Escape of the Fae

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Escape of the Fae Page 8

by Taylor Spratt

  Handsome and a dirty talker? I liked this demon.

  “Interesting idea, Broderick, was it? The only problem is I don’t get fucked; I do the fucking.”

  His head bobbed backward at that, as if taken off guard by the bold statement.

  “Besides, I’m here to talk business. I’ve heard you control all the demons around these parts. Any way you could get them to get the heat off me for a while?”

  “Get my men to play bodyguard? For a fae?” he chuckled. “How do you expect me to do that?”

  “You could ask them nicely. Then at the end say to them, ‘pretty pretty please with sugar on top?’”

  His smile vanished and his eyes scanned me from top to bottom as if to gauge how serious I really was.

  “Two favors in one week, huh, Sugar lips?” He placed his hand on the collar of my jacket and gently rolled down the fabric to show my bare shoulders. He then leaned in and planted a delicate kiss on my skin, lighting a fire under my flesh, one that shot right down to the valley between my legs.

  “And just what would I get in return for this little favor?” He whispered in a deep sexy tumble.

  He was bound to want something. But delicious as this demon was, I never bargained with my body. That was for siren, succubi and pixies.

  “You seem to like games. How about we play a little game then? I’ll even let you pick. If I win you get your demon friends to watch my back.”

  “And if I win?” He interjected, flashing an excited smile, one that showed he was all too eager to win if the prize was a sexy one.

  “If you win, I’ll give you a kiss.”

  His shoulders fell and he pouted like a disappointed puppy. Then the smile returned to his face as if he’d come up with a fiendish little prize of his own.

  “We’ll start with that and see where it goes.” he replied with a smile. Man was he cocky. Good thing for him I liked cocky.

  “So then are you familiar with the game, prey vs. predator?” He said.

  “You mean the game where the stronger magical hunts down the weaker like prey?”

  “Exactly! If I can’t catch you in ten minutes you win. But if I get my hands on you before the clock runs out then I win.”

  I was almost too distracted by how sexy it sounded when he said, ‘put my hands on you,’ that I almost forgot to be annoyed that he thought I was the weaker one. Still, this was my golden opportunity to get his help and I was taking it.

  “Ok then, deal,” I said, shooting him a smile so honey sweet he’d never suspect just how much he’d underestimated me. I preferred when a man underestimated me, it made it that much easier to bring him to his knees.

  I turned away from him and scrambled into the darkness, running through a dark passage between two bookcases.

  The stomp of heavy footsteps beating the floor swarmed behind me. He was on the move and getting closer. I sped up, swinging randomly from one passage to the next, narrowly missing the edges of the bookcases that boxed me in like a labyrinth. I couldn’t afford to hit one of the cases lest a book should fall and give away my location.

  The darkness clung to the air, keeping me hidden as I continued my race through a section that was filled with red books that looked like old encyclopedias.

  It was true that Broderick was a predator, every inch of him was designed to search and destroy, ensnare and dominate. There was just one problem with Broderick’s little game plan. One thing he forgot. I was a predator too, and I was nobody’s mouse.

  There was one little detail I never mentioned to Broderick when I accepted his challenge. He wasn’t the one doing the stalking, I was. I would be the only alpha doing the hunting and the dominating today.

  My plan was simple. Wherever he was I’d sneak up on him, tackle him to the ground and pin him there with my foot on his throat till he declared me the winner. I paused right where I stood in an opening between a long wide bookcase and the metal spiral staircase that led to the next floor. I scanned the air for signs of his location, listening keenly for the slightest sound in the dark.

  He had no idea who he was dealing with. Soon I’d beat him at his own game. Claim his men as my protection and with my new protection, Michael and I would be out of this hellhole in no time.

  I didn’t hear the slightest creek and decided to resume my hunt, racing through the darkness between random bookshelves. I was careful not to bang my feet on the ground and give away my location. I moved with stealth and precision, like a ghost in the night, full well knowing it wouldn’t be long till I found my prey.

  It was quiet, too quiet. He was no longer on the move. I’d almost thought he’d gone to another floor of the library when, what did I see up ahead? Standing right in front of an old wooden table that was littered with books was one tall, fine as hell demon with his back turned.

  Perfect! Time to teach him why it was never a good idea to turn your back on an opponent.

  I shifted to the balls of my feet, fists raised at the ready. I then cautiously moved forward.

  Sneaking up on him, I tackled him to the ground and he fell like a tree, his back hit the floor hard. I then swung my leg over him, straddling him to the ground, my fingers tight around his neck.

  I searched his face for a sign of surrender but then…wait. What the hell? His face was blank, as if he was an Amish doll. And why did the skin of his neck feel like paper?

  “I like your style.” A voice deep sang from behind. “Except I’ve got a much more enjoyable place for you to sit in mind.” I spun around to see Broderick looming over me like a ghost.

  “A decoy?” I bellowed, lunging to my feet. But before I fully found my footing, Broderick wrapped his arm around my waist and threw me into a nearby bookcase. Heavy books went tumbling to the floor as he then pinned me against the case with his body.

  “See, Sugar lips. I always catch my prey.” he glanced down at me. His eyes almost seemed to glow in the dark. It was a sinister glow, one that was both devilish and ravenous. His eyes explored my body as if mentally undressing me with them, he then licked his lips, telling me he liked what he saw.

  There was more than fabric between us, there was a thick wall of lust charged not only by his desires but my own.

  My nipples hardened to sensitive peaks, compelled by the power of his demonic scrutiny.

  “I’m nobody’s prey.” I breathed. “But by the way your eyes are glued to my tits, I’d say you’re the one that’s trapped, demon.”

  He laughed boyishly at that. “And you're saying that if I was to push my hand into those panties of yours, and part your folds I wouldn’t find your pussy wet as a river?”

  “Nope.” I lied with a shake of my head.

  He leaned in, pressing his lips at my delicate ear lobe. The sensation of his lips against my flesh prompted goosebumps to raise all over my body.

  “What if I rubbed your clit in sweet little circles till you cried out?” his tongue plunged deep into my ear and I gasped. He wasn’t just exploring me, he was tasting me.

  My pussy clenched as a sweet sensation ripped through my body like a desert storm.

  I tucked my hand under his shirt and began exploring the hardness of his wall like abs. They were hard as bricks and I couldn’t stop touching their roughness. He gave a low groan I knew was involuntary.

  He jerked his head around, his eyes locking onto mine. The look in them was an invitation to touch any part of him my heart desired. There was something more there too, something I didn’t expect to see. A warmth I’d long thought demons were unable to possess.

  “Your ear tastes great. I wonder how sweet those lips of yours are,” he said, pressing the pad of his index finger over my lower lip. His finger then traipsed along the rim as if he thought he owned it.

  I liked this demon. I felt an unexpected connection to him somehow, one I wanted to explore. His head swung down in my direction. Narrowing the distance between us, he pounced, crushing his lips hard to mine, parting my lips with his tongue.

mouth tasted of peppermint and sweet spices. The delicious scent made me quiver. I wanted more of him, more of his lips, more of his teasing tongue. Our tongues clashed in an erotic dance, a fight for power, a battle of the alphas.

  I moaned as he cupped one of my clothed breasts with his hand. He squeezed and played with my hard nipple between his second and third finger and I melted beneath him.

  My nipples were so hard they pressed up against the fabric, peaking through like little bullseyes of pleasure and pain. They were a gateway to my destruction and my surrender. A fact he was all too aware of as he pinched the second nipple ruthlessly with his other hand.

  I stifled a cry as pain and pleasure coursed through me, ripping me open from the inside.

  He broke our kiss to rasp out the words, “Beautiful, you’re so damn beautiful.” He then stroked his finger back and forth over my painfully hard nipples, teasing them. His eyes were hard on me now, gauging my pleasure and my pain.

  My face twisted and heaved in ecstasy from his finger’s onslaught. He looked pleased, pleased at my reaction, and at himself for making me feel as good as he did.

  There was only one thing on my mind now. I wanted him inside me, filling me up and tearing me apart.

  The shelves of the bookcase dug slightly into my back, caused by Broderick’s mighty weight holding me against the case. But something else was digging into me as well. Broderick’s dick was prodding at my belly, begging for release, pleading for a chance to meet the source of his desire and distress.

  My pussy clenched then, her hunger almost unbearable from Broderick’s cruel toying with my nipples.

  I didn’t know what this was between Broderick and I. The only thing I knew was that I needed him. I needed him now, and I needed him more than I had ever needed a man before. I reached down and unbuttoned his pants.

  “Hmm, playful little fae, aren’t you?” He shot me a wicked grin. “I love a woman who knows what she wants. But are you sure you can play with a big dog?”

  In answer of his question I pressed my hand to his chest, pushing him off me and driving his back to wack into the opposite bookshelf across from the one he’d just held me against. His eyes popped open in shock before widening in excitement.

  My hands sprang for him, pulling his face down to mine, kissing him and thrusting my tongue into his mouth faster than he could stop me. Not that he would have by the way he was now stripping off my jacket and pants.

  I’d show him just who the big dog was.

  Without waiting another moment, we wrenched the clothes off each other’s bodies and they went flying as if torn off by an angry tornado. The clothes tumbled to the ground and we were both naked as the day we were born.

  From head to toe, Broderick was a fortress of pure muscle. His wide shoulders and tall, large frame were built like a war machine. His eyes glinted in the dark, it was a beacon of his desires and his wicked intentions for me.

  His eyes hungrily explored every inch of my naked form, savoring the sight of my breast and pussy as if trying to take a mental picture that would last forever. His lips parted as he smiled with satisfaction. His demon fangs were now on full display. They were not as long as that of a vampire, but they were sharp and intimidating, perfectly befitting of this powerful creature of the darkness.

  Broderick took a step closer and wrapped his arm around my waist, never taking his eyes off mine. He then tugged us both down to lay on the floor. The wooden ground was cold and hard against my back. But I could barely register it. All I could feel was Broderick’s warm embrace enveloping my body as he positioned himself on top of me.

  He pressed his palms to the floor to steady himself as his lips explored my neck with one gentle kiss after the next. The strength of his torso grazed mine and I could feel the length of his cock tease against my naked belly.

  His gentle kisses trailed from my neck down my arm in a slow game of erotic seduction. I gave out a moan as I glanced down to take a peek at his cock. It was massive, and hard as it stood between his belly and mine. Its thickness extended from the base right up the impressively long shaft.

  His eyes fell to the swells of my breasts and stayed there as if he’d never seen anything more worthy of his attention in his life. His eyes scanned them both from pointed peak to pointed peak before taking one nipple into his mouth for a good hard suck.

  Pleasure raced through my body and I arched my back to encourage him to keep sucking. He played with both nipples, licking and sucking their tips as I moaned and writhed against him. I could feel his cock pulsate with excitement from my cries and it only made me want him more.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, his gentle eyes searching my face for the answer. Every part of my body craved him. My pussy, sensing he was near, kept aching to feel him inside me.

  “Yes.” I cried.

  Shooting me an excited grin, his hand enveloped my waist, and he held me steady beneath him as he positioned his body to take mine. The head of his cock crept right up to the opening of my eager pussy. The pressure of his cock’s head against my opening was unlike anything I’d ever known.

  He was so big. So monstrously big.

  I knew what was coming next, and I craved it more than all the sugar in the world. I needed him, needed to feel his thick cock and all the pleasure it would bring. But not just for the pleasure. Something deep inside of me was crying out, wanting to know more about this demon. I wanted to know his secrets, his fears and most of all how it would feel when our bodies became one.

  His body a beautiful marvel to behold, my eyes scanned every inch of its hard perfection. Time seemed to freeze for a moment. Our eyes met and for a second, I saw a tenderness in them, one I’d never seen in a demon before. By their nature they were rough, crude, with hearts as hard as stone. But the softness in this one’s eyes... what kind of demon was he?

  He rested his hand between the back of my head and the floor, making me more comfortable where I laid. And, with a powerful thrust of his hips he drove his cock deep inside of me.

  A moan exploded from my lips too fast for me to stop it as pleasure and pain danced through my pelvis. Shifting his hips back and forth he rutted me ferociously, relentlessly as if the world would end if he ever stopped. His eyes tore open as if shocked by his own pleasure and he just kept delivering one powerful thrust after the next pulling us both to the edge of insanity. I gasped, unable to say a word.

  “Fuck! You’re tight.” he rasped out, increasing his pace as I writhed beneath him, reveling in every sweet sensation. He just kept delving deeper and deeper. The burning mix of pain and pleasure was almost too much to bare.

  I cried out in pleasure and he smiled, not slowing his rhythm for a moment, he was in a momentum, unbreakable, and one I wished would never end.

  It was my turn now, my turn to steal the show. I pressed my feet to the floor, grounding myself. I then tumbled forward to shove Broderick to his back. My movement was so swift we never pulled apart.

  His back was on the floor and I was on top of him. He looked up at me with a look of absolute surprise, as if no woman had ever taken control from him in the throws before.

  “Damn, Sugar lips. You should have told me you were half sex goddess! I would have brought you a wedding ring!” He gave a devilish grin and smoothed his hands over my hips.

  I rolled my hips over his, snaking his cock into me slowly, as painfully slowly as I could manage all with my eyes hard on his.

  The tortured look on his face spoke volumes.

  “Faster. I want faster. Don’t tease me.” He commanded, grasping my thighs as if to take back the reins.

  “Stay where you lay, demon! I’m in control now.” I barked, tightening my legs' grip around him.

  “Fucking hell! I think I’m in love.” he murmured, unable to hold back a chuckle.

  I spared a chuckle of my own. I couldn’t tell the last time I had this much fun with anyone. And to think he was a demon.

  I increased my pace, undulating over him to the be
at of my own drum, taking my pleasure from him, one thrust at a time.

  His body stiffened, teeth clenching together, and his eyes rolled like a mad man as he neared his breaking point. I neared mine as sensation after sensation bombarded my pussy, sending my pace into overdrive.

  Suddenly every other demon I’d ever fucked paled in comparison. Make that every other fucking man. Everything was meaningless before this.

  Pummel after savage pummel, my pussy met his balls, hungry, desperate and aching to devour every inch of him.

  Broderick reached his thumb down and pressed hard against my aching clit.

  “Oh, my god!” I bellowed, as I writhed in pleasure from the playful exploration of his finger over my clit. Every rotation of his thumb brought a new delicious agony.

  “Don’t stop.” he said as white-hot pleasure surged and compressed in my core. I couldn’t stop if I’d wanted to, the gods couldn’t stop me now. I was a slave to the ecstasy of his cock’s thrusts. It robbed me of all sense and his torture of my clit drove me to the brink of madness, of pleasure and pain.

  Pleasure like I’d never known exploded in my core. It washed over me like a warm ocean wave, lifting me higher and higher, soothing me and tearing me apart all at once. After precious moments of gliding, the wave gently rested me back on the sands of oblivion.

  Broderick tensed under me then, his face going red as blood as he came deep inside of me. I fell over onto his chest, my strength stolen by the very air that surrounded us.

  He shifted to his side, holding me close to him as our weary eyes stayed locked on one another. The ground beneath us was now warm to the touch, heated by our passion.

  Neither of us spoke, but I could see in the sternness of his eyes that he, just like I, knew that things would never be the same between us again. We’d both opened a door that once opened could never be closed.

  There was a bond between us, of that there was no mistake. The only question was what would become of that bond and when we found out, what would become of us?

  Breaking the dark silence, heavy footsteps stalked closer to us from somewhere unseen.


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