Bearing It All

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Bearing It All Page 9

by Tl Reeve

  Bodhi laughed. “Sure.”

  Caden chuckled. “Worth a shot.” He turned serious. “Look, you have to remember something. If you’re going to follow through with your plans for Emma, she could end up pregnant. Both of you are in college getting great educations. Don’t fuck it up.”

  He nodded. “I know. It’s why I have tried to do this at her speed.”

  “What’s the rush then, besides the natural inclination to mate?”

  “When you spent your first full moon with Danielle, what drove you?” Bodhi didn’t want to be an asshole by bringing up a sore subject. Caden had done some shitty stuff to his aunt, but he made up for it, and it seemed like he still did almost twenty years later. However, to answer his uncle’s question, Caden had to answer Bodhi.

  “I had to claim her.”

  Bingo. “I need to claim Emma. Each month has come and gone, and the urge only gets stronger. I fear if I don’t, I’ll do something stupid.”

  Caden sat there for a moment and didn’t say anything. “And, Gwen?”

  Holy shit. He squashed that shit years ago. The night before he and Hayden were supposed to leave for Colorado, he told Gwen they were over. He had to focus on school, and since they never talked about his abilities, he’d already seen bits and pieces of what would happen in Colorado. Mostly Hayden of course, but whenever her friends entered the picture, he could glean bits and pieces of his future. His dad called it white out. It didn’t make sense until he met Emma. “What about her?”

  “She asks your uncle and me about you every so often. Have you told Emma about her?”

  No. He hadn’t. “She’s not my mate.”

  “Boy, you’ve been fucking her since you were fourteen. Think we don’t hear shit in town?” Caden sat forward. “Gwen thinks she’s the one.”

  “I told her she’s not. I was always careful with her, and I never messed with her on the full moon. I did what I was supposed to do.” Bodhi didn’t understand why his hackles were rising. It wasn’t like anyone gave a damn about what he did before Hayden showed up, why did it matter now?

  “Calm down, boy. I’m asking you questions because she will find out you’re here, and you will have to deal with it. Might as well prepare Emma.”

  And, run the chance of her going home without them completing the mating? Hell. No. “After,” he growled.

  Caden sighed. “Son, I’m trying to save you some heartache where Emma is concerned. Don’t you think I understand this shit?”

  Bodhi frowned. “I told her it was over before I left, almost three years ago. I haven’t been home since the summer I left with Hayden. How much clearer do I need to be?”

  “Talk to Emma about it. At least, don't let her get caught off guard by the girl. As for the other, we'll talk to the boys and remind them about consent and waiting till they're of age,” Caden said, glancing toward the stairs. “If you don't mind getting the fuck out of here now...”

  Bodhi shook his head as jealousy took root in his gut. Not for the first time in his life did he feel as though his family rubbed mating in his face. “Yeah. Sure.” He pushed away from the table then stood. “Thanks.” He had shit to do, too. Like getting the journal Emma coveted and figuring out what exactly she had written down.

  “Hey,” his uncle called out. “Don’t stress so much about this stuff. Your time is coming. We all have to make decisions and consider the ramifications of what happens if we don’t trust ourselves and our mates fully. Talk to Emma. Explain it all. If she’s worth her weight in salt she’ll understand.”

  Sure, she will. He could see it all now. Hey Emma, I fucked this girl for four years and stopped when I left for school with Hayden. But hey, don't worry, she's not my mate. You are. She was a piece of ass. Emma would take his balls clean off if Hayden didn't do it first.

  When Bodhi stepped back into Kalkin’s house, the place had come alive. The girls were all sitting around the table eating breakfast, chattering about things he probably didn’t want to understand. His little cousins were in the living room on their tablets and phones while finishing getting ready for school. They’d never understand how hard it was growing up in this family before Danielle and Keeley came along.

  Keeley and Kalkin appeared a few minutes later and gathered everyone up for school. Kalkin grunted his hello while Keeley took a moment to talk to the girls. It all seemed so surreal to him. Their lives had changed so much since the day Hayden walked into the sheriff's department, heck even after Caden and Danielle were mated properly. His family, though a little unconventional, flowed well together.

  Kalkin wrapped his arms around Keeley and growled something then kissed her. The hunger he saw in his uncle's eyes, only made the beast within Bodhi howl in outrage. He demanded Bodhi take Emma now. In front of everyone. Yet, he pushed the wolf away.

  Bodhi shook his head, trying to clear out some of his irrational anger while his wolf brushed against his skin. He glanced over at the table and found Emma staring at him. A frown marred her brow, and her lips were pulled into a thin line. Something was wrong.

  He went directly to her. Fuck everything else. Without a word, Bodhi gathered her up in his arms then sat in the chair she’d occupied moments ago. He breathed in her sweet honey scent and sighed. He needed this—needed her. “Hi,” he murmured.

  “You weren’t here when we got up,” she whispered.

  “I’ll explain later. Just know Cassidy will be fine.”

  She pushed against his chest and glanced up at him. “What did you do?”

  He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Absolutely nothing. It’s okay. Cassidy will be okay. You have my word.”

  “If you’re sure,” she replied.

  “I am.” He tipped her chin up and kissed her. “Spend the night in my bed with me? We don’t have to ... you know. I want you beside me, though. Okay?”

  “What about Cass?”

  “She can stay in Hayden’s old room.” He pressed his forehead to hers. “The full moon is three days from now. Things are about to get crazy here. She’ll be safe with my dad.”

  “If you think ...”

  “I do.” He kissed her again. “What are you guys doing today?”

  “Hey kissy facers, we’re trying to eat here,” Zoe snarked as she threw a piece of toast at them.

  Emma laughed. “You’ve eaten more than all of us this morning. Something you need to tell us?”

  Zoe flipped her off. “I’m running.”

  Bodhi heard the note of sadness in her voice. “Don’t have to, if you don’t want to.”

  Zoe glanced at him. “Yeah, well.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Anyone see Bell this morning?” Hayden sat at the table with her breakfast.

  “Have you checked with Jackson and Christoph?” Terri hedged.

  “Oh, well,” Hayden muttered. “Not going there.”

  Emma chuckled.

  “We fucked with Christoph and Jackson yesterday,” Bodhi said, a little proud of himself and Nico.

  Hayden narrowed her eyes. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing,” Nico said, sitting down next to his mate. “Gave them the Raferty-Dryer initiation.”

  Zoe laughed. “Classic.”

  “She is going to kick your asses,” Hayden said with a laugh.

  “Bell’s a Dryer, it’s expected.” Bodhi shrugged. “You didn’t answer my question, pinky. What are you guys doing today?”

  Emma sat up a little straighter and cleared her throat. “We’re going to the orphanage to help Keeley and Dani.”

  “Might not include Dani. She and Caden are preoccupied at the moment.”

  Hayden shrugged. “Probably why we’re helping.” She glanced at her phone. “Which means we should be leaving.”

  Emma tried to ease off his lap. “Not yet.” Bodhi kissed her again. “We should talk when you get back. I can fill you in on the other, okay?”

  “Sure.” She smiled. “What are you guys doing today?”

  He lift
ed his shoulder. “Not sure. Everyone should be here soon. We’ll figure out something.” He winked.

  “God, you two need to bone already and get it over with.” Zoe stood then headed for the sink.

  A pink blush filled Emma's cheeks and Bodhi growled. “Damn, pinky. You got me in all kinds of knots. Have mercy on me.”

  She giggled and slid from his lap. “Ready to go?”

  Hayden smirked. “When all of you are.”

  Bodhi didn’t have to wait long before the back door opened and everyone piled into the house. Christoph and Jackson appeared relaxed as Nico did when he joined Hayden. Fucking hell, he couldn’t get a minute’s peace with the conflicting feelings pushing through him. On one hand, he’d been happy for his family, they were taking to their matings like pros, but on the other hand, he still felt like an outsider, and he desperately wanted into the mated shifters’ club.

  When they were gathered around, he sat at the head of the table. They were the future of the pack, even if they didn’t think so. One day, Colin or Grayson would be their alpha, and they would be filling the roles each of their family members held. It was a little strange to think of, but a welling of pride filled him at the thought.

  “What are we doing?” Jackson spoke first. “It’s supposed to be our free day.”

  “I think we could all use one after yesterday,” Alex grumbled. “I ache everywhere.”

  Utah gave one of his silent laughs before signing. Welcome to the family. Cheap labor, long hours.

  Bodhi translated for Utah. All of them learned ASL when Utah arrived with Osirus and Rapier. The tiger hadn’t had an easy life, but over the years, he’d become one of the family. “They feed us, too.” He smirked at Utah. “You forgot that part.” He signed his reply as he talked.

  Utah laughed again.

  “There is a reason I want you here. I found something interesting when I got back from the site,”

  Nico chuckled then sighed. “Your mate waiting for you?”

  Yes and no. “Besides my mate ... which is a whole other story.” He gave Nico a pointed look. “This shit of having to be a parent to a sixteen-year-old shifter who doesn’t get mating and what can happen, is exhausting.”

  Utah tilted his head. Emma is your mate? Why worried about Cassidy?

  He opened the door, might as well step through it. “It would seem our cousins are marking their territory.”

  “Wait, what?” Nico sat up a bit in his chair. “Aiden and Nic?”

  Bodhi nodded. “Yep.”

  Henry whistled then signed, “Does Caden know?”

  “Told him this morning. Said they came home smelling like bear, too.”

  “They’re young, but this is a good thing, right?” Victor piped up, from beside Tate, who’d been uncharacteristically quiet since they left school.

  “I suppose it is. Emma is freaked out, though. I can tell. Anyway, that’s why I need your help.” Bodhi glanced at Rocky. “I’ll need your help as a falcon later.”

  “Why?” The big biker shifted in his seat.

  “In Emma’s room is a journal. I need it.”

  Not cool. Girls go ape shit about their shit. Utah shook his head.

  “Look, she has some stuff written down, and I want to help her out. I think it’s the least I can do to make everything perfect.” Nico and Hayden deserved a mating ceremony, and if Bodhi could assure it would go off without a hitch, he would. “I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t important.”

  “Fuck,” Nico muttered. “You better hope you know what you’re doing. Invading someone’s privacy isn’t cool.”

  Yeah, he realized this. “I’m going to grab it, we need to take it to the sheriff’s department and make copies.”

  Double fuck. She is going to lay into your ass, claws out. Utah signed.

  Bodhi had to take the chance. Even if it backfired. “Be ready to go in ten. I have to find the book.”

  He left them all at the table, then hurried upstairs, following his mate’s scent. Each of the family members had given their friends rooms to stay in while they were there, and Emma’s room had been his, whenever he’d spent the night with Kal, as a kid. He opened the door, and the intoxicating aroma of his pinky, assailed him. He couldn’t get enough of her. Couldn’t get enough of the smell. He inhaled, drawing the sweetness over his tongue and into his lungs. Shit. He had to have her. The heady perfume went straight to his groin, drawing his nuts up. His shaft twitched, and he knew he treaded on thin ice. Already the need to find his release tingled at the base of spine. Fuck, he should have made Nico do this part. However, the thought of anyone else in the room, set him off.

  Bodhi made a quick circuit around the space, checking everywhere he could think of, then, as he was just about to leave, fearing she took it with her, he caught the corner of it peeking out from under her pillow. Relief flooded him. He snatched it up from where she’d left it on the nightstand then hurried over to the window to remove the screen. They wouldn’t be gone long, but for this to work, Rocky needed a way back in. With everything set, Bodhi rushed back down to the guys who were waiting on him.

  “Got it,” he said, holding it up.

  “I hope you understand what you’re doing,” Alex mumbled.

  “I do. Let’s go.”

  Nico drove the back way to the station to make sure no one saw them. He didn’t want to explain it until they had the copies available to them. When they entered the station, he gave a quick wave to Kal, Royce, and Logan, before going to the workroom. Once inside he shut the door behind everyone. Now, he could talk about it.

  “What you’re about to see stays a secret between us.” He opened the book and laid it on the copy machine. “Emma is planning your mating ceremony, Nico.”

  “What?” Nico stumbled backwards. “Seriously?”

  Bodhi nodded. “Yep. She already has some stuff put aside for it.”

  “You’re shitting us,” Christoph said. “Really?”

  Bodhi chuckled. “Yep.” He made the final few copies, then made enough for each of the guys. “Here.” He handed out the packets. “It’s all in there.”

  He gave them a minute to look through the papers. Emma had playlists for music, dresses, even colors. She had check marks next to everything she’d already taken care of and boxes next to the stuff she still had plan for.

  Victor whistled. “She is thorough.”

  Pride filled Bodhi. “Yep. All the heavy-duty stuff I think we should do.”

  She wants a wedding arch, or alter? Utah scrubbed his chin then signed. I can build it.

  “Tate and I can handle the food,” Victor said. “It’s the least we can do.”

  “It’s been a while since I’ve gotten my hands dirty,” Tate added.

  Nico pointed to the paper. “Why not do it behind the community center. We can make it intimate, only family and friends.”

  Another box checked off the list of things they needed to do. “Great idea.”

  “No pressure or anything, but are you sure you’re ready for this?” Christoph glanced at Nico.

  “I have been ready since the day I met Hayden. I might have fucked up along the way, but she is my mate, and I would do anything for her. No matter the cost.”

  Again, the irrational feeling of longing filled him. The way each of them peered at their mates or talked about them, made him yearn to make Emma his. He had to remind himself, soon he would. And, this would be the perfect opportunity. “Change of plans guys.”

  The soft chatter stopped. Nine sets of confused gazes met his. “We’re not doing this for Nico and Hayden.”

  Nico frowned. “What?”

  Bodhi smiled. “We’re doing this for us. Nico and Hayden, and Emma and me. We’re going to make this a family thing.” A sense of rightness fell over Bodhi like it didn’t matter what happened in the next few moments. His mind and body settled as he gestured to Jackson and Christoph. “You’re more than welcome to join us, guys.”

  “You’re fucking nuts,” Jackson gru
mbled. “We haven’t even told Rapier about us.”

  You fuck. Utah shrugged. If you think we don’t know, you’re wrong. We see and hear everything.

  Henry laughed. “True story.”

  “You’re deaf,” Christoph said.

  Still hear you, Utah teased. Hard to miss a lion in heat.

  Bodhi laughed. “Are you in? You ready to make it official?” He glanced between Christoph, Jackson, and Nico.

  “We’ll think about it,” Christoph answered. “Be nice to make it certified.” He grabbed Jackson’s ass and growled. “Don’t you think?”

  Jackson’s eyes fluttered shut and when they opened, were those of his dragon—multi-colored flames danced around his dilated pupils. “Hell, yeah, but I think Bell should be in on this, too. After all, we have made our mistakes.”

  Christoph grunted. “Fuck, yeah we have.”

  “Then we’ll make it tentative for you guys. Your place is with us, so if you want to, the offer remains,” Bodhi assured them.

  With the decision settled, Bodhi divided up the tasks still needing to be taken care of. He noticed the dresses were already purchased at Mrs. Martin’s shop, but none of them had suits at the ready and the only tailor in town might take forever. He frowned.

  “Guys what about suits?” He supposed they could go into New Mexico if need be to pick them up, but he didn’t want to be pressed for time either.

  “Fuck the suits,” Nico said. “We do this old school, like Keeley and Kalkin. Barefoot and shirtless. Guests too.”

  Bodhi laughed remembering the night Keeley and Kalkin had their mating ceremony. For hours afterwards, they could hear Kalkin howl. By the time they showed up at the house two days later, Keeley had been exhausted. Dirt and mud covered her skin. Her hair had twigs and shit all in it, and she appeared well-fucked. Kalkin, on the other hand, puffed out his chest and strutted around town for at least two weeks. The randy bastard.

  “You’re on.”

  When they returned to the house, the girls were already there, and they had to act fast. “Remember when I told you, I needed your help, Rocky?” Bodhi glanced at the biker.


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