Merged With Him (The Merge Series)

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Merged With Him (The Merge Series) Page 20

by Kylie Kent

  Underneath the birthday the tombstone reads,

  Died to young,

  because she touched

  what didn’t belong.

  Why, why is she doing this to me, to us? What have I done in my life to warrant this kind of treatment? How does one person attract two psychopathic stalkers in one lifetime? Not even a lifetime, in the span of just three years? Is the relationship I have with Zac worth putting up with this kind of torment? Am I prepared to face the devil with the possibility that she may just be that crazy, that she does find a way to end my life?

  I mean, she got past all of my friends and Bray without being noticed. Bray, with my breathing coming back under control, I can hear him arguing with Sarah and Reilly on the other side of the door.

  He knocks lightly and coaxes, “sweetheart, I need you to open the door for me, okay? Can you do that Lyssa? Please open the door for me. I can call Zac for you, he will be here before you know it. But I need you to open the door.”

  It’s at his mention of Zac, that I’m able to answer my own questions. Yes. Yes, I am prepared to endure whatever kind of torment this bitch throws my way, because he is mine. And in this life, you fight for what’s yours, not cower on the floor of a dressing room. With that resolve, I stand up and unlock the door. Bray takes one look at me before barging into the small dressing room and shutting the door behind him.

  Sarah and Reilly are both on the other side of the door arguing with him to let them in. He ignores them as he picks up my tank top from the bench, silently putting it over my head and threading my arms through. He then bends and pulls my shorts up my legs. There is nothing but genuine care in his eyes.

  Once I’m clothed again, Bray pulls me into his arms. “What happened?” he asks.

  Still unable to find words, I show him the piece of paper. “Fuck,” he scrunches the paper in his hands, “I’m going to fucking kill her, I swear. Shit, I have to call Zac.” Just as Bray is pulling his phone out of his pocket, I stop him.

  “Bray wait, don’t call him yet. I’ll call him and have him meet us at the wine bar.” Taking in a shaky breath, I can do this.

  Bray shakes his head no at me. “Lyssa, we have to tell him, he will want to know. Fuck, it’s possible he will kill me if I don’t tell him.”

  “I’m going to call him. I don’t want him to worry or rush back to get here. I’m not letting this bitch ruin our day again, Bray.” Then I smirk at him, needing to lighten the mood. “If you think he’ll kill you for not calling him, what do ya think he’ll do when he finds out you were in a dressing room with me while I was in a state of undress?”

  The look on his face is hysterical, he looks tortured. I can’t help but laugh out loud at his torture. “Don’t worry Bray, I’ll make sure he doesn’t kill you.”

  He shakes his head. “And how exactly do you plan to do that?”

  Smiling, I say, “simple, I just ask him really nicely to spare you.”

  Bray opens the door to all the girls on the other side. “How the fuck did I get lumped with you all, this is bullshit. Hurry up and check out Lyssa, we need to get out of here.”

  He storms off to the front of the store.

  Chapter Eighteen


  After dropping Alyssa and Ella at the mall to meet up with the other girls and Bray, I made my way to the Mercedes-Benz dealership. I smile as I remember the look of horror he had on his face when I told him he would be joining in on the girls shopping. The horror faded quickly, turning into more of a scowl when he looked Reilly’s way.

  I’m sure I’m likely to get push back from Alyssa about this purchase, but I don’t care how much of a fight she puts up. She needs a car and I have the means to get her one. It’s a no brainer, really. We’ve been here for around two hours and I’ve finally decided on the car, I’m waiting for the paperwork to be finalised.

  Dean stopped asking if I was sure I knew what I was doing purchasing this car and if maybe I should look at something smaller, a little coupe like I just got Ella for her eighteenth. I had to tell him to shut up and get on board. He hasn’t questioned me since, although I don’t miss the inquisitive looks he sends my way. I’ve been ignoring them mostly, occasionally answering them with raised eyebrows, daring him to say whatever the fuck he’s thinking.

  We’re sitting in an office waiting on the salesman to come back in with the final paperwork. I’m working on getting my hard on to go down after texting with Alyssa. Why the hell couldn’t I be in the Victoria’s Secret with her right now? I know she’s in the dressing room trying on lingerie, and I can’t stop picturing her, creamy skin in red lace. Groaning, I shake the thoughts from my head.

  Dean looks over at me. “What’s up with you?”

  “Alyssa is right now at Victoria's Secret trying on lingerie,” I say, needing no more explanation.

  Dean laughs, “man, you have it so bad. You know, I think she’s good for you, keeps you on your toes.”

  Yes, she does.

  “I know it’s quick, but I’m one hundred percent certain that she’s the one.”

  Dean processes this, that’s what he does, always quietly processing and analysing everything.

  “Then why the fuck are we shopping for a car and not a ring? Because you really should lock that shit down before she wakes up and realises what she’s been lumped with.”

  Looking over at him I think about it. “Do you think she’d accept a ring yet? We could go hit up Tiffany and Co next,” I ask in all seriousness. Dean laughs as the salesman enters the office.

  “All right Mr. Williams, it’s all ready. One red Mercedes-Benz G-Class G63 AMG, in the name of Alyssa Summers. The car will be ready for delivery on the twenty-second of the month.”

  At first, I was told I’d have to wait until February for the car, it’s the middle of December now. When I not so kindly informed that I’d be paying cash and I expect to have a car delivered prior to Christmas day, the salesman almost shit himself. He came through though. They always do when they realise you have money. I figured I’d put a big ass bow on it and call it a Christmas present. She can’t reject a Christmas gift, can she?

  “I just need you to sign here, and here,” the salesman says, pointing out where I need to sign. “You’ll need to leave a twenty percent deposit today and the rest will be due two days prior to delivery.” Pulling out my wallet I hand over the black card and say, “put it on this.”

  He takes the card and standing he goes out to the front, returning a moment later handing over the card and paperwork.

  I hand the paperwork over to Dean. “Hold on to this for me, will you?”

  He looks at me confused. “Ah, why?” he asks.

  “Because I don’t want there to be any chance that Alyssa finds out about this purchase before Christmas Day,” I reply as though that should explain it.

  Thanking the salesman, we make our way back out of the building. I’m about to get in the car when my phone plays “My Girl.” I smile knowing immediately that Alyssa is calling, with hopes she changed her mind on the FaceTime request while in the Victoria’s Secret dressing room.

  I throw the keys to Dean. “You drive,” I say as I answer the call and walk around to the passenger side.

  “Sunshine, change your mind about a dressing room FaceTime call?” I ask, hopeful.

  “Zac, hi. Umm no … no FaceTime call, sorry.” There’s a slight hitch in her voice.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, knowing something’s made her upset.

  “Ah, nothing’s wrong. I’m fine … just umm … wondering if you can meet us at the wine bar. We’re heading there now. But if you’re busy, that’s ok, I’ll just … just see you later.”

  Shit, she’s rambling. There is definitely something wrong.

  “I’m never too busy for you babe, we’ll be there in about fifteen minutes okay?”

  I know she’s not okay, but I also know she’s not about to tell me that right now.

  “Sure, I’ll see you soon.” Shit
she sounds fucking sad but before I can add anything, she quietly says, “I love you Zac.”

  “Love you too, sunshine. I’ll be there before you know it.”

  I’m trying to stay calm, to not let on that I know she’s not okay. I don’t want her to be any more upset than she already is, I can tell how much she is trying to keep it together.

  “Okay,” she says before hanging up.

  “Fuck, get to the mall as quick as you can Dean.”

  In my head I’m running through all the possibilities of what could have happened at the damn mall to make her so upset.

  “What’s wrong?” Dean asks.

  “I don’t know man, I could just tell something was off. She wouldn’t say, but I just know. Fuck. I should have gone with her, I should have had Bray go pick out the car.”

  Before I know what I’m doing, I’m dialling Bray’s number, he’s been with her. Why the fuck didn’t he call me himself if something happened?

  “Hey bro, what’s up?” he answers the phone in a way too cheery voice, that’s his giveaway that something happened.

  “What the fuck happened to Alyssa, Bray? And don’t lie to me right now, I know something happened.”

  I hear the intake of breath, and the tell of a hand covering the phone, before he not so quietly says, “you didn’t tell him? Damn, Lyssa,” in the background.

  “Bro, she’s fine, okay? Not a hair out of place.”

  Great, now he’s trying to placate me. The longer they are not telling me, the more pissed off I’m getting.

  “Bray, tell me what-the-fuck-happened,” I demand. I know I’m yelling and if Alyssa is anywhere near Bray, she will be able to hear me. Taking a calming breath, I try again, voice quieter, “please, Bray, I need to know.”

  “Okay, while she was in the dressing room at Victoria's Secret someone slipped a piece of paper under the door. None of us saw anything, we were all in the store and we didn’t see the person.”

  Closing my eyes, I’m doing everything I can to not yell right now. “What was on the paper?” I ask in a much calmer voice than what I am feeling.

  “Ah, it was a photo of a tombstone,” he says hesitantly.

  A tombstone, someone slid a picture of a fucking tombstone under the door. What the fuck.

  “Who’s tombstone was in the picture, Bray?” I ask, needing more information.

  “Look, she’s okay Zac. I’ve got her right next to me, actually she’s so close to me it would probably give you a coronary if you saw.”

  He’s probably right, but I also know he’s trying to distract me.

  “Bray, do me a favour and send me through a picture of the piece of paper. Keep her fucking close, I swear if anything happens to her …” I let my sentence drown off, because the thought of anything happening to her is inconceivable.

  “Okay, I’ll send a picture. See you when you get here, bro.” He hangs up before I can reply.

  Bray sends the picture through straight away. The moment I’ve zoomed in on the image, my blood goes cold. There are two tombstones, one older looking one, I can barely make the name on it out to be Sophia Summers. The other tombstone, a new-looking tombstone, has Alyssa’s name on it. Her name and date of birth.

  “Zac, we’re here man.” Dean shakes me out of my frozen state.

  Looking around, I see that we’re in the mall's carpark. I don’t recall any of the drive here. How long have I been staring at this image? I’m going to fucking kill her. I’ve never killed a woman before, never even thought I’d have it in me to do it. But the woman who is threatening Alyssa’s life? I would enjoy watching the life fade out of her as I cut off her air supply.

  “Zac, snap the fuck out of it. You can’t go in there like this. You’ll scare your girl more than she already is.”

  Dean’s right, I know he’s right, but he hasn’t seen the picture. He doesn’t know the inferno that was just set inside of me. I will burn down this whole damn town until I find the bitch.

  “Dean, I need you to get copies of all camera’s inside the Victoria’s Secret store here. Find out what cemetery Alyssa’s birth mother is buried at and send someone out there. I want to know if this picture has just been cleverly edited, or if that psychopath put a tombstone there.”

  Dean scrunches his eyebrows. “Tombstone? What tombstone?”

  “Someone slid a piece of paper under the dressing room door while Alyssa was changing. It was a picture of a tombstone. A tombstone with Alyssa’s fucking name on it.” I hold up my phone to show him the picture.

  Dean nods his head. “Send me a copy of that, I’ll get onto it.”

  “Thanks man. Take the car, we’ll get a ride back with Bray. Meet me at mine in a few hours?” I ask.

  “Yeah, sure. Do you want to look at hiring personal security for Alyssa? It might be a good idea; we don’t know how far Caitlyn’s prepared to go.”

  I’m not sure how Alyssa will take to having bodyguards.

  “I’ll think about it. I don’t plan to let her out of my sight again in a hurry anyway.”

  Walking into the Barrel, the new wine bar that Alyssa wanted to take Ella and the girls to, I notice her table straight away. I hear her laugh; it registers deep within my soul. I stand there for a while taking in the room. It’s rustic; old wine barrels randomly placed around the middle of the room stand as bar tables. The edges of the room are sectioned off with brown chesterfield lounges and wingback chairs.

  Alyssa is sitting in a lounge next to Bray, the fucker is way too close to my girl. I continue to watch her for a moment, as much as I want to run up to her and wrap her in my arms, I enjoy watching her in moments like this. She’s unguarded, a flush stains her cheeks. She’s laughing at something Reilly says at the same time Bray is scowling towards the fiery red head.

  I watch as she brings a wineglass to her lips and sips, running her tongue along her bottom lip when she pulls the cup away. Fuck, now is not the time for a hard on. Just as she’s about the raise the glass to her mouth again, she looks directly at me. It’s almost like she can sense when I’m in the same room as her, I can never stay hidden for long.

  A huge smile grazes her face, her eyes light up. Nudging my head, I indicate for her to come to me. I need a moment alone with her, away from the prying ears of our family and friends.

  Putting her glass on the low centre table, she says something to Bray before standing. He looks over, nodding his head in acknowledgement. I glare back at him, because frankly he looked way too comfortable that close to my girl. Bray smirks back at me, fucker.

  I watch as Alyssa saunters toward me in those little fucking shorts, her long legs on full display for everybody to get a look at. Which right now I can clock at least five men that let their gazes linger a little too long on her. I give them all a glare, at which point they advert their gazes.

  As soon as she’s in arms reach, I pull her into me, slamming my lips against hers. She instantly melts into me. The taste of sweet white wine lingers on her tongue, as she meets me stroke for stroke. I get so lost in the moment, that I forget where we are, I forget about the picture that had my blood run cold. I forget it all as I try to communicate with her just how much I fucking love her with this kiss.

  Pulling back she smiles up at me. “Mmm, hi.”

  “Hi, sunshine. How are you feeling?” I ask, not wanting to ruin this moment but also needing to know if she really is okay. I pin her with my eyes as I wait for her answer.

  “I’m better, now that you’re here,” she responds, batting her eyelashes at me. I laugh and damn it feels good to laugh.

  “How are you really feeling? I saw the picture. Alyssa. You don’t need to pretend or hide your feelings from me. You know that, right?”

  I feel like I need to reassure her that no matter, I’m not going anywhere. I know she hasn’t had that much in her life, always moving from one foster home to the next and constantly being let down by the people that were meant to care for her.

  “I had a little freak o
ut when I saw it. But I made a decision not to let this crazy psychopath ruin my day, or your day. And I’m not about to let anybody scare me away from you, Zac. You are mine, not hers, I don’t care what anyone says, you are mine.” She stops to take a breath.

  “I like being yours, sunshine. And we will not let anyone ruin what we have. This …” I say, pointing between the two of us, “this is a once in a lifetime kind of love, I’m not about to let that go.” She blinks up at me a few times then smirks.

  “You know? I get it,” she says.

  “You get what?” I hope that she gets just how much she means to me.

  “How someone can become so crazily obsessed with you. I mean you’re kind of a catch, the complete package. I’m surprised there’s only one crazy ex on the loose.”

  She thinks I’m the complete package. Maybe I should book in that trip to Tiffany and Co for a diamond after all. I smile with this thought, then the rest of her speech registers. Crazy ex on the loose. Wait, does she think I had some kind of relationship with Caitlyn? Just the thought of that makes me shiver in disgust.

  “Sunshine, we will come back to the part where you think I’m the complete package at a later date. But let me be very clear, so there is no misunderstanding. I did not at any point in time have any kind of relationship with this woman other than a professional one. She was my employee, that’s it. Did I constantly turn down her advances and flirtation? Yes. Was there ever a time where I thought I’d want to fuck her? Absolutely not, not ever.”

  The only thing I want to do with Caitlyn, is strangle the god damn life out of her for threatening Alyssa.

  “Okay, I believe you Zac. Now let’s enjoy our afternoon with your family and my crazy ass friends,” she says pulling on my arm.

  I stop her, pulling her back into me. “Our,” I say, correcting her mistake.

  “Our what?” she questions.

  Smiling, I tell her, “our family and our friends, there’s no mine or yours anymore, sunshine. There is only ours.”


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