Project: Adapt - Found: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 1)

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Project: Adapt - Found: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 1) Page 31

by Jade Waltz

  “Stars! I am definitely going to knee that ishing frax Aldawi in the balls when I see him for putting me through this then abandoning me.” I growled many hours later.

  I heard a snort from across the room and glared over at Kaede, where he still held up the wall. Asshole.

  The pain had become nearly unendurable and not even my nestmates’ combined essences were mitigating it anymore. I couldn’t even feel the arousal over the pain.

  As I panted through the latest round of contractions, Xylo and Chyox approached with the monitor. They pulled it across my stomach and began discussing my lack of any dilation and whether the cubs had shifted or not. Ayces and Usthu chimed in as they observed via the monitor at the sink.

  I tuned them all out and slumped against Odelm, closing my eyes in fatigue. I didn’t know how much more of this I could take. It was already late night with no end in sight. I felt like I’d had enough tea to sink the Destiny—though eating had been next to impossible. Xylo had begun fussing over my ‘nutrient intake’ and discussing options with Chyox.

  I screamed as a searing pain shot across my abdomen followed by the most intense contraction I’d felt thus far. Odelm’s arms and tentacles tightened around me, and Xylo and Chyox bent to the monitor with concern.

  “I do not see any signs of a problem, but surely there should be progress by now?” Chyox muttered.

  “She should have dilated already... It does not seem possible it would be this slow...” The calm detachment in Xylo’s voice and demeanor had long since vanished.

  In fact, everyone had grown tense and anxious. All the Ulax in the room, including Odelm, had shifted past orange and were headed into a panicked yellow. V’dim shaded to black at the edges, and Odelm’s yellow was nearly white with fear. Something had to give, and soon.

  As the long wave of contractions eased, I slumped back against Odelm. Chyox gave me a few sips of tea then bathed my face in cool water again. I smiled gratefully at him.

  “Xylo”—my voiced cracked—“is there nothing else we can do? I don’t think I can take much more...” My voice died, so I added mentally, “How much longer do you think it will be? Is there any sign of anything happening yet?”

  Xylo wrung his hands as his vines writhed in agitation. “Nothing. There is no dilation. No sign your cervix has even softened in preparation. I see the cubs have moved, but we do not know if that indicates anything. It does not look as it did in the medical text—perhaps because they are not fully human...”

  He and Chyox removed the scanner and headed back over to join the other healers at the sink. Xylo turned his focus on another case and started rummaging through it. I tuned out again as all four healers began a technical discussion. Far too much medical jargon to follow.

  Another round of contractions had me nearly passing out. I caught the trailing edge of a panicked thought Odelm sent to Xylo before my mind blanked from the pain. As I came to, I saw the princes had moved to the tub. They were sitting across from us as they studied the room. Their vines and tentacles were tightly intertwined as though they were comforting one another.

  “Is there anything we can do?” V’dim asked.

  “Surely there is something else that can be done?” Z’fir demanded at the exact same moment, gesturing to me. “Selena will not be able to keep this up much longer. Is there any way to speed things up? Or a medical procedure to remove the cubs?”

  I groaned as another contraction started. Odelm massaged my shoulders as the room focused on Xylo, waiting for his answer. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on the soothing massage, though tears leaked from the corner of my eyes from with sharp pain of the contractions.

  As I tried to drag in another deep breath, a sob emerged. Odelm started humming, sending a gentle vibration from his chest to my back. The other Ulax increased the strength of their calming blanket, but it wasn’t enough, and I could see V’dim starting to feel the strain from the effort.

  “Medically, we cannot see anything wrong. The data from her medical bracelets, all her vitals, the scans... we cannot find anything amiss. But I do not know if there is something we are not aware of—we simply know so little about human pregnancy! It certainly seems the cubs should have arrived by now. And her vitals are starting to reflect the stress of the prolonged pain and lack of rest or adequate food—"

  Odelm broke in, “Can you not see how much pain she is in, nestbrother? There must be something else we have not tried!”

  I could practically hear Xylo swallow from across the room. Then he squared his shoulders as though needing to prepare himself, force himself to continue. He sighed, then said in a quiet voice, “There is only one other possibility mentioned in the homeopathic texts... Male ejaculation contains a hormone, something called prostaglandin, that it was claimed could induce labor. When introduced prior to dilation, the texts claimed it helps stimulate and soften the cervix. And female arousal, then orgasm, release oxytocin which can blunt the pain as well as possibly aid the effects of the prostaglandin.”

  He paused, glancing uneasily around the room.

  “Most of the Children have the same basic hormones. I did not want to mention this as an option, because clearly, Odelm and I are not biologically capable of helping in this way until she starts ovulating again. The only option would be one of you—which would mean a courting bond and Selena immediately making that bond permanent. She would have to take another nestmate. And even then, there is no guarantee that it will hurry her labor along or reduce her pain. It is a greater sacrifice than I was willing to suggest either she—or any of you—make.”

  Silence fell in the room.

  Another wave of contractions hit, and I squeezed my eyes closed as I struggled to breathe through the pain. Oh Stars... I was never doing this again. Ever. As the pain passed, I collapsed in Odelm’s embrace and opened my eyes.

  Everyone was focused on me with a variety of different looks on their faces. The princes seemed conflicted. Chyox looked between Xylo and me in horror, while the other two healers appeared confused.

  When my eyes roamed to Kaede, still leaning against the far wall, he stepped forward.

  “I could do it.” He brushed his hair back. “I mean, I could try. I don't even know if it is possible for me to become aroused. My half-sisters said something about needing another to help them, that it wasn’t something we could control on our own.”

  He surveyed the room.

  “At the least, we know I’m not Circuli, so there would be no need for Selena to take a nestmate not of her choosing. And no one else in this room would be pressured to permanently bond with her.”

  Kaede stepped up to the edge of the tub and turned his visor directly to me. “Plus, I’m supposed to keep you safe. This is my responsibility. It’s our fault for not finding any safe drugs that could help—that we know are safe. But this decision is up to you, Selena.”

  A shocked murmur traveled the room, and I felt Odelm tense beneath me. I was conflicted.

  I was exhausted and the pains kept getting worse. They were already nearly as bad as most of what I remembered experiencing at the Yaarkins’ hands—though I had been unconscious for the worst of their torture.

  But more than that, I was beginning to worry for my cubs. They had been moving around quite a bit earlier but had grown very still the last few hours. What would I do if something happened to them and I hadn’t tried everything we could think of to help?

  Yet, I knew I was not ready to take another nestmate. And based on the looks of relief all five of the Circuli in the room had tried to hide, I didn’t think they were ready to volunteer either. That left Kaede as the only option. But our volatile relationship... no way was I willing to make any commitment to him. Shit, I didn’t even know if whatever species he was formed any sort of permanent bond.

  “Kaede. I don’t want to ruin the friendship we have begun to build.” I hissed, feeling another contraction about to start. “And I will not be forced to take another nestmate—or husban
d, mate, whatever your species might call a permanent partner—on the off chance it might make this easier on me.”

  I groaned as the pain swept me under.

  As I came back to myself, Xylo was there with my tea and a cooling cloth as Odelm stroked my hair, vibrating soothingly.

  I whispered, after taking a sip of tea, “However, I will consider the option to help my cubs. If the lack of progress in my labor—and this ishing awful pain—could possibly indicate danger to them, I’m willing to consider anything.”

  Kaede leaned forward, about to answer, when I held up a hand.

  “Hang on. I’m not making this decision in a vacuum. I need to first discuss it with my nestmates.”

  A surprised look passed between the princes, and Chyox simply looked shocked. I angled my head so I could see both Odelm and Xylo’s faces.

  “What do you think? I’m willing to try this—shit, I’m willing to try just about anything to save our cubs—but I’m not ready for another male. Not with these cubs about to be born and all the uncertainty surrounding our imminent arrival at CEG HQ.”

  Another contraction hit me as I took a breath to continue. I grunted in frustration. They were definitely getting stronger and coming faster. Odelm worked my neck with his magical fingers, trying to pull my attention from my pain to him. Xylo stroked my hair, his face worried. Tears dripped from the corners of my tightly closed eyes as I focused on taking deep breaths. As the contraction started to fade, I pulled once more on the golden threads that connected me to my nestmates.

  “But you both are as important to me as our cubs are. I don’t want to do this if accepting his help will hurt our bond or our clan—our family.”

  “I did not bring this up because I did not want to force this choice on you or anyone else. Kaede’s volunteering might solve part of it—we will have to see what he says. But this choice is yours, Selena. I will support you no matter what. If you decide to add Kaede to our clan—now or later—that is your decision. I am yours regardless,” Xylo’s deep mental voice said.

  “I agree that adding another male at this time would add undue stress—nor do I wish you forced to the decision. As much as I wish I could be the one to aid you in this, I know I cannot. This may not be our way, we do not copulate outside of a bond. But if Kaede doing so might make your labor easier and prevent harm to our cubs, then I am for it. Search your heart. Only you can make this decision. Whatever you choose... I, too, will support you fully,” Odelm calmly added.

  I sighed. Of course, they would leave the choice up to me.

  I was glad that my nestmates understood and would support me, that there would be no resentment or jealousy. But the idea still made me feel guilty for considering it.

  I turned back to Kaede. “I would prefer we agree this is a one-time deal. No commitments. Is that possible? I know nothing about your species or mating habits.”

  Kaede nodded. “It is possible. I will not force you to take me as a mate.”

  Xylo headed back over to the knot of healers as I breathed through yet another series of contractions. When it eased, I kept my eyes closed a moment longer as I tried to summon the courage to do this.

  Opening my eyes, I looked at Kaede and whispered, “Okay.”

  I couldn’t believe I was really considering this. No... had agreed to this. What in the Stars was I thinking?

  I felt Odelm tighten his arms around me in reassurance and glanced over at Xylo. He nodded at me. He must be keeping track of my inner thoughts while he conversed with his fellow healers. A smile appeared on his face before he turned back to Chyox. Yep. I was right. He was listening—which left a warm feeling inside me, knowing that he remained aware of my needs, even while busy.

  “What do we need to do?” I asked quietly.

  “Before we start anything... Selena, you can stop this at any time. After you see what I am under my armor, any time you feel uncomfortable, tell me to stop. I will stop, no matter what,” Kaede explained softly.

  Odelm squeezed my shoulders in encouragement, and I nodded.

  Kaede scanned the other males in the room.

  “You will all need to leave,” he commanded. Xylo stiffened, and Kaede added, “Except Xylo and Odelm, of course.”

  Xylo protested, “We have no idea how this will go, we will need the assistance! I do not...”

  The argument disappeared in another wave of agony. Tears streamed down my face as the pain in my lower back and pelvic area increased, becoming unbearable. I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut as I writhed in Odelm’s arms. I felt like I was going to split in half.

  When I came back to myself, the argument had ceased and the princes had vacated the tub, standing against the wall with the healers. Xylo and Kaede stood by the edge of the bath, watching me. When they saw my eyes open and I looked up at them, they nodded to one another.

  Xylo went back to his machine as Kaede said in a clipped voice, “I’m holding every one of you to the same confidentiality that my client demanded when turning over Selena’s medical records. I trust none of you will tell anyone what you see. It would not only cause problems for me but would endanger my half-sisters and Selena as well. If I find any of you”—his visor turned to meet the gaze of each of the Circuli—“has leaked any information about my species, I will hunt you down and end you. Am I understood?”

  Everyone in the room agreed to his terms without asking a single question. I watched as he dimmed the lights and fully closed the curtains, blocking off the view of the terrarium.

  Then he removed his arm and wristbands, placing them on one of the empty counters. As everyone watched, Kaede reached up to remove his visor. I knew my nestmates were aware of what lay beneath, but no one else in the room did. From their reactions, it was clear they were shocked by what they saw. I also saw recognition in several faces.

  He turned to focus an intent look on me.

  “Please... Don’t ask, Selena. The safety of my crew rests on keeping our secret.”

  Kaede unfastened the deep green cape from his shoulders and dropped it on top of his armbands and visor. He pushed a button in the middle of his chest, and I watched in awe as his sleek armor collapsed in on itself. The entire suit retracted into a small chest band that left everything bare aside from the straps over his shoulders that held it up.

  Kaede was a beautiful male—and looked almost entirely human. This discovery surprised me, and my mouth fell open in shock. There were so many unanswered questions. And it was clear I was not the only one surprised, as I heard a number of other gasps around the room. But no one spoke.

  Kaede’s skin was the same medium tan as his long pointy ears and was crisscrossed with the same network of fine white scars that covered his face. He was only slightly taller than me but was clearly in much better shape. He had a compact muscular body with lean and powerful limbs. And his torso was wedge-shaped with proportionally broad shoulders, well-defined abdominal muscles, tapering to a delicious V at his narrow waist and hips.

  As my gaze slid down his body, I noticed the lack of genitalia between his legs. Was he like the Ulax and Wudox?

  “I was created to be the ultimate weapon. They altered our sexual nature, requiring another to trigger our arousal to prevent any distractions while on a mission. Yet they needed us to be able to reproduce, so we were not created completely asexual.”

  “How do I trigger your arousal?” I whispered, cheeks warming, my eyes never leaving the apex of his legs.

  “My half-sisters reported that someone had to touch their genitalia for them to become aroused. I’ve never tried before, there was no need. I assume you’ll have to try to coax mine to come out,” Kaede explained in an emotionless voice.

  I blinked. Stars... This couldn’t get much stranger.

  I understood Circuli were used to the idea of sex in front of others, since nestmates often watched one another. And indeed, it had not been awkward having Xylo watch as I claimed Odelm. But having a room of males who weren’t my nestmates watch? I
needed to wrap my head around that. Naked? No problem, I had never worn clothing until I awoke on Destiny. Giving birth with them here? Fine, there is a medical need, and this is an unusual circumstance. I’d take all the help I could get. But watching this? I was uncomfortably reminded of the Yaarkin studies—or even the entertainment demanded of their sex slaves.

  I shuddered as another contraction rippled through me and gritted my teeth. The slicing pain as I lay panting against Odelm was a reminder I did not have the luxury of debating this. I’d made my decision and would just need to ignore the audience. The longer I waited, the greater the danger to my cubs. And the longer I potentially spent in pain that was not necessary—if Xylo’s solution worked.

  As the contraction eased, I squeezed Odelm’s thigh, letting him know I was ready to sit up. As he helped me into an upright position, I addressed Kaede.

  “It will be difficult to do this with you out there.”

  Kaede eyed Xylo before glancing at Odelm at my back. Then he nodded and leapt over the edge of the bath. I watched nervously as he waded through the water.

  As Kaede stopped in front of me, another contraction rolled through me. A hiss escaped as I gripped Kaede’s thighs for support, panting hard. He looked down at me. My head came to about his waist, and he stroked back my hair as his black-slitted neon eyes locked onto mine.

  As the contraction passed, I sighed. “You’re lucky you’re pleasing to the eye. And I am lucky to have you here.”

  “I would do anything to keep you from harm, Selena.”

  Trying to ignore the others behind Kaede, I focused solely on him. His expressive face looked as nervous as I felt. He was clearly trying to hide his emotions, without much success. I hesitated, unsure what to do.

  He must have known what I was thinking, because he whispered, “Touch me, you will need to bring my cock out.”

  Sliding my hands up his muscular thighs, I allowed my fingers to trace over to the apex of his legs. His skin was hot to the touch, feeling much different than the cool of my nestmates.


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