by Lisa Napoli
power shift at, 3, 233
with presidential debates, 209–10
profits, 232
programming, 137, 160, 179, 208, 228
Progressive Club and, 140–42, 141, 165, 189, 193, 245
ratings, 239
with Reagan, Ronald, shooting of, 213–19
retyping pool and, 192
revenue, 210–11, 242
salutes, 191, 209
satellites, 193, 193, 202, 209, 222
Schonfeld, Pat, and, 164, 167, 177, 179, 186, 199, 243, 245
Schonfeld, “Reese,” and, 124–27, 129–35, 137, 144, 148, 152–53, 155, 157, 159, 162–67, 170–72, 174–80, 183, 186–87, 191, 194, 197–99, 200–201, 204, 204, 208–10, 212, 217, 222, 225
Schorr, Daniel, and, 137–38, 148–50, 170, 176, 176, 210, 213, 218, 225
staff turnover at, 212, 220
Take Two, 228–29
twentieth-anniversary party, 241–43, 245
twofer hiring at, 177
video journalists and, 183, 186–88, 190, 190, 197
viewer numbers, 1, 138, 160, 208–9, 223, 232
WTBS and, 196, 210
CNN2, 220
CNN College, 187–88, 190, 190
CNN: The Birth of a Network, 196
Coast Guard, US, 24, 25, 76
Cold War, 234
Cole, Nat King, 198
Colombo, Joe, 115
color television, 55
commercials. See also advertisements with direct marketing business, 66–68, 152
playback, 188
sponsors, 8, 64
Community Antenna Television (CATV), 80
Concepcion, Dave, 88
Congress, U.S., 209
Coors, Joseph, 58, 120, 125 on Turner, Ted, 60
TVN and, 56–57, 109, 162
Courageous, 98–99, 107–8, 189
Couric, Katie, 228
Cowgill, Fred, 183–84
Crane, Bob, 55
Crawford, Joan, 19
Crime Watch Tonight (television show), 238
Cronkite, Walter with Charlemagne, 78
comparisons to, 76, 136, 206
influence of, 74
Kennedy, John, assassination and, 50–51
sailing and, 126, 131
on Telstar, 46
as trusted source, 70, 70
Crossfire (current events debate show), 237
C-SPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network) birth of, 150–51, 198
Gore and, 199
Cuba. See Castro, Fidel
Cuban Missile Crisis, 170, 225
Cuban refugees (Marielitos), 222
Cugat, Xavier, 142
Curle, Chris, 228
Czechoslovakia, 11
Dallas (television show), 208
Dallas News (newspaper), 10
Dead Ernest, 64
Deep Valley (television show), 66
Dimbleby, Richard, 46
direct marketing business, commercials with, 66–68, 152
Dixon, Jeane, 131
Donahue, Dan, 86
Donahue, Phil, 179
Donnelly, William, 200
Dorsey, Tommy, 142
Douglas, Mike, 237
Dr. Ehrlich’s Magic Bullet (television show), 66
Dr. Feelgood, 67
DuMont network, 55
Dunphy, Jerry, 169
earth stations FCC and, 100
installation of, 87, 135
limitations, 87, 153–54
primed and ready, 97
role of, 84, 105–6
Scientific Atlanta with, 58, 83
Edison, Thomas, 157
E-gor’s Chamber of TV Horror Show Hosts, 64
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 49–50
Elizabeth II (Queen of England), 44–45
Ellerbee, Linda, 180
entry-level jobs CNN and, 183–86
wages, 184
Epstein, Harry, 141
ESPN, 150
Evans, Rowland, 131
Fairbanks, Mary, 157
“family concept,” 72
fans Atlanta Braves promotions for, 89–90, 95
Tush with mail from, 81–82
Farmer, Don, 228
farm report, CNN, 193–94
Farnsworth, Philo T., 7
Fastnet competitors, 147
surviving, 146–50, 152
“Yachtsman of the Year” at, 194–95
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) with illegal activities, 119
surveillance, 103–4
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with cable operators, decision on, 81
with earth stations, 100
HBO and, 58
lobbyists and, 122
news and, 79
UHF channels and, 18, 55
WRET and, 155
Feeney, Chub, 96
First Amendment, 115, 217–18
Fiscus, Kathy, 5–6, 8, 9–11
FitzGerald, Edward, 23
Flair, Ric “Nature Boy,” 142
Fonda, Jane, 2, 3, 234, 243
Ford, Gerald, 216
Forum of Public Affairs at Harvard University, 1–4
Fox News, 242
Freeman, Sandi CNN and, 180–82, 244
firing of, 237
rehiring of, 238
The Freeman Report, 182
Friday Night Frights (television show), 64
Friendly, Fred, 72
Fromme, Squeaky, 110
Frost, David, 180
Future Shock (television show), 66
Gameboree, Eddie Glennon, 88
Gannett, 234
gardens, at CNN, 193–94, 220
Garroway, Dave, 44
Gaut, Tom, 208
General Electric (GE), 234
General Outdoor, 27
George Washington Hospital, 214
Georgia Championship Wrestling (television show), 65, 110
Ginsu Knife, 66, 152
Gold Diggers of 1933 (television show), 66
Goldsmith Career Award for Excellence in Journalism, 1
Goldwater, Barry, 30
Gone with the Wind (film), 30, 233
Goodwill Games, 234
Gore, Albert, 199
Grass Valley 1600 switcher, 145, 145
Greig, Joan, 208
Gulf War, 241
Gunn, Greg, 67
ham radio operators, 90
Handy-Looky, 71
Harp, Clyde, 10
Hart, Gary, 232
Hart, Lois, 177, 203–4, 206
Harvard University, 1–4, 23, 37
HBO. See Home Box Office
Headline News, 234, 242
Hearst, Patty, 71, 110
Heater, Gabriel, 36
Hecht, Ben, 115
Helfrich, Bunky, 142, 146, 147–48, 194, 232
Helms, Jesse, 234
Hillis, John, 173
Hitler, Adolf, 99, 235 Alexander the Great and, 89
at Olympic Games (1936), 6–7
rise of, 36
Turner, Ted, and, 24, 33, 89, 102, 104, 224
hockey, 65, 98
Hogan, Gerry, 138–39
Hogan’s Heroes (television show), 66, 72
Holliman, John with CNN farm report, 193–94
Gulf War and, 241
Home Box Office (HBO), 242 critics of, 84
early years, 2, 82, 121, 123
FCC and, 58
growth of, 124, 128, 153
home videotape recorder, 122
The Honeymooners (television show), 38
Hope, Bob Atlanta Braves and, 86–90, 95–97, 99–100, 102
on club stats, 86
with promotions for fans, 89–90, 95
Turner, Ted, and, 89–90, 95, 99–100, 102
Horner, Bob, 129
Howitt, Robert, 200
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 237
Hrabosky, Al, 96
Hudspeth, Ron, 94
Hughes, Howard, 178
r /> Humphrey, Robinson, 31
Huntley-Brinkley Report, The,170
Hyland, Frank, 94
I Love Lucy (television show), 38, 66, 110, 119, 138, 152, 188
Independent Network News (television show), 157, 160–61
Independent Television News Association (ITNA) with Independent Network News, 157, 160–61
member stations, 110, 143
Schonfeld, “Reese,” and, 109–11, 117, 120, 129, 130–32, 142–43, 146, 160–61, 162
“industrial music” circuit, 180–81
Inside CNN manual, 188–89
Internet news, 242
Israel Day parade, 206
ITNA. See Independent Television News Association
Ivicek, John, 181
Ivy Five, 181
Jackson, Maynard, 98
Japan, 53, 71, 235
Jews, 111, 125, 143 anti-Semitism and, 6, 18, 23, 104, 118, 164
Orthodox, 113–14
at Progressive Club, 140, 141, 232
Russian, 140
WNEW and “The Jew Crew,” 112–13
in World War II, 36
J. Fred Muggs, 44, 78
Jobson, Gary, 106
Johnson, Lyndon, 29
Johnson, Tom, 243
Jordan, Vernon, 205
Jorgensen, Bill, 113, 116
Kaltenborn, H. V., 36
Kandel, Myron, 131
Kapstein, Jerry, 104, 125
Kaufman, Monica, 72
Kavanau, Ted “Mad Dog” career, 111–17, 120, 131, 143
CNN2 and, 220
CNN and, 165, 168, 170–74, 183–84, 186–87, 191–94, 203, 208, 220–21
at CNN launch, 193–94, 203
gardens at CNN and, 193
with “The Jew Crew,” 112–13
Nagle and, 171–74, 203, 220–21
with news production, philosophy on, 173
Reinhardt and, 191–92
reputation, 111, 113
Schonfeld, “Reese,” and, 238
video journalists and, 183–84, 186
WNEW Channel 5 and, 111–16, 157
work ethic, 115, 172
Kennedy, Caroline, 53
Kennedy, Joan, 182
Kennedy, John F., 47–53, 170, 206, 215, 217
Kennedy, Ted, 180, 181–82
Kenyon, Sandy, 215, 218–19
Kerkorian, Kirk, 233
Kessler, Edward, 202
Killer Khan, 196
King, Alan, 55
King, Larry, 244
Kirk, Ron, 75–76
Kitchell, Jim, 169–70, 183, 212
Klensch, Elsa, 131
KMID, 231
Knott, Thomas Joseph, 185–86
KNXT, 71
Koppel, Ted, 1
Kritsick, Steve, 131
Kroc, Ray, 91
Krugerrands, 211
KTLA, 6, 8, 11
KTVU, 110
KTXL, 110
Kubasik, Ben, 157, 158
Kuhn, Bowie, 98, 99, 101, 104
Lamb, Brian, 198–99
Landsberg, Evelyn, 7–8
Landsberg, Klaus, 6–11
LaserPhoto, 162
Laurent, Lawrence, 55
Leach, Kathy, 234
Lee, Robert E., 18
Leonard, Bill, 200–201, 211–12
Levin, Gerald, 2, 58
Levin, Jerry, 124, 242
Lewis, Jerry, 66
Life (magazine), 51–52
lobbyists, FCC and, 122
locker rooms, at Progressive Club, 165
Los Angeles Times (newspaper), 211
Lucas, Bill Atlanta Braves and, 99, 129–30, 156
on Turner, Ted, 95
Lundy, Ron, 14
Lurie, Bob, 98
MacArthur, Douglas, 51
Major League Baseball (MLB). See also Atlanta Braves expansion of, 85
on UHF, 65
wages for players, 92, 96
World Series and, 86, 87, 97–98, 103
Marielitos (Cuban refugees), 222
Masked Superstar, 142
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 139
Matthews, Gary, 98
Maxwell, Jane, 242 CNN and, 162–71, 177, 205, 220
legacy, 232
McClure, Cissy, 231
McClure, Jessica, 231–32, 236, 238–39
McClurkin, Lee, 31
McGuirk, Terry, 149, 154
McRae, Gordon, 198
Messersmith, Andy, 96
MGM, purchase of, 233
MGM film library, 79, 233, 237
Miller, Jonathan, 206
Minshew, Wayne, 85–86
“Miracle Painter,” 66
Miss America beauty pageant, 47
MIT. See Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MLB. See Major League Baseball
Monroe, Marilyn, 42
Monsky, Mark, 157
Mormon Tabernacle Choir, 47
Morning Show (television show), 78
“Mouth of the South,” 1, 88, 98, 104, 158. See also Turner, Ted
Movietone, 37–39, 40–42, 51
MSNBC, 242
MTV, 234
Muchmore, Marie, 52, 53
Mufax wire machine, 44
Murdoch, Rupert, 233–34
Murrow, Edward R., 36, 54, 117–18, 119, 225
Muse, Reynelda, 176, 204, 204
“My Way,” 33
Naegele, Bob, 27, 28–29
Nagle, Alexander Cooper III CNN and, 171–75, 178, 190, 191, 203, 205, 220–21
death of, 220–21
Kavanau and, 171–74, 203, 220–21
as mentor, 173–74, 190
with news production, philosophy on, 173
with staff hires at CNN, 175
on Turner, Ted, 178
National Basketball Association (NBA), 101–2
National Christian Network, 153
National League (NL), 96
National Press Club, 209, 225
National Public Radio (NPR), 120
National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association, 104
Nazis, 6–7, 42, 211
NBA. See National Basketball Association
NBC affiliates, 18, 65, 155
commercial sponsors on, 8
programming on, 238, 239
Telstar and, 45–46, 47
NBC News early years, 40–41
with Elizabeth II, coronation of, 44
Kennedy, John, assassination and, 50
Today and, 44, 54, 78, 181
“Nearer My God to Thee,” 160, 195, 196, 196, 245
Netherlands, the, rescue missions in, 117
Network (film), 131
networks. See also specific networks affiliates, 18, 65, 155, 173
with AT&T transmission bill, 41, 55, 56
dominance of, 110
failed, 55–56
with news, 70, 70–71, 167, 218–19
power of, 40–41, 42, 70, 83–84, 211
Neuharth, Al, 234
Newhart, Bob, 55
news. See also television news American Society of News Editors, 225
FCC and, 79
Internet, 242
networks with, 70, 70–71, 167, 218–19
Radio Television News Directors Association, 220
violence in, 113, 205–6
WTCG, 68–70, 70, 72–79, 77
newscasters. See also reporters CNN and, 174–78
wages for, 72, 76, 127, 132, 174
women, 71–72, 155, 175–76, 204, 204
WTCG, 68–70, 70, 72–79, 77
newspapers, 158–59. See also specific news outlets
newsreels, 37–42
Newsweek magazine, 137–38
New York Daily News (newspaper), 109
New York Mets, 92
New York Stock Exchange, 179
New York Times (newspaper), 3, 40, 120, 241
speech at, 156–57, 158
New York Yacht Club, 92, 104
New York Yankees, 98
Nickelodeon, 135
Nix, Orville, 53
Nixon, Richard, 71, 119, 132, 170
NL. See National League
Novak, Robert, 131, 199
The Now Explosion (television show), 32
NPR. See National Public Radio
nuclear war, 195, 228, 235
Nye, Judy Gale, 25, 27, 30
Ochs, Adolph, 3
O’Gorman, Pat. See Schonfeld, Pat
Olympic Games (1936), 6–7
O.N. See Overmyer Network
Onyx C8000, 189
Orthodox Jews, 113–14
ostrich race, 97
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 53
Overmyer, Daniel, 54–56
Overmyer Network (O.N.), 55–56
Paar, Jack, 225
Paley, William, 149
Paramount Pictures, 7, 143
Party Ring, 67
Pauley, Jane, 181
pay television, 19–20, 31, 80
PBS, 210
People (magazine), 91
Pepper, Guy, 187, 202
Philadelphia Phillies, 47
philanthropy Fonda and, 3
Turner, Ted, and, 3
Pickford, Mary, 157
Pike, Sid, 143
WTCG and, 64, 66, 78–79, 104, 108
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (newspaper), 10
Planet Hope, 33, 61, 84
Playgirl magazine, 197
popular culture television and, 38, 70
televisions and, 10, 11–12
pornography, 103, 116, 147
Povich, Maury, 180
presidential bid, 103, 106, 195, 235
presidential debates, 209–10
Presley, Elvis, 3
press corps, 6, 48–49, 86, 213
Pressman, Gabe, 116, 157
Prime Time, 153
Progressive Club, 245 CNN launch at, 193–206, 196
under construction, 189
Jews at, 140, 141, 232
locker rooms at, 144, 165
purchase price, 141, 141, 142
YMCA at, 141
promotions, for Atlanta Braves fans, 89–90, 95
publicity stunts, for Atlanta Braves, 91, 97, 98