The Mating

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The Mating Page 36

by Nicky Charles

  “No, you wouldn’t. There’s nothing that special about me and you can have your pick of any number of beautiful females. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how every single girl in the pack has been hanging around here. And you haven’t exactly been turning them away, either.”

  The slightest hint of a flush appeared on Ryne’s cheeks and he ducked his head in acknowledgement. “True. But I haven’t encouraged any of them. None of them can hold a candle to you.”

  Elise just folded her arms and gave him a disbelieving look.

  “I mean it, Elise. You’re special. You have guts. When I think of how you tried to drag yourself through the ravine with a broken leg, and then saved us all from being killed by Marla…” He reached out and brushed a curl from her face, staring deeply into her eyes. “And you’re sweet and kind…” His gaze dropped to her mouth and he slowly leaned closer.

  A wave of panic washed over Elise as she felt the attraction build between them. She tried to lean away, but the arm of the couch was preventing her…

  “What’s going on here?” A rough voice rumbled from the doorway and both turned to see Kane framed in it. He had clenched his hands into fists and was holding them stiffly at his side. His expression was anything, but pleased.

  “Kane, it’s nothing. I was just—” Elise pushed against Ryne’s chest trying to create some space between them. She immediately sent positive thoughts Kane’s way in order to reassure him, only to shiver in fear as they bounced off the edge of his mind. Kane was blocking her, and from the look on his face, he was more than a little annoyed.

  “You, I trust.” Kane barked the words as he strode into the room. “It’s this rogue that I don’t.”

  “What’s the matter, Kane? Don’t you believe in sharing?” Ryne taunted, getting to his feet and facing his brother.

  Elise was getting flustered. Her relationship with Kane was finally on solid ground and she didn’t want anything to upset it. “Ryne, don’t tease him like that! Kane, I don’t know why he’s behaving this way.” Her gaze darted back and forth between the two men.

  “Don’t you, Elise?” Ryne mocked. “I’m starting a new pack. I need a female to breed with and you’d suit me just fine.”

  Gasping at his boldness, Elise struggled to her feet and placed herself in between the two, her back firmly pressed to Kane’s chest. She could feel it starting to rumble. “But you’re his brother; part of the pack. You can’t claim a pack member’s mate!” She hoped he was joking. There was a glint in his eye, which made her think he just had a weird and ill-timed sense of humour, but still…

  Ryne reached out towards her as if to grab her arm and pull her away from Kane. His gaze was hot and he seemed intent on having her, no matter what the consequences. Suddenly, he veered his hand off course and flicked the end of her nose. “Gotcha!” He burst out laughing, and then Kane started to chuckle, too. Elise looked from one to the other, then put her hands on her hips and scowled.

  “That was not funny!”

  “Yes it was.” Ryne chuckled. “The look on your face was priceless! I figured life has been pretty quiet around here lately and you needed some excitement.”

  “Oh you did, did you?” She turned to look at Kane and glowered. “And what’s your excuse?”

  Kane just shrugged and pointed at Ryne. “He made me do it.”

  “That’s right. Two big bad Alpha’s teaming up and picking on a poor defenceless female. One who’s injured no less! Honestly, if this is how you two behave together, I don’t know how this pack ever survived!” She huffed and hobbled out of the room, catching their surprised expressions out of the corner of her eye. Good, she chuckled to herself as she made her way down the hall; let them stew for a little while. It serves them right! Making sure her mind was firmly shut to Kane, so he’d have no idea that she wasn’t really that mad, she paused outside the kitchen.

  Smiling, she reflected how good it felt to be herself again. Ever since she’d mated Kane, her life had been in turmoil and she’d never really known where she stood. She’d been so busy trying to please everyone that she’d lost herself. Joining a new pack had been nerve wracking. Suddenly being a mate—and an alpha’s mate no less—had her stepping into a job that she felt ill-prepared to handle. And then, by trying to please Kane, she’d done her best to befriend Marla when she didn’t want to, and that had certainly ended up a mess! Sighing in relief that it was all behind her now, she pushed the kitchen door open.

  Of course, Helen was there as always, preparing the next meal and humming away. She was never happier than when she had an army to feed. Carrie sat in a rocking chair, feeding John Jr. and after greeting everyone, Elise settled into a nearby chair, watching in envy as the child suckled, his small fist brushing against his mother’s breast while he looked up at her with big, blue eyes.

  Elise slowly exhaled, feeling a trifle blue. There’d be no baby for her this season. With her broken leg, she’d been forced to go back on her heat pills. A heavy cast and a hospital bed just weren’t conducive to mating.

  Looking up, she noticed Helen watching her with knowing eyes that seemed to say ‘Don’t worry, maybe next time.’ Elise nodded. Possibly it was all for the best. At least now she and Kane had some time together without any danger or drama.

  “So,” Helen spoke out loud. “Where are the two hooligans?”

  “Hooligans?” Elise asked.

  “Yes, hooligans. Kane and Ryne.”

  “Oh, them.” Rolling her eyes, Elise explained what had happened.

  Helen chuckled. “Reminds me of when they were pups. Those two could come up with some of the most outlandish schemes.”

  “Yeah, remember when…” Carrie chimed in as she lifted the baby over her shoulder and began to pat his back. Soon all three were laughing as the antics of the two Alphas were related.

  ”Oh, it’s good to have Ryne back.” Helen wiped tears of laughter from her face as she leaned against the counter. “He always kept Kane from being too serious.”

  “And Kane kept Ryne from flying off the handle.” Carrie added.

  The two men in question chose that minute to enter the kitchen, both looking a little sheepish. Kane spoke first. “Elise, I’m sorry. Our little joke wasn’t in the best of taste.”

  “Yeah, we were just teasing. I never thought it might upset you.” Ryne added.

  Elise tried to look stern, but ended up shaking her head and allowing a smile to creep onto her face. “All right. I’ll forgive you this time.”

  Ryne, being the closest, grabbed her and pulled her up into a quick hug, which she returned. Surprisingly, while pulling away, he whispered in her ear. “If you ever get tired of my brother, remember I was only half-joking.”

  Before she could respond, he passed her over to Kane who enveloped her in a bear hug. Over Kane’s shoulder, she saw Ryne watching them with a strange look on his face. When he noticed her, he smiled and winked, then went to invade the cookie jar.

  Hmm, Elise thought. Maybe it isn’t such a bad idea that Ryne was leaving after all…

  Chapter 36

  Ryne had been gone two weeks by the time Elise felt totally recovered from her ordeal. The cast had come off the previous week and it had taken another week to get the muscles and joints limbered up again. Now she felt as good as new, and eager to resume a normal life, whatever that might be. She was still planning on working part time at the Grey Goose, but she was also going to help Kane with some of the administrative work in the office. After all, she was the Alpha female, and should have some understanding of the ins and outs of the pack’s business.

  Finally, the correct environmental report finally was obtained and the pack’s lawyers were sure the courts would rule in their favour. Once the courts agreed to designate the land as environmentally significant, Northern Oil wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. All the water and soil samples had come back clear and, now that Marla wasn’t trying to sabotage the pack, Kane had lifted the restrictions on where they were allowed to r
oam. Everything appeared to be falling nicely into place.

  Elise smiled as she reflected back on all these things. Standing by the bedroom window, staring out at the peaceful, snow covered landscape, a feeling of contentment welled up inside her. Despite everything that had happened, the pack was united and strong, their land was safe and Ryne’s name had been cleared of all wrong-doing. Most importantly, in her mind at least, she and Kane were still together. Kane had even begun taking her exploring throughout the territory, and she revelled in finally being able to run at his side, his mate both in fact and spirit. He was proudly showing her all his favourite places and explaining his plans to ‘christen’ several of them, once the weather was warmer, of course! Yes, all in all, life was good.

  It was approaching midnight, but she hadn’t put on the lights, preferring the soothing darkness after the business of the day. They’d celebrated Thanksgiving and the house was filled to the rafters with members of the pack. While it had been a fun occasion, quiet was what she now craved.

  The door opened behind her and she half turned. Kane stood in the doorway, light from the hallway silhouetting his frame. Once again, she was struck by the power and beauty of her mate. He shut the door blocking the illumination from the hallway. Leaving the lights off, he moved unerringly towards her. Elise waited silently until he stood beside her. As he slid his hands around her waist, she sighed happily and twisted slightly so that she was leaning back against him. He nuzzled her neck and, in response, she tilted her head to give him better access.

  “Are you tired?” His voice rumbled in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.


  “Oh.” He straightened behind her, loosening his grip, disappointment evident in his voice.

  She chuckled to herself. Her mate could never get enough of her—not that she was complaining. Turning in the circle of his arms, she slid her hands up his chest, “I’m not that tired.”

  His whole demeanour perked up and he pulled her closer, kissing her tenderly before trailing his lips over her cheeks and brow then down to her ear. “I’m happy to hear that.”

  “So I noticed.” She brushed her hips against him, already feeling the evidence of his arousal.

  With a growl, Kane crushed her body to his, anxiously running his hands up and down her back. Elise reciprocated, pulling his shirt free and working her hands beneath the material. His skin was silky and warm against her palms, the muscles shifting smoothly. Eager to feel more of him, she moved her hand around his waist to his belt. Fumbling with the clasp, she finally freed it and undid the button. Sliding down his zipper, she worked her hand inside.

  Kane’s shaft was hot and firm against her hand and she boldly stroked him, no longer the shy, young girl with which he had first mated. His hips automatically flexed in response and he dug his fingers into her shoulders. Capturing her mouth with his, Kane kissed her deeply, plundering the sweet cavern with his tongue, mimicking the actions of his lower body. Finally, they pulled apart, flushed and breathing heavily.

  “Elise, I need you.”

  She nodded and giving him one hard kiss before attacking the buttons on his shirt. They disrobed quickly and Kane scooped her up, carrying her to the bed. Dropping her down onto the mattress, he settled on top of her. She loved the weight of his body pressing down on her. He was dominating her, just as an Alpha should.

  Moving her splayed fingers across Kane’s broad shoulders, she tried to experience every inch of him. She slid her foot up and down the faintly hair-roughened skin of his thigh while tracing the indented path of his spine with her fingers. Slowly, she skimmed her hands around his waist, before moving lower to squeeze and pull at his buttocks, urging him to move closer to her aching centre.

  As she explored his body, Kane tenderly kneaded the soft flesh of her breasts, flicking her nipples with his thumbs until they stood at attention. He replaced his hands with his mouth, biting and suckling first one and then the other until Elise whimpered in pleasure.

  Leaving her sensitised breasts, he moved up to her neck, kissing the spot where the mark from the blood bonding still remained—a permanent sign of their union. His actions stimulated the scar, heightening her awareness of both her own feelings and his. Taste and touch, scent and smell; all that Kane experienced, she did too. She ran her fingers through his thick hair, gently raking his scalp with her nails. He moaned in approval and she smiled, pleased to give as well as receive.

  His breath was ragged against her ear and she shivered, already close to the edge. “Can you feel it, my love?” He asked. “Can you feel the pleasure you give me?”

  She nodded, unable to speak. Kane raised himself on his elbows and looked down at her, brushing her hair from her face.

  “I feel it too. Every whimper, every shudder, every sensation comes back to me.” He whispered against her lips before shifting to lie beside her. The fire still burned in both of them, but now it was deeper, yet less frantic. Gently, they pleasured each other, softly touching and stroking, stimulating nerve endings then soothing…

  Kane trailed his finger tips the length of her body, barely making contact with her skin, but still causing her to shiver in delight. Picking up her arm, he brushed delicate kisses down its length until he reached her hand. Then, one by one, he sucked on each finger, using his tongue to tease the sensitive skin of her palm, all the while staring deeply into her eyes.

  He picked up her other arm, repeating his actions, worshipping every inch of that limb before moving down to her legs. Butterfly kisses were trailed up her calves, across her thighs, and then on to her stomach. He licked the entire surface of her belly and traced the shape of her navel with his tongue, while delicately kneading her buttocks with his hands. Gently, Kane bit at her waist and nibbled her hip bones, then soothed the skin with tender kisses.

  Finally having laid claim to almost every part of her body, he pushed her knees slightly apart and moved so that he sat between her legs. She could feel tremors already building inside of her, her juices flowing, preparing the way for his possession. The thought of what was to come had her hips moving restlessly, begging him to take what she offered.

  Kane slid his finger over her sensitive flesh and dipped first one and then two fingers into her, causing Elise to clutch at the sheets. Rhythmically, he moved his fingers in and out of her, while his thumb brushed against her swollen nub. With each stroke, her breath hitched and she struggled to hang on. When his hot tongue began to tease her tender flesh, she knew she was lost and tumbled over the edge.

  Her heart hammered in her chest as she tried to catch her breath, but Kane wasn’t about to let her rest yet. Rising to his knees, he gripped her hips. “Wrap your legs around me,” he commanded before positioning himself and thrusting into her.

  Elise widened her eyes at the sensation of being filled by her mate and she growled softly as she stared up at him. Kane growled back before setting the rhythm for their dance. As they rocked against each other, the tension began to build until they were both beyond control, desperately seeking release.

  “Oh Kane, that’s perfect, ” she panted. “I…” Words failed her. It was perfect, but she wanted more, needed more… It built inside her, inside him… Then feeling swelled…

  Elise cried out as she came hard, her body clamping down around his. At the same time, Kane gave a guttural cry and emptied himself in her. For a moment, she was lost to all around her. Finally her body began to relax and reality slowly impinged on her awareness. Kane was on top her, panting heavily and bracing his weight on his forearms. He began to withdraw from her, but she stopped him, tugging until he lay pressed against her.

  “No, don’t go.” Elise managed to say, stilling his attempts to leave by wrapping her arms around his sweat soaked body.

  “But I’m crushing you,” Kane protested.

  “Mmm, but it feels good. Just for a moment longer.”

  She could feel him relax, burying his face in her hair as she leisurely rubbed her hands up a
nd down his sweat slicked back. He was still inside of her and she wished they could stay like this forever. She felt so possessed by him—she never wanted them to be apart again.


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