The Mating

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The Mating Page 28

by Nicky Charles

  “That’s just a lot of wild supposition.” Kane turned away and stalked across the room, breathing heavily. He ran his hands through his hair, before turning to face her again. “You know what I can’t figure out, why didn’t I smell him on you?”

  “Because of Marla and her stupid perfume.” Elise answered bitterly. “That’s what caused this mess to begin with. If I hadn’t let her—“

  “How the hell does Marla’s perfume work into this?”

  “When I met Bryan for the first time—for a platonic meeting, I might add—Marla scented him on me and said you’d be angry—just like you are right now. She put some perfume on me that masks scents.”

  “Oh, so it’s all Marla’s fault that you decided to hide something from me?”

  “Well, I never intended not to tell you. Things just kept getting in the way. But I planned on telling you. Really I did! That’s why I left you that note…” She gestured towards the mirror and then blinked in surprise. What? There was no note stuck to the glass! Rushing over, she checked the surface of the dresser and even peered onto the floor, but nothing was there. It only took her a moment to realise what had happened. Marla must have entered the bedroom, planning to leave the diary open on the dresser and, when she saw the note, took it with her. Possibly, she’d even rewound the answering machine tape to ensure that when Kane played his messages, Bryan’s would be the ones heard. Growling in frustration, Elise turned to look at Kane.

  “Well? Where’s this supposed note?”

  “It’s gone. Marla probably took it when she left the diary here.”

  Kane snorted and rolled his eyes.

  Elise felt her temper begin to override her sense of guilt. “Kane, be reasonable.”

  “Reasonable? I think I’m being damned reasonable. After discovering those messages, I came into town to find you, but you weren’t even at work. You were across the street, fawning over Bryan. It was amazingly reasonable of me not to go after him and rip him to shreds today, especially after Edward explained to me how he’d overheard you arranging to meet a ‘friend’ across the street.”


  “My friend, Edward Mancini. Your boss.”

  “Mr. Mancini is your friend?”

  “Of course!” Kane snorted derisively. “How do you think you got the job? You had no qualifications. I pulled a few strings to get you hired so you’d be happy.”

  Elise’s pride was hurt. “How dare you interfere with me getting a job! I wanted to do that on my own!”

  “You’re my mate. I can do as I see fit, but it doesn’t matter now. You’re done working. You are not leaving this property unsupervised again.”

  “You can’t do that. It’s not the Dark Ages anymore!”

  “I can do anything I damn well please. I’m the Alpha and you’ll do as you’re told.”

  “Well screw you, because I’m not listening.” Elise couldn’t believe the rage boiling inside of her—she wasn’t acting at all like herself, but she couldn’t seem to stop the words spilling from her mouth. For some reason, she felt compelled to test Kane, just to see what he would do. Twirling around, she made for the door.

  “Don’t you dare walk away from me!” Kane grabbed her arm, yanking her back before she could even touch the handle. Automatically, she struggled against him, hitting his chest, and kicking at his legs. Kane merely growled and crushed her to him, easily restraining her flailing limbs. The look he gave her was hard and she could feel the coiled tension in his body. She’d challenged the Alpha wolf in him and he was in no mood to be lenient. Dominance and arousal radiated from him. He grabbed her ponytail and held her head still. As his mouth swooped down on hers in a punishingly hard kiss, Elise realised she’d made a fatal tactical error.

  There was no warmth in his kiss and Elise could taste blood from where her lips were pressed against her teeth. She gasped and Kane’s tongue plunged into her mouth, invading every corner while he used his free hand to sweep possessively over her body. She pushed against his chest and tried to raise her leg to knee him in the groin, but Kane thwarted her attempts, his superior size, and strength, making her efforts laughable. Finally, he lifted his mouth and she snarled at him, biting his lip. A tiny red trail dripped down his chin and if possible, his eyes grew even darker as a growl emitted from his throat.

  Picking her up, he tossed her onto the bed. Her back came into contact with a brightly colour box that was lying on the mattress, and she grunted as the sharp corner dug into her shoulder. Kane grabbed it and threw the package on the floor before quickly disposing of her clothes, ripping the material from her body despite her struggles and protests. When she was naked, her arms pinned beside her head, he crouched over her, his hot gaze devouring her form.

  “I am your Alpha, Elise and your mate. You are answerable to me. Don’t ever forget that.”

  Despite the fact that her body was still screaming with need, her contrary emotions had her shaking her head. “No! Let me go! I don’t want this.”

  Kane laughed. “Yes, you do. I can smell your desire. You ache for me; you need me to fill the void inside you. Deny it if you want, but we both know the truth.”

  Arching her back and twisting this way, then that, Elise struggled to be free despite the waves of heat bathing her from head to toe. Kane was right. She wanted to cry out for him to take her, to fill her with his hot pulsating shaft; nothing else would suffice.

  Kane lay down on top of her. He buried his face in her neck while the weight of his body pinned her helplessly in place. His warm, calloused hand skimmed up and down her side, stimulating her already heightened nerve endings. While he nibbled and licked the juncture of her neck and shoulder, shivers of delight ran through her as his teeth lightly grazed her skin.

  The feel of his torso pressed to hers further aroused her feelings of need. Elise fought to suppress them; she was angry with him, wasn’t she? But the reason for her anger was becoming rather hazy. Age-old instincts were surfacing and logic was slipping away. Struggling against her mate, being pinned down and dominated by him—it was exciting, erotic. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind, but it was no use. The maleness of him was calling to her, firing the ache inside. Desire was starting to consume her and without even realizing it, her legs were falling open, as she submitted to him, allowing him to settle intimately against her body.

  A deep rumble sounded in Kane’s chest and he lifted his head, staring down at her with heavy lidded eyes. Elise froze in place, something in his look catching her attention. His rage had lessened and had been being replaced by need. In response to his change, her anger dissipated altogether, leaving only desire in its place. Vaguely, she was aware of her own heavy breathing, the way her breasts rubbed against his chest each time she inhaled. His gaze dropped down to her heaving bosom, then his mouth locked onto her nipple, sucking and tugging at the rigid peak.

  The feel of him suckling her, sent shoots of desire down to her womb and she strained towards him, pushing her breast deeper into his mouth. Kane released her wrists now using his hands to knead and tweak the soft globes of flesh. Immediately, once her arms were free, she wrapped them around his shoulders, marvelling at the feel of his muscular body. As she caressed him through his T-shirt, Kane rumbled his pleasure then switched to her other breast. When both sides were swollen and glistening, he moved down, licking the expanse of her stomach, nipping at her hips.

  Elise’s hands fell to her side and she gripped the bedding, feeling that she was going to lose control at any moment. Kane was sliding his hands downward, cupping her buttocks and tipping her hips upward. Hooking her legs over his arms, he spread her limbs wide, exposing her to his avid gaze.

  His hot breath tickled her thigh as he trailed open mouthed kisses up to her knee and down again, before giving the other side equal treatment. Teeth nipped her creamy flesh and as he drew closer to her core, Elise’s heart pounded with excitement. She could feel herself growing warmer, the blood pooling, her nub swelling… Like a fl
ower, her intimate parts seemed to be opening to him, begging him to taste her sweet nectar. When he finally touched her with his tongue, she cried out and if not for him restraining her with his strong hands, she would have locked her thighs around his head, never wanting him to leave off his ministrations.

  Just when she thought she could handle no more, Kane lifted his head, only to replace his tongue with his thumb. It flicked her clit, while he pushed two of his fingers into her tunnel, curling to tease her inner erogenous zone. A feeling that could only be called deliciously uncomfortable built inside with each stroke; a strange hybrid between a ‘need to pee’ sensation and pleasure.

  Instinctively, Elise rocked against his busy hand while he lathed her navel, and then her belly, with his tongue. Tension was building inside her and she moved faster, pushing up against his palm. The wave was coming…cresting… It washed over her and she shuddered in release before becoming limp on the bed.

  Her mind was still foggy and she was only vaguely aware of Kane pulling his fingers from her and licking off her juices. Faint tremors still passed over her as he slid up until he was eye level with her. Grabbing her chin, he ensured she was looking him in the eye before speaking in a gravelly voice.

  “You are mine, Elise, my mate. No one else can touch you and make you feel the way I can—only me!” With that, he kissed her deeply again, his hands running over her body, arousing her once more.

  She kissed him back with equal fervour, dragging her fingers through his hair, only breaking away when she was gasping for oxygen. Flicking her tongue, she tasted the saltiness of his skin, then ran her teeth along his jaw, causing him to shudder.

  A new wave of need quickly grew, now even stronger than before. Her earlier anger was all forgotten, replaced by a wildness, a need to explore him as he had done to her, to claim every inch of his body. Acting unexpectedly, she managed to flip Kane over, and in one move, grabbed his shirt, tearing it off. Frantically, Elise ran her hands over his torso, the heat of his flesh burning into her palms. Yes, she thought, this was her mate: big and strong, a provider and protector. Burying her nose in his chest, she inhaled deeply letting his scent permeate her being before nipping at his flat brown nipples, eliciting a moan from him. He moulded her shoulders as she explored him then wove his fingers through her hair, and held her head as she kissed her way over his taut stomach to his waistband.

  Material impeded her quest and she fumbled with his pants. Kane released her head, pushing her away he undid the fastening. He lifted his hips so she could pull the remaining clothing off his body. Once that was done, she crouched over him, trailing her open mouth over his stomach, while slowly drifting her hands lower to explore his manhood. Cupping his sac, she gently massaged them before sliding up his swollen member. The shaft was hot and hard, its tip glistening with a bead of moisture. Wetting her lips, she leaned over and tasted the saltiness of him. His hips jerked in response and then she was flying through the air as he flipped her onto her back one again.

  Kane loomed over her, his pupils so dilated that his eyes appeared black. Slowly and deliberately, he ran his hands over her body, down to her thighs where he parted her legs, bending her knees and pushing them outward. Kneeling between her splayed limbs he reared up and Elise’s breath caught in her throat. His erection seemed massive, and a thrill of excitement, mixed with apprehension, ran through her at the idea of him impaling her, stretching her body to its limits. A gush of wetness bathed her female parts in anticipation.

  His breathing was rapid and a low steady rumble was coming from his throat. Dipping a finger into her, he checked if she was ready, then sniffed her scent. Kane narrowed his eyes, his expression feral. He grabbed her wrists in one hand, holding them over her head and positioned himself at her entrance. In one smooth move, he thrust his hips forward, pushing into her body.

  Gasping at his sudden invasion, Elise’s eyes opened wide in shocked surprise. Never had she been this full. It was discomfort, then heaven, almost taking her to the edge…

  Kane began to move within her and she soon became lost in the exquisite feelings that centred where they were joined. This was what she wanted, what she’d been madly craving the past twenty-four hours. To be dominated, to be mated, to feel his length moving in her, his strong body clasped between her legs, his hot breath on her face… She growled her approval and in response he pounded into her even harder and faster, burying himself impossibly deep within her. Elise pulled her hands free and grasped the sheets to brace herself as she met him thrust for thrust. Her body was gasping for breath and shuddering. Their mating felt so good, her whole being focussed on the growing pleasure.

  Hazily she looked up at him and on the fringes of her mind, realised something different was happening. Kane’s lips were pulled back, his teeth were extending and his eyes were glowing, almost as if he was transforming in the middle of mating her. A frisson of fear shot through her, only to be quickly replaced by an all too familiar tingle within herself. Her body was responding to his change, her own canines growing. She was phasing too, but for once she seemed to have no control over it, and she felt a moment of panic. What was going on? She couldn’t change now, not in the middle of mating. No sooner had the thought emerged, than the whole process stopped, leaving her suspended in a mixed state.

  Phasing had always provided her with a split second of ecstasy—some likened it to the feelings associated with a sneeze—but now… Now she was caught mid-change. Her body quivered in anticipation of a transformation that never came. The experience was frightening yet exhilarating. Her mind was half-feral, half human, her senses heighted to her wolf level, her hearing was preternaturally sharp. She could make out her own heartbeat as well as Kane’s, the sound of laboured breathing, the slap of skin on skin as he thrust into her, and above it all, her attention was caught by the thrum of blood rushing through veins.

  Licking her lips, she stared at the juncture of Kane’s neck and shoulder. A vein throbbed there, its movement holding her fascinated. From somewhere deep inside a voice arose. Bite him, it commanded. Taste his blood. Mark him as yours; your provider, your protector, your mate, no one else’s. Her lips curled back, she raised her head and licked his skin, inhaling deeply. Yes! The smell, the taste—he was the right one to choose—she needed to bind him to her so he would never stray and could only be hers. Vaguely, she was aware of Kane mimicking her movements, but she was too intent on her own mission to think much of it. Opening wide, she bit into Kane’s flesh giving a jolt of surprise as she felt Kane’s teeth puncturing her as well.

  The momentary pain in her neck quickly became erotic pleasure. As she sucked and lapped at his blood, she could feel Kane doing likewise to her. Each pull of his lips was echoed inside of her and met by a corresponding surge of his hips. Soon it all began to blend together in an unbearable rhythmic mixture: the beating of hearts, the rush of blood, the lapping of tongues, the movement of their bodies. Her senses were on overload.

  In the recesses of her mind, something niggled, an awareness that she was not alone. Kane’s mind was touching hers, she was sensing what he was sensing: tension, excitement, need. It blended with her own, taking her to incredible heights. Their feelings melded together into a massive ball of anticipation. There was a driving need to be closer, to feel even more. His thoughts mixed with hers as tension coiled ever tighter… Oh God, need release… Can’t stand anymore… Soon… It had to be soon… It was coming… Oh, please, please… Another thrust… Just a little more… Go deeper, harder… Almost there… Straining… So close… It was… It was…

  Her whole being jerked as her orgasm hit, muscles clenching then convulsing in release. Her mind was exploding with images and feelings, with pleasure too great to even comprehend. She could feel Kane’s release; knew the ecstasy shooting down his legs and up his spine. Exponentially, it increased her own. It became hard to breathe, to think… It was just too much. Her eyes rolled back and she released her grip on Kane’s flesh as a silent scream ripp
ed from her throat. Then everything went black.

  Chapter 28

  The cacophony of thoughts swimming through her brain was the first thing Elise became aware of as she gradually regained consciousness. It was as if someone had a remote control and they were channel surfing through her brain. Ideas and feelings flit past before she could focus or make sense of them and she slowly moved her head from side to side in protest.


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