Collision Course

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Collision Course Page 2

by Julie Trettel

  Nonna had never been able to have pups of her own. She had a large extended family of nieces and nephews and their kids, but for her, it was all about Tarron. And she certainly didn’t hide the fact that she wanted him to give her great-grandpups sooner rather than later. Every time I turned around, she was lining up a date for him. He took it all in stride though. I was convinced there was nothing Tarron wouldn’t do for his Nonna.

  “So, how many dates did she set you up with this time?”

  He sighed. “Two. One for Tuesday night and another for Friday. Painter hinted that we may have a new assignment being announced today. I’m hoping it’s an away mission for an excuse to get out of at least one of them.”

  I laughed. “Painter doesn’t hint,” I reminded him.

  “Fine, I overheard him prepping Emma for the possibility we were leaving.”

  “Nice. I hope you’re right. I could use a break from this place after a long boring weekend. Cole and Kyle dragged me fishing. That was the highlight of my weekend. How pathetic. Maybe it’s time I asked Nonna to hook me up.”

  His head quirked in interest as he slowed his treadmill. Mine was still at full speed as we ran and chatted. Normally morning runs occurred outdoors, but this morning it had been pouring down rain and storming so Silas moved our run indoors. I had this gut feeling that it was a sign of bad things to come today. Just a sense of doom lingering in the air.

  “You want a date? You could have any girl you want. You always turn them down.”

  He was right. I didn’t date. I didn’t let anyone close to me. I’d vowed a life of celibacy until my true mate would come and help erase the memory of Olivia. People always let you down. The only ones I could trust were my brothers on the Force and, someday, my true mate. I was that jaded. Maybe it was time to put myself out there though. I’d been depressed all weekend thinking about my life back in the Clan. It was time to lay the past to rest. For my own self-preservation, I had to.

  “Thinking about changing things up some. I think it’s time.”

  The guys didn’t exactly know about Olivia, but most of them knew something big had happened to get me banned from my Clan. I didn’t talk about it, ever.

  “Well, good for you. I’m happy to hear that. And hey, if I’m wrong about leaving for a mission, I could always see if Nonna can arrange us a double date. You know, ease you into the scene and all. I could be your wingman.”

  “You really don’t want to go on this one, huh?”

  “Absolutely not. She’s trying to set me up with Christine Canine this time. She’s a sweet girl, but really not for me. Plus, she’s kind of obsessed with finding her true mate and that for certain isn’t me.”

  “No one but you and maybe Nonna would call Christine sweet. She’s a bitch in the truest form of the word and she owns it.”

  “I was trying to be nice.”

  “And that, my brother, is your biggest problem. Stop being so nice. Better yet, grow some balls and tell Nonna no for once.”

  Workouts followed the run and after laying on my ass wallowing much of the weekend, I actually felt them too. When we were done, I stretched and then showered.

  “Five minutes in the conference room,” Silas announced.

  I wanted to groan. The suckiest part of depression was that when I gave into it, it wanted to pull me under even further making it that much harder to climb back out. Forcing myself out of bed and even showing up on time had been a chore this morning. All I wanted to do was crawl back into bed with my memories and regrets.

  One foot in front of the other I walked through the motions and made my way to the conference room. I was the last one to arrive. Mumbling an apology, I took my seat.

  “You okay man?” Grant asked.

  I nodded. We both knew I wasn’t. Normally, anytime I was the last one in I made a grand production about it. I could be quite the showman when I wanted to be. I just didn’t have it in me today.

  Taylor jotted something down on a piece of paper and passed it to Grant. The two were happily mated and working together. I had no idea how they managed it.

  He shrugged, and I felt both pairs of eyes staring at me.

  I had to shake this off and get my head back in the game.

  “So,” Silas started looking a little confused at me. I thought maybe he was waiting for me to do something stupid.

  “Proceed,” I managed to say as the others chuckled and the stress levels dropped across the room.

  Shit. They all had noticed.

  “Well, okay then. As you know during the Daniels’ residence search we found some disturbing pictures that could be possible upcoming attacks. Based on camera footage we’ve acquired since, thanks to Tarron’s setup, we believe his next focus is in Colorado. There’s a local bear clan there that they seem to have a serious interest in, and we need to figure out why.”

  Ben’s hand shot up as Silas nodded to him. “We’ve had Archie monitoring the surveillance cams and activity in this area since the find. What changed?”

  “The pictures we found there of Baine’s Clan were moved out of the closet to a new board in the main office. We think this is a sign that the focus has changed to them. There’s also a rumbling of a possible disappearance but because the bears live so remotely it’s hard to discern local gossip of a runaway verses truth,” Tarron updated.

  My body froze. I knew what was coming next and it couldn’t happen.

  “So, pack up boys, we’re headed for Colorado in an hour. These grizzlies aren’t exactly known for hospitality towards outsiders so Baine I’m going to be counting on you to assist with getting us a meeting with the Alpha.”

  “Nope. That can’t happen and you know it.”

  Ben had just taken a sip of water and nearly choked. No one told Silas no. I think they were all shocked when he didn’t respond harsher to my insubordination.

  “I need you on this one. It’s time to let bygones be bygones.”

  “That’s not up to me, Silas. The Alpha hates me. I was excommunicated from the Clan or have you forgotten that? Trust me, I’m the last person on Earth you want by your side assisting with this one.”

  “Why does he hate you so much?” Painter asked.

  “Because, his son was my best friend growing up and I made a promise that I'd help protect his little sister with my life and I did from anything and everything, but me.”

  “You took her virginity, didn't you?”

  I flinched. It wasn't exactly something I wanted to talk about.

  “How about we place some bets on this,” Tarron teased.

  I growled. “Leave it,” I warned, though the irony wasn't entirely lost on me.

  “That was a long time ago, Baine,” Silas reminded me.

  “Let’s just say the Alpha sided with Killian on this one. I wasn’t even given a trial let alone a fair one. It’s a life sentence. That’s not going to be forgotten or forgiven,” I said sadly.

  He huffed in frustration, “Well, plane’s about to leave. We’ve wasted enough time talking, pack up and get your ass on that plane, Baine. That’s an order. Maybe bring some of those new grenade things you’re so fond of in case this truly does backfire and we need a quick exodus.”

  The boys snickered.

  I was screwed. I didn’t know how to get out of this mess without losing my job or my life. Without a job I didn’t have much of a life anyway. I resigned myself to my fate. There was a tiny spark of hope though. At least I’d get to see Olivia one last time before I died.

  “We’ve got your back, brother. Stop worrying so much,” Ben said. “Painter won’t leave your side and I’ll have eyes in the air ready to take out anyone who threatens you. This is a peaceful mission and Silas will make damn sure they know it.”


  After some minimal delays and further stalling on my part, the wheels of the plane touched down four hours later. I stepped out in trepidation. The small airfield was within running distance of Clan territory. I breathed in the familiar Colo
rado air. It felt like home, causing more physical pain than I imagined.

  “Your lack of sarcasm, positivity, and desire to blow stuff up is freaking me out a little,” Tarron confessed as he outfitted me with a small hidden camera that I knew the bears wouldn’t even think to look for. Then he shoved my earpiece in.


  “Well at least you’re feeling something.”

  “Too much,” I admitted. “This is a terrible plan.”

  “It’s the best option we have. Look, I don’t know what happened in the past. I don’t really care. We need your head in the game. When one of us spaces out we’re all compromised, man. You know this. Silas has faith this will work or at least get us a meeting with the Alpha. Was it so bad that you want to see the Raglan break them down? Because that’s a very real possibility. You’ve heard Emma’s accounts of what they are doing to shifters and bears are amongst the strongest of all.”

  I growled, something I hadn’t done in a very long time.

  Tarron took a small step back in surprise.

  “I don’t want anything bad to happen to them. That’s my family.”

  “Then do what needs to be done to ensure their safety.”

  “This isn’t going to go well.”

  “But we have to try, right?”

  “Is he ready?” Silas asked.

  Tarron nodded with confidence neither of us felt. “We have eyes and ears on him.”

  “Great, let’s get this over with,” Silas barked.

  Painter and Silas flanked me on either side. Taylor and Grant hovered just behind us. Tarron was set up in the plane running surveillance while Ben was holed up somewhere in a tree spotting us all from his eagle view.

  “According to the territory maps Archie found, you should be stepping into Clan territory now. No signs of sentinels.”

  I scoffed. “They wouldn’t even think it necessary out here.” It was true. They were like sitting ducks about to be hunted. It made me sick to think about it.

  “Activity about twenty yards ahead,” Ben called out. With so many trees I had no idea how he was managing it, but that’s why they paid him the big bucks. Benjamin Shay was the best of the best when it came to snipers.

  We were all the best of the best in our fields. That’s what made Bravo company of Westin Force such a valuable asset.

  Curiosity was always an issue with my kind so when a group of three wandered towards us to check out the strangers, I wasn’t really surprised. I wanted to yell and knock some sense into them. They could all fight but they’d be blindsided and the battle over before they even got the chance.

  I groaned in frustration.

  Killian stepped out of the brush into the clearing we’d reached. He was older, definitely bigger, buffer, but otherwise he still looked the same. I’d have recognized him anywhere.

  “If you’re bringing him back for trade, you’re wasting your time. Leave this territory immediately or you can all face his punishment.” He gave me a sly look.

  Clearly, he’d recognized me too, but I’d spent much of the last decade learning to read people. He wasn’t angry. He wasn’t upset that I was there. He was terrified. Why?

  I was surprised by his response.

  “Killian, this isn’t about me. We need to talk to your father.”

  “Finally ready to die then, you coward?”

  “Coward? You turned your back on me, remember? You gave me no choice. He gave me no choice.” I was yelling and more curious faces started popping up around us. I recognized just about every single one of them.

  My hands were shaking. Taylor stepped up and placed a hand on my shoulder in warning. It was clear Killian misinterpreted the gesture for something it wasn’t.

  His jaw set firmly and I knew we weren’t going to get anywhere with him now. The stubborn righteous anger I’d faced at my sentencing was showing through. This was the Killian I was expecting.

  “We mean no disrespect here,” Silas stepped up and said, “We have a situation and we’d like very much to discuss it in private with your Alpha.”

  “I’ll take you to him,” Felix stepped up and said. He was one of Killian’s cousins.

  Killian started to protest, but Resa, another of the cousins, stepped in to back Felix up. “Let them speak to the Alpha. He wouldn’t have returned if it wasn’t important.”

  “A shame he has no sense of propriety. Why would you even entertain this idea now?”

  “Ignore him,” Felix said. “Follow me.”

  As we walked, Silas fell into step beside Felix with Painter trailing them. I was left in the middle, the most easily defended position if something went wrong. Resa sidled up next to me while Grant and Taylor took the rear.

  “Who are these guys? I can sense they aren’t bear, some other kind of shifter maybe.”

  I snorted. Resa was always more aware of others.

  “It’s a mix of shifters. We’re an elite team serving the largest wolf pack in the world and protecting shifters of all kinds.”

  “You’re working with the wolves?”

  I smirked unable to help myself. “They treat me better than the bears ever did.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “No, what happened to me wasn’t fair and you know it.”

  She sighed. “You came back because it’s important, right? Tell me you’re here to help, Baine.”

  I nodded. I needed to reassure her since she appeared to be one of the few willing to step up and help. We walked along in awkward silence. Finally, I couldn’t stand it. I had to know.

  “How is she, Resa?”

  She smiled. “She’s good, I think.”

  “You think?”

  “Oh, you know Olivia, she still confides in Tori more than me, and she was always closest with you. Things certainly changed when you left.”

  “I didn’t leave,” I growled.

  “You didn’t come back either,” she said sadly.

  My jaw dropped in surprise. “It wasn’t a test, Resa. He made it very clear. Killian made it painfully clear.”

  “You didn’t even say goodbye.”

  I clenched my teeth and whispered. “I couldn’t.”


  Chapter 3

  Felix led us to the Alphas office. I was consumed by memories I was trying to force down. The last time I set foot there it certainly hadn’t been on good terms. My leg bounced up and down as we sat and waited.

  The door opened and my heart raced. Out walked Kano. I frowned.

  “Where’s Pike?”

  Kano looked me up and down then snorted. “Didn’t think you’d have the balls to show your face around here again.”

  “Just like I had no choice in leaving, I didn’t exactly have a choice on this return.” I cut my eyes at Silas.

  He shrugged. “We’re here. It worked didn’t it? We need to speak to the Alpha, it’s of an urgent and delicate matter.”

  “If it involves this one, it should be good at least. Come on in.”

  I looked around. The place had certainly changed.

  “Seriously Kano, where’s your dad?”

  I watched him cringe and it gave me a sick feeling.

  “You asked for the Alpha, I’m here. What do you want to talk about?”

  “No,” I said. Sure, he’d been overly harsh with my banishment, but I never dreamed he’d be gone when Silas demanded I return. “When? How?” I had so many questions. I’d seen pictures of him on Trevor Daniels’ wall. Pike was grayer at the temples than I could recall. It couldn’t have been that old of a picture.

  “Two months,” Kano said sadly.

  “What happened?” I needed to know.

  He shrugged. “We don’t know, Baine. He was here one day and gone the next. No trace. No letter. No nothing. I’m just trying to hold down the fort and not have everyone freak out.”

  “Shit!” I banged my fist on the desk. “We’re too late.”

  “Relax, Baine. We’ll find him. I already have Archie on i
t,” Tarron said in my ear.

  “Always one step behind.” I had always felt like I’d somehow failed Pike by falling in love with his daughter. This was just another blow proving to myself and the Clan that I really wasn’t good enough for her.

  “What do you mean you’re too late?” Kano asked.

  “I’m Silas Granger, leader of an elite team of operatives that monitor threats to shifters. We have reason to believe your Clan has been targeted. I know there’s some bad blood between you and Baine and he was forbidden to come back here, but given the situation, I needed him here. He recognized every member targeted and once we sensed the threat may be escalating, we came immediately.”

  Kano stepped around the desk and approached me. “You’ve been watching us?”

  I didn’t know what to say. The others sensed a threat and responded in kind. I heard the clicks coming from all directions around me as my team raised their weapons and pointed them at the new Alpha in his own office.

  A mature Alpha would have lost his shit, but Kano continued to approach. I sensed no threat.

  “Stand down,” I said just as Kano’s arms wrapped me into a strong embrace.

  “I don’t even know where to begin. I don’t know where you’ve been or what you’ve been doing all these years, but if you’ve truly come to help. Thank you. I’ll take it.”

  I hugged him back overwhelmed with emotions. When he released me and stepped back, he turned to Silas and offered his hand. “It’s Silas right?”

  The gruff gorilla shifter nodded. “This is Painter, Grant, and Taylor.”

  “It’s nice to meet you all. I trust Baine, and any friends of his are welcome here.”


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