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Deep State Page 42

by James B. Stewart

  and Trump’s attacks on Sessions, 256, 257–58

  and Trump’s attempts to influence Comey, 148, 162

  and Trump’s New York Times interview, 254

  and Trump’s treason claims, 331

  and Weiner laptop investigation, 106–8, 115–17, 123

  McCabe, Jill, 47–49, 114–15, 203–4, 277

  McCain, John, 21–22, 140, 144

  McCarthy, Joseph, 149n, 180

  McConnell, Julie, 258

  McConnell, Mitch, 179, 229, 259

  McCullough, Charles, III, 38

  McFarland, K. T., 145, 151, 175

  McGahn, Don

  and appointment of special counsel, 229, 231, 232

  and beginning of Mueller investigation, 237

  and briefings on Russia investigations, 181, 183

  and Comey’s congressional testimony, 191

  and Comey’s firing, 194, 197–98, 200–201

  and fallout from Comey’s firing, 208–9, 212–13

  and Flynn investigation, 169–70, 173

  and Flynn’s resignation, 171

  and McCabe’s interview for FBI director, 225, 228–29

  and media coverage of Russia investigation, 176

  and Mueller Report findings, 315, 325

  resignation threat, 250

  and Rosenstein firing speculation, 292

  and Rosenstein’s offer to record Trump, 304

  and Russian interference investigation, 157–58, 162–63

  and Sessions’s recusal from Russia investigation, 179, 180

  and Trump’s attacks on Sessions, 255

  and Trump’s attempts to influence Comey, 188

  Trump’s conflict with, 281–82

  and Trump’s criticisms of Mueller, 239–40

  and Trump’s efforts to remove Mueller, 249, 249n

  Medvedev, Dmitry, 89

  Meet the Press, 151

  Mercer, Rebekah, 98

  Mercer, Robert, 98

  Mercer Family Foundation, 98

  MI6, 94

  Midyear Exam investigation

  and Clinton email investigation, 126

  and Clinton interview, 74

  and Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting, 70, 73

  and Comey speech to former special agents, 112

  and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 110

  and FBI bias concerns, 57–58

  formal opening of, 38

  impact on Clinton Foundation investigation, 97–98

  and inspector general’s report, 299

  key investigators, 49

  and leak concerns in FBI, 92–93

  meeting on conclusions of, 83–84

  and Weiner laptop investigation, 107, 115, 117, 119, 134–35

  Mifsud, Joseph, 266

  military-industrial complex, 323

  Miller, Judith, 173

  Miller, Matt, 129

  Miller, Steven, 192–94, 197–98, 204, 212, 223

  Milligan, Susan, 98

  Mills, Cheryl, 41–42, 58, 99

  Mnuchin, Steven, 324

  Moffa, Jonathan, 49, 65, 152, 234

  Morgan, Mark, 264

  Morning Joe, 138

  Mother Jones, 132

  Moyers, Bill, 279–80

  MSNBC, 138

  Mueller, Robert

  appointment as special counsel, 229, 230–31

  assembly of investigative team, 234–37

  attempts to interview Trump, 282–83, 307–9

  background, 19–20

  and Barr’s appointment, 308–9

  and Barr’s defense of Trump, 298

  and Barr’s handling of report, 310–16

  and the Cohen investigation, 301

  and Comey’s book release, 294

  and Comey’s firing, 12–13, 244

  Comey’s replacement of, 1, 28–31

  Comey’s style contrasted with, 31–32

  considered as Trump’s FBI director, 225

  and “deep state” conspiracy theories, 279–80

  extension as FBI director, 28–29

  last day as special counsel, 318

  meeting with Comey on FBI position, 17–18

  and Papadopoulos conviction, 266–67

  and political bias allegations, 258, 265

  political ideology, 29

  report of special counsel investigation, 309, 310–18, 325–26

  and results of report, 330

  and Rosenstein, 237–38

  and Stellar Wind surveillance program, 21–25, 27

  and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 261–62, 269, 274, 276

  threat to resign, 24–25

  and Trump’s attempts to influence investigation, 268n, 306

  Trump’s efforts to remove as special counsel, 246–49, 249n, 281–82, 292, 325

  and Trump’s response to special counsel appointment, 232–34, 239–40, 246–49, 250–54

  Muslim travel ban, 163, 165

  Nadler, Jerrold, 328

  National Archives, 53

  National Security Agency (NSA), 21

  NBC, 222, 294–95, 331

  NBC Nightly News, 213–14

  Netanyahu, Benjamin, 175

  New Economic School, 109

  Newman, Melanie, 71–73, 77

  NewsHour, 246

  Newsmax Media, 246

  Newsweek, 28

  New Yorker, 149, 323

  New York Post, 269–70

  New York Times

  and appointment of special counsel, 233

  and Clinton email investigation, 35–36, 40–41, 82–83, 128–29

  and Clinton Foundation investigation, 98

  and Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting, 71

  and Cohen-Trump relationship, 89

  and Comey memo leak, 226–27

  and Comey’s book release, 296, 297

  and coverage of Russia investigation, 175–77

  and election outcome, 136

  and fallout from Comey’s firing, 204, 215–16

  and Gorsuch confirmation, 185

  interview with Trump on special counsel investigation, 252–55

  and Mueller Report findings, 326

  and Rosenstein’s offer to record Trump, 303

  and search for FBI director, 18–19

  and Stellar Wind surveillance program, 26

  and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 269, 270n

  and Trump’s efforts to remove special counsel, 281, 282

  and Trump’s feud with reporters, 173

  and Weiner scandal, 105–6

  Niebuhr, Reinhold, 28, 28n

  Nixon, Richard, 4, 13, 238, 254

  Norman, Greg, 193

  Nunes, Devin, 182, 229, 271

  Obama, Barack

  and Clinton campaign, 82

  and Clinton email investigation, 34, 41, 45, 57

  and Comey’s appointment as FBI director, 28–30

  Comey’s relationship with, 3

  Comey’s service under, 162

  and election outcome, 137

  and Espionage Act cases, 53

  and Flynn’s firing, 139

  and Holder’s AG appointment, 191

  and Mueller Report findings, 320–21, 323

  presidential campaign, 70

  regard for Mueller, 19

  and Russian interference investigation, 141, 143–44

  and Steele dossier allegations, 103

  and Trump’s claims of corruption, 290, 292

  and wiretapping allegations by Trump, 180–81

  Obamacare, 183–84, 268

  Office of Legal Couns
el, 21

  Office of Professional Responsibility, 300

  Ohr, Bruce, 93–96, 141, 266, 271, 329

  Ohr, Nellie, 93–95

  O’Malley, Martin, 276

  Open Society Foundation, 55

  Orbis Business Intelligence, 94

  O’Reilly, Bill, 71, 164–65, 168

  Page, Carter

  and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 91–92

  and briefings on Russia investigations, 181

  and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 92, 94, 109, 230

  and Steele dossier, 94, 96, 104, 322

  Page, Lisa

  and appointment of special counsel, 229

  and assembly of Mueller’s team, 234–35

  and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 91

  background, 46–47

  and Clinton email investigation, 49, 63–65, 74, 129–30

  and Clinton Foundation investigation, 116, 123–24

  and Comey’s firing, 8

  and conservative culture of FBI, 111–12

  and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 99–101

  and deliberations on special counsel appointment, 221

  and election interference concerns, 121

  and election outcome, 136–37

  and fallout from Comey’s firing, 204, 210, 212, 218–19

  and inspector general’s report, 292–93

  and Justice Department bias concerns, 56

  and leak investigations, 267

  and McCabe’s firing, 287

  and origins of “deep state” conspiracy theory, 13

  political opinions, 50–52, 57–58

  and Rosenstein’s offer to record Trump, 224

  and Steele dossier, 96

  and Strzok’s firing, 300

  Strzok’s relationship with, 11, 152–53, 153n

  and text messaging controversy, 135–36, 258–62, 263, 269–70, 272–74, 276, 287, 299–300, 302–3

  and Trump’s attempts to influence Comey, 148

  Trump’s ongoing attacks on, 328–29

  and Trump’s treason claims, 331

  and Weiner laptop investigation, 107, 117, 123

  Papadopoulos, George

  and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 87–88, 88n, 90–92

  and briefings on Russia investigations, 181

  and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 93, 109, 230

  FBI interview of, 266

  and Mueller Report findings, 322

  pardon powers, 54, 268, 283, 289–91, 302

  Paul, Rand, 31

  PBS, 246

  Pelosi, Nancy, 83, 131, 321

  Pence, Mike

  and Comey’s firing, 200–201

  and Flynn investigation, 158, 169, 174

  and Trump’s intelligence briefing, 145–46

  and Washington Post article on Russia investigation, 151

  Petraeus, David, 53, 80

  Pientka, Joe, 156–57

  Pirro, Jeanine, 216

  Podesta, John, 108

  Pompeo, Mike, 145, 210

  Porter, Rob, 238, 271, 281–82

  Praetorian Guard (Rome), 330, 330n

  Priebus, Reince

  and Comey memo leak, 227–28

  and Comey’s firing, 194, 198, 200–201

  and Comey’s Intelligence Committee testimony, 246

  and Comey’s White House meetings, 165–68, 174

  and fallout from Comey’s firing, 208

  fired by Trump, 258, 281

  and Flynn investigation, 158, 169–70

  and Flynn’s communications with Russia, 151

  and McCabe campaign contributions controversy, 115

  and McGahn’s resignation threat, 250

  and media coverage of Russia investigation, 175–76

  and Mueller Report findings, 315

  and Russian interference investigation, 140, 159

  and Sessions’s recusal from Russia investigation, 179, 180

  and Trump’s attacks on Sessions, 255–56

  and Trump’s attempts to influence Comey, 188

  and Trump’s intelligence briefings, 145–46

  and Trump’s Middle East trip, 238

  and Trump’s New York Times interview, 252

  Priestap, Edward William “Bill”

  and Clinton email investigation, 63

  and Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting, 71–72

  and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 92, 110

  and deliberations on special counsel appointment, 221

  and election outcome, 137

  and fallout from Comey’s firing, 204

  and FISA applications, 109

  and McCabe campaign contributions controversy, 115

  on Strzok, 38–39

  and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 152–53

  and Weiner laptop investigation, 118

  Putin, Vladimir

  and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 90–91

  and Comey’s White House meeting with Priebus, 167–68

  and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 109

  and Mueller Report findings, 322

  Oval Office meeting with Trump, 204

  and Steele dossier, 102

  Trump’s relationship with, 3, 50–51, 90–91, 108, 142, 164–65, 171, 177, 205

  Quarles, James, 234

  Ranger School, 20

  Rashkin, Jamie, 276

  real estate development deals. See Trump Tower Moscow project

  Reed, Jack, 244

  Reid, Harry, 83, 144

  Remnick, David, 323

  Reno, Janet, 4

  Republican National Committee, 17, 115

  Richards, Keith, 91n

  Richman, Daniel, 215, 226–27

  Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Moscow, 103, 144, 150, 322

  Robert F. Kennedy Building, 6

  Rogers, Michael, 183

  Romney, Mitt, 21–22

  Rose Law Firm, 74

  Rosenberg, Chuck, 61

  Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 42

  Rosenstein, Rod

  appointed as Attorney General, 163–64

  and appointment of special counsel, 230–31, 232–33

  background, 164

  and Barr’s defense of Trump in Russia probe, 298

  and beginning of Mueller investigation, 237–38

  and Cohen raid, 290

  and Comey’s firing, 6–9, 192, 194–95, 196–200, 202

  and Comey’s Intelligence Committee testimony, 246–47

  confirmation, 181, 184, 188

  and deliberations on special counsel appointment, 221–25, 226

  and demotion of Ohr, 271–72

  and expansion of Crossfire Hurricane, 229–30

  and fallout from Comey’s firing, 205–6, 212–15, 217–25

  and McCabe’s interview for FBI director, 220–21, 228

  and McCabe’s plans to retire, 263

  and Mueller Report findings, 14, 309, 310, 312–13, 315–16, 323, 325–26, 330

  offer to record Trump conversations, 224–25, 303–5, 315

  speculation on possible firing, 292

  and Trump’s attacks on Comey, 265

  Trump’s efforts to influence, 240

  and Trump’s efforts to remove special counsel, 249, 282

  Trump’s leverage on, 305–6

  and Trump’s New York Times interview, 252–55

  Trump’s nickname for, 251, 251n

  and Trump’s refusal to testify in Mueller probe, 284

  and Whitaker’s appointment, 306

, Giorgi, 133

  Rubio, Marco, 211

  Ruddy, Christopher, 246–47

  rule of law

  and impact of Trump’s tactics, 15

  and independence of FBI, 3–4, 29–31, 254, 331

  and Mueller Report findings, 316–18, 325–26, 329

  and Mueller’s team, 237

  and nature of “deep state,” 324

  and Stellar Wind surveillance program, 21, 26

  Russian Intelligence Services

  and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 87–89, 90–91

  and Clinton email investigation, 55–56

  and Guccifer 2.0 leaks, 66

  and Lynch, 84

  and Steele dossier allegations, 103, 104

  and Trump campaign connections, 175

  Russian interference investigation

  and bureaucratic secrecy, 2–3

  and election outcome, 136

  and fallout from Comey’s firing, 213–14

  and Guccifer 2.0 leaks, 66–67

  Rosenstein’s oversight, 192

  and Sessions’s recusal, 6, 178–79, 181, 196–97

  and Strzok’s expertise, 11–12

  and Weiner laptop investigation, 107

  See also Mueller, Robert

  Ryan, Paul, 229–30, 247

  Rybicki, Jim, 58, 61, 63, 73, 83, 124–25

  Samuelson, Heather, 41–42

  Sanders, Bernie

  and Clinton email investigation, 37, 167, 319

  and Clinton nomination, 88

  and Guccifer 2.0 leaks, 86

  and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 276

  Sanders, Sarah Huckabee, 205–7, 211–12, 247

  Saturday Night Massacre, 249, 292

  Savage, Nick, 297

  Scalia, Antonin, 185

  Schiff, Adam, 139, 182, 202–3

  Schiller, Keith, 200–201, 207–8

  Schmidt, Michael S., 35, 215, 226–27, 252, 303

  Schools, Scott, 271, 287

  Schumer, Charles, 26–27, 177, 202, 229

  Schweitzer, Peter, 98

  security clearances, 43, 224, 272

  Sekulow, Jay, 271–72, 282, 311–12

  Senate Intelligence Committee, 45, 233, 241, 264

  sensitive investigative matter (SIM) designation, 38, 93

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 11, 17, 20

  Sessions, Jefferson Beauregard, III

  appointment as attorney general, 138–39, 168

  and appointment of special counsel, 231

  and Barr’s defense of Trump in Russia probe, 298

  and Comey’s firing, 5–9, 194, 196–97

  Comey’s relationship with, 4

  and Comey’s Senate testimony, 191–92

  and Comey’s White House meetings, 172–73, 174

  and Crossfire Hurricane expansion, 230


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