Sugar Baby Sweetie Pie

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Sugar Baby Sweetie Pie Page 5

by Sara Hazel

  Someone knocks on the door. “Hey, Zack sent me to get you two,” an unknown female voice says.

  “We’ll be out in a minute, Hannah!” Francesca shouts back.

  “Alright, Fran, but you know how he is. He’s getting impatient. He’s already got Michael washing down the tables even though he did it the other night.”

  “Got it! And don’t call me Fran!”

  “Whatever, Francesca,” Hanna replies.

  Kitty Cat Strut has quite a colorful cast of characters. That’s one way to put it, and now I’m stuck here with all of them, wondering if I fit in. I probably fit in more with Michael than I do the rest of them. Too much social interaction with new people makes me sweat, and I’m sweating right now…and feeling like I’m going to die because I fell for Zack’s act.

  “That’s Zack’s personal assistant Hannah. I don’t know why he even needs her. He already has me. Sure, she does all the paperwork and keeps him focused, but he doesn’t need her. He has me.”

  I doubt Francesca wants to do the paperwork, but I don’t wanna state what seems to me like an obvious fact. I just want to stay out of all the little cliques or whatever and do what I came to do — learn.

  “Can we go back out now?” I plead with Francesca.

  “Ok, sweetie pie, we can go back out. I love your accent, by the way. It’s very sexy.”

  “Um, thanks…”

  The rest of the day goes by fast in a flurry of activity. Zack has me focused on plating for the night, and he has me stick to simple things like that. Still, he comes up behind me as I’m plating a slice of his white chocolate buttercream red velvet cake, and watches over my shoulder which makes my body jolt and causes me to drop the strawberries I was positioning around the plate.

  “Jules, Jules. Come on. You gotta be faster,” he says. “It looks fine, but you gotta be fast and sharp around here or you’re not going to make it.”

  Great. He’s already disappointed in me. But it seems he’s disappointed in everyone else tonight too, so I don’t take it too personally. I just promise him that I’ll do a better job and it’s just my nerves.

  Zack shouts at Michael to do something — anything. He even gets into a fight with Donovan over their plans to open a second restaurant. No one is spared from Zack’s bad mood, which I’m guessing is how every night around here goes.

  Francesca comes over to watch me multiple times and compliments me on my presentation. “I heard Zack criticizing you earlier, and I wanted to give him a black eye.”

  “Back to work, Francesca!” Zack shouts at her.

  “You’re doing a great job, sweetie pie. Don’t worry. I just don’t think he knows what to do with you yet. But he’ll figure it out, and you can do something other than plate his precious desserts and he can get back to doing it himself. He’s such a perfectionist that he never lets me do it. I’m surprised he gave you this job.”

  Francesca’s revelation has the opposite effect on me from what I’m thinking she was expecting. The fact that Zack already trusts me with the presentation of his desserts makes me feel special again — if only for just a second.

  Finally, the night is over, and everyone is cleaning up. Zack gestures for me to follow him out back for a moment. He leans up against a brick wall and sighs.

  “I just care a lot about this place, and I get all wound up about it some nights. What you saw tonight isn’t how I always am. I’m rarely like that.”

  I feel like he might just be telling me this to keep me coming back. It’s all part of his master plan to kiss me again, I’m sure.

  “I’m a tough girl. I can take it. I know this industry is stressful, Zack, or I wouldn’t be here.”

  “You’re gonna make it then. So many people don’t. They get into this thinking it must be so damn easy. Then they get their first taste of a dinner rush and they’re out the next day. I’m glad we only have twenty tables, or I’d probably lose my mind. I’ve worked in bigger places, but I figured keeping my own place small would keep my stress down. It hasn’t!”

  He laughs and flashes me his charismatic smile that seems to have some magnetic hold over me. I can’t look away.

  “Do you wanna go have a drink with me, Jules? We’ll just talk. No pressure to recreate our earlier kiss, but you know — I won’t be complaining if we do.”

  “Zack…if this is gonna work then we can’t do that.”

  “You’re right,” he says. He sighs again. “You’re right. It’s just I haven’t felt this kind of connection with someone in a very long time. So I let myself go wild thinking about the possibilities of me and you.”

  “I know. I have too.” I figure it’s best to be honest with him.

  “Maybe you’ll reconsider someday, and until then, we could try friends with benefits.”

  “Absolutely not! Oh, my God! I should turn you in to someone. You’re a horrible man. My mama didn’t raise me to do things like that.”

  “I’m just teasing, Jules. I’m sorry. And a great job with the plating, by the way. It looked fantastic. I only had you doing it tonight to make Francesca jealous. She’s always begging me to let her, but she doesn’t have my eye for detail, and she definitely doesn’t have yours. Keep up the excellent work. You’re off to a brilliant start. Just like I knew you would be.”

  Damnit, Zack. Just when I think I’m starting to think you’re a jerk, you make me feel special all over again, and I start thinking about our kiss. It does feel like there is something there. I can’t deny that. I swear I felt the presence of angels when he kissed me. My mama used to say that’s how I’d know if I ever found the right man. But I don’t think she would have ever expected me to be with someone like Zack.

  Zack Elliot is going to make me feel so special that I just can’t say no, and I’ll probably find my way into his bed or back on his countertop sooner or later.

  “Well, get some rest. Meet me here at eleven tomorrow and I’ll teach you some of my recipes. I’ll even let you make them.”

  He goes back inside, and I just lean against the building staring up at the starless sky. The moon is full tonight, and they always say that can make people a little crazy. That could have been contributing to Zack’s stress, right? I know the moon has no effect on people, but it’s at least a good excuse.

  The door swings open, and Francesca grabs my arm. “Let’s go, girl. You’re not getting out of this.”

  “I’m so tired, Francesca. I think I should go home and get some rest.”

  “Nonsense,” she says. “I have so much I need to tell you about this place. I’ve got so many more warnings and wisdom to pass on to you.”

  “Ok, fine. Just one drink tonight though, and then I’m going home to my bed.”

  “Sure. One drink. Fine,” Francesca replies rather dismissively.

  “ But I didn’t bring anything to change into, and I’ve got frosting on my uniform.”

  “It’s fine,” she whines back. “I am going to teach you to have fun whether you like it or not, Juliann.”

  She drags me out of Kitty Cat Strut and all the way down the street to her bar of choice. It’s a dive bar alright, and even though it’s one-thirty in the morning the place is still going strong. The sounds of bad karaoke waft out into the street and make me want to turn around and run. But Francesca continues forcing me to come along. It’s not until we’re actually inside and have finished showing our IDs to the door attendant that she actually lets go of my hand.

  One drink becomes two and two drinks become four, and it all happens in such a short time that my head starts spinning. Francesca just goes on and on about her life. She never gives me any of the warnings or wisdom that she promised me back at the restaurant. I guess it really was just a ploy for me to come along with her and keep her company.

  “Oh, I really should go home,” I sigh as I take the last sip of my most recent gin and tonic. It’s hitting me so hard now that I can barely sit up or keep my eyes open.

  Francesca is drunk too, but she’s j
ust as energetic as before. If not more so.

  It’s then that I look over at the door and he’s there — Zack. He shows his id to the attendant and then comes over to join us.

  “You ladies are out so late,” he says. “Jules, are you alright? You look like you’re gonna fall over.”

  “She’s fine, Zack. Come on. Sit down with us and have a drink.”

  “Just one, Fran. But it’s almost three in the morning,” he says as he takes a seat at the empty barstool beside mine. “And Juliann, you should probably have some water.”

  “I’m fine…I’m gonna have another gin and tonic,” I hear myself say. I no longer even know exactly what I’m doing. Everything has a hazy glow around it. Francesca won’t shut up about her latest string of online dates.

  “And then when he tried to kiss me, I pushed him away, and told him to learn how to brush his teeth first!” She exclaims after recounting an encounter with a handsome guy with bad breath.

  I order my fifth gin and tonic and continue staring at Francesca.

  As I get halfway through my drink, I begin sliding off my stool, and start to wander away. I don’t know where I’m going,just away from Francesca! But first I go back to the bar and grab my drink.

  “Jules…” I hear Zack say. But I don’t care about Zack right now. I need to get out of here. I try walking out the door with my drink and the attendant stops me.

  “You’re not allowed to leave with that drink,” he says as he sticks his hand in front of me. These Northerners are rude. If I was in New Orleans, I could walk down the street with my drink all I wanted to, and no one would ever stop me.

  “I just need some air,” I say.

  He takes the drink out of my hand, and I just let him do it.

  “Can you call yourself a car, ma’am?” he asks.


  “Do you want me to call you a car?”

  “No, I’m just gonna walk,” I reply.

  He shakes his head and lets me go. I get outside and someone tugs at my shirt from behind.

  “I’m not gonna let you wander off into traffic,” Zack says.

  “Just let me take my walk in peace. She won’t shut up, Zack!”

  “I know. I know, Jules. But just come back inside with me for a minute, and I’ll call us a car. I’ll get Francesca her own car if you want.”

  “That would be wonderful,” I reply. “I want to go home with you. We could cuddle or something if you want.”

  I continue trying to walk away from him even as he tugs at my shirt.

  “Jules. Stop moving for a moment.”


  I obey his command. Maybe he is my master after all? So naughty to think about it. I could be his sweet submissive southern girl if that’s what he wants. I’m sure that’s what he thinks I am. Just a girl who wants to be dominated by her mentor, and tonight he can dominate me all he wants…over and over again.

  He grabs me and twirls me around to face him. He’s a big blur in front of me.

  “I don’t feel very good,” I say.

  Zack leads me into an alley and guards me as I lose my gin and tonics.

  “I have to keep Francesca away from you, I can see.”

  “Yes, please,” I say.

  He takes me inside, and I get cleaned up. I don’t remember much for a while. But then our car comes and picks us up. Francesca is dropped off first even though she lives in Logan Square, and Zack and I both live in Wicker Park near the restaurant. But that’s okay, because it gives me more time to spend with him. I snuggle up against him in the back seat. He just lets me do it. He even wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer.

  “We’re going back to your place, right?” I ask.

  “No, beautiful. I’m dropping you off at yours. I got your address off your paperwork just in case I ever wanted to send you flowers or something. Silly, maybe. Creepy even, depending on who you ask.”

  “You’re not creepy. You’re so handsome and sweet too,” I reply. “I want you to take my virginity.”

  Zack laughs. “Not tonight, sweetie. Not tonight.”

  He helps me to my door. “Come inside with me,” I whisper.

  “I can take you upstairs, but I’m not staying,” he replies firmly.

  He helps me up the stairs and into my apartment.

  “I don’t normally drink, Mr. Elliot. But I just got dragged into it by Francesca. I’m not a bad girl, I promise.”

  “I know you’re not, Jules. You don’t have to convince me otherwise. I know Francesca very well. She’s not bad at all either. Just a little wild. I love her, but she drives me mad.”

  “I hope I don’t drive you mad.”

  “You do, but not in the way she does.”

  “Good,” I whisper. “Now give me a hug.”

  He wraps his strong arms around me and holds me for what feels like a nice long time.

  “I’m gonna go home now, Jules. Get some sleep. Take the day off, ok?”

  “I’ll see you at eleven,” I hear myself reply.

  Zack lets go of me and leaves my apartment. I sadly watch as he disappears. And then I don’t remember anything until I wake up at ten with the worst headache of my life.



  Juliann knocks on the door at eleven-thirty. She’s wearing a pink sundress with a sunflower pattern, and she looks damn good in it, despite looking quite bleary-eyed this morning thanks to her adventures last night. I love the way a dress looks on her, how it clings to her curves and shows me exactly where to put my hands…

  “Jules, I told you to take today off.”

  “I’m so sorry I’m late!”

  I usher her inside and lock the door.

  “You’re totally fine. I wasn’t expecting you today, so no harm. Can I get you something? Maybe a Nutella Brownie with caramel whipped cream, perhaps?”

  “Brownie and coffee would be fantastic,” she says.

  I smile and get her seated at a table. I come back with everything just a few minutes later and she’s got her head down on the table.

  “You don’t hate me, do you?”

  I set everything down and take a seat across from her.

  “Of course not, and I’m gonna have a talk with Francesca today and just tell her to go easy on you. Though I’m not really expecting her today either.”

  “Don’t be mad at her. I could have told her no.”

  “It’s a lesson everyone in this industry has to learn for themselves sooner or later. We work too long hours, and then we wanna go out late after work and socialize. Then the hours pass by and soon you’re drunk and falling face-first on a sidewalk. It’s happened to me a number of times. Eat your brownie and drink your coffee. You’ll feel better, guaranteed.”

  “I made a fool of myself though, I’m pretty sure. I threw myself at you, and you didn’t take advantage of me. I thought for sure you were that kind of guy, and I’m not sure, but I think I might be wrong about that. Though I have sources telling me otherwise.”

  “I have a wild reputation. It’s never been true though. You’ll have to take my word for it. I got married after I came back from the Marine Corps — to my high school sweetheart Jamie. Some problems came up — we tried to have kids and couldn’t. She got depressed, cheated on me, and ran off to Europe with him. I’m not mad at her, but I haven’t tried the relationship thing since.”

  “But what about all the fun everyone thinks you’re out having now?”

  “I won’t lie. I have had my share of fun. But it was only the first year after my divorce. Then I settled down, got focused on my career, and for the last three years especially — since I’ve had this place, I haven’t had any fun at all.”

  I chuckle. Juliann looks up and smiles. “Well, I’m sorry for what your ex-wife did to you. I haven’t known you very long, but I can already tell that she didn’t deserve you.”

  “We just weren’t meant to be together,” I say with a shrug. “It happens.”

  “Well, you�
��ll find someone someday who appreciates you,” she replies.

  “Thanks, Jules. I appreciate the vote of confidence.”

  I watch over her as she eats her brownie and drinks her coffee.

  “This brownie is so good. I’m gonna get really fat if all I eat every day are desserts.”

  “I’ll have Donovan make you a nice steak when he gets in. How’s that sound?”

  “Oh, so amazing right now,” she replies.

  I feel as if now might be a moment of weakness for her and a chance for me to make a move, but as much as I want her, I can’t do something like that. I used to be that guy — especially after my divorce. But I’ve changed and I’m still changing. Juliann is giving me a whole new sense of respect for the fine art of patience. The right moment will come soon, I’m sure of it. All the necessary tension is present and accounted for. All that’s needed is to light the fuse and wait for our spark.


  The next few weeks just whiz past in a flurry of activity. Juliann has really caught on, and we’ve become a great team. We’ll be baking together and she just has an instinctive sense for what something needs to send it over the edge from good into pure greatness.

  We’ve been spending so much time alone here that we’ve gotten pretty close in a short time. With some people it takes a long time to get to know them, but not with me and Juliann. Eight weeks in and we’re already finishing each other’s sentences, constantly keeping each other laughing, and just feeling at ease when we’re together.

  At the moment she’s whisking some eggs, and I can’t help but come up behind her and grab hold of her whisking hand.

  “Here, let me give you a demonstration in proper whisking technique.”

  “Oh boy. Proper whisking technique? I know how to whisk, Zachary!”

  She’s taken to calling me Zachary whenever she’s pretending to be annoyed by something I’ve said or done.

  “Ok, sweetie pie,” I reply.

  “Stop. Right now. You know I don’t like it.”


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