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Bred by the MC Prez (Breeding Season Book 5)

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  There was no way she’d refuse him at this point. Some days, she’d come close to begging for his cock. When he’d go off on how he planned to breed her and fill her with his seed, she had to stop herself from asking him when it was going to happen. His body was hard and imposing. All she wanted to do was touch him, to run her lips over every inch of ripped muscle.

  The faintest sound caught her attention. She got to her feet and wandered farther down the long, winding road. It was definitely a kitten. The crying got louder as she neared a dilapidated shed on the edge of the forest ahead. Maybe Forge would let her keep one. Beth loved animals, but her father insisted on a cold, sterile home. It reminded her of a hospital. Or an asylum. The idea of pets was never entertained.

  She cautiously pushed open the door, only hanging on by one hinge. The last thing she wanted was to spook it. She clicked her tongue softly as she peered inside.

  “Looking for something, honey?”

  Beth gasped and stepped away, the door squeaking back into place. A woman was leaning against the side of the shed, her arms crossed. She didn’t know the woman’s name but recognized her from the club. This was one of the few times a woman had spoken to her. It took her by surprise. Maybe they were warming up to the fact she was Forge’s other half.

  “I heard a kitten.”

  She shrugged. “I have bigger things to worry about.”

  Beth pursed her lips, feeling out of place and unsure of what to say.

  “Do you know who I am?”

  Beth shook her head.

  “I was supposed to be Forge’s old lady. Did you know that? The right was practically mine … until you showed up.” She smirked without humor. “Now I’m outcast, a single mother with no education and no way to support herself or her kids. My future was all mapped out but he traded me for a young, virgin pussy.” She chuckled. “He’ll do the same to you, so don’t think you’re fucking special.”

  “I didn’t—”

  Beth had never known her own mother, and the last thing she wanted to do was tear a family apart. This woman made her out to be a monster, but she was a victim in all this too.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said, walking a partial circle around Beth. “The best woman got the honor, I’m sure. I just hope you can handle a beast like Forge. He’s no ordinary man.”

  She ran a finger along Beth’s shoulder. The woman gave off a sinister vibe. A shiver rolled up Beth’s back, her fight-or-flight response growing stronger by the second. “I should go,” she whispered.

  “Why? Not allowed to leave the club? Did you wander too far from their protective grasp?”

  Beth began to back up. The woman was tall and skinny. Maybe she could take her if it came down to that. She’s never been in a fight, but she wouldn’t just stand there and become a victim. Forge told her he was going to teach her how to use a gun. The fact wasn’t going to help her now.

  “You’re just a little girl. Barely able to call yourself a woman. But you’ve ruined so many lives. Are you going to apologize to my kids? Tell them you’re the reason they’re on the streets? Not having dinner tonight?”

  “I never wanted to cause trouble,” said Beth.

  As she continued to back away, she heard the rumble of a motorcycle coming from far down the treelined road. The satisfied look on the woman’s face filled Beth with dread. She turned to run, but the crazy woman grabbed her by the wrist and fought to keep her in place until the bike rolled forward, a white van pulling up behind it.

  The biker got off this Harley and walked toward them. “This the one, Romy?”

  “What do you think, Blade? Would you keep pussy like this at your club?”

  He laughed. “A bit too much cushion for me, baby.” Blade slapped Romy’s ass and came face to face with Beth. He looked down at her, his blue eyes cold and hard.

  “I was going to do what you asked and sneak in if Forge wasn’t there, but this little bitch came right to me like a stupid little puppy.”

  “You did good. She’s exactly the leverage I need. If he traded for her like you said, she’s important. The ballgame just changed.”

  He reached for her Beth’s cheek.

  “Don’t touch me,” she said, leaning away.

  Blade chuckled, but it turned into a cough. “You don’t call the shots, sister. And where you’re going, it ain’t going to be a vacation, I promise you that.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  Beth’s heart raced, the rush making her unsteady on her feet. She was well aware how ruthless bikers could be. She’d witnessed a lot of things she probably shouldn’t have at Forge’s club. This was the last position anyone would want to be in.

  “Put her in the van,” he called out before walking toward his bike. The door to the white van opened and a heavy-set man struggled to descend. Adrenaline spiked through her veins. As soon as he turned his back to her, she bolted. Beth ran back down the road. She thought the gates were just ahead until she realized how far she’d wandered earlier. There were only trees everywhere with no sign of the club. She could have walked for miles and not realized it.

  Beth crashed to the dirt road, the breath knocked out of her lungs, and her palms scraped. The heavy weight on her back rolled off and yanked her up to her feet. “Stupid fat bitch. We’re going to have fun with you tonight.”

  She choked for air, holding her neck as he pulled her along.

  “Forge,” she tried to call out. Her voice was hoarse. He smacked her upside the head and told her to shut up.

  Fear tainted every fiber of her being. Would Forge even want her once she was violated in every way? He’d bought a virgin, after all. Beth kept dragging her heels, but they were at the white van within minutes. The last sound she remembered was the van door sliding shut.


  “Is that for her?”

  Forge stopped examining the piece of metal in his hand and turned to the voice. Dog smirked when they made eye contact.

  “Mind your fucking business,” said Forge, slipping the little treasure into his pocket.

  Dog shrugged. “She’s your old lady, no?”

  “Yeah, but this kind of shit isn’t something I share with the club.”

  “It’s just me,” said Dog.

  He’d been through a lot with his VP. The old bastard had stuck with him through heaven and hell over the years. Forge trusted him more than any other, but his trust was never unconditional. He’d experienced too much shit growing up to believe otherwise. Deep down, even the most upstanding man had hidden demons. Anyone could be bought for the right price and used to betray those closest to them.

  It was smart to keep his armor tight, to trust no one but himself. Weakness wasn’t tolerated in his world. He wouldn’t have been prez if he had a weak stomach or wore his heart on his sleeve. Being a cold motherfucker was part of the job. He got shit done. Protected the Hell’s Slaves MC with his life every day. It was the only life he knew.

  Now his world was thrown off its axis because of one little girl. He briefly closed his eyes. Forge swore he could smell her sweet scent and see the blue of her eyes.


  He snapped back to the present. “You want something?”

  “Tomorrow’s the day. We haven’t made a move for weeks. It’s not too late to negotiate.”

  A rival club wanted to share some connections. They claimed it was a give and take, a mutually beneficial relationship. Forge was no fool. They wanted to move in on his turf and eventually wipe them off the face of the earth. Only Forge didn’t plan to negotiate. He planned to color the ground red and light them up tonight. They’d meet up with so much fucking firepower strapped to their backs that any peace talks would end before they started.

  “No, I’m not handing over what’s mine. You think that’s a good plan, don’t you, Dog? Since when do you bend over for our rivals?”

  “They had some good points. They have connections we need to expand in the east. Can’t hurt to hear
them out.”

  Forge scowled. He grabbed his hammer and slammed it down on the anvil. “No negotiating.” He tossed the tool and stormed out the forge. What he needed right now was Beth’s sweet innocence. She was the only thing that made him happy. Before her, he’d been existing, coasting through life with nothing left to make him human. His reputation was earned, and every single man in his club knew that firsthand.

  “Forge, come on. Don’t be an asshole.”

  He ignored Dog and bound up the steps to his room. She’d probably be hiding away again, if he knew her at all. He’d been pushing her to become more independent around the clubhouse, and she’d been trying, but it always felt forced.

  His control was wavering lately. When he’d come upstairs, she’d often be sprawled out on his bed, reading or daydreaming. She was so fucking tempting, all those soft curves to squeeze, huge tits to suck, and he could live between her legs. What he wanted was to claim her, to breed her, to fuck her so long and hard that she’d never doubt who owned her.

  But she was innocent. Precious. The complete opposite of the women he’d lived around all his life. For the first time, ever, he wanted to do things right, and taking her virginity before she loved him would make him worse than a bastard. She was only twenty-four. And it was bad enough he was never letting her go free.

  He pushed open the door.

  “It’s your call. I was only giving you another perspective.” Dog was behind him in the doorway.

  Beth wasn’t in the bedroom.

  He pushed past his brother, not in the mood to discuss business. Forge preferred his men to follow him without question, to do what needed to be done to keep them on top. It was a dog-eat-dog world, and he didn’t plan to become Mother-fucking-Teresa now because they wanted ties in the eastern cities. He’d get new turf like he always had—without selling out.

  “Beth?” he called out when he reached the yard.

  Dog kept shadowing him when he entered the kitchen. Some of the women were peeling vegetables in the dim light. “Any of you seen Beth?”

  One shook her head.

  “I asked you a damn question,” he shouted.

  “No, Forge. I haven’t seen her today.”

  “I saw her earlier walking in the yard,” said another one.

  “When? What time?”

  “Hours ago. When she never came back, we started prepping for dinner.”

  Beth was supposed to orchestrate the meal tonight. She’d been nervous but excited. She wasn’t in the room and not helping in the kitchen. He whirled around and stared directly at his VP. “Find her. Now.” His tone left no room for argument.

  As much as he wanted to believe she was somewhere on the clubhouse grounds, there was always that doubt flickering inside him that she’d run away. No matter how much connection he believed they had, her affection could be all an act until she had her escape. He’d bought her and kept her prisoner, so she had every reason to want to run.

  Anger, fear, and anxiety fueled the beast in him. And a sense of insecurity he’d never known. He stormed out of the kitchen, looking in every direction. Dog was already gone in search of her.

  Dog found him a while later as he searched through all the storage sheds at the perimeter of the main yard. Part of him expected to find a body. If anyone hurt her, he’d fucking kill them.

  “Zero saw her this morning leaving the club,” said Dog.

  “Where the fuck is he?”

  “He said she wandered off. He didn’t say anything because you told everyone not to mess with her.”

  She’d left. Willingly. Forge told her not to leave the club grounds, and she’d taken off anyway.

  “Where the fuck is he? I want to talk to him.”

  Dog pointed to the firepits.

  Zero looked five shades whiter than normal. “I didn’t know she wasn’t allowed to leave,” he said before Forge opened his mouth.

  Forge grabbed a handful of Zero’s shirt, pulling him close. “If anything fucking happened to her, it’s your ass on the line.” He pushed him away, pacing back and forth. “And you didn’t think to keep a tail on her?”

  “Sorry, boss.”

  “What did she have with her? I want every detail you remember.”

  Zero rubbed behind his neck, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “She didn’t have anything, not even a purse. She was humming and smiling, so I didn’t think anything was up.”

  Humming and smiling?

  If she was trying to escape, she would have been sneaky, not trying to garner anyone’s attention. His insecurities faded, replaced by a twisted rage when he imagined anything happening to his old lady.

  He turned to Dog. “Get Hound and every available body on a bike now. No one rests until she’s found.” Before Dog rushed off, he grabbed the sleeve of his leather jacket. “Make sure everyone’s carrying.”

  Dog nodded. “We’ll find her. Anyone who fucks with your woman is a dead man.”

  The yard bustled, men running from the club, bikes roaring to life. A couple of shots rang in the air. The distinct energy of his club snapped in the air.

  He swung his leg over the side of his Harley, but before he could kick it to life, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Any distraction irritated him at this point, but he quickly took a glance at the screen. He did a double-take when he saw a picture of Beth.

  She was gagged, her eyes closed. Her beautiful body slumped in a corner. He checked the sender, certain his heart had stopped beating.


  The fucking little whore had screwed him over. Did she think he liked to play games?

  She was in for a surprise.

  Forge wouldn’t be showing her any mercy, and his brothers lived for revenge.

  Chapter Seven

  They hadn’t raped her.

  The fact she was trying to find anything positive was a surprise. She couldn’t see because of the bag over her head. They were all laughing at her, and she hated it. They’d hurt her. Her clothes had stayed on while they each took a turn to poke, punch, or kick her. Blood ran down from her nose and her lip was split. Her entire body ached.

  “I mean, come on, gentlemen, don’t you think this bitch is worth anything?” Romy pulled the cover they had put over her head. The men had all laughed at her, saying she was even too ugly to beat up.

  Tears filled her eyes as she looked into Romy’s. The woman hated her.

  Romy began to strip, layer by layer, and the men began to howl as if it was the best thing they had ever seen.

  “Look at me, guys, and then look at that. She’s nothing.” Romy cupped her small breasts. “I can move without my entire body shaking.” She began to gyrate her hips. Blade approached her from behind, putting one hand on her stomach, the other on her tit.

  “Yeah, you show her how it’s done.”

  “You know she’s a virgin,” Romy said. “She wouldn’t even know how to suck a cock properly or take it deep in her throat. I know how to do all of those things.”

  “Show her how it’s done. Show her that Forge will never want her, not when he’s got you.”

  Romy got to her knees and Beth looked away. This wasn’t what she wanted to see.

  “I suggest you watch, fat girl. You’re going to see how it’s really done or I can beat you some more. I don’t mind hurting you to get what I want,” Blade said.

  Beth couldn’t stomach pain. She had no choice but to watch as Romy took out Blade’s cock. He was already hard. He wrapped his fingers around her long hair and as Romy took him into her mouth, she let out a moan.

  The men around them began to chant.

  “Swallow him. Swallow him. Swallow him.”

  All she could think about was Forge. Would he know where she was? Would he even care? Maybe this wasn’t the first time he’d bought a woman.

  One of the other men approached Romy but the woman on her knees didn’t push him away. Bending her body so she was on her hands and knees, he ran his fingers down her back, spread her ass open, an
d took out his cock. With Blade in her mouth, the other man took her from behind.

  Romy stopped sucking enough to smile at her. “You’ll never be good enough for any man. You’re fat, useless, and one day, Forge will use you and push you aside. He’s always had a thing for me. He knows what I can do. Not a single part of me is off-limits to him. Just like all of these men. They want a slut, Beth. You’re not a slut. You’re too clean. Too perfect and real men like their women dirty.”

  The man behind her pulled out and turned her so Beth had no choice but to watch as he fed his dick into her ass.

  Romy reached behind her and spread her ass wide. “That’s it, baby, fuck it. Take my ass.”

  She felt sick to her stomach. This wasn’t just for a show though. After the man was done with Romy, coming inside her, Blade finished on her face, and other men came to take their places.

  Over and over, Romy taunted her, told her how useless she was.

  The words weren’t exactly lies. Her father had told her repeatedly she was good for nothing. This just confirmed it. While she’d been living in a fantasy land, Forge was in the real world. He wasn’t her prince, nor she was his princess. No, he was her owner.

  He’d bought her.

  She was nothing.

  He couldn’t even bring himself to fuck her.

  All of a sudden, the tension in the room mounted as one of the guys, a young prospect as his label was printed over the back of his jacket, came rushing in.

  “Forge just killed Mel. He’s got the entire club at the gates. He wants his woman and Romy, now.”

  Blade stood up, wiping his nose where he’d just sniffed some white powder. What the hell was happening? Forge had come for her?

  “What?” Blade asked.

  “He … he wants to talk to you.”

  “Ah, this is going to be fun,” Blade said.

  Beth screamed as he pulled her to her feet by her hair. The pain was intense as he marched her out of his clubhouse. Romy also came out, completely naked, like a queen, her head held high.

  “Well, well, well, if it’s not Forge, the Hell’s Slaves MC prez himself.”

  Beth looked at the man who was her owner. She wouldn’t allow herself to even daydream about what that meant, not anymore. They were over. She was nothing. She meant nothing.


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