Sugar Baby Sweetie Pie

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Sugar Baby Sweetie Pie Page 8

by Sara Hazel

  He kisses my neck, my bottom lip, and forehead. Teasing kisses that make me know he wants me, but also wants to make me wonder if I’m going to get what I desperately desire now — him inside of me.

  “Are you on the pill, sweetie pie?” he whispers.

  “Um, no, I never had a reason to…” I manage to reply.

  “Ok. I better go grab a condom then. I should have thought of that, anyway.”

  “I don’t want you to wear one.” There. I said it. Live dangerously or don’t live at all, right? Well, right now I am one reckless girl. But I have to feel him inside of me. Just him. I know some people would think I was crazy, but they just don’t understand how I’m feeling now.

  “You make me think about having a family,” he says before kissing my forehead again. “No one has ever made me feel that way.”

  Ok. Hold on a minute. I do what to him? Sometimes I wonder if Zack sees me at all. Other times I think he’s the only one who does. How do I look to him? When I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t think I’m the kind of girl who would excite a man so much that he wanted to have a family with her. Yet here Zack and I are — our first time together — and he’s already thinking babies. So am I.

  “I can’t wait to have a whole army of kids with you,” I blurt out.

  He laughs. “I’m right there with you, beautiful. I’m gonna go grab a condom though. Because the more I come to my senses, the more I realize neither of us is in a position to have our family right now,” he says.

  He gets up and goes across the room to dig through a drawer. I wonder — did I say something that offended him? Was it “army of kids” that triggered him? Or does Zack just have common sense, and I don’t at the moment? That’s probably what it is. Well, it’s good that one of us can think straight right now.

  He comes back to the bed and hands me the condom wrapper. I have no clue what to do with it, of course. I mean, I know where it’s supposed to go and all, but I don’t know how to roll it onto his cock.

  “I thought you might like to put it on,” he says.

  “Um, sure,” I reply.

  He lies down and I open the wrapper. The light is dim but my eyes are adjusted. There’s no way I could miss his massive cock that is sticking straight up. I carefully place the condom on the top of his cock and roll it down.

  “You’re pretty good at this,” he says. “You got it right on the first try. I remember my first time and how it took me ten whole minutes to figure out which side was the correct one.”

  “You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” I reply.

  “Ok, it wasn’t ten minutes, it was maybe three.”

  “I knew it. Anyway, now what should I do?”

  I feel my heart leaping up and then dropping down. So far down it feels like it’s dropped into my stomach.

  “You just lie down again and relax. I’ve got it from here,” he says.

  I lie down, close my eyes, and wait for him. His kisses start up again — this time he works his way up and down my sensitive stomach. Each kiss delivers a small electric shock that ripples through my entire body. I am right back to that other plane of existence he had me on before, and it’s absolutely magical.

  I moan softly as he peppers my stomach with kisses. He lifts up my right breast and runs his tongue along the underside of it. That makes me lift slightly off the mattress. For a split second that feels much longer, I wonder if I’ll ever come down.

  “Do you want me to suck your nipples?” he asks.

  “You can do whatever you want to me,” I reply. “Anything you want at all.” My voice sounds dreamy and distant now as if it belongs to someone else. I still have a hard time believing that this is happening to me.

  But when he wraps his mouth around my nipple, it’s suddenly very hard to deny that I am the one whose body is being explored and worshipped.

  Zack really seems to enjoy sucking and licking my nipple. And that’s fine with me, because the sensation helps me settle in for what could be a long night of letting him take me over and over again in whatever way he pleases.

  He looks up at me. “Do you like that?”

  “You’re amazing,” I whisper. “I’m still so nervous, so I’m sorry I’m quiet right now.”

  “That’s ok, sweetie pie. I just want to give you as much pleasure as I can. You deserve it.”

  “I do?”

  “The moment I laid eyes on you, I wanted to have you in my bed. And against the wall. And on the kitchen table, and under the table, and the floor, the balcony. Everywhere, really.”

  “Damn, boy. You’ve got goals.” I giggle. Zack makes me laugh so easily. I don’t think he’s even trying to. Maybe that ease of laughter is one of those signs that he really could be my soulmate.

  “I’m an expert at setting goals, and I always achieve them,” he says in a serious tone. “One thing you’re gonna learn about me is that I always get what I want. It’s not just luck either. It’s all earned.”

  He goes right back to sucking my nipple as before, and now the overwhelming sensation is one of being devoured by a ravenous beast. I am being devoured by him, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Nor do I want to. But he’s not just blindly swallowing me whole. He’s savoring every second of playing with his prey.

  He moves on to my other nipple which has now started to feel neglected. So neglected that the sensitivity is even higher than my other one. I feel my moans working their way up my throat before bursting out. I can’t contain them anymore. I am no longer quiet or shy about expressing my pleasure for him.

  “That’s what I like to hear, baby girl,” he says before getting back to work.

  I feel like my body is at his mercy — completely. I no longer have control over myself. Every sound I make, and every twist of my body that happens is because of him.

  His fingers brush across the lips of my sex, and his thumb connects with my swollen clit. I am lying in a puddle of my own juices now, but I don’t mind. The scent of sweat and sex has filled the room, and the sound of my pleasure mixes with it to create the perfect recipe.

  Zack rubs my clit until I’m leaping off the bed again and again. I come undone from his masterful touch and all I can do is scream as pleasure takes over.

  This is what it must be like to feel desired. When you’re truly desired by someone they focus on making you feel good and I can’t deny that Zack Elliot is doing a damn good job of making me feel amazing.



  Feeling her juices coat my fingers makes my cock leap. The scent of her, the feeling, it all just comes together. This must be what it’s like to be with a woman who is a perfect fit in the sexual department — and seemingly in all other areas as well.

  I keep thinking that Juliann has to be too good to be true. But then I realize that she’s real and everything I think she is.

  Her moans excite me and push me to run my hands all over her body to hear even more of them. And she delivers alright. She started off shy and quiet, but I’ve turned her into a sweet moaning and purring kitten — all for me. No one else has ever had the pleasure of hearing her like this before, and I plan to keep it that way. Juliann is all mine.

  Our bodies begin to gyrate against each other. I find myself making my own sounds of pleasure that match hers in intensity. As our bodies grow more desperate for connection, Juliann screams.

  “Please! Please, Zack. Please, please, please.” She chants her sexy plea for me to fuck her. But I’m still building her up to it. One more orgasm at least. I want her to be exhausted and satisfied by morning as I enjoy her every second of every hour we have left alone together before we have to get up for work.

  “How bad do you want me inside of you, sweetie pie?”

  “You can’t tell?” She asks. “You’re killing me, making me wait like this.”

  I kiss her hard and fast. Our pleasure blends into each other as our bodies grind. Soon, she is trembling again, and gushing just for me.

I finally pull my hand away from her pussy and enjoy the sensation of rubbing her wetness between my fingers.

  “I’m just torturing myself too by waiting,” I say.

  “Oh my God, I’ve never felt like this before,” she says. “Every part of my body is buzzing. I have never made myself cum the way you do.”

  Hearing her tell me how good I’m making her feel sends me over the edge. I can’t wait a second longer to feel her around me. I have to take her. Now.

  I am driven by pure lust and awe for the girl as I position my cock against her pussy. I hold her body close to mine even as I adjust myself.

  One driving thrust and I’m inside of her and perfect bliss sweeps over me. Her tight wetness engulfs me and her cries grow louder as I dive in and out of her. My body shakes against hers.

  “Faster, please,” she cries out.

  But if I go any faster, I will probably explode. She feels too damn good.



  Zack pulls me in tighter against him as he fucks me so hard I forget where I am or even who I am.

  This is it. Anyone who said sex wasn’t a necessary part of being human can fuck right off, because right now I need it to live. I need his breath to give me life. Maybe that makes me sound desperate, but it feels true, so I don’t care.

  He thrusts deep against me and quivers as his cock reaches as far into me as he can go. My walls pulse around him and he breathes in deep. He holds himself inside of me for a full minute without even moving.

  “I just need to feel you like this,” he says.

  “I need that too,” I whisper back.

  His arms slide under my shoulders, and he once again pulls me up to get as close to me as possible. We tremble against each other now, each of us feeling the impossibly strong connection that seems to be holding us together. It feels like nothing could divide us right now. There’s nothing anyone could say or do that would make me not want this with him.

  I squeeze his cock tight and make him groan. He has the power here, but I have some too. I’m not totally helpless.

  Then he can’t hold himself back anymore. He thrusts wild and hard — fucking me until my eyes roll backwards and even my fingers shake. I reach up and manage to wrap my arms around him as he pounds me into the mattress. I dig my nails into his skin, but this doesn’t seem to affect him at all, even though I know I’m going too deep. He howls as he plunges in and out of me, and one orgasm after another overtakes me. My breath is out of control now, and when I close my eyes all I can see are colors swirling against my eyelids.

  This is magical. This is some kind of divine union as far as I can tell. We feel like a gift for one another from the universe, and refusing that gift would be a terrible thing for each of us.

  Hot and sweaty skin slaps against hot and sweaty skin. The sound and sensation are sexy as fuck, and I hold on tighter to him thinking that if I don’t, I might sink through the mattress and right through the floor.

  He kisses me again as he throbs inside of me and I feel his eruption through the condom. When he’s finally finished, he holds me for a long time and doesn’t move off me.

  “If you do that to me again then I’m pretty sure I’m going to fall in love with you,” I whisper.

  “Good,” he replies. “That’s my intention, Juliann. It has been all along.”

  Chapter Six



  I wake Juliann up early and carry her to the couch, both of us still naked. She giggles as I lay her down and climb on top of her once more.

  “It’s a good thing you have a big couch,” she says.

  “I’m a big guy. Of course I have a big couch, silly girl.”

  I smother her face in kisses, and she giggles and giggles.

  “Hey, mister,” she says. “Maybe you ought to let me rest a bit. We have to work today, and I’m very tired now.”

  “You are, huh? Well, it’s a good thing I’m your boss and I can take it easy on you today. We’ll go in around one today instead of our usual eleven. I think we can skip your lesson for today, since we have a very good reason to.”

  “Teacher, that sounds scandalous,” she coos.

  “Good,” I reply. “I’m the king of scandal normally, and I don’t even do anything to deserve that reputation. It’s time I start earning it.”

  I get up and help Juliann to her feet.

  “Couch or kitchen,” I ask.

  “Well, I am getting hungry,” she says as she touches her hand to her stomach.

  “Alright, kitchen it is. I’m getting hungry too.” I wink which gets another happy giggle out of her. I’m starting to feel like making Juliann laugh and smile is my purpose in life, and I’m going to take full advantage of the opportunity every chance I get. I didn’t take that job seriously in my past relationships, especially my marriage.

  I pick Juliann up and carry her over my shoulder into the kitchen.

  “You’re such a caveman!” she explains.

  I grunt in reply, and follow it up with “You love it.”

  I set her naked butt down on my kitchen countertop and go to the refrigerator.

  “Are you gonna make me breakfast?” she asks.

  “I certainly will. But I’m going to eat first. Just me.”

  “That’s so mean!” she exclaims.

  “I don’t know what could have ever made you think I was a nice guy, sweetie pie.”

  I pull a can of whipped cream out, and then whirl around and close the door with my foot. This earns me a round of applause.

  “Ok, so all you’re gonna do is eat whipped cream for breakfast, huh?”

  “No. I’m going to eat you for breakfast,” I correct her. “The whipped cream is just the topping.”

  I move into position before her and admire the canvas of her body. Where to begin? Her swollen pink nipples look like a good start. So I spray a hefty amount of whipped cream on and around her nipples.

  “That’s cold,” she whispers. She shivers. I set the can down and rub my hands together.

  I rest them on her waist, and she sighs as I lick the sweet topping off her left nipple.

  “Ok, now I get it,” she says. “You have a food fetish.”

  I release her nipple from between my lips and give her a stern look. “This is a very serious taste test, and I don’t have a food fetish. It’s more of a sweet tooth, and you are the main item on the menu this morning. So relax and enjoy.”

  I get back to work, and this time I gently bite her nipple. I tug it back and forth which gets the proper response of a moan from her. That’s what I needed to hear. My cock swells up as I move on to her other nipple and make quick work of the whipped cream.

  Once I’m done, I grab the can, gently spread her legs and nudge her back a bit to give me access, and spray the rest of the can all over her stomach and then pussy. Yes, maybe I do have a food fetish. So what?

  “Lie back,” I direct her.

  She lies across my counter, and I clean her stomach first. Her body trembles as I run my tongue all across the skin of her soft belly.

  “So this is what it’s like,” she whispers before releasing a contented sigh.

  When I place my head between her legs, she lays them on my shoulders. I ravenously lick up the whipped cream from her pussy as she shudders and moans on my countertop. Once she’s all clean though, it’s time to take her again.

  “Stay here,” I command her.

  I run to the other room and grab a condom. I know she doesn’t want me to wear one, but I will for now — until I can be sure that I am the man she needs me to be. I would love to make babies with this woman, but my failure to keep my ex-wife happy has left me feeling as though I really am the guy everyone seems to want me to be — a man who takes no woman seriously and isn’t ready for the kind of everlasting love I believe Juliann would bring to my life. I will be ready for her someday soon, and then I will definitely not wear a condom again.

  I return with the condom stretched across
my enormous and painfully hard erection. Juliann is my only release from the pain. It’s fitting since it’s my attraction to her that gave it to me in the first place.

  I don’t wait another second before grabbing her waist and pulling her to the edge of the counter. As I enter her, she’s just as tight as last night, but her wetness helps me glide along. I twist and pound my way deeper inside of her. She wraps her legs around my body and screams with delight as we fuck in my kitchen — the perfect setting.

  “I’m gonna cum already,” she screams as she tightens her legs around me.

  I howl and twist inside of her. The urge to cum is fast approaching me as well. I used to be able to last a long time, but not with her!

  Her pussy milks my cock and I struggle to hold my orgasm in.

  “I want to feel you cum again,” she says.

  “You feel too good for me,” I growl as I hold myself inside of her and let it all go now that I know her desire to feel it.

  “Is that a good thing? That I feel so good to you?”

  I laugh. “Of course it is, sweetie pie. I will adjust, but I’m pretty sure the day I don’t wear a condom inside of you is the day I explode in five seconds. You are going to take some getting used to.”

  She laughs. “Ok, well, I look forward to it then.”

  “Now I think you need a shower and then breakfast!”

  “Breakfast first?” she asks.


  We cook breakfast together — bacon, eggs, pancakes, and french toast. I tried to get her to let me cook it by myself for her, but she insists on helping. Her laughter fills my kitchen and my heart as we cook together.

  Then I take her into my shower, hold her against the wall, and make her cum once more with my fingers. That sweet scream of pleasure is what I’m looking for and it’s what I get.



  We arrive at Kitty Cat Strut at around two in the afternoon after everyone else has arrived to prepare for dinner. All eyes are on us as we walk in together.


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