His Firework

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by Shaw Hart

  His Firework

  Chapter One


  I strip the dirty sheet off of cabin twelve’s bed as I bop my head to the music blaring from the portable speaker. I’ve been up since 6 AM, cleaning cabins and checking out guests. My mom and I run a cabin rental agency up in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Most days, I don’t mind working here. I get to be in nature and for the most part the work is easy. Then there are days like today, when I’m sick of being stuck here in this tiny town, with my mother. I want to travel and see the world, see more than just the view off this mountain.

  Unfortunately for me, we barely make enough money all year to keep this place running. Rumor has it that there’s some developers looking at building a resort nearby and if that happens, we’ll be out of business for sure. I’m not sure if I’m rooting for them to build it or not.

  I finish changing the sheets on the bed and throw the dirty ones on the back of the gator. I wipe down the kitchen counters and tidy up the throw pillows on the couch. I take one last look around cabin twelve before I walk out, locking the door behind me. I wipe my hands off on my cutoff jean shorts and tug down my worn t shirt. My scuffed and worn tennis shoes kick up dirt on the path as I head to the gator parked outside the cabin.

  I hop up into the gator and head to cabin seven, the last cabin I have to clean today. I speed along the path and pull up in the little drive out front of the cabin. I hop out of the gator, making quick work of grabbing my supplies and the speaker before unlocking the door and getting to work.

  I’ve been cleaning the cabins for as long as I can remember and I have a pretty good method down now. My mom always says I’m lazy and a promiscuous girl. She thinks that by keeping me busy and working hard, I’ll be able to cure my evil ways. I want to roll my eyes at her every time she calls me lazy. I’ve been practically running this place since I was thirteen. If either of us is lazy, it’s her. She runs the desk while I clean the cabins in the morning. She spends the days answering the phone and watching soap operas.

  As far as being promiscuous, well, I don’t think her plan to work me to the bone is helping with that. I lay awake at night, touching myself and thinking up dirty fantasies. When I was fourteen, I found the romance section at the local library and I’ve been checking out books ever since. The library is pretty small and the romance section isn’t very big. I think I’ve read every book in there at least four times.

  Lucky for her, and unfortunately for me, there’s no one in town that I have ever wanted to act out those fantasies with. The boys who live in town are just that, boys. They have no idea what they want to do with their lives or how to treat a girl. Their idea of a good date is going down to the local bar and shooting pool.

  I smile as I think about the last boy who asked me out. Pete is a good guy who works at the mechanic shop in town. He’s always been kind to me and we’ve hung out as friends before in school but he’s happy to settle down here on this mountain and never leave. He doesn’t understand my desire to get out of this place and see more of the world.

  I unlock cabin seven and set my speaker down on the kitchen counter, making my way into the bathroom to collect the used towels and hang up fresh ones. Luckily, cabin seven is only for two people instead of a family like cabin twelve. It will only take me a quarter of the time to clean. I strip off the sheets on the queen size bed and throw everything in a pile by the front door. I plug the vacuum in and quickly do the floors, moving chairs and furniture out of the way as I go. Once that’s done, I grab the toilet bowl cleaner and bathroom spray, cleaning the bathroom quickly.

  I only have to make the bed and clean the little kitchen and then I’ll be done. I grab the spray and spritz the counters and the stove, wiping it down and checking the fridge for any leftover food. It’s empty so I just wipe the fridge shelves and door down before moving onto the microwave, doing the same to it.

  I throw my dirty cloth in the laundry pile, scooping it all up and bringing it out to the gator. I grab the clean sheets and comforter and head back into the cabin. I’m making the bed when I hear the door open.

  “Yeah, I just got to my cabin. I know. I know. I will. Ok. Bye.”

  I only hear one person so this guy must be talking on the phone. I hear him toss something and I poke my head around the corner to see a strong man running his hands through his thick, wavy, dark brown hair. His back is to me so I can’t see his face but I let me eyes take in his back, running down from the top of his head, over his strong back and tight ass, and down his thick legs. He’s in shape, that much is obvious. My mouth starts to water and I can’t stop the image of this man on top of me, thrusting and rutting inside of me. I lick my lips and at that moment he turns around and spots me. His blue eyes widen at the sight of me and I try to smile at him, to put him at ease.

  He’s gorgeous with a strong, defined jawline and high cheekbones. A straight nose sits between his piercing blue eyes. His thick eyebrows are still raised and his lush lips are slightly parted as he takes me in.

  “Hi.” I say, waving weakly.

  “Um, hi.”

  “I was just finishing cleaning the cabin. If you’ll give me just a minute, I’ll be done and get out of your hair.” I say, turning and heading back into the bedroom to try to hide my hard nipples.

  This man is beautiful and he is definitely all man. I’ve never had a reaction to anyone in town or to any of the guests who have come through here. This man though, he sets off something in my body. I can feel myself start to grow wet as I make my way back into the bedroom.

  “You work here?” He asks.

  “Yeah, my mom and I run the place.” I say with a forced smile as I think about my mom.

  “What’s your name?” He asks following after me.


  “Ember.” He says, rolling my name off his tongue.

  “I’m Weston.” He says after a minute.

  “Nice to meet you. What brings you to Pigeon Forge?” I ask.

  “Just wanted to look around. I’ve never been here before.”

  “There’s pamphlets in the office of some tourist stuff if you’re interested.” I say as I finish tucking the sheets in and shove the pillows into their pillowcases.

  “What do you recommend?” He asks, stepping out of the way as I squeeze past him to the other side of the bed.

  “I like to hike. There’s a beautiful trail that leads through the forest if you walk down the road here about half a mile. There’s a sign, you won’t be able to miss it. Otherwise, there’s the WonderWorks Museum in town, and the Great Smoky Mountain Wheel, Dolly Parton’s Stampede.” I continue, listing off some of the local attractions.

  “Which is your favorite?” He asks, as I throw the comforter on the bed and smooth out the blankets.

  I need to get out of this room. Being in here with the bed between us and his piercing eyes tracking my movements as I move about the room, it’s starting to make my body react. Already, I can feel my sensitive nipples as they rub against my bra and the dull ache between my legs grows. I can feel my panties are soaked and sticking to me and I try to rub my thighs together discreetly to stop the ache. Maybe my mother was right, I am a dirty girl.

  “My favorite?”

  “Yeah, if you could pick one thing to do in town, what would it be?”

  “The fireworks.” I say without hesitation.


  “Yeah, it’s almost the Fourth of July and the town always does this big fireworks display. It’s my favorite day of the year. I love watching them.” I say dreamily and I can feel the giant smile stretched across my face.

  I must look crazy but there’s just something about fireworks that has always drawn me in. I love everything about them. The noise, the flashes of colors, t
he excited faces of people in the crowd. I love watching the kids run around with sparklers, laughing, or throwing the poppers at each other.

  “Well, you’re all set. Let me know if you need anything else.” I say, grabbing my cleaning supplies and heading for the door. I hold the tote in front of me, trying to hide my pebbled nipples that I know are poking through my shirt.

  “Wait, maybe we cou-”

  He’s interrupted by a crackle from the little walkie talkie attached to my cleaning tote. It’s my mother.

  “Ember. I need you at the office. NOW!” She shouts into the walkie talkie.

  “Sorry, duty calls.” I say as I back out of the cabin and head to the gator.

  I need to get back to the office and see what my mother wants and then maybe if I have time, I can go back to my room and rub myself. At the very least I need to change my panties.

  I start up the gator and look back at the cabin one last time. Weston is still standing at the front door, staring after me. I wave one last time at him before I take off for the office.

  Chapter Two


  I watch as the red-haired girl takes off down the road back the way I came. Ember, I think. I thought maybe I had dreamed her up when I first saw her standing there. She looked like a little fairy, with the sunlight from the open window shining behind her.

  My eyes trailed down her long shapely legs to a pair of dirty sneakers before they trailed back up, over her cut off shorts and rounded hips, to the swells of her breasts, hidden beneath her baggy shirt, and to her oval face. She had her red hair pulled back but a few curls had escaped to frame her face. She has the brightest blue eyes. The first time I saw them I thought that maybe they were contacts, I’ve never seen anyone with eyes that look like neon blue. Her little button nose is dotted with freckles and her full red lips curl up as she smiles at me.

  I stand at the front door and watch until she disappears from view. I had wanted to ask her out. I could take her to dinner tonight and then to bed after. I’m dying to get my hands all over her curvy body. To see what she was hiding beneath that baggy shirt and loose cut offs.

  Part of me wanted to extend my trip. To stay until the Fourth of July and see the fireworks that she obviously loves so much. I don’t know if she realized it or not but her whole face lit up when she talked about them. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen anyone so passionate about something.

  She works here. I’ll just call up there later and see if I can’t convince her to let me take her out. She can show me around some of those local tourist traps and attractions and then I can show her my main attraction.

  My cock hardens in my pants as I picture spreading her delectable body out on the bed and finding all the secret spots that will make her light up like those fireworks that she loves so much.

  My phone rings in my pocket, interrupting my sexy daydream, and I pull it out to see it’s my assistant. I may not have told Ember the truth when I said I was here for a vacation. I do want to see the area but that’s only because I’m thinking about investing in a hotel some developers are going to build here. I swipe my finger across the screen, picking up before it can go to voicemail.


  “Hey boss. I just sent you the new details from the developers. There’s been a couple of calls. Do you want your messages now?” She asks.

  “Anything that can’t keep for a few days?” I ask.

  “No, nothing urgent.”

  “Then I’ll get to it when I return.”

  “Sounds good. Do you need anything else from me, boss?” She asks.

  “No. Thank you, Allison.”

  I hang up the call and bring up my emails and try to read over the new details but I can’t get the image of Ember out of my head. After half an hour, I toss my phone aside and run my hands through my hair. I’ll go check out some of those pamphlets that she mentioned when she was here, I think as I grab my cabin keys and start to walk to the cabin rental office.

  It really is beautiful here; I realize as I look around. The cabins are built into the side of the mountain, allowing for spectacular views of the mountain peaks and valleys. I walk up to the office door and look through the glass to see Ember’s fiery red hair. She’s taken it out of the ponytail and it hangs in chaotic waves down her back. She tucks it behind her ear as she types something into the computer in front of her.

  I grip the doorknob, pulling the door open and pasting a smile on my face as I walk inside.

  Chapter Three


  I look up from the ancient computer that I’ve been trying to book the latest reservation into for twenty minutes, to see Weston walk in the door. He smiles at me and I feel my cheeks heat as his good looks hit me all over again. It’s hard to believe that someone could be so handsome.

  He steps further into the room, closing the door behind him.

  “Did you need something for your cabin, Mr. Xavier?” I ask, trying to be polite, knowing that my mother is in the other room and can hear everything we’re saying.

  “No, everything is perfect. Just thought that I would see those pamphlets you mentioned. Maybe get a recommendation on a good restaurant for dinner?” He asks.

  I point behind him, to the shelves on the wall where all the pamphlets for the local attractions are.

  “As far as dinner, there’s a couple of good places.”

  I pull out a paper map and set it on the counter, pulling a pen out and circling the local restaurants.

  “Let’s see, there’s The Old Mill, the Local Goat, and JT Hannah’s. These are all along the 411. The Local Goat is up on the north part here.” I say pointing it out and circling it along with where his cabin is and where the other two are.

  “The Old Mill and JT Hannah’s are down here on the south side, so a little bit more of a drive but they’re both delicious. Most restaurants are going to be along this road so it really depends on what you’re hungry for.” I finish before handing the map over to him.

  His fingers brush mine and sparks shoot from my fingertips, up my arm. I jerk my arm back when I hear the creak of my mother’s chair from the back room. I clear my throat, looking anywhere but at him.

  “Well, maybe you would like to join me for dinner. Show me around town a bit?” He asks.

  My mother clears my throat behind me, finally emerging from the back room.

  “Mr. Xavier.” She says with fake cheer, shooting me a glare as she passes me and stands at the counter.

  “Everything in the cabin to your liking?” She asks when neither of us says anything.

  “Yes, it’s perfect. Thank you.” He says, looking between us.

  I know that he can feel the tension between us but he doesn’t comment on it. He stands there and I realize that he’s waiting for my answer.

  “I can’t tonight, Mr. Xavier, but thank you for the kind offer.” I say weakly as my mother stands guard between us.

  His eyes dart between us again and he nods slowly.

  “Maybe some other time.” He says.

  I make some noncommittal noise in my throat as he backs out of the office. I stare after him longingly for a second. Once he’s out of sight, I turn back to my mother, warily. I know what’s coming.

  “Try to keep your legs closed, you dirty slut. Can’t have you trying to sleep with every guest who comes through this place. We’re running a cabin rental place, not a whore house.”

  With those biting words, she turns and heads back into her room, settling down into her chair with a creak. I blink back tears. I don’t know why her words still hurt me. I know that what she says isn’t true but it still stings every time she talks to me like that.

  I work for the next few hours before I quit for the day. I need to get out of here, I think as I head to our small cabin. I change into some clean clothes before I grab the keys to my car and head into town.

  Chapter Four


  I leave the cramped office, trying to figure out what
that weird tension was about between Ember and her mom. I thought for sure she was going to take me up on my dinner offer but then her mom walked out and it was like Ember shut down.

  I make it back to my cozy cabin, unlocking the door and settling on the couch as I scroll through my phone. I return emails and texts for an hour before my stomach starts to rumble and I pull the map of restaurants out of my back pocket.

  I remember the way that Ember’s eyes lit up when she talked about JT Hannah’s and I decide to try that place for dinner. Maybe I can bring her back a dessert and talk to her again. I swipe my keys off the kitchen counter and head for my car. The fifteen minute drive to JT’s passes by quickly and I try to take in as much of the town and sights as I can. I meet with the developer’s tomorrow morning and I want to have a good idea of the layout of the town.

  I pull into a parking spot in front of the restaurant and am making my way to the door when I see a familiar head of red hair.

  “Ember?” I call and her head whips in my direction.

  She stops and waits for me and I can see her eyes running up and down my body. She’s practically devouring me with the way she’s checking me out. I knew she was interested in me, I think as I feel my cock grow stiff in my pants. I try to adjust myself discreetly as I walk between two parked cars but it does little to hide how excited I am to see her.

  She’s changed out of her cutoff shorts and loose-fitting shirt into a pair of dark skinny jeans and a plaid button down with the sleeves rolled up. My eyes take in the way the buttons strain over her full tits. It looks like if she takes a deep breath they might pop off and I instantly try to picture what color her nipples are. Her hair is out of the ponytail and hangs halfway down her back. My fingers itch to tangle themselves in all of those red curls and I have to curl my hands into fists to stop myself from doing just that.

  “Funny running into you here.” I say with a smile as I walk up to her.


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