Mistletoes and Apple Pie

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Mistletoes and Apple Pie Page 9

by Lynn Hagen

  The only person in the world who truly mattered to him—besides Miller—was gone. Now who would Payton gossip to or hang out with? Who would be there to pull him out of his depressions or make him laugh so hard he peed himself?

  Payton also struggled with how to tell Sherman’s parents. They would be devastated. The two might hate each other, but there was no doubt in Payton’s mind that they loved their only child.

  “Hey.” Miller leaned against the hallway wall, twirling a candy cane. “How’re you feeling?”

  Payton took the treat and shoved it into his mouth. “How do you think I’m feeling? I want Chris’s head on a pike. I want him to pay for killing Sherman. I want…”

  Payton sighed and brushed past Miller. Did it really matter what he wanted? Chris had set out to do what he planned on doing, and now Sherman was dead.

  How did people so inherently evil exist? Why did good people die and the others lived long, miserable lives?

  Miller walked up behind Payton and placed his warm hands on Payton’s hips, guiding him to the kitchen. “You need to eat.”

  “I have no appetite.” Even so, Payton dropped into a chair and stared off into space, thinking of all the good memories he had of him and his cousin spending time together.

  Sherman was far from perfect, and had many flaws, like everyone else, but he had been the ray of sunshine in Payton’s life, a guy who just wanted desperately to be loved. Sherman had deserved better than what Chris had given him.

  Sherman had deserved a good, caring man who wouldn’t cheat on him or go all psycho. He deserved to laugh all the time and feel as if he was the most precious person in someone’s world.

  “Nothing fancy. Simple toast and orange juice.” Miller set the plate and cup in front of Payton before kissing him on his temple. He took a seat and slid the plate closer to Payton. “Try a few bites.”

  “I don’t want it!” Payton threw the plate across the room. His jaw dropped as he jumped from his seat. Fuck. He was acting like his mother, even if he had a good excuse.

  Miller said nothing. He simply sat there with the patience of a saint. With tears in his eyes, Payton dropped to his knees and cleaned up the broken dish and toast. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell and have a tantrum.”

  “Babe, you just lost someone you love. It’s understandable.” Miller retrieved the broom and dustpan and helped sweep up the pieces too small for Payton to pick up. “I’m truly sorry about your loss, Apple Pie.”

  Miller stroked Payton by his ear, drawing his fingers across his cheek. Payton wasn’t sure why, but hearing that endearment made him feel a tad better. At least he wasn’t going through this alone.

  Miller had definitely stolen a piece of his heart, even though it was broken right now because of Sherman’s death.

  “Tell me what I can do to help you through the grieving process.”

  “You’re doing it.” Payton looked around to make sure no more shards of glass were on the floor. “Just being here for me.”

  Payton nearly fell apart when Miller curled his strong arms around him. He didn’t think he could cry anymore since every tear had been wrung from him last night.

  But they silently fell as Payton rested his cheek against Miller’s chest.

  “How about we go into town and talk to the sheriff? That might make you feel better, and we can find out how their investigation is going.”

  Payton loved the fact that Miller was trying his best to cheer him up. “Just as long as no one else tries to shoot at us.”

  “I’ll call ahead and we’ll park in the police parking lot, right next to the building. First, we need a shower and some breakfast.” Miller held up his hands when Payton opened his mouth to argue. “You need your nourishment, and I’m not budging on this.”


  Payton went into the bathroom and stripped naked. He adjusted the water, then stepped into the tub, closing the curtain as he heard Miller enter the room. When his mate had said to shower, Payton hadn’t thought the guy meant together.

  Not that the thought didn’t thrill him.

  Payton looked past the curtain and noticed Miller was completely naked and so damn hard that the head of his cock was an angry purple blush. Payton stood there, mesmerized by the hard sinewy muscles that encased Miller’s thighs. There wasn’t an ounce of fat anywhere on the man’s body.

  His gaze slowly began to rise, taking in the slim waist, the very erotic V on either side of the man’s groin, and an abdomen that proudly displayed not a six-pack but eight very gorgeous muscles.

  Miller stood as if he prided himself on his well-honed body, shamelessly displaying his male physique for Payton to take in.

  “Are you going to stand there until the water runs cold?” Miller slid his hand down his stomach, and his gaze lowered until he was staring directly at Payton’s full-blown erection.

  “I’m…um… What did you just ask me?” Payton glided the tip of his tongue over his lower lip. There was a passionate gleam in Miller’s eyes that told Payton exactly what the man was thinking. Or at least what he wanted.

  Miller stepped into the shower, closing the curtain behind him. He pulled Payton close, turning him away from the spray. “Let me get your back, Apple Pie.”

  Payton shivered. This was what he needed to distract him from his grief. Hard, fast, and dirty sex. Payton could lose himself in the moment, give in to what his body craved, if only for a little while.

  Miller slid his tongue up Payton’s ear, slowly moving him back, trapping Payton against the shower wall, one of Miller’s hands on either side of his head. “I’m not sure if this is what you need right now, but I know we’re both feeling it. I would do anything for you, sweetheart. Always remember that.”

  Payton groaned at the thickness he heard in Miller’s voice.

  “Make love to me, Miller.” Payton slid his arms around Miller’s wet shoulders, letting his fingers play in the man’s short hair. Miller nuzzled his neck, one of his hands lowering to tweak and pull at Payton’s nipple.

  Desire swept through Payton, his cock becoming impossibly harder for his mate. Payton liked that. His mate. He hadn’t been sure about using that term earlier, but it just seemed…right. Besides, the more he used it, the more he would get used to it, and Payton knew how much that word meant to Miller.

  Miller moved his hand lower, his lithe and powerful fingers wrapping around Payton’s cock.

  Oh fuuuck. This was exactly what Payton needed.

  Payton hissed at how good Miller’s hand felt stroking his shaft, bringing him close even with only a hand job. The man had wonderful, glorious hands, and he knew how to use them. Miller gave one last tug before releasing Payton’s pulsating flesh.

  “Wrap your legs around me, Apple Pie. I want to feel you riding my cock.”

  Payton jumped up, Miller caught him around his sides, steadying him as Payton wrapped his legs around Miller’s tanned waist. He instantly felt the head of Miller’s cock tapping at his hole. “I think your dick is a divining rod. It knows exactly where my hole is.”

  Miller’s undiluted laughter was rich and warm. “I think you’re right. I told you that you were made for me.”

  Payton bit his lower lip as Miller reached behind him and guided the head of his cock into Payton’s body. Miller began to tease Payton’s ear with his tongue and teeth as he let Payton’s body become accustomed to the invasion.

  “Do you feel better, sweetheart?” Miller’s voice was rough, as if unnamed emotions were trying to break free.

  “I’ll feel even better when your cock is inside me.”

  Miller shook his head, burying his face deeper into Payton’s neck as the water beat down on them. “You’ll learn patience.”

  Payton wasn’t so sure about that. Every time he was near Miller his body reacted in ways it had never reacted to anyone else. The need to be in Miller’s arms was a constant now. The need to feel the man’s lips, his voice, or his hands made Payton’s skin ache all the ti
me. “No promises.”

  Miller pulled Payton closer, thrusting deep inside his body, reminding Payton that Miller was not a small man. His bottom ached, but it was a damn good ache that Payton never wanted to stop.

  “Miller.” Payton held on tighter as the man picked up his pace, sending Payton to the edge in a heated rush, his body burning alive for the man holding him, loving him. “I love you, Miller.”

  Holy fuck! Had he just said that out loud? Hell, he didn’t even know he was thinking it. The words had just spilled out of him. Even so, he refused to take them back. Payton had been falling for Miller, although he hadn’t wanted to admit that to himself.

  Miller’s movements faltered, and then he fucked Payton to within an inch of his life. “I love you, too, Apple Pie.”

  As Miller thrust forward, he pushed Payton down onto his cock. Within seconds Payton was crying out his mate’s name, his seed spilling between their bodies.

  Miller wasn’t too far behind. A few more well-placed thrusts and he was growling out his release, his canines sinking deep into Payton’s shoulder.

  Payton shuddered as Miller extracted his teeth. The first time Miller had bitten him, Payton hadn’t known what to think. Now he craved that connection as much as he craved Miller’s body.

  Miller gave him a quick kiss and then pulled his flaccid cock free. “We better get a shower before the water turns cold.”

  He set Payton on his feet, grabbed a washcloth, and began to scrub Payton down.

  “And I need to feed you.” Miller kissed Payton again, this time slowly, tenderly.

  Payton gasped, tilting his head to the side. He would mourn his loss, but Payton was also glad he had Miller there for him because he wasn’t sure what he would have done if he had to go this alone.

  Chapter Ten

  Payton had to force his food down since he wasn’t hungry. He wasn’t sure anything would make him smile again, not like he used to. He watched the customers in the diner eat, talk, and laugh, oblivious to the heartache Payton was experiencing.

  It was unfair that life was going on, that no one except Payton felt the loss so deeply. Miller might have said that he understood, but Payton didn’t think anyone would.

  “You ready to head out?” Miller pushed aside his empty plate and gave Payton a warm smile. “We can do whatever you want, Apple Pie.”

  Payton didn’t feel like doing anything but going back to Miller’s and crawling into bed, throwing the covers over his head while he dealt with his grief.

  Even though he didn’t think Miller understood how devastated Payton was, he was glad his mate was with him, figuratively holding his hand through this.

  “You were right.” Payton gave a weak, strained smile. “Getting out of the house was exactly what I needed, but I’m ready to head back, if you don’t mind.”

  When his cell phone rang, Payton pulled it out and grimaced. He was not in the mood to talk to his mother. As far as he knew, his parents had no idea about Sherman’s death, and Payton wasn’t about to fake his way through the conversation when all he wanted to do was rail about the injustice.

  He tucked his phone away and got up, heading for the door as Miller paid their bill. Payton stopped at the glass door and stared out at the town, so busy and alive as the snow fell in fat flakes, covering cars and anything else that it touched.

  Payton swallowed the sob in his throat, telling himself that he wasn’t going to break down in public, that he would put on a brave face until he was back in the safety of Miller’s bedroom.

  I’m so sorry this happened to you, Sherman, Payton thought as he watched the town traffic slowing as the snow fell harder. He’d never wanted to celebrate Christmas before because of his parents, and now the holiday would only serve to remind him of what he’d lost.

  “Ready?” Miller touched Payton’s shoulder.

  “Yeah.” Payton pushed open the door and stepped outside. He’d started toward Miller’s truck when something caught his attention. Payton frowned, blinked a few times, and rubbed at his eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” Miller stopped walking and turned to Payton.

  “I thought I saw…” Payton looked around, and then sighed. He missed Sherman so much that he was seeing him behind trees. “Never mind.”

  Miller stepped to him and cupped Payton’s face. “You’ll get through this, sweetheart. I’ll help you every step of the way.”

  Payton leaned into Miller’s hand and closed his eyes, soaking up his mate’s warmth and strength.

  When he opened his eyes, he gasped.

  Miller looked around. “What is it?”

  Instead of answering him, Payton marched across the street, nearly getting sideswiped by a passing car. The driver honked, but Payton ignored him and rushed past the bench by Bistro and into the park.

  He looked around but didn’t see his cousin anywhere. Fuck. He was losing his mind.

  Until he saw footprints that were being quickly covered by the falling snow. Miller caught up to him as Payton followed them. Either Payton was losing it or his cousin was playing hide-and-seek with him.

  “Sherman?” Payton said in a loud whisper.

  “Over here,” a small voice replied.

  His heart in his throat, Payton took off around the large tree, Miller hot on his heels. Payton came to a hard stop when he saw his cousin huddled and hunkered down.

  “Sherman!” He launched himself into his cousin, who fell over from Payton’s exuberance.

  “Be quiet!” Sherman shoved Payton off of him. “I don’t know if Chris or his henchmen are around. I want him to keep thinking I’m dead.”

  The statement had Payton whipping his head around. He had been so busy mourning Sherman that he’d completely forgotten about the threat still looming over his head.

  Miller took his coat off and slid it around Sherman’s shoulders. “I’ll keep you safe. Just follow us to my truck.”

  Sherman shook his head. “There’re too many people out here. We won’t be able to spot him in this crowd.”

  “Give me your keys.” Payton held his hand out. “I’ll drive over here, and we’ll make a break for it.”

  Payton was relieved and overjoyed that Sherman was alive, and he would do whatever he had to in order to get his cousin to safety. Even if he had to be the one who ran to the truck. Payton was still hesitant since getting shot at outside the antique store, but this was Sherman’s life they were talking about, and Payton wasn’t going to lose him again.

  Of course he had a ton of questions for Sherman, like how he’d survived the explosion, but those questions would have to wait.

  “I don’t like this,” Miller said. “I don’t want you by yourself.”

  “Do you want me staying here with Sherman while you get the truck?” Payton knew the answer before Miller gave it to him.

  “No.” He dug into his pocket and handed over his set of keys. “Be careful. Run, and don’t stop until you’re in the truck.”

  “Pfft, did you think I’d stop for hot cocoa and a scone?” Payton looked around. “Okay, here goes.”

  He took a few quick breaths before darting from behind the tree. Payton ran so fast that he nearly slipped twice on the snowy ground. He got his footing and looked both ways before rushing across the street.

  He didn’t want another horn honking at him or a near-miss collision. He made it to Miller’s truck and fumbled with the keys. He wasn’t used to them, and it took him a second to figure out the fob.

  It just had two buttons on it, and neither was marked.

  Payton hit the first one, and the horn started blaring while the headlights and taillights flashed.

  Shit. Wrong button. He hit it again, and everything quieted. Whose bright idea was it to put the alarm button as the first button? Freaking genius. Not.

  He hit the second button and heard the locks disengage. Payton had never driven a truck before and prayed he didn’t tear shit up before he made it to the park. He was used to his compact sedan, not this ta

  Payton slipped into the driver’s seat and started the truck. It roared to life as the passenger door opened. Payton whipped his head around and shrieked when he saw Chris sitting there with a gun pointed at him.

  “Drive.” Chris waved the gun. “No sudden moves or I’ll shoot you right here.”

  As scared as Payton was, he knew that wasn’t true. They were a few doors down from the police station, and showing his face in town was risky. If Chris shot him, he would draw attention to himself.

  Payton shut off the truck. “No.”

  Are you insane? He has a gun pointed at you. Payton was shaking in his snow boots, but he knew if he drove away, he was a dead man. He was never in his life this afraid, but he needed to trust his gut, and it was telling him not to go anywhere with Chris.

  “I said drive!” Chris shoved the barrel against Payton’s side.

  Payton licked his lips, shaking like crazy and wondering if he was signing his own death warrant. He was taking a huge gamble, and if he was wrong…

  Someone knocked on the driver’s window. With his hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white, Payton looked and saw Nick standing there.

  “It’s my grandpa,” Payton said. “If I blow him off, he’ll know something is wrong.”

  “I know who he is,” Chris narrowed his eyes. “He was at the Christmas party.”

  Shit. How had Payton forgotten that detail? He thought Chris would call him on his lie, but he nodded. “Make it quick, and if you try to warn him, I’ll kill you.”

  For a bad guy, Chris wasn’t that intimidating, not now that Payton knew the guy was a spoiled rich person who was a narcissist and thought money could get him out of any trouble he was in.

  Why hadn’t he tried to bribe Payton into staying silent? Why had he automatically gone the violent route?

  Payton turned the key just enough to roll the window down but not enough to start the engine. “Hey, Grandpa,” Payton said with a huge, fake smile that hurt his cheeks. “I was just heading home. Is there something you needed?”


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