Western Desire

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Western Desire Page 4

by Janelle Daniels

  Lead settled in her gut as realization dawned. He was responsible for her being here. He was the one who’d made the offer, not Lucas as she’d first thought.

  She’d always thought it strange that he’d known about her circumstances, but she’d been so desperate to escape she hadn’t questioned anything. She’d taken the offer and had been grateful for the opportunity.

  But now she didn’t know how to feel. She turned toward Lily, interrupting her conversation with Nathan. “Since you’re busy, I’ll just leave these on your desk. You can let me know what you think, and I’ll start on whichever you choose.”

  She didn’t wait for an answer, just turned around blindly and left.

  As she rushed down the boardwalk, she had a hard time breathing.

  Nathan had sent her here. He’d gotten rid of her.

  How could she have been so stupid? She’d been proud she’d finally made a choice on her own to come to Promise Creek. But none of it was real.

  Nathan had manipulated everything to get her here.

  But why? What had he gained? Had he done it to protect Alexander? Having her around had been an embarrassment even though it hadn’t been her fault. But none of that mattered.

  She rushed into her studio, slamming the door behind her and heading toward the back room. She didn’t want anyone to see her, didn’t want anyone to see how fragile she was, how much the revelation had affected her.

  She had to get through this, to remain strong. But how could she when all she could think of was how she’d been manipulated?

  She had to hold it in, had to go on as though it didn’t change anything.

  But it did. What she’d thought was a life of her own making was now tainted. She’d been led along, just as she had back East. Any independence she thought she’d gained was an illusion.

  She hadn’t grown, hadn’t accomplished anything. She was the same broken woman she’d been before.

  She always would be.

  Chapter 6

  Nathan watched Hannah flee the office.

  Lily looked at him like he was a bug that needed to be squashed. “I don’t know what that’s about, but you’re going to fix it.”

  Hannah had raced toward her studio, and he was hoping he’d find her there. He wasn’t going to leave her alone this time.

  He nodded at Lily. “I know it doesn’t look like it, but I’m here to help her.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “She doesn’t look like she wants your help.”

  He conceded the point, but it didn’t matter. “She thinks I’m here because of her brother, but she’s wrong.”

  “She better be.” Lily shook her head. “Look, I don’t know what happened to her, but from what I do know, it was bad. If you hurt her, I won’t care that you’re a Copper King. You’ll be sorry.”

  Nathan tried his best not to smile but failed. “Chase chose well for his wife. And I’m glad you’re Hannah’s friend.”

  Lily’s lips pursed, and he could tell she wasn’t sure whether to like him or not. He hoped he could sway her by the time he and Hannah left. “Let the others know I might be late for our meeting.”

  She nodded. “I’ll take care of it. Now go.”

  He didn’t wait a moment longer. He exited the building and quickly made his way to Hannah’s studio. He didn’t know what to say, didn’t know exactly what had upset her. Was she upset he was a Copper King?

  He tested the front door and found it unlocked, so he entered. But after closing the door, the room was silent. “Hannah?”

  He remained still, listening for any movement.

  But what he heard stole his breath. “Hannah!” He jogged to the back room, his eyes falling to the floor where she lay in a heap. “Hannah! What is it?”

  He came to her, but she held her hand up, warding him away. “Get back! Just leave.”

  It felt as though a vise wrapped around his heart. “No.”

  She glanced up at him, her crystal-blue eyes marred with angry red. “What, did you not mean what you said last night about respecting women?”

  He took the lashing, but he didn’t back away. “I meant every word. But I also don’t abandon a friend when something is wrong.”

  She sat up and leaned against the wall. “I’m fine.”

  He squatted down to look her in the eyes. “We both know that isn’t true.”

  “Why do you care? I’m nothing to you. Just Alexander’s little sister that you hardly ever spoke to.”

  His jaw clenched. Is that what she really thought? Had she no idea how much he cared for her? How much he’d wanted her all these years? “No you’re not. I care about you, Hannah. I want to help you.”

  She laughed bitterly. “Right. Is that why you shipped me off here?”

  He froze, realizing his mistake. The Copper Kings had offered her this chance, and when she found out he was one of them, she’d reasoned out everything. “It’s not what you think,” he said slowly.

  She shook her head. “I doubt that.” She stood up, and he rose with her, standing almost toe to toe. “You orchestrated the whole thing. Did Alexander ask you to do it? Did he reward you for getting rid of me, the embarrassment?”

  “No.” He growled. “I offered you this chance to protect you. Not to get rid of you.”

  “Am I really supposed to believe that?”

  “Yes. I would never lie to you. Hannah, after what happened, after Robbie did that—”

  “Don’t!” she shrieked. “Don’t ever speak about that night!”

  His lips firmed. “I’m sorry. You’re right. But after what happened, how everyone treated you, I couldn’t stand it. I thought Alexander would protect you, I thought he would shut everyone down and shield you from it. But he didn’t.”

  She shook her head. “If he had, his own reputation would have suffered. You know he’d never allow someone—even his own sister—to bring him down.”

  Unfortunately, Nathan did know that. He’d known her brother was selfish, but even then, he’d miscalculated how much. “You’re right. I was wrong. When I saw what happened, I wanted to help you, but I knew you would never accept my help.” He raked a hand through his hair, wishing things had been different. “I knew you’d never trust me. So I had Lucas make the offer.”

  Her shoulders fell, and she looked as though he’d just hit her. “So he knows…he knows what happened.”

  He couldn’t bear to see her in pain. He gently placed his hand on her cheek, waiting until she looked at him. “No. It was none of his business. I just told him you were an excellent candidate and that you should be included in the first group we brought.”

  “Why?” She searched his gaze.

  “Because I couldn’t stand to see you hurt. I couldn’t stand to see you suffering. I wanted to remove you from that place, and I didn’t know any other way to do so. If this offer hadn’t come, you would have stayed there with nowhere else to go, and Alexander would have made you pay every single day for the rest of your life. No one should have to endure that.”

  “I don’t understand. You’re his friend.”

  He snarled. “I am not his friend. I might have spent time with him and those other degenerates, but I was never one of them. I don’t take pleasure in hurting others. I don’t care about my own selfish needs or place them before my own family. What they do is disgusting and wrong. I could never be friends with people like that.”

  “Then why were you with him? Why were you always at my home?”

  He pulled away from her. This wasn’t the time to tell her how he felt.

  She grabbed his arm, forcing him back around. “Tell me. Why were you there?” Her eyes were wide, and her breath came faster as she searched his face.

  His eyes held hers. “Because you were there.”

  Her jaw dropped. “Me? No. That can’t be,” she finally said, denying his words. “What about when Alexander was out? When he and his friends were doing heaven knows what?”

  Nathan shook his head. “I wasn’t there
. I only chose to be with them when I knew they were going to your home.”

  “But that would mean that you…” She couldn’t get the words out.

  He held still, her small hand holding him in place. “It means that I care about you, Hannah. I always have.”

  “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “Would you have believed me?”

  He watched her sort through her feelings, recalling the past. “I don’t know.”

  Finally, she bit her lip, and his eyes were drawn to the plump flesh. “Hannah…” Her name sounded like a prayer, but he couldn’t help it. She was here with him, so close he could almost feel the heat of her. How could he resist such temptation?

  He lifted his other hand to her cheek, cradling her face as he’d imagined doing a hundred times. “I’m not certain this is wise.” But still, he couldn’t stop himself from running a thumb over her lip.

  Her eyes went hazy. Her small, pink tongue darted out, flicking his thumb.

  His legs almost buckled. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  She looked at him clearly. “Why not?” Then she did it again.

  He groaned, wanting her more in that moment than he’d ever wanted another in his life.

  But now wasn’t the time. She was vulnerable. She’d just learned the truth, and by some miracle, she didn’t hate him. She needed time to let it all soak in, to see what she really wanted.

  She looked at him with hooded eyes, and he could see she wanted exactly what he did. “Because,” he said, “you need time.”

  She shook her head slowly, dragging his thumb along her skin. “I don’t need time, Nathan. Not for this.” She stepped forward, moving slowly until her lips were inches from his. “Please. I want this. I want to see what it’s like when it’s my choice.”

  She ended with that plea, and his resolve broke. He closed the distance between them, taking her lips slowly, brushing them with soft caresses and sighs.

  Her lip trembled, and even though he’d sworn to himself he’d take it slow, he groaned, sinking his tongue inside her.

  She gasped, and he brought both hands back to her head, cradling her, holding her. He adjusted her, showing her the right angles so they could meet with the least resistance.

  She moaned as he swirled his tongue against hers, and he felt it to his toes. She clung to him, and he thought he’d lose his mind.

  The way she reacted, the way she felt, it was as if he’d been hit with lightning. Every nerve ending was screaming to take her. His body craved to make her his.

  This is what he’d always wanted. What he’d dreamed of. And the pleasure of having Hannah in his arms was so much more potent than he’d ever expected.

  But when he was about to take things too far, he pulled back from her, looking at her kiss-swollen lips, the heat in her eyes, and all he wanted was more.

  She glanced from his mouth to his eyes. “Why did you stop?”

  She was clearly disappointed it was over, and it pulled a laugh from him. “Because I was about to do more than kiss.”

  She bit her lip again, and he groaned.

  A shocked, then pleased expression filled her face. “I didn’t know kissing could be like that,” she admitted. “It made me tingle all over and feel so hot inside.”

  At her words, he lost it. His lips crushed hers, and he backed her up against the wall, pressing his body against her. Instead of being frightened, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer.

  He kissed her until all thought fled. This is what he wanted. He needed her so much he couldn’t breathe.

  But when her body started moving against his, he jumped away as if burned. Leaning against the wall, her hair disheveled and her skin rosy from pleasure—it was a picture that would be burned in his mind forever.

  “I’m about to lose all control,” he admitted, and humor crinkled her eyes.

  “I think I lost control too.” She brought her hand to her lips, pinching as if to see how swollen they were. “I didn’t know I could feel like this.”

  He hadn’t known it was possible either. He’d kissed his fair share of women, but nothing had ever compared to Hannah’s touch. The way she felt, tasted, moved—she was like a drug to him.

  And all he wanted was more.

  But as they stood in her back room, reality slowly set in. The flush on her skin faded, and she looked around as if remembering everything that had happened before.

  “I should probably head back to the office. There’s a meeting I’m late for.”

  She straightened, and the exterior of cool sophistication settled over her features again. “Of course. I understand.”

  He wanted to say something more, to talk about what had happened between them, but he didn’t know what to say. “I’m glad you’re all right.”

  She nodded as if agreeing, but her eyes told a different story. He raked a hand through his hair, knowing that everything he’d been building with her was unraveling. And he didn’t know how to stop it. “Can I see you later?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure how long I’ll be at the studio.”

  He didn’t know if that was true or not, but he didn’t want to push her. Things were already moving so quickly, and he wasn’t certain it was a good thing. “I’ll stop by once the meeting ends.”

  “All right.” She looked as if he was commenting on the weather.

  She was behaving agreeably, but he knew she wouldn’t be there when he came back. Not knowing what else to do, he picked up his hat from where it had fallen to the floor. He dusted it on his pants and settled it on his head. “This isn’t over, Hannah.”

  “I hadn’t thought so.”

  But as he left, he wondered if that were true.

  Chapter 7

  After Nathan left, Hannah waited less than five minutes before leaving. She was running away, and she didn’t care.

  She locked her studio behind her and wandered in the opposite direction from the Copper Kings’ office.

  Her mind reeled, barely processing what Nathan had told her. He’d done it all for her—he’d hung around with her brother, given her this chance. Everything.

  Why would he do something like that?

  What did any of it mean?

  Hannah didn’t know, couldn’t even begin to guess. She needed to talk about it, but who could she go to?

  Her friends wouldn’t understand. They would only see it through rose-colored glasses now that they were all married to their own Copper Kings. Well, not all of them.

  Before Hannah even realized where she was going, she headed toward the storefront next to the mercantile. The sign above said Library, but it wasn’t opened yet. From what Grace had said, the place was cleaned and painted, but the books still needed to be shelved.

  She tested the handle, grateful it turned and opened easily. Hannah quickly stepped into the building, her nose twitching at the sawdust in the air from the recently made shelves. “Grace? Are you in there?”

  “Back here!”

  Her friend’s voice sounded from the back room, and Hannah followed it. She took in her friend squatting over a box. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes. Just going through the inventory to see how I should arrange the shelves.”

  Grace had been going from project to project in town, working for free. Hannah didn’t know if it would go on forever, but Grace seemed happy with all her charity work. And her efforts really had made a difference in the town.

  Grace glanced over her shoulder. “Are you all right?”

  Hannah shifted from foot to foot. Finally, she decided to blurt it out. “No. I’m not. I need help.”

  Grace frowned, rising slowly as she wiped dusty hands on her work apron. “With what? What’s happened?”

  Hannah wrung her hands, unsure of how much to say, but it only made her friend look more concerned.

  “Should I go and get the others?”

  “No.” That was the last thing she wanted. They were all so happy. They wouldn’t
be able to understand this. “I’d rather just talk to you about it.”

  “All right.” Grace nodded.

  Hannah blew out a breath. “Did you know there’s a new Copper King in town?”

  “Lily mentioned it, but I haven’t met him.” Her eyebrows rose. “Did you?”

  “Yes. He bought one of my paintings before I realized who he was.”

  Grace grinned. “I told you they were amazing! You’re going to be famous.”

  Hannah needed to say the rest before Grace went too far down that path. “Thank you. But that’s not the problem.”

  “Then what is?”

  “The Copper King—Mr. Branson—I know him. Well, knew him. Before. When I lived back East.”

  Grace’s face fell. “Oh.” Then her eyes narrowed. “Did he do something? Did he say something to you?”

  Grace was sweet and easygoing, but Hannah was starting to realize she transformed into an avenging angel when someone she cared about was hurt. “He did say something. But it wasn’t bad. At least it wasn’t cruel.” She threw her hands up in frustration and spun away.

  “All right,” Grace said slowly. “Why don’t you tell me what happened. We’ll figure this out together.”

  With Grace’s permission, Hannah found herself telling Grace everything. Well, not everything. She didn’t need to know about the kiss.

  By the end, her mouth was hanging open. “So, what you’re saying is…you’re here because of him? He knew the situation you were in and took steps to protect you.” She whistled softly. “Look, Hannah, I don’t know what happened back East, but I know it was bad. I know that you couldn’t have stayed there and that you’re only here because you were desperate. Would you have been able to leave without his offer?”

  What would life have been like if Lucas hadn’t contacted her when he had? What would have become of her? The questions tormented her, but she didn’t know what her life would have been like—only that it would’ve been bad. “No. I might have been able to sell some of my jewelry, but Alexander, my brother, has complete control over my inheritance. I wouldn’t have been able to even purchase a train ticket. So without the offer from Lucas—from Nathan—I would have been stuck there.” She shuddered just thinking of it. “It would have a been a very bad situation for me.”


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