Art and Photo Credits
Part I. Nebari! #114491095
Ch.1. Premonitions. Symbolic representation of hallway leading to sanctuary overlooking the Holy City. #146197067
Ch.1. Premonitions. 1984 Paul Solomon. Photo courtesy of the FIL Archives.
Ch.2. The Research, The Race, & The Dead Saints Epiphany. David Solomon pruning Japanese Shimpaku, Akio Botanical Gardens, Spring 2013. Photo courtesy of Delynn Solomon
Ch.3. Death is a Lie Humans Tell Themselves. February 1988, Tokyo, Japan. Takanohashi sensei and David Solomon rest after many hours wiring a Japanese white pine during a Bonsai training session. Photo courtesy of the FIL Archives.
Ch.4. Earth University. March 1984. Hearthfire Lodge, New Market, VA. Photo courtesy of the FIL Archives.
Ch.4. Earth University. 1974 Atlanta, GA. Felton Jones Bonsai demonstration. Photo courtesy of the FIL Archives.
Ch.4. Earth University. 1981 Paul Solomon. Photo courtesy of the FIL Archives.
Ch.5. Rice Paper Teachers. David Solomon’s Crayon drawing of Mt. Fuji, at nine-years old. A premonition of going to Japan later in life? Photo courtesy of the Delynn Solomon.
Ch.5. Rice Paper Teachers. 6th Century floor tile mosaic, Beth Alpha Synagogue, near Beit She’an, Israel. The square panel of the Beth Alpha mosaic was a zodiac wheel with all 12 symbols and names of the zodiac, surrounded by four female figures at the corners, identifying the seasons of the year. In the Center, the Charioteer, represented by the sun, drives four horses of East, North, South and West, surrounded by the moon and stars. Photo courtesy: Art Resource, NY.
Ch.5. Rice Paper Teachers. Masonic Lodge Symbol. Photo courtesy of the Delynn Solomon
Ch.5. Rice Paper Teachers. New York City Homeless Bag Lady. #242286358.
Ch.6. Dreams: Night School. Young Boy Dreaming. #262455965.
Ch.6. Dreams: Night School. Soozi Holbeche. Photo printed with permission by the Estate of Soozi Holbeche.
Ch.7.The Apprentice Gardener. “The Sacred Mountain.” Symbolic representation of Paul Solomon’s NDE original 1972 vision. (lower right section of artwork) Painted by Chris Arbo in 1991. Reprinted with permission by Sharon Solomon
Ch.7.The Apprentice Gardener. 7-ton granite wall and steps. Akio Botanical Gardens, Spring 2013. Photo credit: Delynn Solomon.
Ch.8. The Spiritual Journal. David Solomon Journals filled with three-years’ Chronicle notes. Photo credit Delynn Solomon
Ch.8. The Spiritual Journal. “The Sacred Mountain.” Symbolic representation of Paul Solomon’s NDE original 1972 vision. (Central section of artwork) Painted by Chris Arbo in 1991. Reprinted with permission by Sharon Solomon.
Ch.8. The Spiritual Journal. Rubik’s Cube. Clip Art.
Ch.9. The Life Review. #42570112.
Ch.10.The Judgment. #313363127.
Ch.10.The Judgment. The Papyrus of Ani, Thebes, Egypt, 1275 BC, depicting the Judgment of the Dead. 12 Deities or Assessors (usually 42) supervise the Judgment. by Getty Images #63141003
Ch.11. We Die in Character. #173446493.
Part II. Afterlife Bonsai. #170489747.
Ch.12. Is Our Mission Finished? #158219798.
Ch.13. Death Step by Step. #129459884.
Ch.13. Death Step by Step. Death Element #8. The Grand Central Station of Death. #168371774.
Ch.14.Transformations. #618576643.
Ch.14.Transformations. Photo Rev. Nigel Mumford & Rev. David Solomon. Photo Credit: Delynn Solomon.
Ch.15. You Do Not Die Alone. #295288517.
Ch.15. You Do Not Die Alone. The Grim Reaper and scythe that cuts the silver cord, releasing the soul from the physical body. #300721070.
Ch.16. The Body of Light. Photo Credit: #16812875
Ch.17. Heaven—The Kingdom of Light. #331251911.
Ch.17. Heaven—The Kingdom of Light. Radiation symbol and Christian Triquetra symbols. Clipart.
Ch.18. Ghosts, Apparitions, and Earthbound Spirits. #172731194.
Ch.19. Tragedy, Evil, and Hell. #143717521.
Ch.19. Tragedy, Evil, and Hell. Yin/Yang clip art. Common clipart.
Part III Bonsai Secrets. #170489747
Ch.20. The Governing Laws of Religion Are Not Absolute. #229247320.
Ch.21. Pre-Existence. #94224787.
Ch.21. Pre-Existence. Ouroboros image. #325697861.
Ch.22. An Uncomfortable Possibility. #219489943.
Ch.23. Jesus, Planetary Headmaster. Jesus and Apostle John overlooking Jerusalem. Photo courtesy of FIL Archives.
Ch.23. Jesus, Planetary Headmaster. Photo Negative Image of the Shroud of Turin. Proto credit: by Getty images. #49896946.
Ch.23. Jesus, Planetary Headmaster. The Sacred Mountain. Mystical Christ Crucified on the Oak Tree. (Lower right portion of artwork) Reprinted with permission by Sharon Solomon.
Ch.23. Jesus, Planetary Headmaster. Image of Jesus with walking stick, standing before the Light of Heaven. #364510250.
Ch.24. The 13th Path. Chinese Mountains. #54812962.
Ch.24. The 13th Path. Living Water. #35547325.
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Table 1
Seven Near-Death Triggers
The Dead Saints Chronicles: A Zen Journey Through the Christian Afterlife Page 46