Two Different Worlds Box Set

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Two Different Worlds Box Set Page 37

by Donna Raider

  The crowd that had gathered around the rink applauded, wolf whistled and screamed accolades to their power couple.

  The noise seemed to yank them back to where they were, standing in the center of the rink, holding each other like there was no tomorrow.

  Dorie looked at Marcus. Perspiration was pouring off the man, and he seemed to be having trouble breathing. She knew how he felt. She just wanted to get back to her room and take a long cold shower. “Sorry, Marcus,” she said, “your idea doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell.” They left the rink before Leah and Mika skated back to their bench.


  Marcus Devon lay staring at the ceiling of his room. He ached all over for Leah Cross. He wondered if anyone had ever died from wanting a woman. His mind ran amok, trying to come up with ideas to get Leah Cross alone. No idea was too outlandish or dangerous. He had to be with her. His fascination had turned into a disturbing obsession demanding action.

  Dorie Cain thanked the heavens for the strong pressure of the cold water pounding her from the showerhead. She couldn’t recall ever being aroused by anything as much as she was by the skating of the mayor and the priest. It was like watching two lovers ravish each other fully clothed. It was difficult to explain. They had not touched each other inappropriately or suggestively, yet the entire performance was the most sensuous thing she had ever witnessed.

  She knew Marcus was losing it and wondered if she should call Baron and inform him of her concerns. Marcus was much more obsessed with being alone with the mayor than he was about getting the contracts Baron had insisted they bring back.

  She thought about the Cross family. They were the perfect family. Leah and Mika were so much in love; it practically poured off them. They were both devoted to Richie, and he was a perfect gentleman. They had done a great job of raising him.

  Marcus had brought her along with the idea of having her seduce the priest and have the mayor walk in on them before anything went too far. Of course, Marcus would swoop in and console the heartbroken Leah.

  The only problem with that little idea was the Crosses never got more than two inches from one another. They were always touching somehow: holding hands, Leah’s hand on Mika’s thigh, Mika’s arm around her, or their arms linked. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other. She couldn’t blame them. They were both breathtakingly beautiful. Both emanated the “not available” attitude loud and clear.

  Their appointment with the mayor was at ten the next morning. She made up her mind she would talk to the priest before that and let her know what was going on. She wanted no part of causing harm to the Cross family.


  “Are you awake,” Leah scooted closer to her wife.

  “I am now,” she grinned, wrapping her arms tighter around Leah. “How are you this fine morning?”

  “Much better,” Leah kissed her lightly. “Would you like pancakes for breakfast?”

  “Is the Pope Catholic?” Mika laughed.

  “Isn’t that sacrilegious or something, dear?” she whispered in Mika’s ear as if trying to keep the information between them.

  “No, that was a definite yes.” Mika grinned, trying to overcome the heat enveloping her body from Leah’s soft, warm breath and lips on her ear. “You have no idea how that turns me on?”

  “Hum…” Leah chuckled wickedly. “You think not?”

  “I think I have about, oh, eighteen pages of things you are going to owe me for on Tuesday,” Mika pulled her closer. “You probably need to take off Tuesday.”

  “I was planning to take off Wednesday also. Just to be safe. You know Tuesday night and all-day Wednesday.” Leah brushed Mika’s lips with hers. “Pancakes it is.” She slid out of bed before Mika could catch her.

  Richie had already made coffee and was filling their cups when they skid into the kitchen. Leah was squealing and running with Mika chasing her. They skidded to a stop with Leah in Mika’s arms. “Lady, you truly raised this young man right,” Mika laughed as she released her wife and reached for a cup of coffee. “Thank you, son.”

  Mika’s right, Richie thought, I do want the same type of marriage she and my mother have.


  Mika and Richie cleaned up the kitchen so Leah could head for the office. She had a few things she wanted to check on before her morning council meeting commenced.

  Mika dropped Richie off at his grandparents and arrived in the church a little after eight-thirty. She was surprised to find Dorie waiting for her in the office. Angie met her before she reached her office to let her know she had a visitor. “Would you mind staying in the room with us at all times?” Mika asked the secretary. “I don’t know what she wants.”

  “I had hoped we could speak in private,” Dorie was clearly uneasy with Angie in the room.

  “It is just church policy,” the priest shrugged. “Angie can hear anything I can hear.”

  “I’m not sure where to start,” Dorie frowned. “I am just concerned about Marcus. He has an unhealthy obsession with your wife.”

  “I gathered that,” Mika nodded. “Is he always like this with beautiful women?”

  “No,” she shook her head. “He has always been so cool and debonair; a real Prince Charming. Women—even married ones—usually eat out of his hand.”

  “He brought me here to seduce you and have your wife walk in on us before things got out of hand. Then he was going to step in and console your distraught wife.”

  “How can we help him?” Mika asked sincerely.

  “I don’t know. He’s in serious trouble at work. Our owner, Baron Goodson, was very upset with the contract he negotiated with Mayor Cross. He told him if he didn’t rectify this he would be out of a job. I certainly don’t blame you. I wouldn’t want my son pulled into the recording business at the age of thirteen.”

  “We might be able to help him with the contract business,” the priest smiled tightly, “But I don’t know what to do about his obsession with my wife. Frankly, I am concerned someone might get hurt.”

  “He has certainly reached the point where he might try to force himself on her,” Dorie blushed at the thought.

  “Could you get him now and bring him to talk to me?” Mika asked her.

  “I can try,” she stood to leave. “You have a wonderful family, Mika. I hope I will be as happy as you two obviously are when I marry.”

  “Thank you, Dorie. I hope you are, too. Do you think you can get Marcus here at 9:15?

  “I’ll try,” she said as she left the office.

  “Angie, please make certain I’m not disturbed,” the priest requested. “I need to talk to my wife.” She closed her office door and locked it.

  Mika made Leah jump when she appeared in front of her desk. “I forget you can do that,” Leah laughed. “To what do I owe this delightful intrusion?” she moved around her desk to kiss Mika.

  Mika told her of the conversation with Dorie. “I’m going to clear his mind of desire where you are concerned,” she said.

  “You can do that?”

  “I don’t like to, but I can,” the priest exhaled softly. “He is in an awful way. Then I thought we might agree to a recording contract for the band. No personal appearances. No concerts. Just records and promotional interviews. That way he can keep his job. The poor devil is completely obsessed with you. I know how I would feel if you didn’t love me the way I love you.”

  “Sounds like a great idea,” the mayor smiled, wrinkling her nose slightly because she knew it drove Mika crazy.

  “You’re fooling with me,” Mika dropped her voice to that deep; you’re so sexy sound and smiled.

  “Um, my favorite pastime.” Leah swayed sensuously back to her chair.

  “You’re working on page nineteen,” Mika laughed as she transported herself back to her office.

  As promised, Dorie brought Marcus to the priest’s office right on time. It was obvious the agent was nervous at meeting alone with the woman whose wife he coveted.

  Mika shook h
ands with Marcus, holding his hand between both of hers. It only took a second for the priest to remove any thoughts of love or desire concerning Leah from the man’s mind. She replaced the feelings with ones of respect and tremendous fondness like one would have for a sister.

  Marcus shook his head as if cobwebs had been removed from his brain. The light seemed to come back into his eyes, and he sincerely smiled for the first time since arriving in town.

  “I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me,” the priest said. “I hope you have enjoyed your time in our town.”

  “We have,” Marcus grinned. “I thank you and your lovely wife for your hospitality.”

  The two visited amicably for several minutes then the priest asked Dorie to join them. They crossed the street to the mayor’s office.

  “It must be nice to work just across the street from your wife,” Marcus said pleasantly.

  Mika nodded.

  When they arrived in Leah’s office, she offered them coffee and juice. Leah seated herself behind her desk, eager to complete their business. She went over what she and Mika had discussed, noting that all sales from recordings would go into a trust fund for all the boys in the band. The contract called for one recording session per year to produce an album of songs selected by the band. The band would help promote the album during the month of December.

  “You really should consider at least one concert a year to promote the album,” Marcus suggested. “We don’t have to include that in the contract. I just want you to know it is an option for promoting the album. You know the New York concert is already completely sold out for both nights. You will produce your mystery singer, right?”

  “I wasn’t aware of the sellout,” Leah frowned. “Yes, we will have the same Elvis impersonator.”

  Marcus and Dorie agreed the recording contract would help Marcus save face at his firm and signed all the necessary documents. Odette made copies, and the two departed, happy that they had accomplished something that would please their boss.

  “Looks like we have three weeks of hard practice ahead of us,” Mika noted.

  “I don’t know what I hate the most,” Leah nibbled at her wife’s neck, “you being away at night to practice or the thought of those women rubbing all over you at the concert. They throw their underwear at you,” she added disgustedly. “Harlots.”

  Mika laughed. “If it makes you feel any better, school is out for Christmas so we can practice during the day.”

  “Much better,” Leah kissed her.

  CHAPTER 25 - Elvis Has Left the Building

  They checked the boys and everyone else from their town into the Park Central Hotel. Leah and Mika stayed in their penthouse for privacy. Emily had insisted on a private room next to Richie and Isaac. Amber and Ruth were in the room on the other side of the two boys. Leah felt safe with so many people keeping an eye on her son.

  They had arrived four days early to give everyone a chance to explore New York. Mrs. Worth had arranged a private ferry to take the tourists to the Statue of Liberty. Mika and Leah enjoyed Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty since they missed it on their first trip. Mrs. Worth had arranged dinner for everyone at Ellen’s Stardust Diner located on Times Square. Ruth was especially interested in the singing waiters, waitresses, and the 1950’s nostalgia décor. It gave her some ideas for Naomi’s Diner.

  On their second night there, Mrs. Worth had arranged a private showing of Lion King, which the town folks loved. Mika and Leah enjoyed the musical and sharing the festivities with their son and Amber, who were squealing like kids over the production.

  Mrs. Worth organized buses to take everyone to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls for the day. Of course, Leah had to make certain everyone had passports. The teenagers loved the carnival atmosphere and all the sideshows and fun houses that lined the streets surrounding the falls. The older travelers were enthralled with the falls. Everyone was in awe of the Maid of the Mist ride under the falls. Mika and Leah skipped the trip to the falls, choosing instead to have a nice quiet, enjoyable day together. It wasn’t exactly quiet but it was enjoyable.

  The band had rehearsed every morning since their arrival, but Friday was the real buckle down and workday. Their lead singer showed up, and they did a complete dress rehearsal with Leah’s guards providing security. The guards were certainly needed. Word had gotten out that the singer would be on premise Friday and throngs had descended on the Music Hall seeking a peek. Of course, no one got past the queen’s guards.

  As the performance time drew near, the crowd outside the Music Hall grew larger. Every seat in the house was filled, and people were still trying to get in. A New York Police Crowd Control Unit showed up and began setting up crowd control barriers. Metal stanchions were used to push the crowd back from the theater.

  A police captain stormed into the Music Hall demanding to see the person in charge of security for the concert. Leah immediately introduced herself. Smiling her most dazzling smile, she assured the captain they had security and were just waiting to be told to deploy it.

  “Now is the time, Madam Mayor,” the captain smiled warmly at the petite woman who spoke so demurely.

  “Once my men deploy, Captain,” no one will be able to get into the Hall. Is that okay?” She asked.

  “Absolutely,” the captain replied. “As soon as your men are in place, I will need to withdraw my unit. There is a riot in the financial district. Those damn, uh sorry Mayor, those darn “occupy” people are raising a ruckus. Wanting free beer or something equally as ridiculous.”

  “I believe my men are in place now,” Leah smiled. She followed the captain outside and rather enjoyed the look on his face as he surveyed the wall of warriors. They were impressive. All of them were over six feet tall and dressed in protective, garb from head to toe. Their large shields bore the white crest of the House of Anthal. The shields touched perfectly creating an impenetrable wall. Their dress and helmets were extremely intimidating “Does this meet with your approval, Captain?”

  The man nodded silently; the woman certainly had a theatrical flair. She waved her hand, and one guard stepped aside to allow the captain to leave the area they were protecting. The captain wondered what security agency the mayor had used.

  Leah took her seat, front row center between Ruth and Amber. Emily was backstage so she could lead the band to safety as soon as the curtains closed.

  The theater lights dimmed, then went to total darkness. The band began playing Don’t Be Cruel as the curtain slowly began to slide open. A spotlight highlighted a man in tight leather pants and a leather jacket. He began to shake his leg and move to the music. The crowd went wild. His wonderful baritone voice began rocking the Elvis hit, Don’t Be Cruel.

  As the second song Treat Me Nice began, he gyrated his way to the front of the stage and knelt to sing to his wife. The roar of the crowd was deafening as he stood up to move around the stage and sing to all sides of the audience.

  Leah was dying. Even as a man Mika was electrifying. Mika’s rugged sexuality ignited every cell in her body, and she felt her desire mounting quickly. The pure animal magnetism of Mika was overwhelming.

  “No offense, Leah” Ruth screamed in her ear, “but I would give anything to hit that.”

  The mayor glared at her friend, then realized her wife—who looked like Elvis—had the same effect on every woman in the theater.

  “None, taken,” Ruth, she screamed back, “I can’t wait to hit that.”

  Ruth’s eyes went wide in surprise; then she laughed at the mayor’s use of a phrase she often criticized her for using.

  Like every other woman in the Music Hall, Leah screamed and clapped, jumping to her feet when Mika rocked her body. During the two-hour performance, Ruth wolf whistled and howled. They were like a pair of horny groupies at a rock concert.

  Mika was undulating her way toward the front of the stage when a purple-laced bra hit her and landed on her arm. Raising her eyebrows and smiling devilishly, she slipped the bra in
to her pocket. The crowd screamed even louder.

  “Oh, my God,” Ruth squealed at Leah. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  Mika wrapped up the performance with the Elvis hit Any Way You Want Me. As she finished the song, she parted the guards, walked into the audience, and took her wife’s hand. She pulled Leah onto the stage and sang the last stanza to her:

  “Ladies and gentlemen, my beautiful wife,” Mika smiled at her as if she were the only person in the theater. She slipped Leah’s bra inside her jacket. “Don’t even bother putting it back on,” she grinned suggestively. They both bowed several times as they backed away from the front of the stage. Mika swept her hand toward the band, and the boys stood and bowed.

  As the curtain closed, Leah dragged Mika into the wings and kissed her with everything she had. Mika was certain she had never been kissed like that before. She wanted more.

  The crowd was becoming restless, screaming “Encore,” and stomping their feet.

  “Come on, you two,” Ruth yelled. “You can make out in the bus. We’ve got to get the kids out of here.”

  As they ran out the back door and climbed into the bus, the announcer’s voice boomed across the hall. “Ladies and gentlemen the Choir Boys have left the building.” As they turned onto a side street, Leah could see her army still protecting the building. She waved her hand, and her knights disappeared.

  “You are so hot,” Mika breathed into her ear, wanting to lay her down right there on the bus.

  “Me?” she whispered, “I still haven’t caught my breath from that performance.”

  “Are you guys celebrating with us tonight,” Ruth grinned wolfishly, “or are you going to dump us again?’

  Richie gave them a pleading look from the front of the bus, and his mother moaned into the priest’s shoulder.


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