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Educated Page 1

by Sabrina Kade


  Rebels of Sidyth

  Prequel Novella

  An alien says I have to share my past for any chance of a happy future—

  I hope he’s not lying.

  Sabrina Kade

  Copyright ©2018 by Sabrina Kade

  Cover Illustration by Rebeca Covers

  Typography & formatting by Sabrina Kade

  Editing services provided by Moonlight Proofreading

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.






  Author Notes – Sabrina Kade


  I’m bored. B-O-R-E-D. I don’t know how many times I can shout this from the rooftops, but I’m so bored I could scream. Which is hilarious because I never thought boredom was even something possible to feel on an assignment with Sidyth rebels. But here I am – trapped in an underground bunker with some of the most intimidating aliens in the galaxy, and I’m bored to death.

  It’s been days and no one’s trying to get me to do anything. There’s no reason to be charming because there’s nothing here for me. And though trying to calm down one of the other girls – Phoebe – has provided a slight distraction, she’s already talking more, and so I’m bored again.

  “Another night with nothing and no one to do.” I frown, leaning back to look at the ceiling late into the night. I need something to do. Someone to talk to. I’m getting antsier by the day, but it appears that this is going to be my life for a little while.

  “Go to sleep, Ari.” Dakota rolls over and looks at me with a tired expression.

  “How can I sleep with him watching me all the time?” Narrowing my eyes, I peek to the doorway where a young looking Sidyth continues to watch me hungrily. It’s jarring. “Look, Sparky… if you want a go, why don’t you come in here and get it over with?”

  Dakota frowns. “Not in here.”

  The Sidyth’s golden eyes widen. “We’re not supposed to, but don’t think I’m not interested.”

  I can’t help but smile. Sidyth or not, I’m pretty sure the one checking me out is a kid, and I’m not interested in being a babysitter. Still, he’s attractive enough as Sidyths go, all the way down to the full sleeve of scales down his left arm. Since arriving, I’ve noticed him watching me, but I’m used to people wanting to look. Sadly though, I’m not used to them only wanting to look. It’s been days. I need my fix.

  So I stand and glide my way over to the young Sidyth.

  “What are you doing?” he asks, eying me up and down without shame. Drozass – that’s his name. I remember now, and I can tell that despite his youth, he’d be down for a little pleasure.

  “I’m bored,” I purr. “Help me out.”

  “We’re not supposed to. Korben’s orders.” He frowns, looking as though he wants to go against his little prince’s wishes, but makes no move to touch me as I saunter closer. Dakota’s already gone back to sleep, and the rest are either snoring or chatting quietly from the floor, but I wouldn’t even care if they were awake. Giving or receiving pleasure in front of other girls is nothing new to me.

  “Isn’t Korben all the way in the other lair?” I purr, dropping a single finger against Drozass’ chest. Goodness, he’s built like a stone despite his youthful face. It almost seems a shame that he’s so young. “Why don’t you call one of your brothers to entertain me, Sparky.”

  His eyes harden. “No. That will not be happening.”

  “Aww… why not? Scared someone will hurt little old me?”

  He shakes his head. “No. That’s not it.”

  “You do know who I am, right? I mean… you can’t be that young.”

  “I’m not that young.” His voice drips down to something closer to a hiss, and he curls a hand around my waist, eliciting a small gasp from me. “And you’d do best to remember that, Arizona. I’m not a sprong.”

  “Heh.” I have to hand it to the kid, he’s interesting for sure. Pulling away, I grow pouty. “So if you’re not going to call someone down here, then you do something to relieve my boredom.”

  “I can’t—”

  “Not that, Sparky.” I laugh again, and I swear his shoulders tense. “Tell me a story or some shit. I’m bored. I don’t get to hear stories too often.”

  “Why don’t you tell me one?” His voice turns teasing. “You’re the great Arizona with her minions. Why don’t you tell me one of your adventures?” His face is mocking, but his tone sounds genuinely interested.

  “What do you want to know, Sparky? I’m afraid most of my stories will be a little risqué for you.”

  “I doubt it.” His gaze turns heated before he lifts his chin and scans the room. “For one, why don’t you tell me how you managed to get a group of women with you on every trip. Despite being a kid…” his gaze drops back down, “… I’m aware of how unusual that is. Why don’t you tell me about it?”

  My eyes narrow. “You wanna know how I built my family?” He nods. “I spread my legs. People always listen when you give them pleasure.”

  “I have no doubt. But why don’t you tell me about one of the ones who aren’t with you now? I’d love to know why they mean so much. I didn’t know human females could make such intimate connections.” He smirks, daring me to argue with him, but I’m not in the mood.

  “Well, Alaska’s one of the ones I’ve been with from the beginning.”

  “And the other?”

  “Kansas?” I can’t help the look of surprise on my face. “You want me to tell you about how she came to be in my family?”

  “Sure. I mean… you’re so bored. Why don’t you tell me a story? Since I’m the kid and all.”

  A smirk of my own quirks upon my lips. “Fair enough, Sparky. Saddle up.” I take a seat on the ground and pat the spot next to me. Drozass quickly drops down and all but leans next to me. He smells good. Too good.

  He’s too young. I lean away.

  “I swear, people don’t bother to read anymore.” I turn to Drozass, smirking. “When I came across Kansas, I had been in the business for about seven or eight years. I’m losing track. I was at the Training Academy at Base 146 with Washington. Alaska and Dakota were also there but at some other part of the facility. It was a pretty standard unit. Show the girls what to do, let them know their new place in the universe, blah, blah, blah.”

  And then my eyes soften. I remember first seeing her as though it was yesterday.


  Six years ago…

  Shaking my head, another girl screams as she’s dragged past my shared room with Washington, moaning and groaning that she never signed up for this; kicking the sterile walls, and overall, acting like a huge baby. Doesn’t she get it yet? Is the fact that she’s no longer on Earth enough of a wakeup call for her? Do the four moons and two suns mean nothing? Does she think that if she calls for mom enough that she’s going to fly across the galaxy and take her away from the nightmare she’s signed herself up for?

  Of course not. Because if, by some crazy circumstance, this woman’s mother was to make it all the way out here, one of the managers would merely wave the signe
d contract in her face.

  Legally binding. Nothing we can do about it.

  But I’ll—

  Oh, you want to try and do something about it? Well, please contact the Galactal Federation.

  The what?

  Oh, wait. You said you’re from Earth?


  Oh, I’m sorry! You’re not a member of the Galactal Federation, so your complaint means JACKSHIT. Have a nice life; you slightly-more educated ape.

  The managers wouldn’t be wrong to say this because no one in their right mind should sign a contract without reading it first. For goodness sakes, at least pay someone to read the legal jargon before putting pen to paper.

  These newbies. I’d almost feel sorry for them if they weren’t so jaded.

  Earth’s spoiled them. They think their words matter. They think if they cry enough, look good enough, wail enough, whatever enough, that someone will cater to their needs.

  That doesn’t work here. Only one type of currency matters, and it doesn’t look like the girl getting dragged along is ready to spread her pennies.

  “What’s her problem?” Washington asks with a sour expression. She’s pretty enough, as far as human whores go, but sometimes she trusts others too easily – or not enough. It’s complicated. Dark hair spills down her strong shoulders, but I wish she were a little thinner. Girl’s starting to get quite thick and not every alien who rents out a human whore is down for extra flesh.

  Still, she’s one of the few I trust, and she’s been with me since the beginning. Washington and I aren’t old, just turning the corner to twenty-five, but we’re simultaneously ancient because the newbies can be as young as eighteen years old. Some younger.

  “Didn’t read the paperwork, I guess.” I purse my lips towards Washington before bringing my attention back to the ongoing struggle. “What’s her name? You know?”

  “Kyla,” Washington says.

  “No stage name, yet?”

  “Nah. She doesn’t exactly look interested, either.” Washington shrugs her shoulders. “She may not even last a week. Can you imagine her acting like that with the Sidyths? Or the Pluefs?” She starts to laugh. “Bitch needs to get it together if she’s going to last out here.”

  “Right.” I narrow my eyes, noticing that a particular alien has been dragging Kyla around for the past few days. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. These training facilities are about as nasty as they come, and even though Washington, Alaska, Dakota, and I are usually treated well, the newbies are sometimes played with.

  They say it helps them learn their place.

  But the one handling Kyla, I’m not sure if he’s pushing his luck. He’s a nasty bastard, I knew from personal experience, and it’s not always fun to get a dose of reality and realize how low on the universal totem pole you are. Kyla looks pretty enough. Dark hair like Washington’s and dark eyes like Dakota’s. She’s quite tall, too. Good build. Plus, she’s got freckles. That can be good and bad out here. Anything different draws attention, and a lot of these creepers at the training facilities love anything they haven’t seen before.

  They love being the first to ruin anything new.

  “You’ve been looking at that one for a long time.” Washington leans against the doorframe next to me. “You got something planned for that one?”

  “I’m not sure,” I mutter, still watching Kyla struggling with the alien.

  Octonods aren’t my favorite clients – that’s for sure – and they know it. So, it’s not surprising that one – Tullis – is messing with a newbie. Six arms covered in suction cups are sucking the skin all over Kyla’s pale arms while he uses the last two to walk. The sound is still something that sends chills down my spine and watching Kyla struggle; I can’t help but remember the days any old alien creep thought he could take advantage of me.

  “I’ll be good, I promise,” Tullis garbles at her, loud enough for my translator to pick up.

  Not that I need it. After almost eight years in this business, I’m familiar with popular phrases in popular languages.

  “Get off me!” Kyla screams, making me laugh as she shoves Tullis away and she crashes to the ground with a painful looking thump. He lands across the hall with a wet, slapping sound and he’s immediately trying to grope her once again. He’s able to scoop her up again with ease, but Kyla’s still screaming. “I didn’t sign up for this!”

  “You promise. I promise,” Tullis gurgles. “You give pleasure. Give now.”

  “Fuck off!” Kyla screams, tugging hard at one his tentacle arms. “Leave me alone!”

  She connects a world-class punch into Tullis’ bulbous head, and he’s finally had enough abuse for the time being. He stumbles back, grabbing his head and narrowing his lavender eyes at Kyla and then eventually, Washington and me.

  “You,” he garbles, recognizing use immediately. “You fix her. I give help. She take. I want her.”

  I arch an eyebrow. “She’s still in training, Sparky. Nothing I can do. What about you, Washington?” I turn towards my friend who’s also smirking. It’s so rare to see the girls fighting back. Maybe they’re cycling back to having more spunk again. That would be a nice change because there’s nothing quite as lovely as watching an Octonod get the shit beat out of him.

  “Nothing I can do,” Washington says with a smile. “Maybe Alaska or Dakota can help?”

  “Where they?” Tullis grumbles.

  “Training seminar,” I say, smiling. “How to deal with tentacles.”

  Tullis narrows his eyes further as Kyla shuffles back into her room. But Tullis isn’t done yet.

  “She make deal with me, Arizona.”

  My eyes widen. Oh, no. I try to locate Kyla, but she’s already disappeared into her room and crying softly. Other girls are trying to comfort her, but now that I know what’s going on, she may as well keep crying because there’s nothing I can do.

  “Shit,” Washington mutters. “That dumb idiot made a bargain.”

  “Protection?” I ask, keeping my voice low enough that it won’t reach Tullis’ floppy ears.

  “You think?” Washington whispers back.

  “You hear me, Arizona?” Tullis grumbles, lumbering away from Kyla’s room and towards Washington and me. It’s hard not to want to throw up when I notice the slime dripping off his tentacles when he draws nearer.

  The Training Academy at base 146 has way too much of a dorm-like feeling, even though there’s nothing taught here I’d learn at Ohio State. But at least some of the girls have a place to go and a door to close when they’ve had enough. Learning that you’ve signed up to be a human whore can’t be easy for everyone, and some of them panic and make deals with the first aliens who tosses somewhat kind words to them.

  I can only imagine what Kyla’s offered an Octonod. She must have been pretty desperate to make a deal with the slimy, eight-limbed asshole.

  “What did she promise you?” I ask with a bored tone. I have a feeling I already know the answer.

  “She promise me good time,” Tullis says. “I promise her protection. I keep safe. And she no let Tullis touch! She throw putlet tantrum.” He’s waving his tentacles around in anger, clearly expecting a payoff, and Washington has already heard enough.

  “I gotta teach a seminar in five.” She slaps me playfully on the shoulder. “I’ll let you deal with this… although… please don’t do anything stupid.” She shakes her head, knowing my tendencies.

  I’m too nice for my own good.

  “We could use another girl,” I say as Tullis continues to fume and slap angry tentacles against the wall. I don’t mind talking like this while he continues to throw a fit; Octonods don’t have a very good hearing, to begin with, and Tullis is in too much of a rage to pay attention to our conversation.

  “You know what he’s gonna ask for right?” Washington hisses.

  “Like I’m that dumb. I’ve been doing this longer than you, bitch.”

  “What’s she gonna do for you?”

o., but I can’t watch another girl get screwed over because she didn’t take any of this seriously.”

  “What you say?” Tullis garbles.

  “Gotta go.” Washington kisses me quickly on the cheek before shuffling down the hall, leaving me with Tullis.

  “Alright, Sparky,” I say over him, crossing my arms. “What did the girl promise you again?”

  “She say she give Tullis pleasure.” He points a tentacle arm down the hall, and sure enough Kyla’s standing there, watching our conversation. Tears streak down her pale, freckled face, and it’s hard not to see her as a little sister. She’s scared. It doesn’t take a genius to notice her trembling shoulders and busy eyes.

  “Specifics, Sparky,” I say, motioning for him to continue. “What kind of pleasure? And what exactly was she going to get in return?”

  Tullis’ lavender eyes light up. He knows what I’m getting at, but he’s also unsure if he wants to make the trade.

  “You give pleasure, Arizona?” he asks, turning skeptical – or as skeptical as a creature resembling a walking octopus can look. “You give pleasure in exchange?”

  I nod. “There’s a possibility.” I eye Kyla who’s still watching our conversation with interest.

  She’s not stepping forward. She’s not trying to stop me. This is a good and bad thing when it comes to finding a girl I can trust. Part of me wants her to step forward and be a badass and say she should take the fault for her own stupid mistake, but another part of me wants her to learn her place and shut up when I’m making a deal.

  After all, I’m numb to all of this now, and sex is something I can offer without feeling.

  I get anything I want with sex, and giving it means less than nothing to me. I’ve spread and sucked, received and cried, given and taken. I’ve done more than most human whores working the galaxies, so giving an Octonod pleasure is like child’s play.

  But it’s probably not to the freckle-faced girl watching me work.


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