Deep State

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Deep State Page 40

by James B. Stewart

  Mueller demolished the notion: Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election, 2:157.

  no underlying criminal activity: “Martha Stewart to Donald Trump: Can There Be Obstruction of Justice with No Underlying Crime?,” PolitiFact, March 25, 2019.

  “The only commitment I made”: “I Can Land the Plane,” Washington Post, April 28, 2019.

  Mueller might not have concluded: Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election, 2:2.

  He marked the occasion: “Full Transcript of Mueller’s Statement on Russia Investigation,” New York Times, May 29, 2019.

  By then, it had dawned: “Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure,”, May 30, 2019.

  “maybe in modern political history”: “The 48 Most Revealing Lines of Steve Bannon’s ‘60 Minutes’ Interview,” CNN, September 12, 2017.

  As the New Yorker editor David Remnick: “There Is No Deep State,” New Yorker, March 11, 2017.

  Even Mike Lofgren, whose essay: “Yes, There Is a Deep State—but Not the Right Wing’s Caricature,” Lobe Log, March 17, 2017.

  For that he received no gratitude: Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump), Twitter, May 11, 2019, 5:39 P.M.

  Rod Rosenstein announced his resignation: “READ: Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein’s Resignation Letter,” CNN, April 29, 2019.

  In a speech in New York on April 25: GBC 2019 Annual Meeting—Rod Rosenstein, Vimeo, May 17, 2019.

  “We govern ourselves in accordance”: “Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein Delivers Remarks at the Armenian Bar Association’s Public Servants Dinner,” New York, April 25, 2019, U.S. Department of State.

  “Law Day recognizes that we govern”: “President Donald J. Trump Proclaims May 1, 2018, as Law Day, U.S.A.,”, April 30, 2018.

  “The former director is a partisan pundit”: Billy House and Chris Strohm, “Rod Rosenstein Attacks Comey, Defends Mueller Probe in Speech,” Bloomberg, May 13, 2019.

  On May 28, in The Washington Post: “James Comey: No ‘Treason.’ No Coup. Just Lies—and Dumb Lies at That,” Washington Post, May 28, 2019.

  McCabe also had a star turn: “Andrew McCabe: The Full ‘60 Minutes’ Interview,” CBS News, February 17, 2019.

  McCabe has said he is constrained: McCabe, Threat, 254–55, 259.

  In an interview on 60 Minutes: “William Barr Interview: Read the Full Transcript,” CBS News, May 31, 2019.

  “Sir, the Constitution says treason”: “Remarks by President Trump on Supporting America’s Farmers and Ranchers,”, May 23, 2019.



  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.

  ABC News, 245, 246, 294–95

  Abe, Shinzo, 170

  Abedin, Huma

  and Clinton email investigation, 58, 75

  and Clinton Foundation investigation, 99

  and Weiner laptop investigation, 107, 115, 166, 321

  and Weiner scandal, 105

  Access Hollywood tape, 108, 140, 231

  Acosta, Jim, 305

  “actionable intelligence,” 104, 322

  Affordable Care Act, 183–84

  Alexander, Lamar, 306

  Alexander, Peter, 331

  Allen, Mike, 271–72

  All In (Broadwell), 53

  All the President’s Men (Woodward and Bernstein), 137n, 302–3

  Amanpour, Christiane, 189

  Amazon, 257

  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 22

  Amuluru, Uma, 69

  Anderson, Trisha, 65, 122–23

  Angels in America (Kushner), 180

  anti-Muslim sentiment, 139, 163, 165

  antiterrorism, 20–21

  The Art of the Deal (Trump), 89

  Ashcroft, Janet, 22–23

  Ashcroft, John, 20, 22–28, 30, 32, 54, 61–62, 125, 241

  Aspen Ideas Festival, 72

  Assange, Julian, 87, 88, 108

  Australian High Commission, 87

  Axelrod, Matthew

  and Clinton email investigation, 58–60, 78, 80, 83, 124–26, 129–30

  and Clinton Foundation investigation, 97, 99, 123

  and Flynn’s communications with Russia, 152

  and leak investigations, 195, 196

  and policy on elections, 97

  and Trump’s travel ban, 163

  Axios, 271–72

  Baker, James

  and appointment of special counsel, 229

  and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 91

  and Clinton email investigation, 57, 59, 61, 63, 83

  and Comey briefings on Russian interference, 144

  and Comey’s firing, 10–11

  and Comey’s Intelligence Committee testimony, 243

  and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 92

  and deliberations on special counsel appointment, 221

  and election interference concerns, 120–21

  and fallout from Comey’s firing, 203, 205, 210, 212

  and FBI bias concerns, 50

  and FISA applications, 109

  and Flynn investigation, 169

  and Jill McCabe’s campaign, 48

  Iand Mueller Report findings, 319

  and Rosenstein’s offer to record Trump, 224, 224n

  and Russian interference investigation, 146

  and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 260–61, 263

  and Trump’s attacks on Sessions, 257

  and Trump’s attempts to influence Comey, 148, 174

  and Weiner laptop investigation, 115, 117, 122

  Baker, Peter, 252–53

  Bannon, Steve

  and Comey’s dinner meeting with Trump, 159

  and Comey’s Intelligence Committee testimony, 246

  and “deep state” term, 279n

  and deliberations on firing Comey, 192

  fired by Trump, 258

  and McGahn’s resignation threat, 250

  and Mueller Report findings, 323–24

  and Mueller White House meeting, 229

  and Sessions’s recusal from Russia investigation, 179–80

  and Sessions’s resignation offer, 238, 240

  and Trump’s criticisms of Mueller, 239

  Barbour, Haley, 17

  Barr, William

  appointed attorney general, 306–9

  blocking of Trump’s testimony in Russia probe, 298

  defense of Comey, 131

  and fallout from Comey’s firing, 217

  and Mueller Report findings, 14–15, 310–14, 316, 325–26, 330

  and unsolicited memo criticizing Mueller probe, 298

  Barrett, Devlin

  and Clinton Foundation investigation, 116, 123

  on McCabe campaign contributions, 114

  and McCabe’s clarifications on Page interview, 262, 267

  and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 260, 269–70

  Bartiromo, Maria, 187–88

  Baton, Martin, 270

  Beckhard, Daniel, 259, 260, 267

  Benghazi consulate bombing, 32–35

  Berger, Sandy, 53

  Bernardo, Leonard, 55

  Bezos, Jeff, 257

  Bharara, Preet, 106, 114, 119

  Biden, Joe, 143

  Biggs, Andy, 274

  BlackBerry devices, 75, 113, 118

  blackmail concerns, 81, 95, 102–3, 144, 152, 296
r />   Blake, Aaron, 188

  Blitzer, Wolf, 7, 311–12

  Blumenthal, Richard, 190–91

  Boehner, John, 34

  Boente, Dana, 185, 186, 188, 222

  Boesky, Ivan, 18

  Boggs, Tommy, 17

  Boone, Jennifer, 152

  Bork, Robert, 249

  Bossert, Tom, 145

  Boston Globe, 99

  Boston Marathon bombings, 32

  Bowdich, David, 6, 7, 300

  Breitbart News, 98, 207

  Brennan, John, 131, 143

  Bridgegate scandal, 172n

  Bridgewater Associates, 18, 29, 33

  Broadwell, Paula, 53

  Bruni, Frank, 297

  Burnham, James, 198

  Burr, Richard, 181, 202–3

  Bush, Billy, 108

  Bush, George H. W., 14, 131

  Bush, George W.

  Comey’s service under, 60, 162

  McGahn’s service under, 157

  and Scooter Libby prosecution, 56

  and Stellar Wind surveillance program, 21–22, 24–27

  Trump contrasted with, 324

  Bush, Jeb, 37

  BuzzFeed News, 3, 149

  Cain, Herman, 149n

  Caligula, Emperor of Rome, 330

  Capehart, Jonathan, 72

  Card, Andrew, 22, 23, 27

  Carlin, John P., 61

  Carlson, Tucker, 112

  Caucus Room, 17

  CBS News, 330

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 88

  and Clinton email investigation, 131

  and Espionage Act cases, 53–54

  and Ohr’s background, 94

  and Stellar Wind surveillance program, 26

  and Trump’s intelligence briefings, 145

  Chacon, Bobby, 297

  Chaffetz, Jason, 128

  Cheney, Dick, 22, 56

  Chinese espionage, 52

  Chozick, Amy, 71

  Christie, Chris

  and anti-Clinton sentiment, 85

  and Bridgegate scandal, 172n

  and Clinton email investigation, 110–11

  and Comey’s firing, 199

  and Flynn investigation, 171–72

  and Trump’s efforts to remove special counsel, 248

  and Wray appointment to FBI, 240

  Christie, Mary Pat, 171

  Cicilline, David, 275

  Cillizza, Chris, 299

  Cipollone, Pat, 325

  Circa News, 195, 263, 287

  Clancy, Joe, 154

  Clapper, Jim

  and Clinton email investigation, 131

  and Comey briefing on Russian interference, 144–45

  and fallout from Comey’s firing, 216

  and Russian interference investigation, 143, 145

  and Steele dossier, 150

  and Trump’s national security briefing, 145–46

  Clifford, Stephanie (Stormy Daniels), 147, 280

  Clinton, Bill

  and Anthony Weiner scandal, 105–6

  and Clinton email investigation, 35, 81

  and Clinton Foundation investigation, 98

  and Espionage Act cases, 54

  impeachment, 50

  and Mueller Report findings, 321

  and Sessions’s firing, 3–4

  tarmac meeting with Lynch, 67–73, 320–21

  technical illiteracy of, 75

  and Whitewater investigation, 4, 36, 50, 301

  Clinton, Hillary

  and Anthony Weiner scandal, 105–6

  and Bill Clinton–Lynch tarmac meeting, 67, 320–21

  campaign event with Obama, 82

  and Clinton Foundation investigation, 98

  and Comey’s firing, 198

  and conservative culture of FBI, 111–12

  and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 109

  Democratic nominating convention, 86, 88

  and election interference concerns, 121

  and election outcome, 136

  email investigation, 11, 34–39, 40–56, 57–66, 67, 74–81, 108–9, 113–14, 160, 187–88, 208, 265, 290, 319, 321–22

  and FBI culture, 50

  and Flynn’s conviction, 268–69

  and Guccifer 2.0 leaks, 86

  and Jill McCabe’s campaign, 48

  and Mueller Report findings, 320

  and Russian interference investigation, 3

  and Trump’s attacks on Sessions, 255, 257

  Trump’s attempts to initiate investigation on, 247

  Trump’s obsession with, 290

  and Trump’s tensions with Comey, 188–89

  and Whitewater investigation, 4, 36, 50, 301

  See also Clinton Foundation and investigation; Midyear Exam investigation

  Clinton Cash (Schweitzer), 98–99

  Clinton Foundation and investigation

  and Comey’s firing, 198

  and FBI bias concerns, 116, 123

  FBI investigation opened, 97–98

  and leak investigations, 195

  and McAuliffe, 48

  and McCabe’s firing, 286–87

  and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 260

  and Trump’s attacks on Comey, 265

  and Trump’s attacks on Sessions, 256

  Wall Street Journal article on, 116, 123, 130, 195–96, 219


  and Comey’s firing, 5, 7, 10–11

  and McCabe’s firing, 288

  and Steele dossier, 147–49

  and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 299

  Trump’s conflicts with, 305–6

  Coats, Dan, 158, 183, 210

  Cohen, Michael

  FBI raid, 289–91, 292

  and origins of “deep state” conspiracy theory, 13

  plea deal and cooperation against Trump, 301–2, 308

  and porn star hush money payments, 280–81

  and Steele dossier, 96, 133, 149

  and Trump Tower Moscow deal, 89, 90n, 264, 307–8, 315

  and Vanity Fair interview, 264

  Cohn, Gary, 324

  Cohn, Roy, 149n, 179–80, 282, 329

  Coleman, Randy, 38

  College of William & Mary, 326

  Collins, Susan, 233, 247

  Columbia Law School, 29

  Comey, James

  appointed as FBI director, 28–31

  and appointment of special counsel, 230–33

  background, 18–20

  and Barr’s defense of Trump, 298–99

  book release, 293–97

  briefings on Russian investigations, 143–45, 181–85, 252

  and Clinton email investigation, 37, 40–49, 52, 55–56, 57–67, 76–84, 124–29, 131–32, 143

  and Clinton Foundation investigation, 99

  and Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting, 71–73

  confirmation hearings, 31

  and conservative culture of FBI, 112

  and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 91–93, 230

  and “deep state” conspiracy theories, 279

  documentation of meetings with Trump, 162, 174–75

  and election interference concerns, 120–21

  and election outcome, 136–37

  and Espionage Act cases, 54–55

  fallout from firing of, 198–201, 202–9, 210–11, 212–16, 217–25

  field visit Los Angeles, 1–5

  and findings of investigations, 319–24

  fired as FBI director, 5–12, 192–201, 281

Flynn’s communications with Russia, 151–52

  Grassley’s hostility to, 306

  and Guccifer 2.0 leaks, 86

  ideology and philosophy of, 27–28, 28n

  and inspector general’s report, 292–93

  leadership style, 2, 31–33

  and McCabe’s firing, 286, 288

  and media coverage of Russia investigation, 176–77

  meeting with Mueller for FBI position, 17–18

  and Mueller Report findings, 315, 317, 326–27, 328

  and origins of “deep state” conspiracy theory, 13

  Priebus’s White House meeting with, 165–68

  Rosenstein’s conflict with, 238

  on Rosenstein’s nature, 164, 304

  and Russian interference investigation, 141–42, 157–61, 162–63

  security briefings with Trump, 172–74

  Senate testimony, 188–91, 191–92, 241–47

  and September 11, 2001, anniversary, 101

  and staffing of the Trump administration, 139

  and Steele dossier, 140–45, 150

  and Stellar Wind surveillance program, 21–27

  and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 270

  Trump’s accusations against, 192–93, 252, 254

  Trump’s attacks on, 226, 265

  and Trump’s attacks on FBI, 274, 278

  and Trump’s attacks on Sessions, 255–56, 257

  Trump’s attempts to influence, 148, 154–55, 159–61, 162, 174, 178–79, 185–86, 188, 226–27

  and Trump’s criticisms of Mueller, 239–40

  and Trump’s intelligence briefings, 145–48

  and Trump’s refusal to testify in Mueller probe, 283–84

  and Trump’s treason claims, 331

  and Weiner laptop investigation, 106–7, 113–14, 116–19, 122–23, 134–35

  Wray compared to, 262

  Comey, Patrice, 21

  Conway, Kellyanne, 138, 149

  Conyers, John, 199

  Cooper, Charles, 324

  Cooper, Justin, 75, 237

  Corn, David, 132

  Costello, Robert, 291

  Cox, Archibald, 4, 249

  Crawford, Jan, 330

  Crossfire Hurricane investigation

  and election results, 136

  expansion of scope, 230

  and FISA applications, 109–10

  internal debate on handling of, 99–100

  opening of, 91–93

  origin on name, 91n

  oversight of, 152


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