BlackWolf Legacy

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BlackWolf Legacy Page 9

by Sydney Addae

  “Her father’s using creative language,” Silas told Jasmine. “He blames the police for everything that happened and has contacted the American Embassy. They are now aware and are making arrangements for her safety. She’s going to meet her parents there. Three dead Americans shot in the back and the girl was shot in both the back and the head. Like I said, a PR disaster that’s going to have a serious economic impact.”

  Jasmine noted Marin’s tightened jaw but otherwise the man’s face remained neutral. “On behalf of the Police Commissioner and our country, I assure you this investigation is our top priority. I have just been made aware of the matter and will be happy to meet with you when you and your wife arrive. We will remain here until the entourage from the Embassy arrives.”

  “The father doesn’t want the daughter to talk to the police until she’s on American soil, the Embassy. Marin doesn’t like it but he’s going to agree,” Silas said, shamelessly eavesdropping.

  “I understand your concern, Sir but this is a murder investigation. I need to ask her a few questions,” Marin said.

  Silas chuckled. “The Ambassador threw some weight into the ring and the Police Commissioner already agreed that Lynda has been traumatized enough. They’ll wait until she’s at the Embassy with her parents who will arrive later tonight. So the interview will happen tomorrow.”

  Marin’s chin jutted out. “Alright. Until tomorrow, Sir.” He returned the phone to Lynda who took it and returned to the room.

  No one spoke for several seconds.

  “I have a question regarding your security system,” Marin asked. “What is it? Why didn’t the bullets penetrate the shield?”

  “Not going to discuss that with you,” Silas said with enough heat that Marin’s cheek reddened.

  “Is there anything else?” Angus asked when no one spoke or left.

  “Yes,” Marin said looking at Jasmine. “Did you get a look at the men on the boat.”

  “Yes I did,” she said ignoring Silas’ warning.

  Marin stared at her a few moments. “Would you be willing to identify him from a photo?”

  “If you bring it back today,” she said.

  Marin frowned. “Why?”

  “Someone kidnapped and killed several Americans as if it was some kind of game. I doubt this was the first time that’s happened, he was too cocky. I have to wonder if my husband didn’t know people in high places in your beautiful country if their deaths would’ve ever been reported. There’s a part of me wondering if the man or men who did this will ever be brought to trial. To that end I have no intention of allowing you or anyone else to wreck our vacation as a public relations stunt when nothing’s really going to happen to that man.” By the time Jasmine finished both Marin’s and Suarez’ jaws were tight as they stared at her. Hostility wafted from them in waves.

  Lynda opened the bedroom door and stepped out. “Yes, what she said.”

  Marin slowly looked at Lynda. “I am a native born Panamanian and I can tell you that no one in my country approves of what was done to you and your friends. There is no cover-up. We’ve just been made aware of their deaths —”

  “How’s that possible? The police were here before you asking questions,” Jasmine said with a slight frown. “They said someone reported the deaths, why didn’t you come with them?”

  Marin took a deep breath. “A slight oversight.”

  Jasmine snorted. “You see why we’re not going to help you out of this nightmare. The police are called or told that three bodies have been washed ashore and not only are the detectives not informed but the police that arrive don’t secure the scene or look at the bodies, the only thing they want is to see the victim. Now how is that reassuring that the police will do their jobs?”

  Marin nor Suarez said anything for several moments. “I understand your reservations and...” Marin looked at Suarez who looked equally embarrassed. “And your distrust. I can only say we’re not all that way. The matter you spoke of is being handled and will be corrected. Despite the way it may look, this is no PR stunt. We’ll follow every lead and do everything within our power to bring whoever did this to justice. We follow the law, just as the police do in your country. I had not seen the security camera before Estevan Cortes left the scene. I sent officers after him to bring him in for questioning.”

  “Think you’ll find him?” Angus asked, his tone held a boatload of doubt.

  “Finding him won’t be the challenge,” Marin said rubbing the back of his neck before meeting Angus’ gaze. “Getting him to obey the summons, that’s going to be the real challenge.”

  “Is he a threat to Lynda and her family?” Jasmine asked in a low voice after Lynda returned to the bedroom.

  Marin took his time answering and when he met her gaze she read both his sorrow and disgust mixed with honesty. “Possibly.”


  SILAS AND ANGUS REMAINED on the shore of the beach watching the envoy from the American Embassy and the boat carrying Detectives Marin and Suarez depart. The bodies had been removed but yellow tape and small flags remained. Marin mentioned they may need to return to look for additional clues.

  Since none of the bodies had been killed here, something the medical examiner would confirm, Silas wasn’t sure what clues Marin expected to find. Nonetheless, he acknowledged the request as he gave them a copy of the security footage of the man dropping the bodies overboard and of Cortes the first night recovering the bodies and of him shooting at Lynda. He had Angus edit out the footage of Cortes trying to access the inner island.

  Lynda’s teary departure had been a relief. Not that he wasn’t sympathetic to what she went through, as a father he wouldn’t rest until Cortes’ body was tossed to the wind. However, they had three more days before returning home and dealing with dead bodies wasn’t what he envisioned for his holiday.

  Once Angus assured Jasmine that the men from the Embassy were legitimate and meant Lynda no harm, Jasmine had breathed a sigh of relief for her new friend. Silas sensed the tension ease from her shoulders as she hugged the young woman goodbye and told her to keep the phone. Shyla seemed similarly affected as she hugged Lynda goodbye with many blessings.

  He was grateful Jasmine hadn’t come to the beach to see Lynda off and had returned to the main house to fix a late lunch. His stomach growled.

  Angus looked at him and smiled. “Hungry?”

  “Starved.” He continued watching as the last boat turned out of sight.

  “Will he be back?” Angus asked.

  “Probably. I would if I was him,” Silas said thinking of Estevan Cortes. “He didn’t win, didn’t get what he wanted. He’s not going to like that.”

  “Plus, he may have lost a valuable contact if they come down on the Police Chief. That loss will hurt more than all the rest.” Angus looked around the beach. “Seeing those bodies kind of spoils the beauty of the place. I owe him for bringing that here and for shooting at my mate.”

  Silas had wondered when Angus would mention that. Estevan had crossed a line and hadn’t realized it could cost his life which placed it in the gray area. For humans, attempted murder did not carry the same penalty as murder. In the Wolf Nation, attempted murder of a mate carried a death penalty.

  “He shot at my mate as well,” Silas said tamping down the anger that slammed into him whenever he revisited the security footage in his mind. “I’m walking a thin edge here.”

  “If he returns to this island I will kill him,” Angus said implacably.

  How could Silas reprimand the man for saying what he was thinking? His beast demanded justice for the affront against his mate.

  “He’s taken hundreds of lives and enjoyed making others suffer. If he were wolf he would’ve been terminated years ago. I don’t understand human justice that allows such as this one to continue on his course, hiding behind their law. It’s ridiculous.” Angus spat on the sand.

  “You’re right, he’s murdered many people, however, we have nothing to do with that.” Sil
as stressed to make sure Angus understood where he was coming from. “He attacked our mates and for that, for that alone we will act against him.”

  “Agreed,” Angus said.

  Silas walked slowly down the beach. Angus walked beside him.

  “Did you dream last night?” Silas asked his brother.

  “Yes. It was strange. There were Black wolves with green eyes sitting on their hind-legs watching something in the distance. They didn’t move, barely blinked, simply stared. I wanted to see whatever held their attention but couldn’t move no matter how hard I tried.”

  Silas mulled over Angus’ words for several minutes wondering what the dream meant. “Did they acknowledge you?”

  “I don’t think so. No one moved or turned in my direction.”

  “Hmm.” Silas rolled that information over in his mind.

  “What about you? Did you dream last night?” Angus asked him.

  “No. No I didn’t.” The long discussion with Jasmine kept him awake after she fell asleep. He had messed up badly by not telling her about the humans. Seeing her so upset rocked him and kept his beast on edge all night. They stopped and stared out over the water for several minutes while Silas ran everything he knew about the BlackWolf Clan through his mind.

  “Grandfather didn’t tell us everything,” Silas said. “There’s something going on with Razor and Storm, something different from the other Black wolfs. I can sense it just beneath the surface but can’t quite figure it out.”

  “Because he attacked Ulric?” Angus asked.

  “No. Because he couldn’t stop the attack. His beast had been out of control which is dangerous for him and Razor. I think it has something to do with them being so close to Alpha Nikolas direct bloodline through Grandfather. What if that makes them more vulnerable?” He looked at Angus. “It’s the reason I’ve pulled them from work.”

  “Are they a threat?” Angus asked.

  “Possibly or not at all.” Silas shook his head. “There’s something. I sense it just beneath the surface but can’t quite grasp it and it’s pissing me off.” He unclenched his fist and looked up at the sky.

  “Has Hawke contacted you with anything? Or Maheegan?” Angus asked.

  “Not yet... they’re contacting Amynta or should have already to discuss Alpha Nikolas with her. I expect to hear from them soon,” Silas said thinking of the centuries of history they’ll need to sift through. “What about Shyla? Or her mom? Can they access any information?”

  Shyla had been the Mengistia” or Keeper of Secrets, a timekeeping group who served the Goddess. The position was passed down through the female line, from mother to daughter. Once Shyla mated Angus, her mother, Rosaria, returned to the house to become Mengistia until she could train her granddaughters to handle the job. Angus and Shyla’s first litter were two boys. They hoped to get pregnant during this trip.

  “Mengistia’s records are sealed and for the Goddess’ use only. They’ll need Her permission to access them for the Clan,” Angus reminded Silas. “Think She’ll allow them to do that?”

  Silas wasn’t sure. “Possibly. Have you discussed the matter with Shyla?” He met Angus’ gaze.

  “Not fully. I can if you think she may remember something or be able to point us in the right direction. But I think Amyntha’s our best hope. She was close friends with Alpha Nikolas and Konstantin and would’ve seen the Mage at some point,” Angus said.

  “I think you’re right. But we should discuss this with Jasmine and Shyla. One thing I’ve learned and have recently been reminded is I think much better with my mate’s input and support,” Silas said as he clasped his hand onto Angus’ shoulder.

  “Same here. Shyla has an uncanny way of seeing through the BS to the heart of the matter,” Angus said as they moved further inland toward the main house.

  Once they reached a thick copse of trees, Silas scanned the island again and erected the security shield.

  “Fishing later?” Angus asked a few minutes later.

  Silas almost said no and then remembered two things. One, this trip wasn’t just to be with Jasmine but also to spend quality time with Angus. Two, his brother had trouble sleeping with the nightmares that was attacking their Clan.

  “Make that around four or five in the morning and you’ve got a deal,” Silas said.

  Angus smiled. “Should be a good time to catch breakfast or lunch.”

  “You’re cooking?”

  Angus laughed. “No. But I’ll clean what I catch.”

  Silas grinned as they approached the house and heard light jazz playing. He looked at Angus. “Something smells good.” His stomach growled again.

  “I love my sister’s cooking,” Angus said as they stepped onto the porch.

  “She is the love of my life,” Silas said as he entered the house and saw Jasmine standing in the kitchen near the stove holding a glass of wine. She looked up at him and smiled.

  “Sweet Bitch,” he purred as he strode toward her.

  Angus picked Shyla up, swung her around and kissed her soundly as Silas reached for Jasmine and pulled her close.

  For several seconds he simply inhaled her scent while holding her close. “Have I told you how much I love and appreciate you today?” he asked as he nuzzled her ear.

  “No, not today,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaned back and met his gaze.

  “Jasmine Knight you are my heart, my treasure, my incomparable joy come to life. Never leave me. Be angry, upset, fuss, fight or whatever to get my attention, just never leave me.”

  She stared into his eyes for a few seconds, leaned up on tiptoes and brushed her lips against his. “How can I leave my heart? I can’t live without you, Silas. You’re my heart, baby. You’re my heart.”

  He took her lips in a mind-bending kiss and filled their link with his favorite images of them together alone and with their kids. She shuddered in his arms just before they broke apart.

  “We’ve come a long way, Wolfie. You still remember when I got pregnant with the pups?” She looked at him.

  His heart warmed at the memory. In those days he despised humans and had arbitrarily ordered Tyrone’s death before changing the decree so that he could observe the new anomaly of half-breeds. Jasmine, Tyrone, and Tyrese stayed in a condo in Alpha Jayden’s Compound until Silas had answers about half-breeds.

  Something happened and Jasmine went into heat which attracted wolves from all over. The twins had been scared the full-bloods would hurt their mother and turned aside as he went into Jasmine’s bedroom to put an end to her out of control pheromones. Had he really thought he could’ve avoided her? Even then his beast responded to her in a way it never had with anyone else. How arrogant he had been back then. Jasmine had taken his seed and given him a family, something he had no idea existed. She wooed him back into humanity, into the gray areas of living, so that he ruled the Pack with more compassion and reasoning.

  “I’ll never forget that day, Jasmine. You refused to allow me to rest until I gave you my seed, remember?”

  She smiled. “Yes, I’ll never forget that day either. You were mean and arrogant until I offered to find someone who didn’t mind me being human.”

  “I’d have killed anyone who tried to get close to you,” he growled and they both knew he meant it.

  Smiling, she brushed her lips against his. Soon memories flowed through their link, some he had forgotten, others were indelibly printed on the forefront of his mind. Male and females were so different, he thought. She treasured simple things like when he surprised her with two dozen white roses for no other reason than he had been thinking of her. Or when he had been so hungry for her, he refused to wait until the end of the work day and scooped her from her office and strode toward the elevator carrying her while everyone in the office cheered, smiled and clapped. He had forgotten about that. Life with her was peppered with unexpected events when they showed their love for each other, and those were the ones she treasured most.

  “Your stom
ach’s growling let’s eat,” she said softly.

  When she leaned back and met his gaze with a sultry, full of promise look, his beast growled in anticipation. Food was the last thing on his mind. His stomach growled again. Obviously, his body had other ideas.

  “Are you and Shyla eating?” he asked Angus as he grabbed plates from the cabinet.

  “Yes, be there in a minute. We can discuss everything with them now.”

  Silas didn’t want a long discussion, he planned to bed his mate once the meal was done. “Alright.”


  Silas entered the room behind Jasmine, closed and locked the door while watching her move toward the bed, turn and look at him.

  “I’m concerned,” she said.

  “I know, but we’ll work it out.” He remained by the door watching her. Sunlight streamed through the window and kissed her skin now the rich shade of caramel. She glistened and glowed, taking his breath away.

  “Renee and Storm want to start a family, have kids. Why is the BlackWolf problem happening now?” She ran her fingers through her hair, dislodging the band that held her pony-tail. Dark brown, thick, wavy hair fell slowly around her shoulders. She slid her fingers through it again in an attempt to bring the heavy mass into some semblance of order and failed.

  Normally, she was elegantly dressed and coordinated but this week she let her hair down by dressing simply. He liked this unkempt side of her. He crossed his arms over his chest to keep from grabbing her.

  “I know.”

  “This... this whatever is happening can mess that up. Contact Hawke, find out what Amynta said.”

  “Now?” His beast didn’t like that suggestion, didn’t want to wait until later to take her. Hadn’t she received his signals all through the meal while Shyla explained her former position as Mengistia and why she didn’t think the Goddess’ records would hold answers since the Goddess hadn’t been involved.

  “Yes, the sooner we know what’s going on, the sooner we can fix this.” She rubbed her hands down her jean shorts, drawing his attention to her firm thighs and the sweet apex between them.


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