Mark of Orion

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Mark of Orion Page 31

by S L Richardson

  "Zar has survived his punishment from the beast and been reminded of who he is: a Fallen!" Leviathan strutted around the pit, yelling up at the damned. "Are you with us or against us, Zar?"

  "I'm with you," Zar rasped.

  He heard the crunch of gravel when Leviathan stomped his foot. It came down again, joined by the Fallen around him. The stomps grew faster and rose around the pit, joined by the damned, pounding as one in approval. The beast snarled and lumbered away with footsteps not matching those of the pit.

  Zar ignored their praise, for he didn't want or need it. His mangled flesh healed, but his compliance was hollow. He'd play their game...

  Until I take my revenge.

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  Olivia made the slow right turn onto her street, but her heart was hammering as if she'd run a race.

  Today was the day. This was it.

  Training with the Magi.

  She passed Zach's house. He'd parked his truck on the curb, but there was no sign of him. He was as anxious as she to begin. Each time they met each other at school, he'd given her hand a reassuring squeeze or sent her a wink. But his eyes mirrored hers: excited, nervous, and mixed with a dose of fear. Olivia pushed her emotions aside. She didn't need the negative clouding her judgment or holding her back. Her ring's glint caught her eye on the steering wheel. Its dragon fire stone reminded her to keep her inner strength burning bright. She must be fearless, or she'd be the next funeral attended.

  Olivia parked in the driveway next to her dad's truck and set her jaw, determined not to let him ruffle her feathers. She gathered her gear and headed for her destiny. The house was quiet except for the coffeemaker in the kitchen. It smelled divine, but caffeine was the last thing her revved-up system needed. She put her backpack down and stroked Thunder, who was purring at the foot of the stairs. His light green eyes were half-closed as he arched his back against her strokes.

  "Hey." She jumped at her dad's voice behind her. For such a big man, he made little noise. No doubt honed from years of sneaking up on things that went bump in the night. "How was your day?"

  Olivia stood as Thunder jumped off the stairs and into the den. She glanced at his somber face as she walked by, shrugging. "Fine. Hard to concentrate with all this taking place. I got called out again for daydreaming by Ms. Thomas. She's my last class, and I'd kinda checked out by then." She poured herself a cup of coffee to occupy her nervous hands. Leaning her hip against the counter, she peeked at Dad above the cup's steamy rim. "Mom upstairs?"

  "Yep. Worn out after PT, but she's improving every day. Her balance is better thanks to years of dance and yoga−"

  "Thank you," Olivia blurted. "She wouldn't be... uh... where she is without you taking and pushing her."

  Why am I rambling?

  Dad slipped his hands into his jean pockets. He released a shuddering breath, looking at her with startling blue eyes.

  "I love her," Dad said. Olivia bit her lip against her dad's vulnerability. "And you, too." His voice broke.

  She cleared her throat and shook her head. "We can't do this−"

  "You're not ready to have me back in your life. I get that.... I really do, but I'm here now to help you and build back the trust I broke when I left." His eyes pleaded with her. "You'll never know how truly sorry I am."

  Olivia fought back the harsh words she wanted to hurl at him. Not because he didn't deserve it, but because she needed to take a step forward. If she stayed tangled up in her feelings about him, the cost to her would be too high.

  "I can't change the past, Olivia. It's done. I want to start now. Whatever you need, or questions, or−"

  "What was your first kill?" Olivia interrupted, wanting to change the subject.

  Dad's face turned to stone as he sat back on the barstool like he'd had the wind knocked out of him. A range of emotions played across his face before it settled on one: resignation.

  "My first kill." His thumbnail picked at a spot on the granite counter. "I haven't thought about that in a long time, kiddo." He sighed, slapping his hands against his thighs.

  "It was a succubus, and she was hunting my best friend. I wasn't much older than you." His eyes were distant until they focused back on her. "Anyway, I thought I was somebody with these secret powers and master of weapons... like I was some superhero. But I was so wrong. ‘Bout got my butt killed." Dad scratched his beard as he slumped against the barstool. "I learned two valuable lessons that night."

  "What's that?"

  "I'm not invincible, and evil knows no bounds."

  Olivia took another sip, trying to push away the memory of Manny’s death.

  "What is a succubus?" Olivia asked.

  "It's a female Fallen that tries to... uh... have relations with a human male so it can slowly steal his soul."

  "Wow. So that's what it's called. That's what must have attacked Zach."

  "Yep. Rachel told me. She said she could sense it, but had to lie in wait so Zach wouldn't find out about her. Drove her crazy knowing it was stalking her son." Dad chuckled. "But Rachel is as tenacious and as fearless as they come. It never stood a chance."

  "That doesn't match with the fun-loving mom who's always trying to feed me." Olivia’s grin matched her dad’s.

  "When Zach shared with Sergio and me about his attacks, it stunned me. I didn't think anything like that existed outside of the movies." Her smile faded as she remembered how freaked out Zach had been.

  "Each Fallen is unique in skill and goal in how they undermine us, kill us and steal our souls." He approached her and took her mug, laying it on the counter. He trapped Olivia between him and the counter. Her body tensed as his nearness blocked out the room, demanding her attention. He grabbed for her hands, warm to the touch, holding her in place before she could scoot away.

  "They're also master manipulators. They'll do anything to get what they want. You can never let your guard down and never believe what they say, even if it seems to make sense. Their goal is your death so they can have your soul."

  "Well, I guess lesson one is complete."

  Olivia jumped, but Dad rolled his eyes. Melchior cracked a smile as his large hand slapped Conner's back. A nervous laugh escaped Olivia as Dad stepped away, releasing her hands. She'd only seen Melchior at the ceremony by the firelight. He'd been a frightening, imposing figure, but in the daylight, he wasn't as scary. In fact, he was handsome, and much more at ease, but his cobalt blue eyes studied her. She lifted her chin and returned his stare with one of her own. He wasn't the only one looking to peel away layers. Olivia was putting her life in his hands. She wanted to learn and understand all she could about this Magi. A corner of his mouth lifted, and he gave her a slight nod.

  Guess he liked what he saw.

  "Caspar and Balthazar are coming." His head turned to the kitchen window. An electric green web appeared in the backyard, widening out from the center. They emerged; the portal closed with lightning speed behind them. They glanced at the inhabitants as they walked through the glass of the sliding door. Olivia gasped, waiting for the glass to shatter. They stopped inside the den; the glass remained intact. The familiar smell of an electrical storm filled the room. Adrenaline hit Olivia. Soon she'd step through the portal, leaving her old life and discovering her new one.

  "You know, you should try a door sometime." Conner smirked as he gave each Magi a handshake. They turned to Olivia with the same gaze as Melchior. She tried not to squirm under their intensity. She sensed this was the lens through which they gauged everything and everyone.

  The doorbell rang. Olivia rushed to the foyer, thankful to be out from under their collective inspection. Sergio and Zach walked in, as did Javier and Rachel, each giving her a hug as they passed her.

  Olivia followed them to the overcrowded den. The boys exchanged handshakes with the Magi. Zach was tense, but excitement emanated from his cocky smile and gleaming eyes. Sergio's excitement was clouded by a darker energy lurking beneath the surface.

  Melchior signaled the other Magi. Each of them produced a small disk the size of a quarter. Melchior took Olivia's hand and placed the cool disk on her palm. It was a polished brown stone with black markings. She brought it closer, her heart pounding as she recognized the engraving.


  She turned the smooth stone over in her palm. It ignited a heat in her already-warm hand. Shiny wisps of black scrolls were written around the edge.

  "What does it say?" Olivia asked, marveling at its possibilities.

  "It's written in the tongue of angels. Release what was given," Melchior said.

  "I don't understand. What does that mean?" Olivia's brow creased.

  "Always a curious mind, but it's for you to discover its meaning." He smiled down at her. "Keep this talisman with you at all times. It'll have other uses, but for now, it's your passage through the portal." She stared wide-eyed at the talisman, feeling like she'd plunged down a roller coaster, leaving her stomach at her feet and her heart in her throat. Her mom's voice echoed in her ears.

  Your burden and your blessing.

  "How does it work?" Sergio asked, his voice higher than usual.

  "Let's go outside, and we'll show you." Melchior held out his hand. "Are you ready?"

  Olivia could only nod as she took her first step forward. Panic tried to seize her, demanding she deny Melchior's offer, but she accepted. A calmness, like an anchor in a storm, crept up her arm, releasing these anxious thoughts. She passed by Dad, who stood stoically in the kitchen. He'd shoved his fists under his crossed arms, as if he were willing himself not to reach out as she passed.

  She floated a confident smile. "I'll be back soon."

  "I'll be right here," Dad said, wearing his own brave face.

  This time, Caspar opened the sliding glass door. The brisk air was refreshing, clearing up her overwhelmed senses. The pairs spread out to different areas of the backyard, with the three parents watching them through the glass door.

  Olivia gazed at Melchior as the disk grew warmer in her sweaty palm. He took her hand into his, engulfing it. Anticipation surged through Olivia as she faced the angel condemned to eternity as a man, tasked to train her as a guardian of the Mar of Sin, a portal jumper, and a weapon-wielding demon killer.

  You can do this, Olivia.

  She inhaled the fresh afternoon air through her nose and released a cleansing breath.

  "See in your mind Orion on the talisman."

  Olivia closed her eyes. She concentrated on the stone, seeing the seven dots while attuned to Melchior's voice.

  "Now find the power core inside of you. The same energy you used to fight the Fallen."

  Olivia's eyes flew open.

  "I don't know how to do that." Her breathing hitched.

  "I'll help you find it." He gave her hand a quick squeeze. She closed her eyes again, trying to remember how she had felt that night. A seed of tingling bloomed behind her mark as she fed off of the surrounding emotions.

  "Don't hold back. Release the energy into the stone."

  His voice faded as the tingling grew, spreading warmth. She imagined it flowing through her arm into her palm−

  A bright light flashed around her and Melchior. Electric blue energy singed the air and crackled around her. The portal sprang to life behind them. A huge smile spread across Melchior's face. He took a step inside, and she followed, engulfed in a vacuum of swirling lights.

  "Here we go!" was the last thing Olivia heard before her body became weightless, her world engulfed in a sea of blazing blue lights. A punch of energy vaulted her into the unknown world of the Magi and the secrets of the guardianship.

  Her new life.

  Her new burden.

  Her new blessing.


  Thank you so much for reading Mark of Orion! I hope you loved reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I would like to know what you thought about the book. Reviews breathe life into an author’s spirit and help others in the quest to find their next entertaining book. Please write your review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Thank you so much!




  Never miss any sneak peeks or updates on any of your favorite characters and books or my upcoming books! Go to my website at and sign-up for my weekly newsletter full of fun and intriguing insights about the Guardian of Orion series and my writing life. I’d also love it if you’d drop me an email on my “contact me” page with questions or what you think about my books. I’ll get back with you. You’re the best!

  Light of Orion~ Coming Soon!

  Olivia, Zach and Sergio’s epic journey continues in the next installment of the Guardians of Orion trilogy, Light of Orion!

  What powers, skills, and weapons will the trio master when they journey through their portals to meet with the Magi in their magical world? What secrets will their mysterious teachers divulge about Orion, the guardianship, and the hunter’s mark on each of their chests?

  As Lucifer continues to build his massive Army of the Damned led by the Fallen, will Delilah and Zar help him in his new vile vision of the world he will lead or will they scheme against him, risking their lives in their own zeal to rule over all?

  As the three worthy battle with their inner demons and fight for their lives, Olivia finds herself the object of the three wicked, each plotting their own dark desires for Olivia’s future.

  Can Olivia survive her trials with the help of her fellow guardians or will evil prevail in their quest to decimate man and find the secret portal of Orion?

  Don’t miss out on book 2, Light of Orion!


  I never imagined the journey I’d take over the last two years when this story and its characters first burst from my mind while I sat waiting at a traffic light. It wasn’t a journey taken on a smooth, easy road where I poured out a perfect first draft effortlessly onto my laptop. Instead, I was riddled with self-doubt, battled with my guilt for taking time away from my family and friends, and overwhelmed by an undertaking of unknown scope and magnitude. All I was sure of was that I was going to write a fantasy trilogy. So, I kept taking bites out of this unruly elephant by placing my butt in the chair and writing words on the screen until the first book was done.

  But I never would have completed this book without the love and support of family and friends who continue to bless my life.

  When I first told the love of my life, my husband, Chris my desire to write this trilogy, he didn’t blink an eye. He told me to go for my dream, knock it out of the park and don’t give up. He never complained when I’d shotgun blast him with ideas or worries or when I asked him to edit/proofread my drafts. He gave me nothing but his complete love, boundless encouragement, and unending support. He’s my rock and this book wouldn’t have happened without him. Thank you, my love.

  We have four beautiful children that I love with all my heart. Thank you for having faith in me and repeating that it’s never too late to chase a dream, and for not complaining when it was seek and ye shall find night for dinner. You are my life and I’m so proud and amazed by each of you!

  A big hug and thank you to my and Chris’s family. My village. Each of you gave me encouragement and love for which I’m so grateful. I love each of you very much! Thank you, Dad, for your loving support. But one special lady was truly the wind beneath my wings… my mom. She is simply the most generous, loving, and unselfish person I know. She’d let me unload all my fears and then prop me back up and tell me to go write. She’s my biggest cheerleader. Thank you, Mom. Love you.

  I have some amazing friends who inspired me along through this process. Mary R., Teresa, Jen I., Barbara, Lela L., Natalie N., Janet D., and Kristine, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unending optimism and undying friendship. Your advice was instrumental in the success of this book. Thank you for also being my beta readers and/or critic advisors. Y’all rock!

  And lastly, than
k you to God, who is my light when I see darkness and who has forgiven me for my sins. And to my guardian angel, for holding my hand all through life.

  Guardian Angel Prayer

  Angel of God,

  My guardian dear,

  To whom God’s love

  Commits me here.

  Ever this day,

  Be at my side,

  To light and guard

  To rule and guide.


  About the Author

  S. L. Richardson

  When you don’t find her reading the latest YA fantasy or thriller or running her high schooler to his various activities, she is at the computer writing the next book in her trilogy, Guardians of Orion.

  Being an author has been a dream of hers, but like running a marathon, thought it would never happen. After hitting 50, she chased the dream (not running a marathon, but writing), and released her first, Mark of Orion.

  When she’s not writing, she loves cooking, gardening, going to Houston Astros baseball games, and walking her German Shepherd (or maybe he walks her).

  She lives in Texas with her incredible and supportive husband and is blessed with four amazing children.

  Connect with S. L.!




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