Escape of the Fae

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Escape of the Fae Page 23

by Taylor Spratt

  “You really did miss me,” he murmured. “I wasn’t the only one.” Did he see my feelings for him too?

  “I missed you more than you know, Jamie.” My voice was soft and shaky, filled with so much emotion, so many words left unsaid. I’d just seen the deepest parts of his soul and there I was, prominently featured. Center stage, the star of the show. Jamie really did love me too.

  We both went silent for the next few moments as we just looked at one another, processing all that we had seen and felt. Jaimie’s hair rested carelessly over his forehead the same way it did a minute ago. His features were just as masculine and refined as they’d always been, but right now it was is if I were seeing him for the first time and I really liked what I saw.

  “What the hell? Where is Sixty-five? Open his cell and search it. Search it now, you idiot!” Breaking our moment Blackwater shrieked from the front of Jamie’s cell.

  We were out of time. The moment she’d scanned Jamie’s empty cell she’d be over here in a heartbeat.

  “Don’t worry, Jessy. I’ll protect you and you can count on that.”

  Jamie stepped back, pulling his shirt and pants off and flinging them to floor. I’d seen him shift back to human form before but never from human to wolf. I cupped my mouth in awe of what I saw.

  A thick mane of silver fur grew all over his body, covering him like a carpet. Next to change was his face. He sprouted a long canine like mouth with teeth that could send even the bravest fighter packing. He’d gotten enough power from me to shift and then some.

  A giant wolf now stood before me with fur so shiny it glistened in the dim cell light. As big as a bear, the majestic creature took up most of the space in my tiny cell.

  He gave out a low growl and opened his crater sized jaw wide. He must have had hundreds of teeth trailing his jaw. I was a bit hesitant to put the envelope inside his intimidatingly large mouth.

  No, wolf or not. This was Jamie. If there was anyone I could trust, it was him.

  I placed the envelope on his tongue and he swallowed it with one effortless gulp.

  “Maybe he spent the night with one of those whore succubi from cell block two,” Blackwater said as the clack of her heels grew louder. “Now open sixty-six’s cell and give her an extra thorough search, and hurry up with it, you lazy clods.”

  Blackwaters skinny form appeared at my cell doors with two henchmen on either side of her. The snakes she called hair all rose to attention and hissed at the sight of me.

  “What in the living hell?” Blackwater’s head jerked back in unbridled shock at the sight in front of her. I laid on my bed with a butt naked Jamie on top of me. I still had on my underwear, but that didn’t make the sight any less scandalous.

  “Just- Just what do you two think you’re doing? Don’t you know search protocol? You’re supposed to stay in your own fucking cell, not each other’s to fuck!” she screamed and her snakes began to wriggle about in distress.

  “Shhh shhhh, babies, mommy is here for you don’t cry.” She patted them gently, calming her snakes like a kindly mother would her child. But there was nothing kind about this woman.

  “Open the cell and check everything. Especially her.” She said pointing a finger at me. “That violent little bitch is ruthless, there’s no telling what she might be capable of.”

  One of the guards wrenched the doors open, and they all poured inside. The other guard yanked Jamie off me and pulled us both to our feet.

  Next thing I knew, I was slammed face first into the hard wall and made to wait as they turned the bed upside down and searched my box.

  I only had my undies on and Jamie was butt naked so there was no need to search our persons. That fact seemed to annoy the guys enough that they did an extra careful search of my box. Not only did they flip over the box, would you believe those Neanderthals actually kicked through all my clothes?

  My eyes crept to Blackwater as she stood by the door comforting her snakes. A proud smirk creasing my cheek.

  “Your boo-boos heal yet, Blackwater?” I said, a mocking edge to my tone. Her eyes narrowed at my words.

  “I don’t know.” She spat, “Your boos-boos heal from when Hades made a shish kebab out of your wings? Such a shame he couldn’t finish the job.” She condescended.

  “Seems like word really traveled fast in here, too bad you still haven’t gotten the news your mustache is past due for a shave.” An evil little grin formed on my face.

  She gasped, covering her hand over her mouth. “How dare you!”

  She marched through the cell, shoving the guard out of her way and staring me in the eyes. Before saying a world, her eyes scanned my room as if searching for something under the scant furniture.

  “Listen here, you little bitch.” Her gaze shot back to me. “You may have survived my little game so far, but the fun is far from over. With Hades on your tail it’s only a matter of time. And if he fails?” She gave a carefree shrug. “Well, new stone-cold killers get sent here every day. One day soon you’ll meet your match and I’ll be all too happy to stuff your bloody remains in a body bag when that day comes.”

  “Do I at least get to choose the bag? I love pink. Pretty please can it be pink?” I chirped, acting as excited as a kid in a candy shop.

  Her nostrils flared as sweat drained down her face. She looked ready to bitch slap me and only the gods knew what was stopping her. Maybe she was secretly afraid of another punch to that pretty little face of hers.

  “Listen, sixty-six. If I find out your hiding that special thing I’m looking for, I’m throwing your ass in solitary till your bones disintegrate from old age! Am I clear?”

  “And just what might that special thing be?” I folded my arms waiting patiently for her answer. But she just looked at me studying my face to see if I was genuinely unaware or not.

  “That’s none of your business. Now…” she said turning to look at her guards. “Get back to your search and leave no dust covered stone in this wreaking cell unturned, capeesh?”

  The guards gave a nod and continued their search as Blackwater turned and strolled out of my cell and over to the next one down the block.

  Satisfaction washed through me. I almost couldn’t believe it. I had the key and the shiso safe in a place neither Blackwater, nor her minions, would ever find it. Everything was coming together.

  I knew this moment would be exciting, but nothing could have prepared me for the way my heart now raced in my chest. I’d played it out in my mind a thousand times over the last several months and the hour of fate had finally arrived.

  Tonight, I break into gold block.



  She’s up to something alright. This time I was sure of it. That little fire starter didn’t know who she was messing with. I was in the gym, pumping iron to blow off a little steam. My back was flat on the bench as I thrust the heavy weight up and down.

  “Fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-six.”

  The clang of heavy metal weights slamming against each other roared through the gym along with the grunts of a group of panther shifters doing cardio. The air stank of sweat and soggy gym socks but I didn’t care.

  Something in here annoyed me way worse. The gym wasn’t usually this crowded or this noisy. But today I barely had the space to pump my usual 300-pound barbell. A gang of women now swarmed me like bees hungry for nectar. They were so close that every time I rose the barbell, I almost hit one of them in the face. Sure, they were pretty, I’d fucked most of them at some point, but today I wasn’t in the mood.

  “Fifty-seven, fifty-eight.”

  “Come on, Drake. Come play with us, pweaty pweaty please?” a particularly well-endowed red-headed witch begged as she fluttered her lashes in front of me. I think her name was… Shella? No, maybe it was Sandi. I never bothered to learn the name of most of the women I bedded, and I didn’t see the reason to start now.

  Ignoring her I continued my count. “Fifty-nine, sixty. Sixty-one…”

  “Come on, Drake, don’t be like that. You’ve been in here all day and we barely see you anymore,” the brunette succubus said, folding her arm and not bothering to hide her annoyance.

  Why the hell did she think I’d been working out so much? I felt like I was going to burst at any minute. One minute I was bedding a new girl every day and next, zero, zilch, nada.

  It was that fae’s fault. A part of me wondered if she’d used some kind of fairy magic on me or something. Why couldn’t I get her out of my mind? Why was she the first thing that I thought about in the morning and the last thing before I went to bed at night?

  I mean just look at all the babes crowding my bench. A blind man could see they were bombshells with long shiny hair, curvy thighs, and everything I liked. Two weeks ago, I’d have been more than happy to fulfil their requests and more. So why could I not so much as look at one of them without my stomach turning?

  What the actual fuck had that fae done to me?

  It was like she had invaded my mind like a parasite. In the cafeteria when I ate my pudding, I no longer tasted sugar or chocolate. It tasted like pussy. Can you believe it? Fucking pussy! All I could do was imagine the taste of her and what it would be like. And now every fucking thing I ate, tasted like pussy.

  It wasn’t just the cafeteria. In my bed at night, all I could do is think of her. That cute feisty grin of hers. How she made sport of defying me at every turn, mouthing off to her heart's content. I normally went for the submissive type, so why in the hell was that rude mouth of hers such a turn on? I loved her challenge, her fight and her bite. No other woman in here could hold a candle to that flame of hers.

  It just made me want to break her, make her submit and call me Alpha. A whip of adrenaline coursed through me at that thought. Yes, I wanted to hear those pretty little lips of hers say it.


  A sweeter word didn’t exist in the English language. Then the moment she submitted I would reward her with my cock, and I wouldn’t stop till she was on her back, moaning in pleasure as I took her over and over again.

  “Oooohhhh, Drake. You sure you aren’t ready?” Breaking my thoughts, the lot of them began giggling, their eyes glued to my crotch. I rested the barbell on the stand and glanced down.

  My cock. It was hard as a fucking rock, shooting up like a tower in my pants.

  I snarled at her, throwing my barbells to crash over the padded ground. I sprung to my feet staring at them savagely and the women gasped in surprise, scurrying back like frightened cats.

  “Fine go then, you jerk!” the red head yelled out shaking her fist in the air.

  “Shut up, Cindy. What if you make him ignore us all year?” the blond reprimanded.

  I rolled my eyes, throwing my arms in the air before storming out the door. These women were driving me insane. And there was only one women I wanted to drive me to insanity right now. Jessy Gilchrest. I had to find out what she was up to. She had a nefarious agenda and I demanded to know just what it was.

  I made my way over to her cell and was interrupted by the announcement of an unexpected Greenhouse day. And this little treat was all because it was Merlin’s Birthday? Oh please. Sounded more like Blackwater wanted us all to clear the hell out so she could have one more of her super-secret keg party orgys in cell block one.

  Every once in a while she’d round up the male inmates that best caught her eye and fucked them all in the fancy cells of block one. I’d been invited once or twice and was more than happy to turn her down. I’d sooner fuck a goat than that she-devil.

  Greenhouse time came and went and no sign of her. I’d searched the greenhouse for her, but Jessica wasn’t in any of the popular hangout spots. Not by the lake, not near Sufferer’s Rock or in the Meadow of Debauchery.

  Our Greenhouse day came to an abrupt end and we all crammed back into the prison, forced in by another one of Blackwater’s stupid random searches.

  Except what if this search wasn’t so stupid or random? This one didn’t sound so random. She was pissed. Pissed like I hadn’t heard her in years. Someone took something they shouldn’t have taken and something deep in the pit of my stomach told me that a certain little fae might just have something to do with it.

  I was standing in the hall of cell block five, halfway back to my cell when I decided to pay my little fire starter a visit. Prisoners funneled into their cells left and right, taking their seats on their beds just as search protocol demanded. Her cell was only about half a dozen down from where I stood.

  The sound of heels clacking over the ground gave me a cold shiver down my spine. I then glanced back to see Blackwater at the entrance of cell block five with four of her goons at the ready.

  She looked pissed as hell and ready to cause trouble.

  All the inmates who hadn’t gone in already crawled into their cells, sighing and groaning from today's Greenhouse day being cut short. There was only one person not crawling. Not by a long shot. I caught sight of her up ahead and that little fire starter bolted into her cell as if trying to outrun something.

  Oh yeah, she was up to something alright. I’d suspected it all along but now I knew it for sure. She had something she had no business having, but what?

  I marched toward her cell, keeping a safe distance so as to go undetected. Blackwater was on the move and I was running out of time. I needed to get back to my cell before she caught me out here in the open or there’d be hell to pay.

  Sweat drained down my face as I leaned in to watch her. I needed to go but I couldn’t before I’d caught her. This was too important. I watched Jessica for a moment not seeing anything out of the ordinary. She just stood by her bed waiting for the inspection to begin. Or was she?

  “Hurry and get in your cell, Drake." Viny whispered from his cell a few feet away from where I stood." Blackwater's on the block. Get moving or she’ll have your ass!”

  He was one of my most loyal followers and everything in me told me to heed his plea. I turned my body away, keeping my eyes on her cell as I slowly started dragging my feet in the direction of my cell. Wait a minute. I froze midstride my eyes gaping open. What do we have here?

  The little thief! She pulled a secret envelope from under her bed. What the hell did she have in there? If she was in such a hurry to hide it before inspection it had to be contraband.

  I stifled a laugh, satisfaction buzzling in my chest. And the win goes to Drake the expert fucking detective. She couldn’t fool me this time.

  “Drake! She’s on the move.” Panic came alive in Vinny’s voice now and I turned to jog to my cell. That little fire starter had a lot of explaining to do and I was going to see to it that she did that explaining whether she wanted to or not. Watch out, little fae, the big Bad Dragon’s coming for you and you better be ready when I do.



  I should be overjoyed right now. After how far I’d come I was finally going to see Michael again, for the first time in months. What would I find in gold block I wondered. The number of prisoners down there was guarded like a national secret. Hell, anything to do with down there was a giant mystery.

  That made it all the more worrying. The uncertainty. Would Michael be okay when I found him, or would he have lost it like so many of the psychos in here? No! I refused to think like this. Michael was a fighter, a fae who was tough as nails both inside and out. If anyone could make it down there it was him.

  There’s only one thing I knew for sure. I didn’t care who I had to give the beat down too to get to him. I would see Michael tonight if it was the last thing I did. Tonight, was just to make contact, make sure he was okay. Then after that, we’d plan our big escape together.

  Blackwater’s search ended and all the prisoners were allowed back out of our cells as normal to have dinner. Jamie and I spent the day together eating and chatting in the cafeteria. Then Jamie left me for a little while in the later afternoon and returned with the key card and the shiso leaves still fully intact. I didn’t want
to imagine what the leaves would have looked like if they had not been magically indestructible and thank the gods I never had to find out.

  Night had fallen and after a wonderful day spending time with Jamie we both returned to our cells for the nightly lock in. All I had to do now was wait in my cell until the guards could finish their nightly rounds and turn out the lights. Then like a thief in the night, I’d be on the move.

  The guards combed through the halls of cell block five clipboard in hand for the nightly count off. I sat on the edge of my bed, planting my feet wide, my nails digging painfully deep into my knees.

  I was so close. In a few short minutes I’d be out of here and I could finally see Michael. After all this time, I’d finally hold my brother in my arms. I could almost see it now. I’d tell him I was here to save him and it’d all be okay. His hell was now over.

  “You okay in there sixty-six?” An older guard with a thick grey mustache and receding hairline approached my closed cell door and clicked the metal clip of his clip board against the bars to get my attention.

  I slugged my head up in his direction, not bothering to smile. He was doing enough of that for the two of us. Picture the creepiest looking old perv to ever gawk at you with his mouth open. His eyes twinkled and his breath smelled like boiled cabbage. He probably only had about nine teeth left and they were anything but pearly white.

  “Can I help you with something?” I drew my head back.

  “Hey there, sexy. What do you say you and me hang out sometime? My mother was half fae, you know. Guess a liking for your kind is in my blood.” He combed back the tiny wisps of grey hair over his scalp with his fingers.

  “Really?” I said faking interest. “And what kind are you?”

  “I’m a wizard,” he replied, proudly tugging at the collar of his green jumpsuit. “So anything you want, baby, I can deliver.”


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