Seduced by a SEAL (Alpha SEALs Book 10)

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Seduced by a SEAL (Alpha SEALs Book 10) Page 12

by Makenna Jameison

  “I’m not interested,” she repeated, picking up her pace.

  “Hey beautiful, don’t be like that,” he said, lightly touching her arm.

  She screamed and jumped away from him, watching as he backed away in surprise. “Chill out, lady,” he said.

  She trembled, taking another step away from him, and then turned and ran. She didn’t even care where she was headed, as long as it was far away from both of them. Racing toward the first covered area she spotted, she ran into a large parking garage attached to a luxury hotel. She didn’t want to rush into the lobby and make a scene, soaking wet and panicked, but the garage would shelter her from the rain at least while she called Emma.

  Rubbing her damp fingers on her soggy dress as she tried to dry them, she swiped the screen on the phone Colton had given her with a trembling hand. Hunter’s name was right at the top as her most recent contact, with Emma’s right below.

  She glanced up as a car pulled into the garage, its headlights cutting through the dim light. Hesitating only a second, she scrolled down to Colton’s name.

  She froze as she listened to it ring on the other end of the line, debating if she should just hang up altogether. She hadn’t even spoken to him for a few days, when she’d made it clear he’d betrayed her. Her heart pounded in her chest, and just as she almost lost her nerve, Colton answered, his deep voice ricocheting right through her. Doing funny things to her insides. Making her feel warm and safe despite the chill.

  “Kitten, are you okay?” he asked. “Hunter said Emma was looking for you. You were supposed to meet up for lunch? Where are you?”

  “There were these guys,” she gasped, choking back a sob. “I was on the boardwalk, in the rain. I was walking—” she cut off, taking a deep breath, realizing she wasn’t making any sense.

  “What guys?” Colton asked, immediately sounding alert. “Are you okay?”

  “They just—they were following me. They wanted me to come back to their hotel to get out of the rain. He touched my arm, and I panicked. Now I’m soaking wet in a parking garage somewhere—I don’t even know where I am. What if they come back?”

  “I’ll come get you,” he said immediately. “Are you right by the beach? Did they follow you?”

  “No, I got scared and ran away. I’m in a parking garage,” she repeated, looking around as she wiped her eyes. “I ran in here to get out of the rain. I’m not sure where exactly—I think it’s attached to a hotel. I walked and walked after Emma dropped me off—the boardwalk ended, and there were just houses.” Unable to stop herself, she burst into tears.

  “Kitten, what’s the name of the hotel? Are you at the north end of the beach?”

  “I don’t know,” she gasped, taking in big gulps of air. “I can go look, I guess. I’m scared. I just don’t know what to do.”

  “I’ll ping your phone,” Colton said.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, taking another deep breath.

  “Track your location. We’ve got computer guys on base—should take just a minute or two. I’ll be there in twenty minutes”

  “But why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why are you willing to come? I told you the other day that I didn’t even want to talk to you, no? And now you’re willing to drop everything and come find me?”

  There was a pause on the other end of the line. “I want you to be safe, kitten. Hell, if you don’t want to stay with me, I’ll drive you back to Hunter and Emma’s. Drop you off at another team member’s house. Wherever you want to go. Wherever you’d feel safe. But I’m not about to leave you alone and scared.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, looking around as a car engine started. “Please hurry.”

  That seemed to snap Colton back to attention, because suddenly he was all business again. “I’m on my way, kitten. Don’t move. I’m coming to get you.”

  Chapter 19

  Colton flew down Atlantic Avenue, the road that ran parallel to the Virginia Beach strip, white knuckling the steering wheel of his SUV. Fucking hell. What on earth had made Emma think it was all right to leave Camila alone in a strange city? In a foreign country?

  After all that she’d been through, Colton knew she was hanging on by a thread.

  He pulled to a stop at a red light, the windshield wipers on his SUV swishing quickly back and forth. Hell. He was warm and safe in his car, able to go wherever he wanted.

  But Camila?

  She’d been stuck out in the rain, lost and scared. She’d been scared since she first got to the U.S. Maybe she didn’t want to admit it, but he’d seen it in her eyes when they’d been on base. She was mad that he’d played her, sure. But she was also scared out of her mind.

  Colton had rushed over to one of his buddies in IT at Little Creek half an hour ago when she called and gotten them to track the GPS on the phone he’d given Camila. Ironic that as pissed as she’d been after Miami, it was the fact that he’d given her a phone that allowed him to track her down today. He could’ve found her eventually. He’d have driven to every damn garage up and down Atlantic Avenue if she needed him.

  Briefly, he wondered about all of her belongings left in Colombia. If someone else from one of the cartels ended up with them, they’d possibly be able to track some of the other members that way. He’d have to get with some of the IT staff to make sure that was happening. Sure, the original plan was to go after Miguel, but if the surveillance equipment was in place, they might as well take full advantage of it. After everything he and Camila had been through together, he didn’t want the fact that he’d bugged her belongings to be in vain.

  Pulling his SUV to a stop just inside the garage, he jumped out and scanned the area. His eyes tracked over the parked vehicles, stairwells, and dim lights, and he finally spotted Camila huddled over by the stairwell in the corner. Another door there led to the street, but she was mostly hidden from view.

  “Camila,” he called out in a low voice, not wanting to frighten her.

  She looked up at him with wet eyes, and he saw that she was trembling. “Fucking hell,” he muttered to himself, rushing over. He was tugging off his camo jacket in an instant, draping it over her slender shoulders as he crouched down in front of her. The long sundress she had on was soaked through, and she was shivering from the cold. He clenched his jaw as he saw the outline of her lacy bra beneath it—no wonder those jackasses on the boardwalk were chasing after her.

  “Kitten,” he said gruffly, pulling her into his embrace. Letting her slender body relax into his own. “Are you okay? Tell me that you’re all right.”

  “I’m fine,” she said, burying her head in her hands. Shaking as he cradled her against his chest.

  He ran a hand over her wet hair. “You’re not fine, but I’m going to make sure you’re okay. And I’m pissed as hell at Hunter and Emma for thinking it was okay to drop you off at the beach for the morning.”

  “I just want to get out of here,” she said, glancing up at him.

  Her chocolate brown eyes were filled with anguish, and his heart clenched. “I’ll take you home, kitten. Back to Hunter’s. Wherever you need to go to feel safe.”

  “You risked your life to save me,” she whispered. “Back in Colombia—you could have been killed walking through those fields. Hunter told me all about how dangerous it was—how you insisted the team couldn’t leave until you rescued me.”

  “Hell, kitten, I’d walk through fires to make sure that you’re all right.”

  “But we barely even know each other. We spent one night together and parted.”

  He met her gaze, taking one of her hands into his much larger one. “We know each other. I know how it feels when I’m kissing you for hours. When our bodies are joined together, and I can’t tell where I end and you begin. I know what it sounds like when you’re calling out my name, your body clenching down around my cock. I’ve known you since I spotted you arguing with the TSA agents in Miami about your moisturizer.”

  “Facial cleanser,” sh
e said with a small laugh.

  “Hell, whatever it was, you were mine from the moment I took your bag at the airport and talked you into getting a drink. That spark in your eye, that sexy laugh, and flirtatious voice. Your goddamn red lipstick all over my body.”

  He shuddered as she smiled at him. “I need to buy more—I have nothing here.”

  “We’ll get it. Anything. And as for everything else there is to learn about one another? We’ll take our time. Whether that’s at my place, Hunter and Emma’s, or a place you get on your own, I’m in no hurry. Whatever you need to be comfortable and safe here.”

  “I want to stay with you,” she admitted.

  “You want to come live with me?” he murmured softly, brushing a wet lock of her hair back from her face.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I feel safe when you’re with me. I can’t explain it—I’m still mad about what happened, how you went looking for me intentionally in the airport, but my heart? My heart can’t resist how I feel when we’re together.”

  Fresh tears began streaming down her face, and Colton thumbed them away.

  “Hell, kitten. You’ve had my heart since the moment we met. Let’s get you home.”

  “To your home,” she clarified.

  “To our home.”


  Camila walked out of the master bedroom in Colton’s townhouse, padding out into the living room. She had on one of his large tee shirts, with Emma promising to drop off her few belongings later that night.

  Colton crossed the room to her, taking her hand in his. “You smell like me,” he said huskily, ducking down and kissing the top of her head. “My shampoo. My body wash.”

  “I don’t have any of my things.”

  “I know. And there’s something sexy as fuck about seeing you wearing my tee shirt and nothing else.”

  “I don’t know,” she teased, playfully turning away. “Wearing nothing at all might be sexier, no?”

  “Camila,” he chided, watching with heated eyes as her fingers playfully trailed over the hem of the tee shirt she had on. It hit at mid-thigh, but she was slowly pulling it up, watching him in amusement. “Kitten, I’d take you to bed in an instant. But don’t you need to rest after the past week?”

  She paused, her eyes roaming over his body. In a tee shirt and his camo fatigues, his muscled body was displayed to perfection. She couldn’t ignore the impressive bulge at the front of his pants. “Why, do you have something you need to do? Get back to base perhaps, and leave me here all alone?”

  She tugged the tee shirt up and over her head and was standing before him naked. His gaze fell to her full breasts, heating her from within. She still had a few scrapes and fading bruises on her arms and legs, but for the first time since she’d been kidnapped, she felt like herself again. Sexy. Free. Addicted to the man before her.

  Colton crossed over to her, lifting her up into his muscular arms.

  “Kitten, did they hurt you? Because I don’t want to do anything that would cause you any pain.”

  “I’m fine, lover,” she murmured. “They didn’t do anything like what you’re thinking.”

  “Thank God,” he muttered, briefly resting his forehead against hers. Her arms wound around his neck, and then Colton was carrying her into his bedroom. Kissing her. Lying her down on his bed.

  He stripped off his own shirt, and her gaze raked over him—broad shoulders, sculpted pecs, and a chiseled abdomen that looked to be carved from granite. A beat later he was coming down on top of her. Kissing her softly as his hands landed on either side of her head. Boxing her in with his muscled arms. Making her feel safe.

  His lips moved against hers, his tongue seeking entrance, and she gasped and opened to him, letting Colton take complete control. As she lay gasping for breath, he began moving down her body. Teeth grazed her neck, sending shivers racing down her spine. His tongue swiped where he’d nipped at her, and he kissed his way lower. One large hand palmed and kneaded one breast, claiming what was his. His thumb moved over her nipple, rubbing back and forth, teasing her until she was whimpering for more.

  His mouth moved to her other breast, and he kissed his way around one nipple, leaving her gasping at the sensations shooting through her. Finally, his tongue found her taut bud, licking it slowly as she whimpered. He gently flicked his tongue back and forth, driving her wild, and then finally his teeth grazed over her nipple as she squealed, her pussy flooding with arousal.

  Colton kissed his way down her stomach, and then he was parting her thighs with his hands, opening her fully to him. He didn’t tease her like their night in Miami, just dove straight in, like he could never possibly have enough of her.

  His broad shoulders spread her legs wide for him, leaving her sex vulnerable and open, and then she was at his complete and utter mercy. His lips kissed and caressed her folds, leaving her whimpering and gasping for more. With a few hard swipes of his tongue, she was crying out, nearing the precipice. Two thick fingers sank into her molten channel, and then his tongue lightly traced circles around her clit as she cried out on his bed.

  Her fingernails raked through his cropped hair as his fingers pumped in and out of her core.

  She moaned before him, not knowing whether she wanted to beg him to stop or demand he continue. His tongue laved over her throbbing clit again, and then he sucked it into his mouth as she screamed.

  Pulses of white-hot arousal flashed through her, sending her impossibly higher and higher as her orgasm went on and on. As she lay gasping for breath on his bed, Colton stepped out of his pants and boxers and sheathed his throbbing cock. It jutted skyward, ready and eager for her, and in a moment, he was hovering over her body, slowly pushing inside.

  She murmured at the intimate invasion, as he gently stroked her inner walls with his thick length. Colton finally bottomed out, the base of his erection rubbing up against her still-throbbing clit. Slowly, he began to thrust in and out, trapping her in his heated gaze. She gasped with each deep stroke, and he ducked down and kissed her softly, before his tongue traced the seam of her lips.

  He swallowed her cries as he began to thrust faster. Harder.

  Impossibly, she felt herself being built up again. Her legs wrapped around his hips, and sparks of pleasure began to race through her body. Each deep thrust sent her closer to the edge as Colton claimed her again and again, until finally her inner walls clamped down around him and she cried out his name.

  Afterward they lay intertwined in each other’s arms, Camila resting her head on Colton’s strong chest.

  “Stay here, kitten,” he said, his fingers lazily running through her hair.

  “I’m not going anywhere, lover.”

  “I mean stay here with me. Don’t go back to Hunter’s house.”

  “You really want me to move in with you?”

  “Hell yeah, I want you to move in with me. So it’s a little fast. I want you in my arms and in my bed, safe and sound.”


  “Yes, you’ll move in with me?”

  “Si. I will move in with you. I just said this, no?”

  Colton chuckled. “Yes, no, whatever you say. As long as you’re moving in, I’ll be a happy man. You’ve been mine ever since I saw you in Miami, kitten.”

  Camila smiled, her eyes heating. “And that’s where you’re wrong. Ever since Miami, you’ve been mine, lover.” She turned in his arms, lifting herself up so that she was straddling him. His erection sprang to life, and she shamelessly rubbed herself against him, enjoying the feel of his thick length against her arousal-slickened sex. Colton let her think she was in control, and then at the last second, flipped her over beneath him as she squealed in delight. He ducked lower and kissed her, pinning her wrists above her head.

  “Take me, lover,” she purred, gazing up at him.

  In another instant he was inside her, claiming her as his once more.

  She was finally home.

  Exactly where she belonged.


bsp; Author’s Note

  Thank you so much for reading SEDUCED BY A SEAL! Whether you’ve been here for the whole series or are a new reader, I’m happy you’re here!

  You may remember that Colton briefly appeared in a couple of other books. He was stationed down in Florida when Matthew flew down in THE SEAL NEXT DOOR. The Delta team then made their first official appearance in LOVED BY A SEAL.

  I love, love, love the chemistry between Colton and Camila. That playful, sexy banter and sizzling heat between them made it a fun book to write. I’m looking forward to writing more of them when we learn about the rest of the Delta team.

  Make sure you sign up for my newsletter so you never miss out on a new release.

  As always, thank you for joining me on this writing adventure. I wouldn’t be here without you!



  Alpha SEALs Series List

  Are you caught up on the Alpha SEALs series? Want to read them again? Click below to borrow or buy!

  SEAL the Deal (Patrick’s Story)

  SEALED with a Kiss (Evan’s Story)

  A SEAL’s Surrender (Christopher’s Story)

  A SEAL’s Seduction (Mike’s Story)

  The SEAL Next Door (Matthew’s Story)

  Protected by a SEAL (Brent’s Story)

  Loved by a SEAL (Ryan’s Story)

  Tempted by a SEAL (Hunter’s Story)

  Married to a SEAL (Patrick and Rebecca)

  Rescued by a SEAL Sneak Peek

  He’ll stand up to her ex and steal her heart…

  Navy SEAL Mason “Riptide” Ryan has been flirting with the gorgeous waitress he met at Anchors for months. The petite brunette is shy, sweet, and sexy-as-hell—exactly the type of woman he wants. Mason’s ready to convince her he’s playing for keeps if she’ll take a risk and give him her heart.

  Taylor Reynolds knows a good thing when she sees it—and the handsome, sexy, and flirty Navy SEAL meets all the marks. His strength and confidence leave her flushing every time he’s near, and she’d be willing to give him a shot if her controlling ex-boyfriend didn’t keep showing up at her door.


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