Mark of Orion

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Mark of Orion Page 21

by S L Richardson

  "Never," Rachel proclaimed.

  "Not on my watch." Javier's voice was deadly calm.

  Olivia's hand smoldered against Dad’s mark as tears of frustration ran down her face. When he released her hand, she stepped away. Could she be a part of something that had ripped her family apart? Could she trust Dad's impassioned words and this fantastical story of good and evil?

  Rachel and Javier took off their shirts and placed their children's hands against their marks.

  "You killed that demon in my room, didn't you?" Zach asked his mom, staring at her in awe.

  "I did." She said with a trace of a smile on her lips. Strength and a touch of sadness radiated from her when she touched Zach's cheek. "And you will, too. All of you." Her hand fell as she stepped back.

  "Why do we have the mark?" Sergio asked as his hand moved away from the distinct black dots on his dad's muscular chest.

  "There is much to learn about the mark and how to use it, mijo," Javier replied. "But for now, it's the constellation of Orion."

  "We figured that out a few weeks ago, but why?" Sergio pushed his dad for more answers.

  "This mark serves as a link between you and the Fallen. Use it wisely, and it will help you track them. Used unwisely, they can find you."

  The trio glanced at each other.

  Dad bent over and retrieved three flashlights from his backpack. He handed them to Olivia. "We know we've given you a lot to process and understand you've got more questions for us. You'll learn more tonight. We'll leave you alone to talk."

  "Why?" Zach asked.

  "Because after tonight, there's no turning back." Rachel glanced at them. "Tonight, each of you will take the vow to protect the Mar of Sin and fight evil. You can't know anything more before you take your oath. You each have to make a choice. Serve in trust and obedience and put your old life behind you, or deny your destiny."

  "Has anyone ever said no?" Olivia asked.

  "Some took longer than others, but none have said no. But that's your choice if you so choose," Dad replied.

  The parents walked away, leaving them in the dark. Their flashlights shone on an outside world that had irrevocably altered. Olivia turned on her flashlight, needing illumination in the cave, and in her heart.


  "Well, that solves that. I'm out." Sergio threw his hands up in disgust toward the fading flashlights. "No way am I spending my life chasing demons and protecting the stars. Nope." He turned on his flashlight, and an eerie light show danced along the walls. Sergio ranted as he stormed around the cave. Zach caught snippets: Diablo, padres locos, ni hablar! 

  Zach's feet were planted in his dusty spot while his mind replayed his mom's words.

  I did, and you will too.

  After tonight, there's no turning back.

  Take the vow.

  Come forward in trust.

  "I don't know what to think." Olivia's words cut through his thoughts. "My dad isn't telling me everything. So, what's an even bigger secret than this destiny bombshell?" She kicked the dusty floor, sending pebbles against the wall. "I don't get it."

  Zach listened to his friends rant about their parents and the epiphany.


  Demon hunters...

  His body was numb and his mind blown by what was being asked of him and his friends. But Zach's heart? It beat a steady rhythm, at peace with the choice he made.

  "Hey," Zach called. "We're supposed to be talking to each other, not the hieroglyphics." But he might as well have been speaking to the walls. His shrill whistle got their attention. "Hey! Can both of you stop your tirades and come here?"

  "Fine," Sergio grumbled. Disgruntled faces, half hidden by shadows caused by the flashlight, stopped in front of him.

  Zach was comfortable in the cave's seclusion. Many nights camping had given him a love for the peace and tranquility found during those nights. He grabbed this peacefulness, hoping it would free his mind on what to suggest next.

  "I think it's safe to say that none of us are fired up about this," Zach started.

  "Brilliant, Boy Scout." Sergio smirked.

  "Hey, I feel like someone has pushed me down the rabbit hole, too. My mom killed a demon in my room. Okay? That's intense stuff." Zach placed his hands on his hips.

  "You're right. It's been a stressful few weeks. But none of us thought we'd ever hear anything like that tonight," Olivia said, running her fingers through her hair.  "Guardians of the abyss Lucifer fell through and demon hunters? It's unbelievable."

  Zach nodded. "It's inconceivable, but we still have to make a choice. We can be cowards and run away from this calling, or stand and fight for something greater than ourselves. Our parents did it, and generations before them did too. We need to step up. It's our turn," Zach argued, crossing his arms.

  Sergio leaned forward, his fists clenched at his sides. "Well, her dad said we could say no, so I'm good with that."

  Zach saw red. "You're not even going to consider it? Huh... I should have known you'd chicken out. You've been a coward from day one."

  So much for peace...

  Sergio launched himself at Zach, but he shoved against Sergio's chest, driving him back. Sergio stumbled to the floor, but got back up, standing inches from Zach's face.

  "Think you're better than me? That you're so brave?" Sergio snorted, thumping Zach's chest. "Then why did Mommy have to rescue you from the demon?" Sergio's dark eyes narrowed, mocking him. "You couldn't save yourself then. What makes you think you can save the world now? We will end up dead!" Sergio's harsh words echoed around the cave.

  "Stop it!" Olivia forced herself between them. "You guys fighting isn’t helping us. We need to calm down and talk rationally about this, okay?"

  Zach stepped back and hung his head, exasperated. He couldn't let Sergio push his buttons. Time was running out.

  "I don't like this destiny thing either," Olivia huffed. "But... those times when we were attacked by demons? I never want to face them again without knowing how to kill them." She paused as she scrubbed her face. "Because whether we like it or not, they'll be back. And I don't know about you, but I would rather be the hunter than the prey."

  "You don't understand." Sergio started pacing again. "Leaving my family? I don't know, man. Lucia needs me... and Manny," he scoffed. "He'll never let me go."

  Olivia grabbed his hand, stopping him. "Hey, your dad didn't leave you. He stayed and has been protecting your family your whole life." She tugged his hand, making him look at her. "And you could never turn away from God."

  His face crumbled as he shook his head. "You're right, and that's what scares me." Sergio's voice cracked.

  It struck Zach that no matter how scared, mad or unsure they were, they couldn't turn away from God or their families.

  "Well, I guess that's what we fight for then. Not for us, but for God... for our families. I can do that," Zach said as he approached them. Olivia slid an arm behind both boys. Zach put his arm around Sergio's neck in a bear hug, smirking at him.

  "We're in this together. I promise never to let you down." Zach sent up a silent prayer, hoping that was the case. "Are we good?" Zach asked.

  The dusty air was as heavy as the decision they each had to make. Confidence in his choice bolstered Zach as he eagerly awaited their answers.

  "Yeah, Boy Scout." Sergio nodded. "We're good."

  Olivia clutched the back of their shirts. "I'm not doing this for my dad, but I'll do it for my mom. I'm also doing this because I want to stop being afraid... and because... the only way that will happen is if I learn to fight with you guys." She brought them into a tighter hug. Zach's body relaxed as the tension ebbed away.

  "Okay, together it is," Zach said.

  They left the safe cocoon of the red cave and hiked back to the campsite. Zach contemplated the ramifications of their decision. As their three flashlight beams bobbed along the trail, he was thankful he wasn't stepping into the guardian
ship alone. They had his back, and he had theirs.

  Chapter Thirty


  The fire crackled with golden-red-tipped flames dancing inside the circular fire pit enclosed by misshaped red rocks. The warmth from the fire did little to dispel the underlying unease nagging at Olivia. She relished the heat spreading over her front, but her exposed back lay vulnerable to what existed in the dark. The smell of the pine wood burning drifted over to her as sparks flew when Sergio's dad stoked the growing fire. Their makeshift meeting lay in a flattened area below the cave, nestled among the surrounding hills shaped like a crescent moon. The night cloaked the cave from their earlier meeting in darkness, its entrance high above them, their secrets hidden.

  Olivia gazed up into the late-night sky. The blanket of stars lay so close, Olivia imagined scooping the bright stars into a jar and having them twinkling in her room. She found Orion, distinct among the stars. She liked the fact that they branded the hunter in the stars on her chest, serving as a link to the evil they'd hunt and destroy.

  They had returned to camp quiet but resolved. Their parents gave them space after they told them they'd take the vow. They ate dinner in awkward silence with eyes cast down on their tasteless food, wondering what the night held for them.

  Sergio and Zach sat on either side of her. Even though the night effects were peaceful, tension was etched on their faces. Olivia chewed on her bottom lip. The impending ceremony jacked her anxiety level through the roof.

  "Are we waiting for someone or can we get started?" All eyes turned to Sergio as his clipped voice bounced off the red hills.

  "It is almost time. Paciente," Javier said as he stood back from the fire.

  "Come on.... What are we waiting for, Dad? Is God swinging by?" Sergio asked. Olivia reached over and slid her fingers into his hot hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. The tension in the night air was thick. The fear of the unknown grated on their nerves.

  Javier chuckled. "No, not tonight, mijo." The parents shared a moment, like an inside joke.

  Then who is coming?

  Rachel checked her watch. "It's close to midnight. We can start." She gave each parent a nod. "They'll be showing up soon." Her bright green eyes traveled over each of them before settling on Zach.

  "Tonight, you will meet your guardian and the angel of your descent. There will be a transfer of knowledge and powers. Your journey will begin." Rachel entwined her fingers with Dad and Javier. "And ours comes to an end."

  Olivia's eyes connected with Dad's as her stomach dropped. "Who−"

  A sizzling sound behind her broke the hillside's quiet. Olivia jerked around in time to see a circular white web suspended in the dark. It crackled, sending heat and light radiating toward them. Her mind screamed run, but she stood, transfixed as the center of the webbing opened, leaving a large, vacant black hole. Electricity snapped through the air as a rush of hot wind whooshed over the fire, sending flames high into the air.

  Olivia gasped as a large, muscular man materialized. He stepped out of the webbing, followed by two more men of similar size and shape. When the last one walked through, the webbing closed as quickly as it had arrived, leaving behind the odor of singed air. The three mysterious figures stood cloaked in darkness, ominous and foreboding.

  "Demons!" Sergio yelled, yanking Olivia and Zach out of their frozen stupor.

  "Wait! They're not demons. This is who we've been waiting for," Dad said. The parents walked out of the firelight and greeted the men. Shadows from the fire played while they exchanged hugs and handshakes along with excited whispers.

  "Guess our visitors have arrived," whispered Sergio.

  "Wonder who they are and where they come from?" Zach muttered.

  "We have many names, but that's not important now," bellowed a deep, rich voice from the dark.

  Their parents emerged from the edge followed by three broad-shouldered, lean-hipped men. Golden firelight illuminated the strangers, casting a glow of mystery and authority upon them. The tallest man was dark-skinned and bald with a full beard and serious golden-brown eyes. Behind him appeared a man with rich silver hair pulled back into a stubby bun, exposing his chiseled features and blazing sapphire-blue eyes. The last man, leaner than the others, had caramel skin, thick black wavy hair brushed back from his face, and bright green eyes. They wore black, long-sleeved tunics and loose-fitting pants. Belts hung around their hips, holding menacing swords with golden hilts that glinted in the firelight.

  "Are we sure these guys are our friends?" Sergio whispered in Olivia's ear.

  The silver-haired man snorted, crossing his arms over his barrel chest. "If we weren't, you'd be dead."

  A harsh laugh emanated from the cave above, stretching tight Olivia's already-frayed nerves. A bright white light illuminated the cave's entrance. Shadows played inside the light like the flicker of a movie projector. A glowing figure took flight and landed next to the warriors. The platinum-haired angel stepped forward, his silver armor shining in the darkness. Olivia recognized the majestic white wings ending in cobalt-blue-dipped feathers.

  St. Michael.

  "Stop scaring the kids," said St. Michael. "They don't think you're funny." A smile spread across his face as he greeted each warrior by clasping forearms and clapping them on the back.

  But St. Michael wasn't the only one to exit the cave. Two more magnificent angels landed and exchanged the same familiar greeting. One had shoulder-length copper hair, a sharp face with a pointy chin, and white wings dipped in emerald green. The other had short-cropped brown hair and a square face with a cleft chin. His white wings dripped glittering gold.

  I can’t believe it!

  Olivia pressed a hand to her chest, awestruck by the surreal reality of this humbling moment. They were in the presence of angels. Not fat cherubs with stubby wings, but glorious, fearsome and formidable archangels. A tear slipped down her face as she bit the inside of her cheek, trying to steady her surging emotions.

  Zach's hand slipped into hers. "They're spectacular," he whispered.

  Sergio dropped to his knees, his eyes wide. "Look at them! Warriors... like..." He waved his arms in front of him, searching for the right word.

  "Like something out of a video game?" Zach grinned, squeezing Olivia's hand.

  "Exactly, but way cooler!"

  Olivia watched, dumbfounded, as their elated parents greeted the archangels like old friends. Olivia stopped trying to figure it out. Instead, she absorbed every chaste word and gracious gesture shared, knowing she might never see something as incredible as this again.

  The warriors stayed on the edge of the firelight, but the archangels strode toward them. Olivia took a small step back as their huge presence crowded both space and sky.

  St. Michael stopped in front of the trio with the other two flanking him. His bright blue eyes scanned each of their faces. He reached for Sergio, pulling him to his feet.

  "Hello, Sergio. There's no need to kneel. We're here to serve you." His warm, deep voice flowed around Olivia. Sergio could only nod.

  "I'm Michael." He turned to his right. "This is Raphael." Raphael’s green-tipped wings elongated behind him as he nodded in a friendly greeting, but his piercing green eyes gazed intently upon each of them.

  "And this is Gabriel." While his golden eyes were peaceful, Gabriel remained in his warrior stance. The gold in his wings glowed molten against the firelight.

  "It's an honor to be here tonight." Michael's wings swayed as his large, muscular hand extended in a handshake. Zach's hand shook before Michael's engulfed it.

  "I'm Zach. I−I−" Nothing more came out than a nervous laugh. Michael nodded as he smiled.

  Michael took Olivia's outstretched hand. A warm current radiated up her arm. "Olivia. Your mother's beauty with your father's strength."

  Her empty hand missed Michael's as his fell away. It still tingled, longing for connection with his power and, yes, the peace she felt while in its grasp. He stepped back and held his arms out wide. />
  "But alas, this ceremony isn't for us. It's for the three of you and these three warriors." Michael's hand pointed to the mysterious men standing silently behind them.

  "Come. Let us begin," Michael bellowed.

  The warriors approached with powerful, stealthy strides. The three archangels exchanged places at the firelight's edge. Olivia jumped as hands from behind gently squeezed her shoulders. Her pulse drummed when she turned and found her dad there. Michael was right. Dad was powerful, but his secrets made his power untrustworthy. She pushed those thoughts aside as the three warriors split up, and each took a stance in front Zach, Sergio, and Olivia.

  The silver-haired warrior stood in front of Olivia. Even though there was plenty of room between them, his sheer size and power were staggering. His eyes bore into hers, soul-searching and fierce, as if examining a seashell to keep or throw back into the sea. She stood straighter and stared back, wanting to stand up to the scrutiny of this stranger.

  Dad cleared his throat and gave her shoulders another squeeze. "We've come here tonight, with the archangels, to transfer our powers and knowledge to Zach, Sergio, and Olivia. These warriors of God, angels on Earth, standing before you are your ancestors." Dad's voice was filled with pride, yet cracked with emotion. "You'll learn how to enhance and harness these angelic gifts as they are awakened inside each of you under their watchful eyes and skilled tutelage."

  This man was her family?

  Olivia's ears roared. Had she heard her dad correctly? But the roaring wasn't only inside her head. The air stirred around Olivia, kicking up the red dust. It built momentum, lifting her wavy ponytail. She dared not take her eyes off the warrior, who took a step closer. She lost the excited voices of her friends in the rising wind.

  Conner stepped beside Olivia and grabbed her hand. "I love you, Livy. You're braver than you'll ever know, and I'll always be right here for you." Dad leaned over and kissed her hard on the forehead. His eyes watered as he smiled at her, his rough hand giving her one last quick squeeze.


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