Two Different Worlds Box Set

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Two Different Worlds Box Set Page 46

by Donna Raider

  She had hurt Mika and publicly humiliated her. Emily had seized the opportunity to disgrace her further by making fun of her shelter. Leah didn’t blame Mika for not wanting to come home with her. The thought that Mika might never come home with her again was suffocating. She couldn’t breathe. She blindly stumbled up the stairs to their bedroom; loud sobs shook her small body. As she looked at their bed, Leah Cross experienced her first anxiety attack. Her heart pounded in her ears. Waves of nausea swept over her. The thought of never holding Mika in her arms again made her physically ill. She wanted to die.


  Mika walked for hours. It was after midnight. The snow was falling harder, and the temperature was far below freezing. She realized she was chilled to the bone and was thankful to find herself at the front door of her home. She quietly let himself in, slipped her shoes off in the foyer and silently climbed the stairs. Leah had left the low-level lighting on for her. She switched it off then opened the door to their bedroom.

  Leah had fallen asleep leaving on the nightlight. Mika tried not to look at her, knowing her resolve would vanish if she did. She closed the bathroom door and removed her wet, freezing clothes. She shivered from the cold and wished she had gotten her pajamas from the dresser drawer.

  Leah was awake when Mika emerged from the bathroom. She scanned her from the top of her blonde head to her toes. Mika was freezing. Leah could see the chill bumps on her arms. Mika could hardly control her body’s shivering.

  Leah tilted her head to the side and lifted the covers, exposing her perfect body. “You’re freezing, baby. Come, let me get you warm,” she said chastely.

  Mika didn’t even know why God had bothered giving her a brain. Her body always reacted to Leah on its own. Groaning, she slipped into Leah’s arms and let her pull her tight against her. Leah was so warm, soft and loving. Mika’s body heated up immediately as Leah stroked her back and down her hips. She pulled Mika’s cold face between her warm, luscious breasts and entangled their legs

  As warmth spread throughout Mika’s body, she shifted their positions, putting her arm under Leah’s neck and wrapping her other arm around her waist. Leah buried her face between Mika’s breasts. The warmth of her bed had almost lulled Mika to sleep when she felt tears drop onto her breast. “I love you so much,” Leah whispered. “Please, please don’t leave me.”

  “Leave you,” Mika jerked awake. “Why would I ever leave you? I could no more live without you than I could live without air.”

  A sob wracked Leah’s small body, and she clutched Mika closer. “I thought you had left me,” she cried. “I wouldn’t blame you. I was awful.”

  “I would never leave you, Leah,” Mika whispered. “You’re my wife. I love you. Remember the ‘til death do us part,’ bit?”

  “You didn’t come home with Richie and me tonight,” Leah pulled her closer.

  “I needed time to think. I wasn’t sure how to handle what happened tonight.” Mika stroked her hair, relishing the feel of Leah in her arms. She inhaled the scent of Leah, her senses on overload with the sheer ecstasy of Leah’s closeness. One thing Mika knew for sure; Leah could beat her twice a day, every day, just as long as she let her crawl into her bed at night.

  “I thought you hated me,” Leah whispered around the lump in her throat. “I thought you…”

  “Shush,” Mika said softly against her ear. “I had to formulate a plan to take care of what happened tonight. Sometimes I must get away from you to think clearly and pray.

  “I am so hurt that you still don’t trust me. You didn’t even give me the benefit of the doubt. You immediately accepted the idea that I would kiss another woman.”

  “In my heart, I hoped there was some excuse,” Leah raised up on her elbow to look into Mika’s eyes. “A tiny part of me thought there was. Otherwise, I would have turned you both to ashes.”

  “Did you see the expressions on everyone’s faces tonight?” Mika asked wearily.

  “Yes,” Leah choked. “They think I am still the Wicked Queen.”

  “If Max had treated Mary the way you treated me tonight, we would have arrested him for spousal abuse and thrown away the key.” Mika exhaled deeply. “We can’t counsel others if our behavior is worse than theirs. We must set examples.

  “You wiped out everything we have accomplished in the last five years.” She kissed Leah’s arm that was propped by her head. “You are so good and have come so far. We have to find a way to help you control your jealous temper.”

  “I know,” Leah sighed. “You don’t understand. You don’t have a jealous bone in your body.”

  “You’re wrong,” Mika’s voice dropped to that deep, dangerous level Leah had learned to recognize. “Every time I am reminded that others shared your bed before me, it makes my heart hurt. On the frequent occasions, the sheriff reminds me that she had intimate relations with you; it makes me sick to my stomach.

  “I have a demented parishioner that comes in every single day and confesses to sleeping with you the night before,” Mika grimaced. “I don’t know if it is wishful thinking on his part or reminiscing. He owns the stable. I still get a twinge of pain every time he talks about making love to you.”

  “I would never intentionally cause you anguish,” Leah said softly. “You know you’re my only lover.”

  “I’m sure of that,” Mika kissed her gently, “but were you involved with him before me?”

  “Briefly,” she hung her head. “We had a few dates. He had a son. I thought his wife was dead, but she showed up out of nowhere. I stopped seeing him as soon as I realized he had a wife. Honestly, I was appalled that he wanted to sleep with me when he had a wife. It made me lose respect for him.”

  “Did you have relations with him?” the priest asked.

  “Once, before his wife materialized,” Leah’s voice was barely more than a whisper. “He wanted to leave his wife for me, but I am no home wrecker. You know how I feel about infidelity. I told him to stay with his family and leave me alone.

  “He was always telling me what an honorable man he was, but he was willing to cheat on his wife.” Leah looked away from the pain in her wife’s eyes. Her admission made her own stomach churn. “Sleeping with him made it easier to leave him. He wasn’t very good and what I originally thought was an accent turned out to be a speech defect.”

  “And Legion,” Mika’s voice was still the dangerous tone. “You keep secrets from me. I know something is going on there. I never push you for answers, but after five years, I think you know me well enough to trust me with everything.”

  She gasped as if mentioning the man’s name in their bed would have dire consequences.

  Mika waited, but she said nothing. “See what I mean?” She said. “Leah, you can trust me. I know everyone in your life has let you down, but please, love me as if no one has ever hurt you.”

  They lay in silence for a long time. Leah knew she had to close the distance that she had created between them. “I have a contract with Legion,” she spoke so softly Mika barely heard her.

  “What kind of contract?” Mika had a sinking feeling.

  “Legion taught me magic,” Leah answered. “I was desperate to get away from my mother and out of my miserable life with the king. Legion convinced me that magic was my only way out. He is more than just a man. He is the Vile One, evil beyond imagination. He taught me magic in exchange for my…,” her voice trailed off as she searched for words to tell Mika of her evilness.

  “I never believed I would have to honor the contract,” she cried. “I was certain I would never want to…”

  “Want to what, Leah?” Mika’s voice was low but insistent.

  “Have a child.” She whispered.

  “The contract is for…,” Mika gasped.

  “My first born,” Leah said her voice heavy with defeat and self-loathing.

  Of all the things Leah expected, it wasn’t what Mika did next. She kissed her, moving her soft, warm lips against hers. She marveled at the feel of Mika’s
lips. Leah hesitantly moved her tongue between Mika’s lips and thrilled at the feel of her tongue meeting hers. A sudden wave of emotion swept through her as Mika pressed against her, her tongue searching, seeking Leah’s. Tears ran down her face as she marveled that her wife still wanted to hold her, touch her.

  It made Mika’s heart hurt to see her cry. She slowly kissed away Leah’s tears.

  “I can take care of Legion,” Mika whispered in her ear, moving against her, “I will never let anything hurt you or our family.”

  “I don’t think you know how powerful Legion is,” Leah sobbed against Mika’s lips.

  “I don’t think you know how powerful I am,” Mika said honestly.

  Leah pulled back, gazing deep into Mika’s sky-blue eyes. She trusted her. Mika had always made things right in their lives, despite her. No one had ever protected her and Richie like Mika.

  “I want my angel,” Leah murmured against her lips as she undulated her body against Mika’s. “I only get her when we take our anniversary vacation on the boat. I truly need her tonight.”

  “Too close to civilization, it’s dangerous for us,” Mika said, her voice filled with desire for Leah.

  “Please, darling,” she whispered. “Please.”

  “I thought you were…um, you know, Cranky Leah,” Mika mumbled.

  “Gone.” She made the one syllable word sound so sensuous, Mika whimpered.

  “Transport us to the clearing on top of the mountain outside of town,” Mika gave into her request.

  As soon as they materialized in the clearing, Mika pulled Leah’s back tight against her breasts and unfurled her wings, wrapping them around Leah, bringing the warmth, comfort and unconditional love Leah always found there. They rose into the sky until the earth was a small spec beneath them. Still facing away from her, Leah began to stroke Mika’s arms. She turned her head and kissed her bicep. She reached down to her thighs and raked her nails up them. Mika cried out at the pain and pleasure. “You know what I want,” Leah said softly.

  Mika released her from her arms and gently pushed Leah down on her hands and knees, Mika’s wings providing the foundation for their lovemaking. Mika caressed Leah’s breasts and ran her hands down her flat stomach coming to rest between her thighs, gently spreading them apart. Leah’s moans of pleasure thrilled her almost as much as the touch of her. Mika slowly kissed down her spine. Leah fisted soft feathers as Mika moved to fulfill her request. Her strong hands and powerful arms held Leah in position. Their carnal cries filled the universe as they used each other in the most pleasurable ways.

  Leah slumped forward, falling face down onto the downy softness of Mika’s wings. She loved the soft feel of the feathers against her stomach. “Turn me over,” she begged.

  Mika gently turned Leah to face her, her wings holding Leah as her hands caressed her entire body. Mika’s fingers left a path of tingling fire everywhere they trailed against Leah’s skin. Her magic danced to the surface, meeting Mika touch for touch, starting a fire of desire they weren’t sure they would ever be able to put out.

  Mika’s lips sought hers, demanding, begging, exploring as if she had never kissed her before. Leah pulled Mika down to her, “Please, baby, love me,” she breathed into her ear, sending a charge through Mika that electrified her entire being. Mika was certain her ears were going to start bleeding. She did everything she knew to please her, to make her feel what she was feeling, to let her know that she would always be at her beck and call. Mika’s lips trailed from Leah’s to her neck and the little hollow place in her throat that always made her moan. Mika slowly kissed her way to Leah’s taut breasts. Her lips kissed all around them but didn’t touch her nipples. Leah pleaded and cried out as Mika teased her nipples, running her tongue slowly around them, but careful not to touch them.

  “Oh, God, Mika,” she cried, tangling her hands in blonde hair and pulling Mika’s mouth down onto the breast she was teasing. After positioning Mika where she wanted her, Leah raked her nails down Mika’s sides as she arched toward her, desperately clutching Mika into her. She used her nails like Spurs, directing Mika to move, as she wanted her to, driving her faster and harder.

  Mika could feel her release all the desire, all the pain, and all the fear. She knew Leah had given herself to her completely, holding nothing back. Mika looked down into her incredibly hypnotic brown eyes and saw the promise of eternity. Mika collapsed onto her, moaning her name and vowing always to love and protect her.

  Leah hugged Mika tighter. “Is it possible for us to have a baby?” She asked.

  “If two teenagers fumbling around in the back seat of a car can procreate, I’m certain you and I can find a way,” Mika murmured.

  The sun was coming up as they returned to the clearing. Leah immediately transported them to their bedroom. They quickly showered together. Mika dressed as Leah finished her makeup and hair. Mika sat in the oversized chair in their bedroom watching her wife as she moved about the room. She closed her eyes and moved her lips as if in silent prayer.

  “What are you doing?” Leah bent down to kiss her. “Praying or giving thanks.”

  “Both,” Mika laughed. “I don’t like to do this, but I just replaced everyone’s memory of last night with a scene of me following you outside like a love-struck teenager trying to get to first base.”

  “Thank you,” Leah hung her head humbly. “I will do my best to make certain that will not be necessary in the future.”

  “We live too close to Salem for rumors about witchcraft to start circulating.” Mika laughed as if she was joking, but she knew the history of Salem and the witch hunts that had been conducted there.”

  A frown darkened Leah’s face, “Have there been other witches here?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” Mika said thoughtfully. “To my knowledge, you are the first. Several young women were put to death as witches in the early days of America’s darkest history.”

  Leah sat on her lap, putting her arms around Mika’s neck and kissing her soundly. “I love you so much, darling.”

  A knock on their door pulled their thoughts from the incredible night they had just shared. Dread filled Leah as she thought about facing their son. Richie had been frantic last night, unwilling to let her console him. She flicked her wrist, unlocking the door, and called for him to come in. She steeled herself for the look of fear and distrust she knew would be in his eyes.

  “I knew you would be making out,” Richie faked disgust. “Come on, if we hurry, we’ll have time for breakfast before our match.”

  “We’re right behind you, son,” Mika grabbed the car keys and pitched them to the boy. “Why don’t you drive? Your mother and I will sit in the back seat.”

  “No way,” Richie laughed, throwing the keys back to the priest who raised a questioning eyebrow. “I’m not driving anywhere with you two making out in the back seat.”

  “Smart boy,” Leah plucked the keys from her wife’s hand, “I’ll drive.” She was relieved the Mika had taken care of their son’s disappointment in her, too.

  The diner was crowded, but Ruth had their table reserved for them and placed their coffee and Richie’s hot chocolate on the table as they sat down. “The usual,” she asked.

  They nodded. “Amber’s too,” Richie smiled, “she’s on her way right now.” Almost on cue, Amber opened the diner door.

  “You two bowled an unbelievable game last night,” their son’s enthusiasm filled the room. “Weren’t they awesome, Amber?” Richie moved over to make a place for the blonde beauty to sit by him.

  “Awesome,” Amber repeated as Ruth brought her coffee and joined into the discussion about the bowling abilities of the priest and mayor.

  “Two perfect games on one team,” Ruth laughed. “If Amber and Richie improve even a little bit, you guys should win the tournament. You two seem more relaxed than you have all week,” Ruth added with a twinkle in her eye. “Did you get a little R&R last night? With the emphasis on recreation.”

hing is almost over,” Leah blushed slightly. “After tonight, we can all get some much-needed rest.” As always, her left hand rested on her wife’s thigh. She could feel the surge of energy go through Mika, as she teased her with her magic. Mika’s eyes widened briefly then she was back in control.

  “Um hum,” Ruth bobbed her head knowingly.


  As soon as they arrived at the bowling alley, the priest pulled Gloria aside. “Are you truly dedicated to the priesthood?” Mika studied Gloria’s face, waiting for her answer.

  “I am,” the young priest answered. “I do wish I could have a wife, too, but I’m not so certain the church would grant me the same exception as you.”

  “That is a bridge I will help you cross if you ever find someone you want to marry.” Mika’s look was stern and stoic. “I can tell you it will never happen if you get involved with another man’s wife.”

  Gloria’s head jerked up as her eyes locked with her mentor. “I…I don’t…” she was at a loss for words.

  “Don’t mistake your sympathy for Mary for love,” Mika counseled the woman. “Nothing good can come from you getting involved with another man’s wife. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you are alone with her. Mary is very vulnerable right now. Don’t take advantage of her emotional state.”

  “I would never intentionally do that,” Gloria gasped.

  “Just make certain you don’t,” Mika said solemnly. “It is probably best if Leah and I counsel them as a couple from now on.”

  Gloria nodded. She was thankful the priest had intervened.

  CHAPTER 29 - Cool Girls Don’t Dig Antiques

  The final four teams in the tournament were the two from Leah’s town New Judah, one from Brighton and one from Augusta. Richie’s team advanced in their bracket, and Emily’s team lost to Brighton. Brighton and Richie’s team were bowling for the trophy. A lot of good-natured teasing was going on, as the match got underway. The best two out of three games would decide the winner.


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