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Rebirth Page 36

by Darkbringer

  Or have I said that already? I don’t know.

  All I know is that once I was finished with Mongo’s suit, he looked like some odd white-marble knight wearing a strange combination stone plate-chain set of armor. It looked effective to me, and I suppose it was better than running around in just his underoos, but only time would tell how truly effective it was.

  In a mindless daze, I turned my attention to starting the refining and purifying process to make a set of armor for Crystal as well, but suddenly I found myself on the ground and the world went black. It sounded like someone was saying something while standing over me, but I couldn’t make out what it was they were talking about. My exhaustion was too great, my head now hurt too bad, and I couldn’t resist the lure of darkness any longer.

  * * * * *

  I have no idea how long I was unconscious, or asleep, or whatever the heck it was that I was. When I was able to open my eyes and take in my surroundings, I was laid in the ‘common room’, off in one of the corners, with my head in Crystal’s lap.

  “Are you alert and functioning again, My Lord?” Tilting my head back, I was greeted by the sight of her bare breasts dangling so lusciously near my head. Reaching up, I cupped and squeezed one lightly – and then shivered as the sensation carried over to my own chest as well. Damn, I didn’t like that!

  “I’m alert,” I told her, wrinkling my nose as I released my grip on her chest. “What happened?”

  “I knocked you out,” Crystal said plainly, as if it was just a normal, everyday occurrence.

  “Knocked me out?” I blinked several times but couldn’t make sense of what I’d heard.

  “Yes,” was Crystal’s simple reply.

  “Why?!” I was at a total loss!

  “Because you wouldn’t listen – not even to me, My Lord.” Crystal laughed lightly and flicked herself on the tip of her nose – the sensation carried to mine and stung it as well.

  “Sorry?” I said, rubbing the tip of my nose lightly. “What was I not listening to you about? And couldn’t it have waited? I need to make your armor as quickly as possible. We’re on a countdown here!”

  Flicking herself on her own nose again, Crystal shook her head in frustration. “You’re still not listening,” Crystal stated, beginning to sound a little frustrated. “If you don’t shut up and hear me out My Lord, I’m going to start touching womanly places on myself that I know will get your undivided attention.”

  “Fine!” Dang slave-girl certainly doesn’t act like my slave sometimes! Sometimes I wonder if it’s the other way around. “I’m listening,” I told her, as I tried to sit up but was pushed back down by Crystal back into her lap.

  “The armor, My Lord,” Crystal informed me, “I don’t need it or want it.”

  “Don’t be silly,” I said, dismissing such a notion completely.

  Once again, she flicked herself on the nose to get my attention. “My Lord… I’m going to get very cross with you soon.”

  “Sorry.” I didn’t even know what I was apologizing for, but I could feel the frustration growing in Crystal, so I felt it best to just shut up and listen for a while.

  “And that’s what I’ve wanted you to do all along,” Crystal stated, having read my thoughts again. “I’ve been trying to tell you – I don’t need the armor. I don’t want the armor. We don’t have time to waste on you creating another suit of armor. As you keep telling me, we’re on a countdown!”

  “That’s true, but I need to keep you safe as well. You need armor since you’re on the front lines all the time,” I told her, stubbornly.

  Sighing, Crystal leaned down and kissed me. The sensation was odd, pleasant, and yet invasive. The sense of her feelings and tastes intermingled with my own and left me feeling oddly excited and repulsed at the same time. Crystal was such a pleasant lover before our merging of spirits, but now I found her both attractive and repulsive at the same time. It didn’t help that I could tell she felt the same way also since her emotions and thoughts were just as open to me as mine were to her.

  Apparently, it is possible to be too close to someone. A step back in our relationship to sort out these new feelings is probably going to be a necessity.

  ‘Probably,’ Crystal thought, echoing my own sentiments perfectly.

  “My Lord,” Crystal whispered softly and slowly stroked my cheek with the lightest of touches, “I appreciate that you want to protect me, but I’m already protected. I doubt the magics on the jewelry I’m wearing is as durable or protective as what you’ve made for the Lord Mongo, but it’s as durable as leathers; almost as strong as chain. Did I not tell you before that my jewelry was enchanted to protect? That that was why I had given my chain robe over to Jess to wear as the dead grew thicker around us.

  “Remember?” She asked, gently.

  “Well….” I did now that she mentioned it again. “I’m sorry,” I told her honestly. “I don’t guess I’m used to seeing a naked woman run around and thinking, ‘Hey, I bet she’s armored!’.”

  “Are you certain your jewelry is sufficient enough to protect you,” I asked, worried.

  “Very little is certain in life, My Lord – but I’m certain that the ritual draws closer all the time. Can we really afford to sit here for several more days while you push yourself stupid, making armor for me? What use will it be, if the ritual is completed while we’re all in here waiting for you to finish?”

  Frowning, and not liking it at all, I had to agree that she was right. Nothing was certain. Her jewelry might or might not be enough to keep her safe. The ritual might or might not be finished before I could make a set of armor suitable for a woman to wear. Everything was a gamble at this point, and the best odds for us all to survive seemed to weigh more towards trusting in her magical protections and moving on. Only time slipping away was the only thing we could truly be certain of.

  “Then I guess Heartstone Enterprises is closed for business once more,” I declared boldly!

  “As if!” Dino snorted and looked disgusted. “You might shape stone with your magics, but you’re no Heartstone! His works are masterpieces, sought after by the royalty!”

  “Umm... Sorry Dino,” I apologized while a huge grin crossed my face, “but that’s my work. My partner handles all the selling and distribution part of our business, but the pieces sold are all my work.”

  Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and were staring wide-eyed at me now. Mongo staggered and sat on his ass, blinking like a madman. “I… I’ve got a whole set of Heartstone Armor?” His voice was barely audible, even in the silence that had descended in the room.

  “Yep!” I couldn’t help but laugh as I answered him. “Why? Is it really that big a deal?”


  Apparently it’s a big deal. A lot of things seem to be becoming a big deal. Even though I made the armor for Mongo specifically, he didn’t think he could wear it. Plate armor is reserved for knights, nobility, or people who spend a fortune and buy a special permit. It’s a sign of status, which he didn’t claim to have. The fact that it was “Heartstone Crafted” armor, made it somehow even more above his status.

  Like the dead give a damn about that! He was our shield, and I simply wanted him protected as well as he could be, so that he could protect the rest of us! Status, wealth, and other such things didn’t matter one damn lick when in a tomb, surrounded by the dead, and fighting for one’s life – and even their very soul!

  Finally, completely at a loss for patience, I summoned my magic and strengthened my voice. “KNEEL!!” My voice echoed throughout the room, and everyone went to their knees – most holding their ears from the reverberations bouncing off the small chamber walls. (Honestly, I may have amplified the air and boosted my voice a bit too loudly, considering where we were. I work air, but not the most. Sometimes I have a few issues with fine tuning my control over it.)

  Striding over to where Mongo knelt, holding his ears like everyone else, I pointed the plain stone sword which I’d crafted first for m
yself at him. And then I waited for everyone to actually be able to hear me once. Everyone was staring at me all curious what I was going to do with my sword, and it was Dino who finally broke the silence. “Michael, I know you’re frustrated with Mongo not wanting to wear the armor you made, but that’s no reason to chop off his head or anything. If he’s caught in plate armor without the proper permissions, he could be forced into slavery or even die!”

  Good old Dino; always able to see every action of mine in the worst possible light! I’d grown so used to it, I didn’t even bother to sigh in frustration this time. Honestly, I’d be surprised if he saw it any other way. Some people see the world through rose-colored glasses; Dino sees the world through a veil of stupidity. Definitely, I’m moving out when we get back to town! A little of him, I can tolerate, but after all this time on the task together? I’m about ready to ‘accidently’ melt him some time.

  “Mongo, you have been judged!” Trying to sound as deeply serious, calm, and collected as possible, I kept the tip of my blade pointed towards Mongo’s face. “You have been judged,” I repeated. “Judged and found worthy!” Lifting my blade, I moved it over and tapped him on the left shoulder with it.

  “By my authority, as Young Lord Mik’hail of the House of Dancing Flames; High Champion of The First Daughter of Andor, Protector and Guardian of the Heir to the Throne of the Shining Star; do hereby dub thee Sir Mongo, Knight Protector of The People!” I went to raise my blade to tap him on the other shoulder...

  “You can’t do that!” Dino jumped up and yelled in denial. “You’ll get us all killed, pretending such bull shit! You’ve gone too…”

  And he was down on the ground, doubled over, holding his gut in pain. Crystal had slammed the pommel of Heartblade into his chest hard enough we could hear ribs crack and break. “My Lord,” the anger in her voice was palpable, but held tightly under control, “this one refuses to acknowledge the authority of The Heir’s Champion and Protector. Should I end him?”

  The promise in her voice was obvious; all I needed was but to think it, and Dino’s head would find itself separated from his body. Keeping my voice calm, I tried to defuse the situation, “Dino, I speak nothing but the truth. My mother is the High Lady of The House of Dancing Flames, and the First Princess, Lady De’Nara, Heir to the Throne of the Shining Star, took me as her Champion. I have every right to perform such rights.” Well, I hoped I did at least. Technically, we were in Gondor and not Andor, and I really didn’t know how much authority the Heir’s Champion carried. I think De’Nara once told me it was a ceremonial title or something?

  “Fuck you, you lying bastard.” Dino wheezed in pain but managed to spit in my direction. “You..”

  Whatever else he was going to say was cut short as an SHINKK sounded, Heartblade descended, and his head rolled across the floor. Turning, Crystal held Heartblade’s tip up in a salute towards me and simply nodded. “The worm has been dealt with,” she replied calmly and coldly. “To impugn the authority of The Heir’s Champion, to dispute his parentage and lineage – I could allow no more. If my actions were wrong, I shall accept judgment later for them. I regret nothing.”

  The room was deathly silent, with only the sound of blood slowly leaking from Dino’s corpse, and the incessant scratching and shuffling of the dead in the hall echoing around. I hadn’t liked Dino. I’d begun to think of him as a complete nuisance, and more of a liability for the group than an asset. I’d even been tempted to melt him a few times.

  But, I can honestly say, I never expected for him to actually be killed by his own group!

  Slowly, taking a timeless moment to breathe deeply, catch my breath and reorder my thoughts; I finally shook my head from side to side when I slowly exhaled my doubts away. “If there has to be judgment, it’ll come from others when we reach town – if we reach town,” I told Crystal and the others. “If we die in here, it’ll be up to the Gods to be the final judge of both your actions and my own. I won’t even pretend to offer judgment, as I must excuse myself on grounds that any judgment I render might be seen with bias or nepotism from my affections towards you.

  “You’ll turn yourself over to the Knights in Gondor, when we get there, Crystal. No,” I clarified, shaking my head slightly, “we’ll both turn ourselves in for judgment. Until then, allow me to begin anew.” Taking another deep breath, I tried to keep the tears from the corners of my eyes. Mongo was still kneeling, with my blade hovering above his head, where the ceremony was interrupted. Jess was wide-eyed and staring at Dino’s corpse in shock, watching the blood drain and puddle around it. Crystal was still calm and composed, and Tiffany…

  Tiffany had the strangest expression of all. Her eyes were alight, the corners of her mouth keep twitching up and down as if she was ready to burst out into laughter at any moment, and she never took her gaze from the tip of my sword. Bewildered by her reaction, I moved the tip of my blade an inch or so to the right, in the same motion as I had moved it in before Dino’s interruption and death, and she half bounced and wrung her hands together in anticipation.

  If she’d even noticed Dino’s death, she didn’t show the slightest sign of it! Tiffany’s whole attention was simply focused on the tip of my sword. I was going to simply start the whole ceremony over from scratch again, to undo the interruption, but from her expression, I didn’t feel like that was the right thing to do. Sighing deeply, I finally moved the tip of my blade the rest of the way to the right and tapped Mongo gently on his shoulder, causing him to flinch slightly.

  With another sigh, I lifted the tip of the blade and tapped him on the left shoulder again, and then I slowly turned the blade to hold the hilt out towards him. “Arise Sir Mongo, Protector of The People!”

  I don’t have a clue if what I’d did was a valid ritual in these lands. I don’t know if I really have the authority to even perform such ceremonies. I certainly don’t know if we had the right to make Dino dead! Hell – I don’t think I know anything, anymore!

  But Tiffany didn’t seem to have any doubts. The moment I told Mongo to arise, she bounced forward like a jackrabbit on drugs, leaped across the short distance separating her from Mongo, and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as she plastered herself to his back and covered his head and shoulders in kisses. She was laughing, and crying, and trying to say something completely unintelligible, all while squeezing and kissing him endlessly. The only thing I actually managed to understand was a single, “Cong…ations”, from her whole hyper burst.

  Mongo looked almost as bewildered as I felt, as he slowly reached to take the hilt with a trembling hand. “I… I’ll… I…” Whatever he was trying to say was drowned out completely by the endless affection Crystal was lavishing upon him at the moment.

  “Crystal. Jess.” Wearily, I turned my attention to the two of them. Jess glanced up, eyes still huge and unblinking, making me fear that she might be in shock. Slowly and gently, I walked over and held out a hand towards her. “Come. Let’s head to the other room and leave these two to celebrate on their own for a short while. We don’t have much time to spare, but I don’t think we’d be able to tell that to Tiffany right now.”

  Nodding blankly, Jess took my hand and let me pull her slowly up. As the three of us went into the other room, Tiffany’s healer robe arced across our path and the sound of wildly passionate laughter and kissing pushed us to walk faster without looking back.

  Today had been one hell of a day already. One teammate knighted. Maybe. Or maybe not. One teammate definitely dead. Another in shock – poor Jess! And another lost in her own excitement and joy.

  The darkness doesn’t need to corrupt and destroy us. We seem to be able to do that well enough, all by ourselves.

  Fearless Leader

  In some ways, I was irritated that we had to wait for Tiffany to reward Mongo for his promotion. In others, I think it may have been a necessity. It took quite a bit of time before Jess began to focus on her surroundings and interact with us once again. She had been perhaps the clos
est of us all to Dino, except perhaps for Mongo – who was being distracted from any grief he might be feeling, and his sudden death took her by shock. Even once she started blinking and moving again, she seemed lost in her own thoughts and didn’t talk to Crystal or me at all.

  It wasn’t until Mongo and Tiffany had quit what they were doing; and Tiffany skipped merrily into the room we were waiting in, still tying her healer’s robe back shut in front; that Jess hopped up, ran over, and grabbed her hand. “Tiff, you got to help me with Magey!” Yanking her along, she immediately started to drag Tiffany back towards the room with Dino’s corpse in it.

  “Are you guys going to bring him back to life?” I couldn’t help but blurt out the first wild thought that crossed my mind, but Jess just stopped long enough to snort in my direction.

  “Don’t be stupid,” she replied, coldly. “Dying down here, who knows what this place has done to his soul. I wouldn’t bring him back, even if I could.”


  “I just want his seed,” Jess answered before I could even finish the question. “It’s still alive and healthy for now. With Tiffany’s help, we can pull it from him, and I can still have his child. All I ever really wanted was a child born by a male wizard, and I don’t see any reason why I still can’t have that.” Somehow, her words sent a shiver down my spine. Poor Dino! I guess he really was going to be a ‘Deadbeat Dad’.

  “We can do that!” Tiffany bounced and hugged Jess several times before running the rest of the way out of the room with her. I could hear her excitedly tell Mongo, “Jess is going to be a Momma! Come watch!”

  By the sound of the clanging, banging, and scrambling, Mongo almost broke his neck rushing to get out of the room and join us. The right side of his greaves was fastened and held in place, the left side still swung free and nearly caused him to stumble and fall as his arms were weighed down with the rest of his armor. “No thanks! I need Michael to help me get into this armor so I can keep you guys safe!” Looking pale, he yelled back into the other room where the two healers laughed back merrily.


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