Be My Valentine: A Valentine's Novella (Hold On To Me Series Book 2)

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Be My Valentine: A Valentine's Novella (Hold On To Me Series Book 2) Page 7

by Blue Saffire

  I flinch hearing her say this. I have put the only woman I have ever loved in danger. I put her in a role that has always threatened her life without a second thought. I feel like such a bastard.

  If it were up to me, I’d wrap her in my arms and take her back to Puerto Rico with me. Then, I’d find this carbón that has dared to threaten her life and skin him alive.

  “Please stop looking at me like that,” she says, walking closer to stand before me.

  I want to touch her, I want to take her lips and devour her. Yet, I won’t. The only reason I have not gotten on a plane and flown away from here is because her life has been threatened. Otherwise, I would have left my wife to the life she wants to keep so badly.

  The life where she doesn’t have to be ashamed of her husband.

  “I have not looked at you anyway.”

  “Yes, you have. You wouldn’t look at me before, but now you are looking at me as if I’m fragile and I can’t handle myself,” she says.

  “I would like to get some rest,” I say looking around the apartment.

  “Marido,” she says, causing my cock to twitch. “Look at me.”

  I look down into her brown eyes. She’s more beautiful in this moment than she has ever been to me. I cup her face, unable to restrain myself any longer.

  “I think you misunderstand my reaction to your question,” she whispers.

  “How so, cariño?”

  “I have never been ashamed of you. At twenty, my fast ass used to fantasize about luring you into my bed. For years, I’ve measured every man I’ve date against my forbidden husband.

  “You… you have been everything to me. A friend, a mentor, a savior. I couldn’t ruin that with my wanton curiosity. I can blame it on the alcohol if I want, but the truth is… I wasn’t that drunk when you kissed me.

  “I wanted you to. God, did I want you to. And when you did, everything made sense and didn’t all at the same time. I’ve never been ashamed to be yours.

  “My shame comes from knowing I’ll never be a lady like the women you date. I have blood stains up to my neck. I’ve done things I can never wash away. And you know what… I don’t think I regret a single one.

  “For that I am ashamed because I will never be the wife you deserve,” she says lowering her lashes.

  I lift her head and search her eyes. I can see the truth bleeding from them. I haven’t been the only one in this for the last nineteen years. Even before I knew I was in love with my wife, I’d fallen in love with her.

  “I would have married a statue if that’s what I wanted. You are the fire to my flame, mi amour. I can’t wake without thinking of you—”

  “But I can’t be what you want. I don’t know how—”

  It’s my time to cut her off. I crush her lips with mine. Leading and guiding her the way I’ve been doing since she walked into my life. I don’t know how to love either, but for her I’m willing to learn.

  “I should have done a lot differently with you,” I breathe against her lips. “I will spend the rest of my live correcting my mistakes, mi amour.”

  I seal my mouth over hers before she tries to protest or change my mind. I sip from her lush lips as if it’s the last time I’ll ever get a chance to. My hands roam her back and ass.

  I need her naked so I can make love to her. I know she’s not ready for me to say the words, but I’m ready to say them to her with my body. Stroke by stroke, I want to sing her body a song that will teach her the depth of my love for her.

  “Cristó,” she whimpers when I move my lips to her neck and begin a trail down her throat.

  Buttons fly as I rip her shirt open, the fitted white blouse ruined the way she has ruined my sanity. I’m mad for this woman. I wouldn’t be satisfied if she were anything like the women I’ve fucked in my past.

  Detra is so much more to me. She mirrors me in so many ways. She gives me hopes and dreams I never knew I wanted. Even now, my blood sears my veins, calling out for her to become one with me and my desires.

  “Wait,” she pants.

  I release her enough to look into her eyes. I can see the desire within them. My brows draw in confusion.


  Biting her lip she searches my eyes. I don’t know if a cold shower will work if she tells me this isn’t what she wants. I’m bursting with need as it is.

  “We’ve been having a lot of unprotected sex. I don’t have condoms here,” she says sheepishly.

  I growl and lift her into my arms. “Bedroom, where?”

  “Cristó,” she laughs.

  I capture the sound with my lips. “Where, cariño?”

  “At the top of the stair, at the end of the hall,” she says breathlessly.

  The thought of her swollen with my child has me ready to come in my pants like a thirteen-year-old. It is no mistake on my part that I have not been using protection. I want my wife.

  I already admit to being a bastard. If a child is the only way I can get her to stay with me… so be it. I will have something her Nelson doesn’t.

  Her fingertips brush at the crease between my brow. “What is it? What are you thinking about?”

  “Nothing,” I say, pecking her lips as I climb the stairs.

  “You’re lying,” she says in a knowing tone.

  “It’s nothing we need to talk about now. I have other plans for our mouths.”

  “Is that so?” The hunger in her eyes causes me to push forward faster.

  Entering the bedroom, I move to the bed to drop her down on it. I pull off my suit jacket and drop it to the floor. I rip my shirt open just as I did hers. I have no patience for buttons.

  Detra gets on all fours and crawls to me at the edge of the bed. She helps with my belt, freeing me from my pants. Before I can step out of my shoes and kick my things aside, she’s on me.

  I drop my head back and shove a hand in my hair. The feel and sound of her sucking me is too good not to relish. Never afraid to take me on, she gives head like it’s a challenge to be met. And meet it she does.

  “Joder, sí, just like that,” I groan. “Taste every inch.”

  I cup her face with my free hand and start to rock my hips. The choking sound she makes as she tries to take me whole rings in my ears. I clinch my teeth.

  Her hands pump me as she back off, licking the tip. I’m not going to last if she keeps this up. I reach into her hair and tug her head back.

  I bend to kiss her, savoring her swollen lips. Kicking off my shoes, I climb onto the bed. Detra moves back to give me room. She reaches to unfasten her skirt, getting it open just before I rip it and her panties down her legs.

  I flip her onto all fours in front of me. I dive in for her core from behind. My thumb circling her tight ring of flesh. Her hips start to circle as she rides my face. I still her hips and push my face in deeper.

  “Oh, yes, yes!”

  “Tell me what this greedy pussy wants,” I say, pushing two fingers into her.

  I reach for my cock and squeeze. I want to wring pleasure from her at least once before I enter her. I can feel how close she is.

  “She wants you. Don’t make me beg,” she purrs.

  “She can always have me,” I say, returning my mouth to her center.

  I use my fingers and mouth to tip her right over. I don’t know who enjoys it more. Although, Detra gives a good case for her own enjoyment with the screams that fill the room.

  I look down at her body as she collapses and convulses against the mattress. She beautiful lying on her stomach.

  Covering her body with mine, I push inside of her. I drag my hands from her shoulders to her hands. We link our fingers as I start to move into her. She wiggles, giving me the perfect angle I need. I plant a foot into the bed and start to drive into her.

  “So good,” I groan.

  “Always so good.”

  “Is it?” I breathe in her ear.

  She shudders and moans, nodding her head. I nip at her shoulder, pushing in and out of her tight body. I do
n’t know what life was before having a taste of my wife.

  “That’s it drip all over me,” I say, sticking my tongue in her ear.

  Our hands tighten, my toes dig deeper. I push hard against her ass. Her cries get louder and I pump harder. The bed starts to rock under the force.

  “Cristó, Tómalo todo,” she calls.

  “Don’t say things you don’t mean,” I pant.

  “I mean it. Take it all,” she repeats in English.

  She has just opened a door. I will do just that. For the rest of the night, I consume and devour my wife.

  I. Take. It. All.

  Chapter 11

  Strange Calls


  I’m half asleep with my phone ringing over my head. It’s the third time this morning. I was hoping I’d get to catch a little sleep before having to get on the plane back to London.

  I groan and reach for the phone. Once again it’s an unknown number. I answer and place the phone to my ear.


  This time I’m greeted by breathing before the line cuts off. Now they have my attention. I sit up in bed staring down at my phone. I dial Manny.

  “What’s up?” Manny answers sounding as exhausted as I feel.

  “I don’t know if you’ll get a hit, but an unknown number keeps calling and hanging up. Third time this morning,” I say as he answers.

  “I don’t like this,” Manny snarls.

  “Just see what you can find out,” I reply and hang up.

  I place the phone down and release a heavy breath. I can feel his eyes on me without turning around. This is not how I want my Jefe to see me.

  “I have it under control,” I repeat the words I told him all last night in between and after our make up sex.

  “Do you?” He says, reaching to rub my bare back.


  “I want you to let me handle this. Manny was right. Your hands should no longer be dirty. Things have changed. You are building our legitimate businesses—”

  I whip around to face him. “I am what I need to be for our family. Don’t mistake my softness in your bed for softness in our business. I have this under control.”

  His lips tighten. Those hazel-blue eyes zone in on me. I know he doesn’t like my tone, but I’m pissed. I’ve worked too hard to have him doubt me over this.

  He gives a curt nod. “I will allow you time to sort this out. If I feel it’s getting out of control… if I see you in harm’s way, it ends.”

  “Thank you, Jefe.”

  I take note of his flinch. He has done that several times since yesterday. Something shifts in his gaze and he lifts to grasp my face between his fingertips.

  “Marido, I’m your husband, not your boss,” he says sharply.

  “I had the understanding all this time that you are both,” I challenge.

  “Then as your Jefe, I’m going to spank your ass,” he bites out.

  “Not if you want your huevos, you won’t.”

  “You drive me insane,” he rumbles, flipping me onto my back.

  For the rest of the morning we shut out the world. He fucks me tenderly. Yes, I’m still not able to admit he’s making love to me.

  I’m not ready for that.


  “I want to meet your family,” I say, as I play with the hair at her temples.

  We are finally on our flight heading back to London. I have so many things running through my head. I don’t want to step on Detra’s toes as my Teniente but as her husband. It’s another story.

  Every instinct within me tells me to protect her. I want to flush out this coward and handle this problem for her, but I know what that will do to her. It is my own fault that I even have to think about this.

  “I don’t think you really want that. Just imagine, five women that are all under five four with big mouths. My father… sometimes I think we drove him into his problems,” she says, losing the humor at the end of her statement.

  “I think I’d enjoy it,” I laugh to lighten her mood again.

  “I promise you wouldn’t.”

  “Your father means a lot to you, but I still get the feeling you haven’t forgiven him,” I say cautiously.

  “You know… I tried. You’ve been telling me to for years and I did try. But… I found out he started to gamble for a bit not long after I got him out of trouble.

  “Y… you just don’t do things like that to people you love and that love you. Mommy thinks his shit has never stunk a day in his life. I… they make me so mad,” she says.

  “Because they have a love you don’t understand?”

  She lifts her head and pulls away from me. I’m sorry I opened my mouth when I see the set of her jaw. She’s beyond pissed at me.

  “That’s not love,” she says in disgust. “To lie and put your entire family in trouble. He could have gotten us all killed. If it weren’t for Nelson…”

  She trails off and shakes her head. Actually tears spill down her cheeks. I tense at the sight of them and… the friend.

  “We had a shitty childhood. No money, a fucked up neighborhood, but the one thing I always had in my home was my family. Papi was everything to me. I trusted him with everything in me.

  “Those men that came to collect. They were going to rape me. Nelson came out of nowhere and fought with me until they ran off blooding back to their boss.

  “I had no choice but to run away. I made Nelson promise to leave his house and that bitch mother of his to hide. I went straight to Manny. I had to think fast and act faster before those guys went back for the rest of my family,” she says as tears streak down her face.

  “This is why my brother asked me to make that piece of shit, Russo, hold off on collecting his debt. If I would have known, I would have killed him and his men,” I snarl.

  “I didn’t want that. In Jersey, me and my sisters survived by making examples. That’s what my father taught us and that’s what we taught Nelson when they picked on him for being the only white boy in the neighborhood.

  “You make an example of one. When I found out what Papi was doing, I needed to do more than pay off his debt. I needed to make an example so no one ever fucked with him or my family again.

  “I knew… I knew in my gut he wouldn’t stop. So I needed a way to make an example. And I had to find a way to return the favor to Nelson. I owed him for saving my life,” she says with a haunted look in her eyes.

  “So you used me to make another man wealthy?”

  “No, I used you to keep two kids alive. Nelson saved me and you saved us both. When you placed that power in my hands, I made sure everyone knew who I was. Russo and his men had nothing close to what you gave me.

  “My family is not a part of our world so I was able to hide a lot from them, but those that lurk in the shadows, preying on young girls and lost men… they saw the example I made,” she says.

  The dark look that flashes in her eyes reminds me why I was drawn to her then. Pieces she has always held from me fall into place. I understand the woman before me so much more.

  “Well, let’s start with me meeting this Nelson. It’s been long enough, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah, maybe,” she says with a small smile.

  Suddenly, her brows wrinkle. I feel the shift in the air. Detra’s smile falls and she sucks in a deep breath.

  “Talina… I spent the night hanging out at her apartment before she left for London with Nelson,” she says as her eyes bounce as if she’s looking through her own thoughts.

  “This would connect you to the ex?”

  “Yes, it could. They had just broken up. She lived with him,” she says and nods.

  “I don’t like this,” I say tightly.

  “Neither do I.”

  Chapter 12

  Mine to Love


  “Hold on a second,” I say to Cristó.

  I laugh at the text message on my phone from Talina. It feels so foreign to crack a smile these days that’s
not forced. Usually when I do, it’s because of the woman that stole my best friend’s heart.

  Talina: Tell him to let me out. I want to walk again someday.

  Nelson informed me days ago that he and Talina aren’t ready to come up for air. Which honestly has been fine with me. I don’t want Nelson to be alarmed by what I’ve discovered in the last few weeks.

  The less time I’m around them the better. Although, meeting Nelson has come up a few times, thankfully, Cristó has been too busy to try to follow me around everywhere.

  The company that serviced the car before Nelson arrived in London doesn’t exist. The appointment was made by someone claiming to be from our New York office, but we’re still not sure who or if this is a fact. The staff here in London followed protocol. There was no way for them to know it was all bogus.

  “As for Malcolm, we have yet to locate him since a day ago,” I say finishing the conversation we were having before the text came in. “There hasn’t been a sign of the cars that have been tailing him either. Not since we left New York.”

  “As if they already know our moves. I still think you should tell your friend that his employee is in danger. You say she makes a lot of money for us. How do we know this didn’t start with her?”

  I release a breath and level my eyes on my husband. I didn’t want to put Nelson’s business out there, but I think it’s time to fill in some blanks. Cristó is not the enemy.

  Besides, Nelson has already told me that he’s pretty serious about Talina.

  “Talina as a sweet girl. There is only one reason anyone would come after her,” I say.

  He lifts a brow. “What is this reason?”

  “Nelson, they started a relationship after arriving here. People will use her to hurt him if they can, but she’s not the cause of this.”

  “And we are sure her ex is not involved?”

  “Can’t say that yet. Although, he would be a pawn, not a major player. I don’t even think he knows about their relationship,” I muse.


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