Mayhem: Bratva Fury (book 3)

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Mayhem: Bratva Fury (book 3) Page 3

by Alexi Ferreira

  The priest hurries through the words, I’m sure because he wants to get out of here as soon as he can. I don’t blame him. If I could, I wouldn’t even have come, but I owe Alexei and the boss my allegiance. If it weren’t for giving my word no matter what, I would never have set foot in Russia again, and now I’m leaving here with a wife. A wife I don’t know; a wife who doesn’t want me.

  The future is looking bleaker by the minute, and the worst is that she’s a beautiful and sexy woman. One I would have been proud to have on my arm, but she won’t even have my touch. If I thought that coming to Russia with all the memories was torture, well, this is going to be much worse.

  I am brought out of my thoughts when the priest asks for the rings. Darn, I forgot we needed rings, but I shouldn’t have worried. I see Ivan pulling out a box from his pocket a lopsided smile perking up his face. I bet he’s enjoying this, getting one over on me must be tickling his fancy, and a lot of others’ here too. Me being one of the boss’s chosen to follow his sons and make sure they are safe did not sit well with most captains, as I was one of the youngest at the time. I know I was chosen not only because I am trusted but also because of what had happened at the time, and that the boss decided that me being away from everything that would remind me of Monica was the best thing for me.

  Ivan opens the box, and I see plain gold wedding bands. I wonder when they were bought? He hands me the smallest band; I will make a point of going with Ruby to choose our own wedding bands. I don’t want her to wear something that someone else chose. Taking the ring, I turn to her and see her eyes are now on the ring, a blank expression on her face. Instead of leaning down and taking her hand, I hold out mine, waiting for her to place her much smaller one in mine. After a few seconds, she reluctantly lifts her hand and places it on mine.

  I can feel the slight tremor coursing through her fingers as I slide the ring on. “I will protect you with my life from this day forward, and I will try to make you happy.” I think the least I can do, even though I didn’t come up with this outrageous plan, is try to make the best of this situation and bring her some semblance of comfort.

  Ivan then stretches out his hand to Ruby with the other band. Before she can make a move, I take it from him. I know just being around all these men is rubbing her nerves thin. I won’t have her also touching anyone unnecessarily. I hold out the ring to her, which she takes and then she slides onto my finger. “Thank you,” she says quietly, and at that moment, it’s the best words she could have said, as it tells me that she realizes we are both in the same predicament.

  Maybe this won’t be the disaster I thought. Maybe she will try to and make the best of this situation and with time come to enjoy being my wife. The priest pronounces us man and wife and that its time for me to kiss my bride. Her eyes widen when I lean forward, but she doesn’t step back, which gives me hope. I kiss her lightly on the lips before I step back and realize that she’s breathing heavily, her eyes unfocused.

  “Ruby!” I call gently, but she seems to be in a world of her own, and it’s not a pretty place, wherever she is. I want to shake her gently, but I know that might make it worse, so I revert to calling her again. This time, her eyes flicker and she focuses on me, but there is still a haunted faraway look to her.

  I really wish I could get my hands on the son of a bitch who put that look in her eyes. I look over my shoulder at the boss. “We are going now.” My patience has now reached its limit, and nothing more is going to keep me here. I have done what I was asked and now will take my wife—my wife. Just the thought has my stomach tightening. The boss nods, knowing that it’s better we leave sooner than later.

  “If you ever decide he doesn’t fulfil all your expectations, you just give me a call, darling.” Ivor chose the wrong day with his underhanded jabs. I turn and take a swing, hitting him fully on the face. I know my knuckles are going to burn like hell later, but now I just want to feel someone’s bones under my fist, and his is as good as anyone’s.

  “You will be respectful,” I mutter. As I take a step towards him to take another swing, I see him ready himself to attack.

  “Enough.” I feel the blood coursing through my veins, and the last thing I want to do is hold back. “Take your wife, Dimitri. Have a good trip and let me know if you have any problems.” My eyes are still on Ivor, and I see his hands fist in anger at not being able to retaliate, but I know he won’t contradict the boss.

  I turn back towards Ruby and see that she has taken a couple steps back and is holding her hand up to her chest. Her eyes widen as she looks at me, showing something strange in her expression.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  She nods reluctantly and then turns towards the door when I incline my head that way.

  When we walk into the foyer, I see one of our men carrying two suitcases outside, which tells me that Ruby’s things have been sorted and are already in the car. I don’t plan on taking any of her stuff back with us, just in case there is a tracking device in her suitcase or some of her things. I will buy anything she needs from now on, but I will let them place everything in the car.

  Walking outside, I make sure I’m standing slightly before Ruby just in case I must protect her, and look around to assess everyone there. I know from experience that the car will be bulletproof, but while we are outside in the open, it’s dangerous.

  When we are both inside the car, I finally look at Ruby and see that she is looking out the window, her delicate fingers turning the band around her finger. “We will get other bands that fit better and that we choose,” I say, which makes her fingers stop their movement as she turns her head to look at me.

  “It doesn’t matter. It isn’t real either way,” she murmurs.

  “You’re wrong, Ruby. This marriage will be real. You are now my wife,” I state, and she tenses.

  “But we didn’t want this,” she says, a frown marring her perfect features.

  “We might not have wanted it, but we are now legally married, and nothing will change that.” She starts to shake her head, but before she can say anything, I continue. “We can do this one of two ways. Either we make the best of the situation and try to make this work as best as we can, which to be honest, is the one I’m hoping for. Or you fight me the whole way, which will be hell for both of us but won’t change our situation.”

  “We could also just live separate lives and forget all about this when we get to wherever we are going.”

  At her suggestion, I’m the one who tenses. “Ruby, listen to me, because I’m only saying this once.” She needs to understand this, because otherwise, this relationship will be hell. “You are now my wife. That is not going to change. I expect you to act as such. I always expect faithfulness and honesty. Have no doubt that this will be a real marriage. We might have been forced into it, but I don’t take my obligations or my promises lightly.”

  “You can’t be serious; we don’t even know each other,” she says angrily, and I am pleased to see that Ruby does have some fire in her veins and that what happened didn’t turn her into ice completely. I will make sure to let that fire burn enough to give her the courage and confidence she will need to live in our world.

  “We will get to know each other; we just did this slightly different from most people,” I state.

  “I’m not going to sleep with you,” she mutters angrily.

  “I haven’t invited you to,” I shoot back, angry that she would think that sleeping with her is all I would want.

  At my reply, she huffs in anger, as if she doesn’t believe me. “Would I get the same privileges as you? Honesty and faithfulness? Or is that just one way?” she asks sarcastically. Her agitated breathing has her breasts rising and falling with her breaths, which has me hardening in reaction. Damn, that’s all I need at this moment, for her to look down and see the effect she has on me. She’ll probably jump from the moving car.

  “I made an oath when we got married. I do not break my word,” I state, and her eyes widen slightly in s

  “I guess time will tell,” she mutters, and turns her head towards the scenery. Her mistrust angers me, but she will see with time that I live by my word.

  RUBY 4

  This can’t be happening, I’m sure this is punishment. Dimitri is the most stubborn person I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. Not only did he tell me before we boarded, to I still don’t know where, that this farce of a marriage must be real, but when we got to the plane, he refused to bring my luggage.

  If he thinks that he’s going to dictate how I’m dressing, he has something else coming. He says he will buy me all new stuff. Well, I won’t be a kept woman. I have my own money; I don’t need his. “Are you going to tell me now where we are going?” I ask, which has him opening his eyes. His head was leaning back against the seat and his eyes were closed, but I knew he was awake. Dimitri does not seem like he allows himself to be in vulnerable situations.

  “We’re headed to South Africa, Johannesburg to be precise. Alexei and Vlad, the boss’s sons, live there. That is where I have been living ever since I left Russia. I work directly with them and am responsible for all Bratva security there.”

  South Africa? Of all the countries in the world, I would never have thought to choose that one. I understand now the secrecy; in Russia, no one knows where Alexei and Vlad have gone to. From conversations I overheard through the years, there are a few of the Bratva rivals who would give anything to know where they are as a means to get revenge.

  I guess if I ever wanted to start over, I couldn’t have chosen a further place than this. “Is whoever killed my parents going to find me there?” I ask, and he tenses. He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, which has me thinking he isn’t going to answer, but then he shakes his head.

  “No, I don’t think so. We have made every effort to keep the location secret, not only for your safety but for Alexei and Vlad’s safety too.” He slides his hands over his face and through his very short dark hair. This man before me, my husband—even the words in my head sound strange and out of place—is a presence to be reckoned with. It’s not only that he’s good looking in a rugged kind of way, but he has an underlying aura of danger that radiates outwards, warning all who venture too close that he’s dangerous.

  I don’t know what this new venture in my life holds for me, as from one day to another, my life changed completely again. I know that I could have done much worse than with Dimitri. At least he seems decent, and he does give me a semblance of peace when he’s around. When Dimitri punched Ivor earlier on, I was shocked but then in a strange way pleased that I had someone standing up for me.

  The thought of him or any other man touching me still makes my throat want to close in agitation and my stomach tighten with nerves, but I don’t think he’s the type to force himself on anyone. He says he wants our marriage to be a real one, but I don’t think I can give him a real marriage. Will he stray if I can’t support his touch? Would I even be able to say anything if he does? Even though I don’t really know Dimitri, the thought of him going out to find another woman to find relief because I can’t give it to him has my throat closing.

  “What’s wrong?” At his words, my thoughts are brought back to a standstill, and I focus on his face. His eyes are narrowed, and he’s frowning.


  “Don’t lie. I can tell something you were thinking has upset you.” His voice has a growly undertone to it, which for some reason makes a shiver run up my back.

  “Isn’t it enough that you have taken over my life? Do you want to take over my thoughts too?” I argue, refusing to tell him what my worries are.

  “If it upsets you, I have a right to know.”


  “As your husband, I will make sure you don’t need to worry about needless things.”

  I gasp. “I do have a brain of my own, you know, Dimitri. I can’t just turn it off because you deem it so, and I doubt you will be able to make all my worries disappear even if you do know what they are,” I say as I shake my head in annoyance. It’s sweet that he thinks he can make everything fine, but it’s completely unrealistic.

  “With time, I plan to know everything about you, what you like, what you don’t like. Your habits, your pleasures, and yes, even your worries,” he says with a smirk, which has me shrugging.

  “Are you going to let me know everything about you too?”

  He hesitates and then answers me with a serious expression. “You can ask me anything you like, and I will answer you. I won’t hold any secrets from you, Ruby, except if it’s work related. There are certain things that it’s safer if you don’t know.”

  I’m surprised at his answer. I thought he would refuse to share himself with me. I understand about his work, and to be honest, I would rather not know what they are up to, but now that he has promised to answer anything, my mind is buzzing with questions of things I want to know about him.

  “So why did you accept marrying me? I mean, a man like you I’m sure already has someone somewhere.”

  He tenses, and his eyes are as if a shutter has closed on them. So much for answering anything I want to know.

  “If you are asking if I have someone hidden somewhere, the answer is no. You are the only woman in my life now, and in the future.” I’m surprised at his answer, and even though I believe he is hiding something, I don’t push him for it.

  “What if we don’t get on, or you find me lacking as a wife?” There it is. That’s what I want to know. If I can’t lie with him, will he look for someone else? He sits forward in his seat, and his eyes bore into me, a serious look to him.

  “You worry too much. Let things take its course, Ruby. Don’t imagine obstacles before they even appear.” He lifts his hand, showing me his ring. “This is just a symbol. It’s what we do with it that matters.”

  I wonder if he will still be saying that in a few weeks’ time. I’m angry at this whole situation and being put in this predicament, but by right, I can’t blame him. If anything, he’s a victim of this as much as I am. In a sense, more than I am, because he was roped into this because of me and my situation.

  “I know you didn’t want this. Thank you for what you are doing, but you really don’t need to go through with this. It’s okay if you don’t want to. I won’t tell anyone.”

  At my words, he scowls, and I can see that he’s angry by the set of his tense jaw. “You’re right; I never expected or wanted this, but now that we are married, I take it very seriously.” I see his hand move to take mine, but before I can stop myself, I am snapping mine back. He stops halfway but doesn’t retreat. Instead, he turns his hand over and waits. I know he’s waiting for me to place my hand on his, and after a calming breath and a few seconds, I stretch out my hand and place my fingers in his. I can feel my heart pounding, but I refuse to pull back.

  “This is real. Be assured, Ruby, that I see you now as my wife, and nothing is going to change that. I know it will take time for us to get to know each other, but I’m sure that with time, we will find contentment.”

  I wish I could believe him, but I know what he doesn’t, and I’m not as optimistic as he is.

  He squeezes my hand slightly before he pulls away and sits back again in his chair. I can feel tingling feelings running all the way from the tip of my fingers to my stomach. Dimitri is a handsome man; I don’t know how someone like him is going to be happy with someone broken like me. He closes his eyes again as he lays back his head. I look at his strong jaw and how the dark stubble there enhances his looks. I wonder how it will feel under my fingers, if it will be as prickly as I suspect. I then look at his nose, and not for the first time, I wonder if he has ever broken it, as there is a very slight deviation on the bridge that indicates it might have been broken sometime in his life.

  My eyes lower to his body, and I tense. He is such a strong-looking man. His muscles are clearly defined under his light-grey shirt. He took off his suit jacket when we first boarded and is now sitting there wi
th his arms resting on the armrests, but even in relaxation, I can see his biceps are well pronounced. My heart continues to race, as I know that if he ever wants to hold me down and force his will on me, I won’t be able to fight him with his obvious strength. Not only that, but he is taller and wider than me. I would never have a chance in fighting him.

  I jump in surprise when the air hostess leans over me to hand me the glass of water I asked for earlier. “Would you like anything else at the moment?” she asks, her eyes travelling from me to Dimitri. I see his eyes are hooded as he scrutinizes the interaction between us.

  “No, thank you,” I answer. She then turns to Dimitri and smiles at him flirtatiously.

  “Would you like anything?” she asks.

  “No, I have everything I want,” he replies. “You can bring us dinner at eight.” There is no doubt in his tone that he’s displeased with her, giving her a clear dismissal. The air hostess nods and takes her leave, a displeased look on her face.

  “I hope she doesn’t spit in our food,” I tease, and he tenses as his eyes swivel to where the woman disappeared, as if contemplating the possibility. “I’m joking.”

  He grunts, but there is a slight quirk to his lips. “There is always a possibility, but she knows there would be repercussions.”

  I’m sure she does. No one is stupid enough to cross anyone in the Bratva and get away unscathed.

  “Do you know who is after me?”


  Well, not very communicative, is he?

  “Well, are you going to tell me?”

  “This is one of those things that it’s better you don’t know.”

  “Oh, wow, are you going to give me that excuse every time you don’t want me to know something?” I snap angrily.

  “No. I said to you if it’s anything to do with work that can put you in danger, I wouldn’t tell you, which this is,” he states.


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