Bred by the MC Prez (Breeding Season Book 5)

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Bred by the MC Prez (Breeding Season Book 5) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

She’d been holding back since the day her father brought her to the club. It was fear keeping her from opening up. Fear of rejection. Fear of being alone. It was no way to live. Beth had to put it all out there.

  “I love you,” she said. It wasn’t a lie. Since coming here, their unorthodox relationship had grown and flourished. He was attentive and patient, even though he was usually the opposite with everyone else. It made her feel special for the first time in her life.

  “Big words.” She saw the satisfaction written on his face. Beth was just glad he wasn’t angry. Or didn’t laugh. “Lift up your arms. Let me see my tits.”

  She exhaled her relief and did as told. He pulled away her t-shirt. She’d just showered, so she had no undergarments on. Her heavy breasts sloped out into sensitive pink tips. He cupped them together, kissing her nipples until she couldn’t help but gasp. Forge looked up at her as he sucked her into his mouth, his tongue teasing around her areola.

  He was unrelenting. When she finally reached out to grab his hair, he stepped back and shrugged off his leather jacket. He tossed it onto a chair then tugged off his shirt. She stared without apology. His hard, ripped body, covered in ink, was her ultimate fantasy. And he was all hers.

  Beth ran her hands over both his shoulders, loving the feel of his skin.

  Power. Strength. All male.

  “I want you, Forge. I can’t wait another day.”


  “If I have to.”

  He chuckled as he unbuckled his thick leather belt, the jangle of metal on metal putting her desires into overdrive. Was he going to take her virginity? Was today the day?

  “Lift your hips.” He slid away her shorts, leaving her completely nude. The cool wood of the dresser top made her pussy tingle. She worried her wetness would be noticeable. “You don’t have to beg. If you want me, I’m yours.”

  “Kiss me then,” she said.

  He placed both hands on the dresser at either side of her and leaned in close. “Such a pretty girl,” he whispered. “And that cherry of yours is all mine.” Forge kissed her—deeply, thoroughly, and with enough passion to make the entire world go away. There was no past, no worries, just the two of them.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, never wanting this to end. The intensity, the purity, and what she hoped was a mutual love. She wanted to be Forge’s in every way.

  He carried her to the bed as she clung to him, her legs around his waist. Forge lowered her to her back, the muted rays of the pink sunset filtering into the room. He towered over her, his broad shoulders imposing as he stared down at her nude body. There was hunger in his eyes.

  “Hold your legs open.” When she became reluctant, he shook his head. “I already know you’re wet. You’re hungry for cock, and I’m going to give it to you. Hold her knees open and let me see that pussy.”

  She did as told, feeling so exposed as she held her legs open for his inspection. Beth watched with rapt fascination and he kicked off his pants. She’s seen naked men, and every time had disgusted her. Right now, she wanted to see Forge. She wanted him deep inside her, anything to take away the ache that had been growing by the week.

  “You wanted to know about today? It was all for you,” he said. “Blade’s dead.”

  If that was supposed to be foreplay talk … it was working. “What?”

  “Anyone who hurts you or tries to take you from me will meet the same fate.” When he removed his boxer briefs, his hard cock springing free, she couldn’t look away. She forgot what he’d just said and focused on the size of him.

  He noticed her staring. “It’ll hurt today, but later on, you’ll be glad I have good cock.”

  She wasn’t sure what the rating scale for men was, but he was definitely more than just good.

  Beth tried to refocus on what he’d said about Blade. Why should she care about that animal? Knowing Forge had sought revenge filled her with satisfaction. But shouldn’t she be more upset about someone being killed?

  Without thinking, she blurted, “You’re a murderer.”

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “I never claimed to be an accountant, baby. You know exactly what I am, and that’s why you’re in my bed. Begging to be fucked.”

  Okay, maybe, but still…

  Beth’s mind raced. Blade’s death and Forge’s fierceness pleased her more than they should. Those facts scared her. She should be horrified. What was she becoming?

  “Don’t think about it,” he said, bracing an arm at the side of her head as he leaned down. He licked along the shell of her ear, making her shiver. “I never hesitated. I’d do it again. For you.”

  She closed her eyes as he sucked the lobe of her ear, hitting erogenous zone after erogenous zone. “Should I be afraid of you?”

  “No, not you.” He kissed down her neck, his free hand running along her inner thigh. “You’re my treasure.”

  He always knew exactly what to say. Dominant, confident, and in charge. Forge made her feel safe and loved. Living in the Hell’s Slaves MC may not be the reality she’d grown up with, but she couldn’t imagine anything else now.

  Once he began to tease her clit, she arched up with a groan.

  “That’s a good girl. You’re so wet and ready for me. Tell me what you want.”

  She didn’t have to think twice. “That big dick.”

  He chuckled. “I’m going to enjoy taking this virgin cunt.” He cupped her crotch hard enough to make her whimper with wanton desire. God, she needed him.

  “I’ve never had a woman that was only mine.”

  She remembered what Romy had said to her. “Are you sure you don’t want an experienced woman who knows how to handle a man?”

  “Like the club whores? For my old lady? Fuck no.” He rubbed his face against her breasts. Forge made her feel beautiful and desirable. “I never realized it until I had you, but I want a woman who’s only mine. A woman I can be proud of. You’re the only one I want.”

  “I have no experience, and you know it.”

  “I’ll enjoy teaching you. Right now, let me enjoy myself.” He worked his way down her body, engorging himself on her curves like a starved man. Every cell was a hot wire. He knew how to use his tongue and hands to drive her to the breaking point and leave her there. When he reached the apex of her thighs, he lapped up her folds with the flat of his tongue then flicked her clit. He knew what she liked and used it to his advantage. As she writhed on the bed, he started suckling her with that skilled mouth. No mercy. She grabbed the bedsheets in both fists as he ravished her, eating her pussy like he had so many times before.

  He held open her thighs so she couldn’t close them, his strong hands easily able to subdue her. Forge had shown her so many pleasures since her arrival.

  Tonight was going to go further. Tonight, she’d become his.


  He loved watching Beth come, knowing he’d brought her there.

  Her eyes lolled back in her head as she submitted completely. Her lips were red and swollen, and the sounds she made likely carried down the hallway. The entire club would know she’d been claimed by him tonight. By the time she focused on him again, he was poised between her legs. He ran the head of his cock up and down her virgin slit, coating himself in her overflow of juices. She was still hypersensitive from her orgasm, and her tits jiggled each time she jolted away from his touch. He could play with her all day—so fucking edible.


  “You’re ready for me now, baby. Nice and ripe. Relax, just like that. I don’t want to hurt you.” He lowered his weight onto one elbow and carefully pushed the head of his dick inside her pussy. She hissed as he pressed in, inch after thick inch. Her nails dug into the flesh of his shoulder, but she didn’t tell him to stop. He loved the sting.

  He’d never popped a cherry. She was fucking tight. It would be an effort to last long enough for her to come a second time. She squeezed his dick as he slid deeper. He gritted his teeth, his jaw clenched as he fought for control.
r />   “Am I hurting you?”

  “You’re so big. I’ve never felt so full.”

  “You okay?”

  She only nodded, her eyes closed as she accepted all of him. He kept still once fully seated, marveling at the fact he’d just claimed his woman. All he wanted was one—her.

  He felt as she tested her inner muscles around his length, squeezing the shit out of him. “Stop teasing, baby. I’m barely keeping control.”

  “I never asked you to keep control. I kind of like it when you’re a little bad. Sometimes it’s good to be selfish.”

  Forge growled. “You’ll be the death of me.” He pulled out, carefully, then pushed back in. She was hot, slick, and addicting. Over and over, he pistoned in and out of her tight little cunt, keeping a slow, steady pace.


  Once she started squirming and whining, he knew she needed a proper fucking. “Hold on now. I’ve had enough of playing nice.” He picked up his rhythm, a sheen of sweat breaking out over his body. He wanted her screaming, begging, never forgetting the day he took her virginity. Not because he’d stolen it, but because she gave it to him willingly. He’d never forget the magnitude of the gift she’d given him. Nobody had ever thought much of him. He felt undeserving of such an honor, but he’d spend the rest of his life proving she’d chosen well. He may not have a fancy degree or title attached to his name, but he’d die for her. He’d already killed for her.

  She’d never have to doubt his loyalty. He’d never breathe another woman’s name again. In fact, all the club pussy knew to look the other way since Beth came into his life.

  The bed rocked, the wooden frame clapping against the drywall. He rammed into her fast and deep. She squealed and moaned like a woman possessed. He loved the sound of it. “Take it all, nice and deep.”

  “Oh God, Forge.”

  The sound of his name on her lips brought him dangerously close. “Let it go, Beth. I want to feel you come all over my cock.” He reached around all those soft curves and ran the tip of his finger around her tight little anus, pressing in a bit. As if on command, she screamed his name, her entire body jerking as her release scattered through her body. On and on, her orgasm lingered, milking his cock.

  Forge let go with a satisfied groan, filling Beth with his seed, hoping one of them would take root and fill her with his first child. An heir, a family—it was all surreal. A wave of deadly possessiveness briefly blackened his thoughts. If the boys thought he was obsessed with Beth before, he’d just became lethal.

  He lay beside her as they both fought to catch their breath. It was done. He’d never denied himself before, but this was worth it. He’d taken her virginity, marked her for forever as his.

  “How you feeling?” He brushed some stray hairs from her face.

  She didn’t answer, and he started to worry. Beth rolled to her side and traced the tattoos on his chest with her fingertip. “I feel different and the same. It’s hard to explain.”

  “Try me.”

  “You’re right, I’m a bit sore.” She smiled. “Nothing as bad as I imagined. I know I’m a woman, but today I really feel like one.” She swallowed hard, looking away from his face. “I feel connected to you now. On a different level. You probably don’t feel anything like it since you’ve been with other—”

  “Stop right there, Beth.” Forge lifted up onto one elbow as they faced each other on the bed. He forced her to look at him. “I don’t give a fuck about any women from my past. They were fast pussy, nothing more. You, you’re everything to me, understand? What we just shared meant more to me than you can ever imagine. Before the club, I was a scrap. I had nobody to rely on, no one to give a shit. You just gave me a precious part of yourself. I don’t take any of this lightly.”

  He leaned away to grab his gift from his night side table, then returned to face her. He held his closed fist out between them.


  “Open it.”

  She smirked and tried to open his fingers, failing miserably, despite her struggle. After watching her for a while, mesmerized by how fucking adorable she was, he released his fingers. Her mouth parted as she looked into his hand.

  “What is this?”

  “I know it’s not the greatest. I’m used to forging bigger things like knives. Little things like this are a bitch to get right.”

  She picked the ring up and stared at it. He waited for her reaction, hoping she wasn’t disappointed. He could buy her anything in the world, but this meant more to him. “It’s perfect.”

  Forge couldn’t help but smile. “Good. I made it just for you, baby girl. It means forever.”

  “I definitely want forever with you.”

  She slipped it on her ring finger, and they kissed—soft, sweet, vulnerable. He wore his armor every day of his life. Beth was the only person to see him exposed. He wasn’t sure if that should terrify him or not.

  Chapter Nine

  “What’s this one?” Beth asked.

  “It was a gunshot.”

  She frowned.

  For the past half an hour, she’d been poking at all of his scars. Each one telling a different story. All of them just as scary as the last.

  “Stop worrying.”

  “It’s kind of hard not to.” She nibbled on her lip. “Don’t you ever get afraid?”

  Forge rolled over and sat up. He grabbed her hips and she released a little squeak as he got her to straddle his lap. “There, that’s better.”

  The hard ridge of his cock pressed against her pussy. She was still sore from yesterday but she wanted to feel him all over again. She thought she’d feel some loss and sadness over losing her virginity but there was nothing. No feeling.

  She belonged to Forge now, and that, for her, was exactly how it should be.

  He ran his hands from her ass, up to her head, and back down again. He paid close attention to her butt, massaging the cheeks. His touch fueled her arousal.

  She wanted him again. There was no denying her need for him.

  “Answer me,” she said.

  “Let’s see, do I ever get afraid? No, I don’t. Not until you.”


  “Yeah. When I discovered you’d been taken, I didn’t think I could breathe. I promised to protect you. You’re mine and I told you you’d be safe. You should have been able to go anywhere, be anywhere. They took you from me and I was scared you’d be lost to me forever.”

  “But I’m not. I’m right here with you.” She kissed his lips.

  His cock swelled even more and she moaned.

  “I’m not a fucking animal. Tell me to stop and I will.”

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  Forge smirked. “Did you like me inside you?”


  “Do you want me to be inside you again?”


  “Tell me, let me hear those dirty words on your lips.”

  Her cheeks heated and she couldn’t resist smiling. “You want me to be all dirty for you?”

  “Yes.” His grip on her ass tightened, causing her to exhale on a moan. “Whenever you’re in this room and we’re in private, I want you to unleash that dirty girl. I know you can do it.”

  “I want your big cock inside me.”

  He pulled her close, kissing her hard and she cried out, gripping his shoulders. Grinding her pussy on his lap, she whimpered his name.

  “Oh yeah, that’s what I want to hear, baby.” He broke the kiss to trail his lips to her neck. She cried out as he bit down, sucking on her pulse. Pleasure shot through her entire body. She pressed her tits against his chest, anything to be flush against him.

  Forge wrapped her hair around his fist, pulling her back. She cried out, not in pain but in pleasure as his mouth took one of her nipples between his teeth. He bit down but soothed out the pain with his tongue.

  She closed her eyes and with that sense gone, it was like her body awakened in all the best ways possible.

  The hand
on her hip moved between her thighs and he started to stroke her pussy. He massaged her clit before sliding lower. Forge plunged two fingers inside her pussy, and she rocked on his hand, needing more.

  “Am I blowing your mind?” he asked.


  “Good. I want you to be completely blown away by me. To think of only me.”

  “You are all I think about.”

  “I own you, Beth.”

  “You own me.” He hadn’t said he loved her, had he? Not once had he mentioned his true feelings. She had no doubt that he cared for her in his own way, but was that really love? She was a possession to him. It didn’t matter what she was or wasn’t. Forge owned her heart, and he owned her.

  It wasn’t the perfect solution but it was going to have to do.

  She watched him as he licked over her nipples. He stopped playing with her pussy to press her tits together, his fingers slick with her arousal.

  “You’re all mine.” He bit down on her breast and she cried out.

  Within seconds, he had her laid back on the bed. Hoisting her ass up, he held her against him as he licked her pussy. “I never knew how good it could be to have a woman all to myself to claim as my own, but you, Beth, I fucking love it.” He plunged his tongue inside her and she couldn’t keep his name off her lips. He was a beast.

  He flipped her over so she was on all fours.

  Looking over her shoulder at him, she frowned. What was he doing?

  He spread her ass wide and stroked across her anus. She tensed up.

  “Baby, there is so much I want to show you.” He pressed against her pussy and stroked her cream back, slicking up her asshole.

  One hand pressed to her pussy, strumming her clit. He shoved a finger inside her as he stroked over her asshole, pushing for entry.

  She tensed up and he tutted. “Don’t keep me out.”

  “This is wrong.”

  “It’s not. Nothing is wrong.” He kissed her ass. “Relax and trust me.” He nibbled on her cheek and he turned his fingers inside her pussy, stroking over a spot within her that made all thought leave her.

  She cried out and as she pressed back, the finger at her ass penetrated her. She was on fire. There was pain but what he was doing to her pussy overrode all logic.


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