Bronze (Blackwings MC - Devil Springs Book 5)

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Bronze (Blackwings MC - Devil Springs Book 5) Page 15

by Teagan Brooks

  I rolled my eyes. “What? Were you expecting me to say something like, I didn’t know how much time I’d have to find a sexy pose to display myself in before you finished with your shower?”

  He grinned devilishly. “Oh, Sweet Sloane, as long as you’re naked and it’s accessible, I don’t care how you display your pretty pussy for me.”

  “That’s not what I was doing,” I insisted.

  He ignored my protest while his eyes continued to sweep over my body from head to toe. “But I think my favorites are going to be naked or wearing one of my T-shirts,” he said huskily.

  I watched his every move as my stomach began to tingle with nervous anticipation. He turned and quietly focused his attention on something for several moments. Curious as always, I sat up to get a better look.

  “Woah!” I gasped in surprise. “What are you doing?”

  With his nipple pinched between the fingers of one hand and something clasped in the other, he looked up and replied as if I should have known the answer. “Putting my jewelry back in.”

  “When did you get your nipple pierced?” I asked, sounding breathier than I intended.

  “I got both done years ago,” he said and chuckled. “I’m constantly changing them now. I can’t wear them while I’m fighting or training, but I have to wear them when I’m not doing either one of those things to keep my daughter from mistaking my nipples as a food source when I’m holding her without a shirt on. She hasn’t tried to do it since I started constantly wearing my jewelry when she was a week or two old, but I’m not taking any chances of it happening again. My newborn trying to nurse me was absolutely one of the most disturbing sensations I’ve ever felt, and I have absolutely no desire to repeat the experience.” He turned back to the task at hand and pushed the bar through his nipple before screwing the ball on the end while I watched with rapt attention.

  Before I could stop myself, I was on my knees scooting across the bed. “Can I do the other one?”

  He arched an eyebrow. “You want to put my bar in?”

  I nodded with wide, excited eyes.

  “Here,” he said and handed the bar to me. “Be gentle. My nipples are sensitive,” he teased.

  I was so focused on what I was about to do that I didn’t even giggle. Instead, I carefully took his nipple between my fingers and slowly pushed the bar through. He handed me the little ball to screw on the end to keep it in place.

  It happened before I could stop it. As soon as the ball was tightened, I leaned forward and sucked his nipple into my mouth.

  “Oh, you bad girl,” he growled and fisted my hair, yanking me to my back while he crawled between my legs and hovered over me. “Is this what you wanted?” he asked and pressed himself against me.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  “Good,” he rumbled and slammed his mouth over mine. “Because I’ve wanted back inside your tight cunt since I left it.”

  “You’re so crass.”

  “And you like it,” he said against my lips.

  Yeah, I did like it. A lot.

  When he slipped his hand between my legs, I moaned like a true harlot. “You are a bad girl,” he said lowly and slipped a finger inside me. “Where are your panties?”

  I don’t know what came over me, but I felt compelled to give him the honest answer. “I took them off because they were wet.”

  He grinned wickedly and withdrew his finger, replacing it with two. “Oh, Bronze, please,” I begged, unsure of what I was asking of him.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  I ground down against his fingers. “I want to come.”

  “You do?” he asked seductively while his head moved down my body as he pushed the hem of my shirt up to bare my breasts. “I’m going to feast on your sweet pussy, and you’re not going to come because I want to feel your cunt squeezing my cock when you do. Understand?”

  “Yes,” I panted. “B-b-but I—” My words were cut off by the guttural groan that erupted from within me when he buried his face between my legs and began relentlessly feasting on me. “Y-you have t-to stop. I’m gonna—”

  In the blink of an eye, his face was in front of mine, and he was thrusting into me. Hard. “Come,” he growled.

  There were no words to accurately describe what happened to my body. It was an explosion of bliss, ecstasy, and unadulterated pleasure. It was almost too much. Almost. When I finally came down from my orgasmic high, Bronze was watching me closely while still moving slowly inside me. Then, he smirked and pulled out of me.

  “Tits and knees to the bed,” he ordered but proceeded to turn me over himself. With a slap to my ass, he entered me swiftly. “You better hold onto the mattress, sugar, because I’m about to make you come again,” he declared.

  With a firm grip on my hips, he thrust fast and hard as he yanked me back against him. “Play with yourself,” he gritted out, punctuating each word with a thrust.

  My body was at his command; my hand moved to my clit on its own volition. “Get your fingers nice and wet, so it feels like my tongue sliding over your clit.”

  My pussy clenched at the thought. A sharp slap to my ass had my muscles tightening again. “Now, Sloane.”

  My hand shot between my legs; my fingers went right to our connection. Reaching farther back, I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, covering them in my arousal. “Fuck, that feels good,” he moaned and slapped my ass again. “But you’re supposed to be playing with yourself, not me.”

  I moved my hand up and started circling my clit with two fingers. Within a few seconds, I knew I was going to have another orgasm, and I knew it was going to be as epic as the first one of the night.

  “Faster, baby,” he grunted and picked up his speed.

  I opened my mouth to tell him I couldn’t. That it was too much. Yet my hand continued to furiously circle my clit. Every muscle in my body tensed, and the only thing that came out of my mouth was a silent scream before the dam broke, and euphoria rushed through me. The following pulses and spasms that took over my body were so intense that they were almost painful.

  “That pussy,” Bronze hissed. “Fuck, it feels too good.” He slammed into me even harder and faster than before. My arms and legs began to tremble when I felt my walls start to flutter. I wouldn’t survive another orgasm so soon. Luckily, Bronze thrust hard and stilled a few moments later, groaning as he pulsed inside of me. “Fuck, I love that cunt.” I was too relieved to avoid another orgasm and too blissed out from the previous ones to even care that I should have been pissed at what he said.

  Apparently, I was so blissed out I fell asleep moments after the fucking of a lifetime. I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes and Bronze’s face buried between my legs.

  I felt him grin against my skin. “About time you woke up.”

  “I thought it was a really good dream,” I confessed.

  “Not a dream, baby,” he rumbled and proceeded to make damn sure I was fully aware of my reality.

  After devouring me until I climaxed, he pushed me over the edge two more times while fucking me like a well-oiled machine. Someone with incredibly poor timing knocked on the door while he was still inside of me, mere moments after he climaxed. He grinned, dropped a kiss on my lips, and got up to answer the door, discarding the condom and stepping into a pair of drawstring pants along the way. Meanwhile, I pulled the mess of blankets and sheets over my naked body and covered my head as well.

  I had almost fallen asleep again when Bronze suddenly yanked the covers away from me. “No!” I shrieked when the cool air hit my naked flesh. “Give it back!”

  “Nope,” he said firmly. “Now get up. I have to leave soon, and I want to have breakfast with you before I go.”

  I sat up with a pillow clutched to my chest, clinging to the tiny bit of warmth it provided, and looked at the clock on the bedside table before noticing the room service cart Bronze was standing beside. Not even a second later, the combined smell of freshly brewed coffee, warm maple syrup, and crispy bacon filled my
nose, causing my stomach to growl—like the beast it was.

  Bronze’s eyes widened for a brief moment before he doubled over laughing. “Holy shit! I think that thing could take Audrey.”

  “Who the fuck is Audrey?” I asked and threw a pancake at him, hitting him in the center of his chest with an audible splat.

  He looked down at his chest, and we both watched as the pancake slowly peeled away from his skin and dropped to the floor, leaving behind an area streaked with syrup. “If this syrup makes it to my dick, you’ll be having my cock for breakfast while I finish your pancakes.”

  “And you’ll have my fork in your balls if you don’t tell me who Audrey is.” I don’t know why it got under my skin the way it did—maybe because he was laughing at something about my body while comparing it to another woman’s—but I was ready to declare an all-out war over this Audrey bitch.

  When he looked up, I couldn’t decide if the smirk he gave me was insanely hot or extremely infuriating. “Batta’s Old Lady, Tatum, named her stomach. Every time it growls or makes some other creature-like noise, she tells ‘Audrey’ to be quiet or says she needs to go eat because ‘Audrey’ is hungry.”

  “And you think my stomach can out-growl hers?” I asked once I’d regained some composure.

  “Fuck, yes,” he answered confidently. “Hell, I scanned the room for a wild animal before I realized the noise came from you.”

  “I’m weirdly flattered,” I admitted and shoved a larger than ladylike bite of pancake into my mouth.

  Picking up one of the other covered dishes from the cart, he joined me at the small table. “What if I ordered the pancakes for me?” he asked.

  “Then you’re shit out of luck unless you place another order for yourself. Because these are mine. And, I’m willing to fight for them,” I declared while jabbing my fork in his direction to emphasize my point.

  He snorted and shook his head. “You’re a little ball of sunshine in the morning.”

  “Morning has nothing to do with it. I’m a demon when I’m hungry, no matter what time of day it is. Now, let me feed in peace,” I said, lowering my voice to almost a growl on my last sentence, effectively making me sound somewhat demonic.

  Surprisingly, he let me eat the rest of my pancakes in silence, which was a good thing because I wasn’t kidding about turning into an evil monster when I was hungry. It was a character flaw, and I owned it. Finishing my coffee, I leaned back in my chair, feeling much more like the friendly human I usually was.

  “Has Satan Sloane left the building?” Bronze asked cautiously.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why? She can easily return if she needs to.”

  “I don’t doubt that one bit, but I need to speak to Sweet Sloane before I have to leave.”

  “Wish granted. Continue on.”

  “I want to see you again,” he said without preamble.

  Upon hearing his words, I accidentally took a large gulp of my coffee instead of a test sip and hissed when the hot liquid burned all the way to my stomach. Not that it would do any good, but I still scrambled for my glass of ice water and took several large swallows.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I said, even though I was completely flustered. Taking in a deep breath, I blew it out slowly. “Did you say you wanted to see me again?”

  He grinned. “Yes. Now quit playing hard to get or whatever it is you’re over there doing and say yes.”

  “Say yes to what? I don’t recall you asking me a question.”

  “You’re going to make me do this, aren’t you?”

  I blinked innocently. “I’m not making you do anything.”

  He tilted his head toward the ceiling and sighed before clearing his throat and facing me. “Do you want to do this again after my next fight?”

  “What makes you think you’ll be able to do this again next time? You might be the one to get knocked out.”

  He leaned back and smirked confidently. “Because, Sweet Sloane, I’m in the process of working my way up the ranks, and I’m not even close to getting matches with fighters that would be real competition for me.”

  “That’s bullshit. You fought Declan, and he’s good.”

  He crossed his arms over his delightfully sinful chest. “Yeah, and I’m fucking phenomenal.”

  I stared at him in return, unsure if his words pissed me off or turned me on. Either way, I wanted to know more. “How’d you get into fighting?”

  He glanced at his phone. “I guess we’ve got enough time for the short version. I don’t think I told you my grandfather started Blackwings. He was the original president, followed by my dad, and now my brother. So, roughhousing and fighting were always a part of my life growing up around the club. But I didn’t get into organized, competitive fighting until I joined the Marines. I stopped fighting when I got out and didn’t get the itch again until my club started running a gym.” He paused and inhaled deeply, seeming to steady himself. “Then, I was injured and had a long recovery period. I’d just started training again when my little girl was born. After a short time off with her, I got back into training, and here I am.”

  “How’d you get hurt?” I bravely asked and masked my nerves by taking a sip of coffee.

  “Sorry, sugar,” he grinned and popped a piece of bacon into his mouth. “We don’t have enough time for that story.”

  “So you’ve said,” I grumbled and got up to start getting dressed.

  Strong arms surrounded me from behind, and Bronze buried his face in my neck. “It’s a long story, and I want to get home so I can spend some time with my baby girl before she goes down for her afternoon nap,” he said against my skin, followed by a soft kiss.

  And my ovaries exploded with a dire need to make more Bronze babies. Starting right that very second.

  Grabbing my clothes, I hurried off to the bathroom to get dressed and compose myself. “I’ll be out in a second!” I called out and quickly closed the door before he could follow me. Just being near that man got me all kinds of hot, but I was positively on fire the moment he touched me—every single time.

  After I was dressed and presentable, I picked up my purse and phone and stopped by the breakfast cart to help myself to a few strawberries while Bronze got himself ready to go.

  When I heard him exit the bathroom, I quickly finished the strawberry I was eating and dunked the last one into the dip as I stood. Popping the strawberry into my mouth as I turned, I suddenly bit down on it when I caught sight of Bronze. Creamy white dip spilled over my lips and ran down my chin, but I didn’t care one bit. Bronze was dressed in head-to-toe black, and he was wearing leather pants. Leather. Fucking. Pants.

  “Holy fuck,” I breathed.

  His eyes shot to me and fixed on the icing I’d yet to wipe from my face. “Holy fuck is right,” he growled before his body slammed into mine. “It’s going to be quick, but I gotta fuck you again before I go.”

  I didn’t protest because I was beginning to learn that Bronze was capable of accomplishing amazing things in a very little amount of time.


  I spent the ride back to Devil Springs thinking about Sloane and wondering if I made a mistake by asking to see her again. I wanted to. There was no question about that. But I wasn’t sure if it was a good time for me to get involved in a relationship of any kind—be it casual fucking on the regular or a full-blown girlfriend.

  On top of that, I had no idea how to handle having a daughter and dating women. If Sloane and I did end up dating, when would it be okay to introduce her to Blue? And would I want to bring Lorcan O’Shea’s daughter around my family and possibly into my home? A year ago, I wouldn’t have given it a second thought. But now that I was solely responsible for the life of my daughter, it was something I needed to seriously consider and possibly discuss with my brother.

  I snorted at my thoughts. No, it was something I would have discussed with my brother before I found out he didn’t have the same courtesy for me. Fuck, I’d tried not to
think about it since there was nothing I could do until I was home, but my blood boiled every time I did. Reminding myself that I needed to speak to him before jumping to conclusions, I focused my attention on the road and let my bike lead me home while the wind carried some of my worries away.

  I called Layla when I was close to town, so she would be at my house with Blue when I got there. While I enjoyed having some time to myself—and I thoroughly enjoyed my night with Sloane—I couldn’t wait to get back. I missed my little girl.

  Blue tried to launch herself out of her swing when she saw me walk through the front door. “Daddy’s home,” I cooed and went right for her, not caring one bit that she was covering my face and half of my beard with her uncontrollable baby slobber.

  “You must’ve had a nice evening,” Layla prodded. She still didn’t know where I went or what I did when I asked her and Copper to keep Blue for the night. From the first time I mentioned it to her, she assumed I was going out to get some pussy, and I let her think that because I didn’t want to hear her or any of the other Old Ladies harping about my safety and the dangers of fighting.

  “As a matter of fact, I did have a good evening. It ended with a bang,” I teased.

  “Stop!” she squealed and plugged her fingers with her ears.

  “Why do you keep asking me questions you don’t want to hear the answers to?”

  “It’s a bad habit I’m trying to break,” she shouted because she still had her fingers in her ears. “We had a great night. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. Gotta go. Love you, Baby Blue.”

  “Your aunt can sometimes be a crazy lady,” I whispered to Blue after the front door closed. Blue responded by chewing on my face.

  After playing with Blue for a while, I made her a bottle and put her down for her afternoon nap. Since a nap sounded like a great idea, I decided to take one as well, though I planned for mine to be much shorter than hers.

  Dropping into bed, I pulled the covers over me but surprisingly couldn’t fall asleep. Because I couldn’t stop thinking about Sloane. And not just her sexy as hell body. I was thinking about her gorgeous smile and the way she made me laugh with the funny shit she said and did.


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