Reclaiming the Prince's Heart

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Reclaiming the Prince's Heart Page 8

by Rebecca Winters

  She started the engine and they took off, but he noticed she drove with restraint. “There are several cars following us at close range,” he murmured.

  “Security. You’ve been the Crown Prince and were assigned bodyguards. You’ll get used to them.”


  “How do you like your car?” she asked. “If you want to drive, I’ll pull over and change places with you.”

  “I’m glad you’re at the wheel. It gives me a chance to look around.” In truth, he loved looking at her.

  “Would you like to take a tour of the city? Drive up around the royal palace?”

  “I’d rather go home.”

  “Then that’s exactly what we’ll do. Viola has made lunch for us. If I know her, she’s fixed your favorite pizza and homemade pasticciotto. It’s a cream-filled pastry to die for.”

  “That’s the goal. To put on weight.” He turned to stare at her adorable profile. “Grazie for the clothes.”

  “Prego. That means you’re welcome.”

  “Prego...prego...prego...” He said the word several times. “What am I wearing?”

  “A dark blue camicia I love, pantaloni and sandali on your feet.”

  “Finally, some shoes.” He repeated the words several times.

  She flashed him another smile. “You’re back in your world, Rini, even if you don’t recognize it.”

  “You have no idea how good it feels to be free. But I need to be able to communicate. Can we work on my Italian today?”

  “We’re doing that right now. For as long as you like.”

  She’d taken a turn that led them up the lush hillside of the city. On the summit of one hill sat what he considered a small, peach-colored palace. Luna kept driving toward it and turned in to the driveway. They wound around the back next to two other cars. Beyond them he saw a garden of fruit trees. He blinked.

  “This is our palazzo?”

  She turned off the engine and grinned. “You look like I must have looked when you brought me here for the first time. It was built in the eighteenth century.”

  The fact that this had been his home was surreal to him. “What does it have? Fifty rooms?”

  “More like twenty in all. Viola and Mateo have their own apartment on the first floor.”

  “Where’s our bedroom?”

  “We have a suite on the second.”

  “I’d like to see it.” He got out of the car and walked around to the rear to wait for her. She joined him and pressed on the remote. The lid opened. He pulled out the suitcase with his unbandaged arm and shut the lid. Suddenly, he heard voices and turned to see a middle-aged man and woman approach. Realizing who they were, he tried out his Italian on them. They teared up and bowed to him.

  “Luna? Tell them I like doing things myself and will take my own suitcase upstairs.”

  She talked to them for a minute, then turned to him. “Let’s go in and get settled. Viola will have lunch for us in the dining room whenever we’re ready.”

  He followed her to the rear entrance that opened into an entrance hall. She explained that the kitchen area and laundry were down one hall to the left. He’d find the staff’s apartment on the right.

  She continued down a hall to the front of the palazzo with an ornate salon and sitting room. Paintings adorned the walls, mirrors, frescoed ceilings, chandeliers and parquet floors. But as they ascended the curving staircase, he much preferred looking at the feminine way his wife moved.

  At the top of the stairs she turned right and opened the floor-to-ceiling paneled doors to their suite. It was another world, totally modern in decor with white walls, a living room with comfortable couches and a television set, a state-of-the-art business office with a large painting, and a bathroom.

  He gravitated to the blue-and-yellow bedroom with a striped spread covering the king-size bed. Sunflowers had been arranged in a vase on the double dresser with some small framed photos. He noticed yellow lamps on the bedside tables. The windows had white shutters that let in the sunshine. How could he not have remembered any of this?

  Her green eyes studied him. “What’s the verdict?”

  Rini liked it. “I can live in this suite.” He lowered the suitcase to the tile and looked around, still incredulous that nothing produced a memory.

  She broke into a glorious smile. “I’m glad to hear it since we had this part of the upstairs renovated and chose everything together. Whether you know it or not, you picked the blue-and-yellow scheme. I happen to love the combination, too.”

  Before he knew it, she put the suitcase on a nearby chair and opened it to take his things to the bathroom. Rini took advantage of the moment to remove his sandals and stretch out on the bed. When she emerged, she laughed. “You didn’t need to worry. We made certain that oversize bed fit those powerful legs and big feet of yours.”

  “Join me and let’s see how well it accommodates both of us.”

  Luna walked toward him. “I wanted to join you on the hospital bed in Rezana.” After kicking off her sandals, she lay down next to him, turning to rest her head on his extended right arm.

  She caressed the side of his jaw and pressed her lips to his. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this moment,” she whispered in a breathless voice. “I have my husband back and I’m never going to let you out of my sight again.”

  As her arms went around him, he brushed his lips over her cheeks and eyelids. He relished every part of her, exploring further until he’d covered every centimeter of her beautiful face.

  “Rini—” she murmured, chasing his mouth with her own until she caught up to him. The second their mouths met, hers opened to him. He felt himself going under with a hunger that had been building.

  Though he knew she was his legal wife, she was a stranger. Anxiety built up inside him. He felt like things were moving too fast with this woman he didn’t remember who welcomed him so completely.

  Somehow, he couldn’t trust that she could be this loving with him when she knew he had no memory of her. Again, he feared that she pitied him and was trying to pretend all was well. Dr. Tullia had told him to discuss it with her. After a slight hesitation, he relinquished her mouth and rolled off the bed.

  She sat up looking hurt. “I’m sorry, Rini. Did I do something wrong when I put my arms around you?”

  He stood there rubbing the back of his neck in confusion. “You did nothing wrong. I’ve been wanting to kiss you, but...”

  “But what?”

  “There’s a question I have to ask you.”

  “Go ahead. Anything.”

  His body grew taut. “Do you pity me? Because if that’s the reason you were so loving with me just now, it’s the last thing I want from you.”

  She moved to the side of the bed and stood up. He could hear her mind working. “I’ve been dying to crawl into your arms since the moment I saw you drugged at the hospital. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you since the quake.

  “If I was loving with you just now, it’s because I’m so wild with joy that you’re alive! I never want to leave your arms. But I can see that you have to learn to trust me before we can have an intimate relationship.”

  “I do trust you.”

  “Outwardly,” she came back. “However, it’s clear that the closeness we shared as husband and wife is something that will have to come about naturally, over time. Let’s let it rest for now. Why don’t you freshen up and we’ll go downstairs for lunch?”

  He’d put his hand in his pocket and made a fist. “I’ve hurt you, haven’t I?”

  Her head lifted, causing her gilt hair to swish. “You’re wrong, Rini. You were honest with me, and I’m grateful. If we don’t have that, we don’t have anything.”

  Everything she said made sense. “You’re right. Luna? Will you do me a favor and ask my grandfather if we can visit him t
his afternoon?”

  “Of course. He and your grandmother will be thrilled. I’ll call him now.”

  * * *

  Rini had hurt her, but he couldn’t help it. Luna had gotten on that bed and had climbed into his arms without hesitation. Nothing could have shocked her more when he’d suddenly pulled away from her. Wanting to make love with him, pity had been the last thing on her mind. Dr. Tullia’s advice went round in her head.

  Don’t hold back. Continue to be yourself. In time you’ll know if he feels nonreceptive or smothered.

  That’s what worries me. How will I know?

  Is there any doubt in your mind that he’ll tell you? Your husband is assertive and doesn’t keep his thoughts to himself.

  Dr. Tullia had known what he was talking about.

  After the bathroom door closed, Luna reached for her purse lying on a chair and phoned the palace. She asked to be put through to Antonia, who wept when she learned Rini wanted to visit. They arranged for three o’clock in their private sitting room.

  When Rini joined her, he acted like nothing had happened. They went down to the dining room for lunch. Viola had outdone herself and her efforts paid off. Rini ate everything. At that point they went back out to the car and she drove them to the ochre-colored palace, another larger, eighteenth-century landmark. En route, she taught him a few more Italian words.

  After parking in front, they walked inside past staff and went upstairs to the apartment on the second floor. His grandparents were waiting for them. He greeted them with his limited conversation.

  “Oh, Rini,” Antonia cried for happiness. “Bravo. You have no idea how wonderful it is to see you walk into our apartment. I know you don’t know me, but can we hug you?”

  Luna translated. His gaze darted to her before he said, “Sì.”

  First, his grandmother threw her arms around him, then Leonardo hugged his grandson. Their eyes filled with tears. They were led into the sitting room. Rini sat on a chair next to Luna. She eyed her grandparents-in-law. “On the drive over here Rini told me he wants to fly to Rezana by helicopter to thank the police officer who helped him and me. Could that be arranged for tomorrow?”

  “We’ll do anything for him.”

  Again, she translated his grandfather’s response.

  “Rini also wants to send a donation to Doctor Miakar at the hospital.”

  “I’ll arrange it today.”

  She turned to Rini and repeated his grandfather’s answer.

  Rini tried out the new words he’d learned. “Grazie mille, nonno mio.”

  Leonardo got up and grasped Rini’s hands. “God has brought you back to us.”

  “How do you feel about meeting the family?” his grandmother asked. “They’re all anxious to see you again.”

  She felt Rini’s hesitation. “Could we put that off for a little while?” he murmured to her. Luna translated.

  “Of course. I’ll suggest we wait on that decision until you’ve had your checkup with Doctor Romano in a week.”

  Rini nodded, looking relieved when she explained to them.

  “Would you like to walk around the palace and grounds?” Antonia queried.

  Luna told him what his grandmother had asked but knew his answer before he responded. “Maybe another time.”

  “Rini’s tired,” she explained to his grandparents. “We’ll come again in a few days for another visit. In the meantime, let us know when the helicopter will be available.” She hugged both of them. Rini had already stood up. He said goodbye and the two of them walked out of the palace.

  “If it’s all right with you, I’d like to drive.”

  Aha. “I was hoping you wanted to.” Like Dr. Romano said, it was up to Rini. Excitement swept through her that he was ready to take charge. Luna reached into her purse for the remote, which she handed to him. He pressed the icon that unlocked the doors. After helping her in, he walked around and got in the driver’s seat. But he had to adjust the seat to accommodate his long legs.

  Rini was a quick study. He’d watched her drive and knew what to do. His memory loss didn’t hamper his driving. Her husband had always driven fast and today was no exception. He took them on a long drive around the city, probably driving security crazy. She pointed out a few landmarks for him. It shouldn’t have surprised her he knew where to go when he’d decided to head to their palazzo on the hillside.

  After they pulled around the back, he turned off the engine and looked at her. “I’ve been wondering about the gift I could give Zigo. He’s the reason I’m home now.”

  “Yes, he is. I’ll never be able to thank him enough.”

  “What would you think if we drive this car to the gold mine tomorrow? I’d like to take a look at it. Then we’ll head to Rezana and deliver it to him personally.”

  “You mean give him your car?”

  “Why not? I earned it with my own money, right? It won’t be a gift from the taxpayers.”

  “No.” Her heart was bursting with love for him. “Little does he realize what his kindness did for you. Oh, Rini. He’ll be speechless and won’t believe it. I can promise you it’ll be the only one in the town.”

  He nodded. “We could arrange for a helicopter to fly us home from there.”

  “Your grandfather will arrange it.”

  His eyes lit up. More and more Rini was acting and sounding like the man she’d fallen fathoms deep in love with.

  When they entered the palazzo, Viola met them with a bottled protein shake. Luna explained to him what it was. “She thought you might be hungry again. Dinner will be at seven.”

  He nodded and thanked her. After he’d carried it upstairs, he drank the whole thing while Luna looked on. “That wasn’t bad.” He put the empty bottle in the wastebasket in their bedroom.

  “You’ll need the title to the car. It’s in your inner sanctum.”

  He followed her while she pulled an envelope out of a file cabinet. “Thank goodness you’ve always been so organized. When you give this to Zigo, he’ll sign it and that’s all there is to it.” As she lifted her eyes, the look of desire in his made her go weak.

  After a quiet moment, “What would I do without you?”

  She couldn’t hold back brushing her lips against his. “You’ll never have to find out.” Then she walked back to their bedroom. He came more slowly. She could tell he was upset about something. “What is it?”

  “Luna—I feel so hampered because I can’t speak Italian, and I keep bothering you to teach me. It isn’t fair to you.”

  “Fair doesn’t come into it. I’d be hurt if you wouldn’t accept my help, but I can only imagine your frustration. That’s why I bought a surprise for you.”

  She saw him swallow hard. “Can I see it now?”

  My darling husband... “I don’t know.” She gave him a sly smile. “Can you wait?”


  Luna laughed. “I knew you couldn’t.”

  “Am I that transparent?”

  “In certain ways.”

  His features sobered. “You have the advantage of me.”

  She fought to stifle a moan. No matter how much she wanted the barrier between them to go away, it remained. She reached into her purse and handed him his new phone. He lifted his head.

  “Come over here. I’ll show you an app.”

  They walked over to the bed and sat down. “The app teaches you how to speak Italian. The woman speaks Romansh and takes you through different conversations. She reads aloud an index. As each subject lights up, you can press it and then repeat what she teaches you in Italian. When you wake up in the middle of the night tonight, you can turn it on and practice.”

  His dark, handsome head turned to her. “How do you know I wake up?”

  “I’ve been with you from the moment I found you. The last two nights at the hospital you woke
up around three and were restless. You’d get up and walk around before going back to bed. I’m sure you’d had bad dreams. I thought this would be a good way to help you.”

  “Did I call out or say anything?” There was alarm in his voice.


  A bleak look came from his eyes. “I’m sorry. When I asked you to sleep by me, I didn’t realize what I was asking.”

  She moved closer to kiss his jaw. “You don’t remember, but three months after we were married, I contracted a strain of flu that put me in the hospital. You stayed with me day and night and nursed me for a week after I got home. After the love you showed me, I could never make that up to you. If you don’t believe me, ask your grandparents. You missed a week and a half of work.”

  “Were you close to dying?”

  “Rini—of course not!” She walked over and sat on the side of the bed. “Come on. Push it and let’s listen.”

  He did her bidding. “If I’d had this in Rezana, I would have gotten out of there within a day.”

  Without thinking, she put her arm around his back. “It kills me to realize what you had to go through.”

  He put the phone on the side table and pulled her into his arms. “It awes me that you didn’t give up on me. If you hadn’t talked to the officer and come to the hospital...”

  Rini fell back with her and buried his face in her neck. They clung to each other. This time he didn’t pull away from her. She felt like they were communicating at last. More than that, they were communing.

  His mouth found hers. “Thank you for this gift. I have a feeling it’s going to save my life in the dark hours of the night.”

  “Don’t forget I’ll be there, too.” She pressed her lips to his. They kissed slowly and sumptuously.

  “Let’s continue this while we’re both on top of the bed, pulcina mia.” Together they got up and lay down so their arms and legs tangled. Luna had wanted this for so long, she was in pain for him.

  “Careful you don’t hurt your wound.”

  “It’s already healing.”


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