.

  He closed the door and stood there looking around his room and chuckled.

  “What do I have to be mad about? I get to go home, right?” He sat on his bed to thoughtfully to wait for the hour to finish up. An idea quickly hatched, and he decided just to go to bed.

  I’m gonna let her stew. She’ll just think I’m extra mad and I’ll get better gifts that way.


  “Fluff? What was that?”

  “A mistake. A very huge and very bad mistake. Shaz, shaz, shaz, shaz, shaz!!! He’s gonna kill me,” Mayah yowled into her hands as she stamped her feet rapidly on the ground. She felt sick to her stomach.

  “Did you just kill Grax?”

  “Shush. Don’t say it like that…!!!” Mayah moaned.

  “But he’ll respawn right?”

  “Of course,” Mayah waved her off, “but he’s going to be upset by the death penalties.”

  “Death penalties?” the supreme noob inquired.

  When you die, you lose XP. If you lose XP, you lose levels.”

  “Ooooh…” Margaret said finally understanding.

  “This is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, ALL bad.” Mayah’s knees went weak, and she fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.

  “So, how did he die?”

  “This safe zone must be PK friendly. The only reason my PK counter didn’t go red again was because we were in a proper duel.” She thrashed around on the ground in a fit and said, “This is so bad. Like when you put toothpaste in your
brother’s Oreos and your mom takes some to work, bad.”

  “What?” Margaret tilted her head to the side and pursed her lips

  “Never mind.” Mayah waved her off again as she sat bolt upright. "I don’t have time for this. I need a ‘forgive me’ present like NOW. And I’ve only got six hours to pull it off.” She scratched her chin. “Something better than a bowtie… Something better than a bowtie…” she said as she began rocking back and forth clutching her knees.



  Mo felt the pain before his eyes opened. He slowly opened his eyes and was staring at a plank ceiling over rafters. He looked around, the walls were earthen and slightly damp. It smelled like mold and mildew. There was a single candle burning on the floor by the rooms only door. He moved to feel his aching face and his wrist caught short. He struggled for a moment until adrenalin cleared some of his haze, and he realized he was tied up.

  Well isn’t this just great. In the dim basement, he could see light filter down through the cracks between the planks. He struggled against his restraints for a few moments as he felt the rough boards under his back. He gave up when he made no headway. There was the sound of voices and heavy boots above and a shadow passed through the dappling of light, disturbing motes of dust to play in their beams. Heavy footsteps came down stairs, and he heard a latch being opened. The door opened and the weaselly character from before was standing in the doorway staring at him.

  “If you don’t let me go right now my friends are going to come and get me.” Mo yelled. He didn’t think that his friends would ever find him but it was the only card he had to play.

  “Oy, Just you‘old on a roight minute. Oi just came down ‘ere to make sures you weren’t still loopy in the noggin.”

  “I’m not loopy,” Mo yelled at him.

  “Could’a fooled me lad. No one’s been daft enough to throw a knuckle at Treegan in three years. When a foight breaks out ever’one runs from ‘em, they do. Last poor bloke never woke up. Roight surproised ya can still make talkin’ noises with yer mouth. Youse paladins sure are resilient, oi’ll give ya that.” He walked over to the wooden platform Mo was tied to and pulled out his knife.

  Mo quickly shuffled as far away as possible from him casting a hostile glare and demanded, “What are you going to do?”

  The weasel stopped when he saw Mo struggling, shook his head and let out a sigh. “Unbunch ya knickers, tremble whiskers. Oi’m just gon’ta cut youse loose.” Mo froze, and then relaxed as he had no way to fight back while tied up. “Matter of fact oi should talk to’yas first.”

  The weasel came to sit on the edge of the platform knife proudly displayed across his lap. “So, moy name is Bonkers,” he said with a thumb pushed to his chest, “Celiaphus Bonkers. Oi’m the leader of the Knockers. Those would be those lovely gents oi was with earlier. We’ve ‘eard that the paladins were ‘ere to save all’a Majesta. From what oi’ve seen youse couldn’t save a kitten from a wet paper bag.”

  “Me and the boys got to talking and we’ve de’soided to train ya up. If you’d loike the help, that is?”

  “Train me up?”

  “Yah, ya know getting stronger’n faster. Better ta’fight Ba'alquion an’all”

  “That doesn’t sound bad, but my friends will be worried about me.”

  “Well, if they’re as weak as ya then you moight as well invoite’em along.”

  “You’re sure about this?”

  “As long as youse gormless lot don’t blouse up on us an’ get the collywobbles.”

  “Was that even english?”

  Bonkers sighed, taking a deep breath. “As long as youse don’t turn chicken, yoi’ll be fine.”


  “Well, are ya gon’ta call yer friends or what?”

  Mo just lifted his arms brandishing the restraints and Bonkers said, “Oi guess ya right. Thas a right blast that is.” And he began sawing through the ropes with a chuckle.

  8.7 Death and the Maiden

  Margaret had set up a makeshift target and practiced her archery by firelight. Mayah paced back and forth muttering to herself. Occasionally she would stop pull out her runebook, read something and contemplate for a while. Then she would start to pace again. All of Margaret’s attempts to soothe Mayah were as effective as trying to drain the ocean with a straw. She had finally given up and went to find other ways to stave off her boredom.

  She glanced at Mayah again. The poor dear. I wish there was some way to help her.

  She looked at her once more, and then turned her attention back to her target. Her archery had finally risen to 5, and she unlocked the archery skill tree. She really wanted to talk to Fluff about it. Since Fluff was otherwise occupied, she would have to do it on her own.

  She returned her attention to the arrow she had absently nocked and drawn. Sighting down the arrow the reticle that had been just a wide circle before, now had lines that bisected the circle into quadrants. The lines didn’t touch but where they would have intersected in the center floated a dot. Using the dot had raised her accuracy markedly. At twenty yards, she could now repeatedly hit a one-foot target with 70% accuracy.

  She let the arrow fly and watched it sink into the tree Mayah had thrown at Grax. A deep sigh escaped her, and she slogged over to retrieve her arrows. She looked at Mayah to still see her pacing. Margaret shook her head. This isn’t as fun without them. Maybe I can help her with a solution, and we can get back to the dungeon.

  A notification dinged breaking her thoughts.


  Your party has defeated:



  XP: +55

  1,787XP till next level

  Normally this would make her happy, but without anyone to celebrate with she felt indifferent. The game hadn’t felt real until Mayah had found her. And now there Mayah was, but at the same time she wasn’t. It disturbed Margaret. Mayah was the same little girl she had met five days ago. The same little girl who cried on her chest needing an anchor to sanity. The same little girl whose mother had called her family.

  A breeze whipped through the canopy and Margaret looked through the branches and saw the stars wink in and out of view behind the night darkened leaves. As the breeze settled, so did her soul.

  She put the bow and arrows into her quiver, paced over to where Mayah was wearing a ditch in the ground, scooped her up in her arms and gave her a fierce bear hug and held her there.

  “Mags? What the…?” But Margaret stayed silent.

  Mayah struggled for less than a moment, and then finally returned the hug. Mayah melted into her arms and laid her head on her shoulder.

  “Thanks,” she whispered.

  “Anything for you dear,” Margaret returned. Giving Mayah one last squeeze she set her back on the ground, straightening Mayah’s cloak and hair. Margaret stepped back and Mayah smiled up at her until Margaret said, “You killed Grax.”

  Mayah’s eyes dropped then her shoulders drooped and her head sagged. Margaret was having none of it. She snaked a finger under Mayah’s chin and lifted her head until their eyes met again.

  “You killed Grax.” Mayah tried to look down again but Margaret’s fingers kept that from happening. “This can be a problem, or a solution waiting to happen. It’s up to you to choose which. IF…it’s a problem then there has to be a solution. Right now, we don’t have all the information, so we’ll take our best guess. I would guess that Grax is going to be very upset with you.” Mayah tried to flinch away but Margaret kept her head from moving. “But I’ve also noticed how deeply he cares for you, dear. I think he has a soft spot for little sisters.” Margaret gave her an encouraging smile.

  Margaret dropped her hand and straightened Mayah’s clothes again. “You two are going to be friends after this or I’ll turn his hide into a pincushion for you to sew with. Stop worrying and make him a gift. Not too nice, though. You did win the duel after all.”

  "I did, didn’t I?” Mayah smi
led and chuckled. “Thanks Mags.”

  “Not even necessary, dear. You did save my life, remember?”

  Mayah snorted, “Yeah I did.”

  “So, go make something wonderful. It’s after midnight in the real world and I’m going to shuffle off to my mortal coil.”

  “Okay. I’m gonna miss you guys.” Mayah was still smiling but there was a shadow to it now.

  “Promises me you won’t go into the city when it’s dark,” Margaret said sternly.

  “Do I have to?”

  “YES…” Margaret added emphatically, “or I will leave this party…” and then, under her breath, she mumbled, “As soon as the dungeons over.”

  “Fine, I promise,” Mayah said staring her in the eye.

  “Young lady I can’t help but notice the lack of a golden glow around you.”

  Mayah hmmphed

  “Now tell me…what do you promise?”

  "I Pretty Princess Cuddle Fluff promise not to enter the city when it’s dark.” A golden glow surrounded her and Margaret nodded satisfied.

  “Have fun testing out your runes. Tell Vergie I said hello and thank you. Make something amazing for Grax, and if you have time, be a dear and make something for me too.” Margaret had rapidly run through her goodbye list and handed Mayah her quiver. She sounded like a parent going on vacation and leaving the kids alone for the first time. She finally ended on, “And don’t die.”


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