Mayhem: Bratva Fury (book 3)

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Mayhem: Bratva Fury (book 3) Page 1

by Alexi Ferreira


  Bratva Fury (Book 3)

  Copyright © 2020 Alexi Ferreira

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in used critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses as permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, mentioning in the subject line:

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person or persons, living or dead, any event, occurrence, or incident is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created and thought up from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


  RUBY 2


  RUBY 4


  RUBY 6


  RUBY 8


  RUBY 10


  RUBY 12


  RUBY 14


  RUBY 16


  RUBY 18



  I don’t believe I’m back here. For nine years, I’ve been able to keep away from Russia and was hoping never to be back. Now because of this mess, Alexei asked me to come back and make sure that Ruby Orlov got on a plane and to South Africa without getting killed. Andrei Orlov, her father, was killed three days ago, and now the Bratva is up in arms, trying to protect his daughter, Ruby.

  Andrei, as one of the Bratva captains, was an important part of our organization. His murder shook our foundation. The boss, Alexei’s father, ordered that Ruby be taken out of Russia and kept safe until the killer was found.

  So, here I am, where I never wanted to be again. Alexei tasked me with collecting Ruby and taking her back to South Africa while keeping her safe from any threat to her life, and that is what I’m going to do. I expect this to be quick and easy, allowing me to be out of here by tonight. The less time I spend in Russia, the better.

  Alexei knows my reluctance to be in Russia, but there was no one else he could send, as Nik and Vlad were away in Cape Town. Stepping out of the plane, I look around, feeling the cold seep into my bones. This cold is something I haven’t missed; thinking back, there is nothing about Russia I have missed.

  I left here with nothing, running from my own ghosts and promising myself never to come back. I just want to get this over with as soon as possible and get Ruby to safety as soon as I can.

  “Dimitri!” I tense but keep my surprise off my face. Why the hell would they send him to pick me up. Tomac, my stepbrother and an asshole.

  “Tomac.” I nod my head slightly in greeting and step towards the car. He is one of the last people I wanted to see. A man I haven’t seen before nods at me as he opens the back door to the SUV that is parked waiting. Tomac gets into the passenger seat, and the man I haven’t been introduced to starts the SUV.

  “I didn’t expect them to send you. Where have you been hiding?” Tomac asks sarcastically. I see that the years I’ve been gone haven’t changed him in any way. Tomac has always been jealous of everything about me since the day his parents took me in off the streets and called me his brother. I was never their real son, but they treated me as such, and that never went down well with Tomac.

  No one knows where Alexei and Vlad are, and that I was sent to make sure that they are always safe. If anything happens to either of them because of a breach in security, I will die. South Africa has become my home, the men there and their women now my family. The boss entrusted me with his son’s safety, and I will do everything in my power to make sure no harm comes to them. If anyone ever found out where they were, they would be targets like Ruby now is.

  The boss has stayed away from his sons to protect them, the same as Alexei and Vlad have refrained from visiting their father even when Jade had Alexei’s baby. Therefore, Tomac, with his sneaky ways, won’t get that information out of me.

  Instead of answering him, I grunt to let him know that there will be no answer forthcoming. I look out the window and realize that we are being driven out of town. I had the impression that Ruby was at one of our houses in town. “Where are we going?” I ask as I look over at Tomac.

  “We had to move her. There was an attempt on her life yesterday,” the driver answers when Tomac doesn’t.

  “Was she hurt?” I don’t fancy having to stay here longer because she’s been injured.

  “No, she was lucky. She ran into the safe room before they had a chance to reach her,” the man replies.

  I stroke the breast pocket of my jacket and think of Ruby’s photo inside. She is a stunningly beautiful woman with long black hair, pale skin, and amber-coloured eyes. In the photo, her lips are turned up in a smile, giving her a pixie kind of look, but I also notice mischief in that smile. I confess to have looked at the photo longer and more times than I should, but Ruby Orlov intrigues me.

  In the hours leading up to the time of my departure, I used the men to try to find out everything and anything about Ruby, but to my surprise, there wasn’t much I could find. Ruby doesn’t seem to have a social media account like so many people in their twenties. She was also home schooled, which complicates me getting any information about her schooling. I phoned a contact of mine here in Russia and was told that there was no news to be had about her.

  Ruby Orlov is, for all intents and purposes, a very private and good person. She doesn’t even have a boyfriend, which is strange for a woman of her beauty.

  “How is she taking all of this?”

  The driver shrugs. “Only Marcus has been allowed to be with her,” I am told, which surprises me even more. Marcus is good, but he is also in his late fifties. I would have thought they would have given her a younger personal guard. Especially if her life is being threatened.

  “We could very well have kept her safe here,” Tomac says suddenly.

  “With the attempt on her life and what I hear, I think it was a good idea to have me take her away,” I grunt in reply, and Tomac tenses in anger.

  “Yes, of course, because you are so good,” he says sarcastically, but I don’t deem to answer, as I know Tomac is revving for a fight.

  “We have arrived,” the driver suddenly says as we turn into a long driveway. Looking around, I recognise the mansion as the boss’s main home, with various guards walking the grounds. For Ruby to have been brought here, it means the threat is very real. Usually no one is brought to the main house unless absolutely necessary. Even the men are not allowed inside except for a handful of trusted ones.

  That is another sore spot with Tomac, as I was one of those trusted men before I left. Even though I was one of the youngest, the boss trusted me with his son’s safety.

  When the car stops, I step out and make my way to the main doors. The last time I was here, my life was falling apart. The woman I loved had been killed, gunned down in the street because she was connected to me. The boss helped me by sending me away, away from everything once her killer had been found and vengeance was mine.

  I became friends with Monica when we were still in school, falling in love with her for her selflessness and goodness. We moved in together when we finished school. Monica didn’t like the idea of what I did
, but she understood and supported me. When they killed her, they shook my world. I shake my head as I stop in the foyer. I have purposefully closed that time of my life away, not thinking about it, and now that I’m back, everything is flooding back.

  I knew that being in Russia would bring back painful memories, but I had no choice. Looking around, I see very little has changed since the last time I was here. I feel eyes on me and turn towards where I feel the presence.

  “Dimitri.” The boss is standing in the doorway to his library. The first thought through my head is that he has aged, but thinking of all the years I have been away it is understandable.

  “Boss,” I greet as I lower my head in respect.

  “Come, Dimitri, let us talk.” He steps back and waits for me to walk towards him and enter his library before he closes the door behind me and then makes his way, not behind his desk on the far side of the room, but towards the couch. “How have you been?” he asks, and I know he genuinely wants to know. The boss is loyal to those loyal to him.

  “I’m fine, thank you,” I state, knowing that one way or another, he gets feedback about all of us. He is always aware of everything that happens in South Africa.

  “How are my sons?” he asks, and I see a flicker of pain cross his face when he asks that. The boss is a hard man, but he loves his sons, and having to be far from them, from their lives, is one of the hardest things he’s had to do, I am sure.

  “They are fine,” I state, and he raises a brow when I don’t elaborate.

  “And my grandson and daughter-in-law? Tell me about them,” he states as he sits forward on the couch, and I see curiosity in his face.

  “I think you would like Jade; she doesn’t let Alexei get away with anything,” I joke. “She is kind and gentle but very sharp, and your son loves her dearly. She is a very good mother, not only to their son but Alexei says to Vlad, too, and his men.” The boss throws back his head and laughs, I’m sure imagining a woman mothering hardened men.

  “She looks like a strong wind will blow her away,” he says with a grin

  “Looks can be deceiving. Yes, Jade is petite and very feminine, but she has an internal strength that rivals any man.” He nods in contentment. “The baby looks just like Alexei. Your son is a wonderful papa, and Vlad keeps on teasing him about it,” I say, which brings another grin to his face.

  “Are they safe there?” he asks, a more sober expression replacing his jovial one.

  “Da, there have been a few incidents, as you know, but nothing to do with the backlash from here. Your sons are safe and happy there.”

  He nods. “Now for why you are here. I’m sure Alexei has told you that we need you to keep Ruby Orlov safe, as her family was killed earlier this week.” At my nod, he continues. “What Alexei couldn’t have told you, as he didn’t know, and only a handful of people do, is that Ruby has been through her fair share of trauma in her young life.”

  I tense. There is more than what I was expecting.

  “When Ruby was sixteen, she went with her mom’s permission but without her father knowing to sleep at a friend’s home. This friend’s brother raped her. Since then, she keeps to herself, away from people, mostly men, and she does not like to be touched.”

  My anger rises at the injustice done to the beautiful woman I have seen in the photo.

  “We still don’t know who killed her family, but I want you to keep Ruby safe. I don’t want any more trauma in her life. She has had enough.”

  “I will,” I promise.

  “You are going to have to win her trust. When you are in South Africa you are going to carry on making sure she is kept safe. Dimitri, I want you to marry Ruby.”

  I feel like a vice has clamped around my heart and is squeezing. “What?” I whisper in surprise.

  “I know this is a lot to ask of you, but I know that you haven’t got anyone and haven’t had anyone since Monica died. Ruby’s father was a loyal friend, and I will do right by his daughter. You, Dimitri, will treat Ruby like she deserves and will keep her safe.”

  Married? I can’t get married. I don’t even know the woman, but even if I did, I wouldn’t want to get married. The only woman I ever wanted died. She was the only wife I ever wanted.

  “With all due respect, I don’t even know this woman. You said she keeps away from people and doesn’t like to be touched. She clearly won’t want to be married.” Yes, she’s beautiful, but not beautiful enough to make me want to forget Monica and marry her.

  “Dimitri, you know I wouldn’t do that to you. I know this is a lot to ask, but Ruby is a beautiful woman, and even though she’s quiet, she has a kind and friendly disposition. Yes, you might find resistance when trying to get close to her, but, Dimitri, I have every confidence in your manipulation techniques. I know that you will make this marriage work and that you will keep Ruby alive and protected from those who wish her harm.”

  If I’d known this was the plan for me, I would have gotten a reason to keep away from Russia. I should have gone with my gut feeling and stayed away. Damn, I can’t say no, but I sure as hell am against this idea.

  “I know you don’t have anyone in your life—actually, you haven’t had anyone in your life since Monica. Yes, you have the odd encounter with a woman, but you haven’t let yourself get involved again. If you look at it, Dimitri, you need Ruby just as much as she needs you.”

  I should have known he was keeping an eye on all of us. First thing I’m doing when I get back is find out who is keeping him updated. I nod reluctantly, as there is no excuse I can give him that he will accept. Looks like I’m going to be married, but contrary to what he says, I don’t think this is what both of us need.

  “Good, thank you. This sets my mind at ease, as I know you will do your best to keep Ruby happy and safe.”

  It’s not as if I have a choice, and from what I have heard from the boss, this is not going to be a simple marriage, as Ruby seems to have issues, rightly so, but issues nonetheless.

  I believe in the concept of marriage; I insist on faithfulness from my wife, and she should expect it from me. Us getting married will have to be a real marriage or no marriage at all. This will be the hardest mission of my life, because me knowing what Ruby has gone through and that she doesn’t like to be touched, I will need to be patient, something that I will find hard to do with her around, because if I’m doing this, I’m doing it right, and Ruby will be wanting my touch. I will have to show her she can trust me and that I will do anything to protect her.

  “What do you know about who wants her dead?” I ask, which makes the boss stand and move towards his desk. Opening a draw and pulling out an envelope, he walks back and takes his seat once again on the couch.

  “Everything we know is in this envelope. Once you take Ruby, I’m hoping she will be safe.”

  I take the envelope. Pulling out the documents inside, I scan through the contents indicating that the person responsible for the murder of Ruby’s family and the threat on her life is very powerful but doesn’t belong to the mafia. Looking up. I see the boss’s closed look, which tells me that there is more to this story than meets the eye.

  “Why would anyone who doesn’t belong to the Bratva, who has everything they want at their fingertips, come after Andrei and his family, and who is it?” I ask.

  “We will deal with this, Dimitri; all you need to do is keep Ruby safe and alive. We only know that its someone with power, we not sure yet who” I want to argue, but from experience, I know the boss will not change his mind when it comes to whatever plan is in the pipeline. “Now, I think it’s time to meet your bride.” With those words, he stands, which indicates it’s time for my exit.

  Standing, I nod and then take leave of the most dangerous man in Russia towards my forced future.

  RUBY 2

  The same sad haunted eyes stare back at me in the mirror. My safe world has come to a crashing halt. For the second time in my life, my foundation has been shaken, has been destroyed. What am I going to do this
time? I was finally starting to feel safe again, finally starting to think there was more to life than hiding behind my family, and now I’m forced to once again face the heart-wrenching mechanisms fate threw at me.

  I knew my father was part of the Bratva. I knew this could happen, but I never thought it would happen. I just want to get away from this life, get away from the violence, but I know that once in the Bratva, the only way to leave is if I’m dead. I have thought of ending my life before, thought of stopping the pain, stopping the turmoil that is my mind, but I’m a coward and don’t have the courage to do it.

  I know whoever killed my family also wants me dead. It would be easy to just let them kill me, and everything would come to an end, but even though I crave peace, I can’t do it. I still hope that someday I will find peace and a semblance of happiness. I have no friends, and now I have no family except the Bratva, but I would rather be far, far away from anything Bratva.

  A knock on the door has me turning around from the contemplation of myself and my thoughts. My heart starts to race as I walk towards the door. Before opening the door, I take a deep breath. “Good morning, sweetie.” I exhale when I see Mrs. Smit, her friendly face smiling at me kindly.

  “Morning,” I murmur. Since arriving here, that the only other person that I’ve seen besides the boss is Mrs. Smit, and the boss has been to see me once in the time I have been here to talk about what happened. It still doesn’t stop me from getting nervous every time I hear footsteps or someone knocks on the door.

  “Dimitri has arrived. He is going to be the one to protect you from now on,” Mrs. Smit says as she walks into the room holding out a cup of coffee to me. The boss told me that he had called one of his most trusted men to come and protect me. The thought of being close to any man I don’t know for any period has me cringing and my heart racing again.

  “You are very lucky; Dimitri is a good man,” Mrs. Smit says. “He will keep you safe.” If only I could believe that. “After your coffee I will take you down to meet Dimitri. He thought it would be better that you two meet downstairs.”


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