Two Different Worlds Box Set

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Two Different Worlds Box Set Page 40

by Donna Raider


  “Honey, watch this,” Mika called her wife as Leah descended the stairs. “This is incredible.”

  She rewound the scenes she had just witnessed, then observed her wife’s beautiful face as she watched hurricane- force winds sweep across the occupiers, dumping them, their makeshift housing and their garbage into the bay. A slight, knowing smile touched Mika’s lips.


  “It’s good to be home,” Leah snuggled into her wife’s arms. She slipped her arm across Mika’s abdomen and hugged her tightly. Mika lay still in their bed.

  Mika had been uncharacteristically quiet during the entire episode with Richie’s kidnappers. She had stepped back and let Leah handle the situation. She knew Mika was there if she needed her, but Mika hadn’t interfered. She had known the kidnapper’s biggest mistake was insisting on dealing only with Leah. If he had dealt with the priest, he and his partners would still be alive.

  “Want to tell me what you did to the kidnappers?” Mika asked softly.

  “No,” Leah sighed.

  After a long silence, Leah inhaled deeply and began to speak. “None of them died at my hands,” she said begrudgingly. “I simply returned to them the evil they perpetrated on our son.”

  “The police would have arrested them,” Mika noted.

  “Yes, and made a deal with the first one to squeal on the others. Then the low life occupy people would have demonstrated in front of city hall and the police station, claiming harassment. The spineless news media would have given them coverage and the fact that our son was kidnapped and beaten would never be mentioned.” Her tone was haughty and cold. “My way, they all got what they deserved.”

  “The gale that swept thru the financial district?” Mika’s words were more of a statement than a question.

  “Yes,” Leah said simply.

  Mika began gently stroking Leah’s back and shoulders. Thinking of how she saw everything in black and white. There were no gray areas in Leah’s mind; there was only right and wrong. She was of this world, an earthy witch that loved fiercely and dispensed justice fairly. Mika knew why God had given Leah to her. In many ways, Leah was much stronger than she was. Mika knew she tempered Leah’s fury, just as she expanded Mika’s understanding of love. ‘As wise as King Solomon,’ Richie had said. Richie was right. The fact that Leah hadn’t incinerated Emily was proof of her wife’s increasing tolerance of idiots.

  “Are you angry with me?” Leah asked. Her lips on Mika’s breast drove away any thoughts she was having and directed all the priest’s attention to the woman in her arms.

  “No, my love,” Mika pulled Leah on top of her, so their lips were touching. “I was just thinking how wise you are for one so lovely, wise as King Solomon.”

  “Umm,” Leah hummed against Mika’s lips. “When I’m through with you, could you tell me about King Solomon?”


  The kidnapping and subsequent rescue of Richie Cross gave Detective Stanley Carlyle’s career a tremendous boost. The priest had written a letter to the police commissioner, thanking him for the assistance of the police in locating her kidnapped son. Mika had specifically praised Detective Carlyle’s handling of the entire incident. Carlyle was quickly promoted to captain.

  Carlyle learned later that the Cross family was old money. They contributed large sums of money to the Police Association every year and underwrote scholarships for both officers and their children.

  “Who is the pretty lady, Daddy?” Stanley’s daughter was carrying the photo of Leah Cross that the detective had taken down from his crime board. As he did with all his cases, he had brought home a photo for his scrapbook.

  “That is a lady whose son was kidnapped. Daddy rescued him,” he smiled as he swung his daughter onto his lap.

  “I want to be a policeman, just like you, Daddy.” Carlie hugged her father and continued to study the photo of Leah Cross.

  CHAPTER 26 - Trouble in Paradise

  Leah was in the kitchen with music blaring, when Mika got home. She watched her dance around seductively as she prepared their evening meal. Again, Mika silently thanked her God for allowing her such a gorgeous woman. Only God knew how much Mika loved her.

  “Hi,” Leah smiled and continued her sexy dancing as she moved toward Mika, placing her arms around her neck and flattening the entire length of her body against Mika.

  Fire consumed her as Leah gyrated against her, slowly kissing her. Leah’s tongue requested entrance between Mika’s teeth. A request she gladly granted.

  Mika held Leah, caressing her, kissing her while moving her toward the sofa in the study. Leah flicked her wrist, turning off the burners on the stovetop.

  Later Leah lay naked on top of her. Mika’s gentle hands stroked her back as Leah listened to her wife’s heartbeat. “So,” Leah raised her head to look into Mika’s eyes, “did you get permission to skip the ordination ceremony?”

  “No. The Cardinal is going to attend. It’s no longer an invitation. It’s a command appearance,” Mika held her tightly, knowing she would pull away.

  Leah leaped to her feet, gathering her clothes that were strewn from the kitchen to the study. “Dinner shouldn’t take long,” she snapped.

  Leah was angry. Usually, she didn’t mind, was even proud of Mika’s devotion to her religion and the church; but to take Mika away from her for almost a week was ridiculous. They had been together for five years. The first two years just as platonic friends and the past three years as wife and wife. For over a thousand nights, she had slept in Mika’s arms. She couldn’t bear the thought of sleeping without her. From the first day, Mika barged into the diner Leah had seen her every single day in some context. She couldn’t fathom a day without Mika in it.

  “Honey, I’m trying,” Mika spoke over dinner. “I don’t want to be away from you anymore than you want me to. I thought I could beg off when the Bishop was performing the ceremony, but the Cardinal has decided to attend. I must be there. It is the rules.”

  “I hate your damn rules,” Leah snapped. “I am going to bed. Leave the dishes. I’ll clean up in the morning.”

  Mika cleared the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, giving it one last check over before turning out the light and heading upstairs to hold Leah.

  Leah was asleep, so she quietly closed the bathroom door and brushed her teeth. Mika shed her clothes and stepped into the hot shower letting the steamy water wash away the worries of her day. Leah’s beautiful face flashed across her mind; the sultry smile Leah had teased her with as she danced toward her today. Tradition be damned, Mika thought, no way was she spending a night away from Leah. She couldn’t. Mika had an overwhelming desire to hold Leah and tell her how important she was to her.

  Mika drew back the covers and slid into bed behind Leah. Leah had on her pajamas—the top and the bottoms. She had never done this to her before. Mika moaned and put her arm around Leah’s waist, pressing her back against her breasts. Leah was stiff and unreceptive to her hug. The bed couldn’t have been any colder if Leah had been an iceberg.

  After laying beside her for what seemed like hours, Mika slipped on her slacks and went downstairs. She paced the floor. She was hurt. Leah was treating her like a child, withholding her affections to punish Mika.

  Mika’s cell phone rang. As she answered it, she prayed for the answer she needed. “Yes, sir, tomorrow will be fine. No, I understand. I sincerely appreciate your call.” She pressed the button to end the call then tossed her phone onto her desk.

  Mika threw herself into her chair and tried to work on the papers on her desk. She tried to take her mind off the woman upstairs. She tried reading, but nothing made sense. She tried to work on her sermon for Sunday but could find no inspiration. She walked the floor; feeling like her entire body would explode. Her hands shook with the need to hold Leah. This must be what it’s like to try to kick an addiction, she thought. There was no doubt about it, dating Leah she desired her, but after making love to her every night, Mika craved her. She was se
verely addicted to Leah Cross.

  Finally, the clock showed six a.m. The diner was open. Mika was in desperate need of coffee. Rummaging silently in the hall closet, she found her clergy shirts and collars Leah had picked up from the dry cleaners.


  Mika sat in their booth farthest from the door, in the shadows. She was in no mood to talk to anyone. At seven, Sheriff Carver made her usual entrance, yelling to Ruth to bring her a cup of coffee. She was leaning against the counter, visiting with the waitress when her eyes fell on Mika. She looks like hell, she thought. She knew that look well. She had worn it several times during her relationship with Leah.

  “Trouble in paradise, Priest?” Emily slid into the booth across the table from Mika.

  Mika didn’t answer her, just stared at her. She had no desire to discuss her wife with Emily Carver or anyone else for that matter.

  The door swung open, and Leah stepped into the diner, pausing to survey the room that had started to fill with other customers. Her eyes came to rest on Mika, and a relieved smile curved her gorgeous lips. She walked slowly, sensuously toward her wife. Both Mika and Emily were mesmerized by the easy, rhythmic sway of her hips. No one should be so incredibly gorgeous and so unrelentingly aware of it. Mika and Emily thought as they exhaled the breath they had been holding.

  “Emily, darling, I believe you are sitting in my seat,” Leah’s voice dripped with false sweetness.

  Emily scooted over to make room for her to sit down next to her.

  “I need to speak with my wife,” Leah leaned down into the blonde’s face and hissed, “privately!”

  Emily scurried out the other side of the booth and headed toward Ruth at the counter.

  “You left without kissing me goodbye this morning,” Leah smiled sadly. “I believe that was a first for us.”

  “Two firsts in twenty-four hours,” Mika’s voice was low and full of pain, “I guess we’re on a roll.”

  “Ah, yes. Is that why you are so upset, dear,” Leah frowned. “I believe your little indiscretion was the ‘only’ first for us. As I recall, we made love before dinner.”

  The door to the diner swung open, and a young man in priest’s garb entered. “I have a special delivery for Leah Cross,” he announced.

  Ruth pointed him in Leah’s direction, and he walked to their table.

  “I have been instructed to wait for your answer,” he bowed as he handed her the letter he was carrying.

  Leah took the envelope and was astounded to see it bore her name and the papal seal. She delicately opened it, careful not to tear it. The card inside said, “The honor of your presence is requested at the ordination of Father Martin…”

  She looked up at the messenger and said, “Yes, of course.”

  The young priest handed Mika the second envelope. “I believe you want this back, Priest” he smiled as he handed the envelope to Mika.

  Mika nodded her head and took the envelope, letting it fall onto the table.

  “Aren’t you going to open it?” Leah asked. Then she noticed the address was in Mika’s handwriting.

  “No, Mika said softly, “You open it. It was all for you anyway.”

  Tears filled Leah’s eyes as she read the card inside the envelope.

  Your Eminence:

  It is with extreme regret, that I must inform you that I will not attend the ordination of Father Martin Miller. Important family matters prevent me from being present.”

  Yours faithfully,

  Priest Mika Cross

  Leah raised her eyes to meet Mika’s. She took both of Mika’s hands into hers and said softly, “Oh, darling, I am very sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

  She couldn’t get over the intense hurt that showed in Mika’s eyes. “Come,” Leah whispered, smiling seductively, “I need to teach you about makeup sex.”

  A swirl of purple smoke was all that remained in the booth as she transported them to their bedroom.

  “Lucky bastard,” Emily choked.

  “Yeah,” Ruth sighed.


  Mika sat on the side of their bed and watched Leah as she unbuttoned her shirt and collar. “How could you do that to me?” Mika whispered. “I love you so much. Why didn’t you give me the benefit of the doubt? You must know I can’t stand to spend a night away from you. I was working on fixing it. It was bad enough, and you only made it worse, using sex to manipulate me. I would never use the most beautiful thing between us to punish you.”

  Tears ran down Mika’s smooth cheeks and fell onto Leah’s hands. Leah’s heart ached. She thought she was going to be sick. She was just beginning to realize that she—and she alone—was the keeper of the heart and happiness of this angelic woman-child she had taken for her wife.

  “When I married you, I put my heart and all of my being in your keeping,” Mika said hoarsely, “I never dreamed you would use that to get your way about something.”

  Leah stared at her in disbelief. Mika was such an innocent. Leah had always used sex to get her way. Not with Mika, of course. They had always been in total agreement on everything. She realized that no one had ever cared enough about her to be hurt as deeply as she had hurt Mika. She knew how much Mika trusted her never to hurt her, and she had broken that trust.

  Leah kissed Mika softly, running her tongue over Mika’s lips. Straddling her on her knees, Leah pulled her head between her breasts and rocked Mika back and forth, stroking her soft blonde hair. “Baby, baby,” she hummed. Using the term of endearment, she had never used with anyone else but felt so right with Mika.

  Tears ran unchecked down Leah’s cheeks and fell into Mika’s hair. She loved her so much. Even more, than she had ever imagined.

  Leah wondered how long Mika could sit there without responding to her. Then Mika’s hands moved slowly up her back to unclasp her bra and pull it over her arms. Leah moaned softly as Mika’s soft lips found her nipple and then louder as her tongue caressed it slowly, deliberately stroking a fire in her that only Mika could put out.


  Later Leah lay beside Mika deeply inhaling as she tried to catch her breath. Mika had made love to her so tenderly, so gently, but Leah could still feel a fury in her that their lovemaking had not resolved. Leah knew she had created a chasm between them that she had to close.

  Leah nuzzled Mika’s neck, kissing her, nibbling at her. “You’re still angry with me?” She asked, knowing the answer. “You want to scream at me and shake me and make me understand how much I’ve hurt you, don’t you?”

  “Yes, but I’m sure I’ll get over it,” Mika turned her face away from Leah but held her tightly as if she were holding onto a life raft in deep, choppy waters.

  “You can make me pay,” Leah whispered. “You don’t have to make love to me as if I would break. I need you to make love to me.” Mika felt the intensity of her own desire as Leah trailed fingers down her back. Electricity shot through Mika, causing every cell in her body to tingle. Magic Leah was appearing. Mika was ready for her.

  Leah gasped as Mika rose above her and slid between her legs. She raked her nails down Mika’s strong muscular back to her narrow waist and dug them into her firm hips. She marveled at how perfectly Mika fit her in every way.

  Mika’s hands moved roughly over her body, demanding a response from every place she touched her. Mika slid her hands under Leah’s hips and raised them to meet her. Time after time, Mika brought Leah to the brink, only to back away and leave her begging. Leah ached for her. She wanted her. Leah begged Mika, but the blonde ignored her pleas, torturing her until she thought she would go mad. Leah’s magic was frantically demanding Mika provide the release Leah needed, but Mika had learned a long time ago, that while her magic was eager, impatient and possessively greedy, she had no reason to fear it.

  “Please, please,” Leah was sobbing uncontrollably, “please, Mika, use me, baby, please. Do whatever you want to me. I only want to please you. Use me for your pleasure.” Mika’s greatest pleasure was to please Leah, and she did.

  Mika supported herself with her arms on either side of Leah’s head, separating her body from Leah’s breasts. Mika looked at her as if she were seeing her for the first time. Mika locked eyes with Leah, watching her beautiful face as she lowered herself onto her and ended their agony. Leah’s scream ripped the night as she arched her back to meet Mika. She dug her nails into Mika’s back, pulling her into her, clutching her, holding her in place against her. Mika buried her face in her neck, moaning her pleasure into Leah’s hair.

  Mika collapsed on the bed beside her and pulled Leah into her arms. “Are you okay?” She whispered.

  “Yes,” Leah said weakly. Her body trembled from the exhaustion of their lovemaking. “I love you, Mika.”

  As always, Mika thrilled to the deep sensuous way Leah rolled her name off her tongue. “I love you too; darling and thank you for teaching me about make up sex. I rather enjoyed it.”


  They slept the rest of the day. Exactly thirty-six hours from the time they had disappeared in the purple haze, they walked through the door of the diner, holding hands and fawning over each other like newlyweds. They slid into their booth at the back of the diner. Mika caught Leah’s hands in hers and pulled her toward her. She leaned across the table and kissed Leah gently.

  “In the future,” she smiled mischievously, “can we just have makeup sex without the disagreement?”

  Leah nodded enthusiastically.

  “I never realized you liked it that rough,” Mika dropped her voice, almost whispering.

  “I like everything you do to me, baby,” Leah said in her sultriest voice.

  Mika blushed, “You know what you just did to me, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” Leah smiled wickedly as the booth filled with a purple haze, and they disappeared.


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