Poppy and the Perfect Pony

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Poppy and the Perfect Pony Page 4

by Olivia Tuffin

  “The beach ride, remember?” Sophie grinned.

  But Poppy had already leapt out of bed. The beach ride was the thing she had been most looking forward to!

  “How could I forget!” she said, pulling on her jodhpurs and a T-shirt. “Race you out to the stables!”

  There was a deep, rumbly whinny from Misty as Poppy and Sophie and the rest of the girls ran into the yard.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” Poppy called out as she crossed over the cobbles. She jumped as an even louder whinny sounded, and looking up she saw Henry, his big head bobbing up and down. He whinnied again hopefully. Suddenly Poppy was torn, but she was nearer Misty so gave him a hug first, pressing her nose into his silken neck. She knew she was imagining it, but it seemed to her that there was hurt in Henry’s lovely soft eyes as he gazed at her before turning back to his hay net.

  “I’ll be back in a minute.” Poppy finally tore herself away from Misty and went to Henry, clicking with her tongue to entice him back over the stable door. He didn’t need much encouragement and was soon nudging his soft nose into Poppy’s arm. Lainey emerged from her house carrying a mug of coffee.

  “Oh, how lovely!” she said. “Henry loves all the attention he gets during camp.”

  Poppy felt horribly guilty all of a sudden. Henry was so sweet, and she bet all of his other riders made a big fuss of him all the time. She needed to do the same.


  “Right then, listen everyone!”

  Lainey halted her horse at the riding-school gates and turned to face the camp members as they lined up on their ponies. The ponies seemed to know that they were off somewhere exciting and a few jigged about a bit, especially Misty, but Henry just gave a deep sigh and rested a leg.

  “That’s Major Green!” Jess whispered to Poppy in an awestruck voice. She gestured towards Lainey’s lovely horse, a chestnut with a white splodge on his neck. “But everyone knows him as Bertie. Lainey won Badminton on him! He’s about twenty now.”

  “That’s really cool.” Poppy grinned. Not only was she about to head off on the breakfast beach ride, but a famous horse was going along with them! In just a short space of time, she had ridden Silver Shadow and now she was going to ride alongside a Badminton winner. Best week ever!

  “We’re heading out past the golf course and on to the heathland,” Lainey explained. “And then down to the beach. They all know the route well, so relax and enjoy it!”

  There was an excited murmur among the group, and Poppy and her new friends grinned at each other.

  “The ponies know exactly what to do,” Lainey said. “If you follow me in a line, there’s nowhere for them to go, and then we’ll all wait at the groynes at the end. But if one of you doesn’t want to canter, we’ll all stick to a trot. Not a problem at all. So all those who want to canter on the beach, put your hands up!”

  Everyone, including Poppy, stuck their hand up. Although Poppy was the rider with the least experience, she knew Henry would look after her. And she felt so much more confident after the last few days! But as they clip-clopped down the quiet lanes leading away from town, she had to work hard to make sure they kept up with the rest of the gang.

  “Are you OK?” Amina called back to her, and Poppy nodded, wishing Henry could go just a bit faster. At this rate she wouldn’t get the thrill of a canter along the golden sand! “Come on, boy.” She squeezed with her legs but there was no change in Henry’s speed, even as they snaked down the dusty path through the heathland and over the sand dunes to the beach that stretched before them, the sea blue and sparkling in the sun.

  “Are you still happy to canter?” Lainey called, and a resounding “Yes” came back from the group. “Then follow me, and no overtaking!” Lainey instructed, and she nudged Bertie into a beautiful collected canter. One by one the ponies followed steadily, their riders grinning as they splashed in and out of the shallows. But try as she might, there was no way Poppy could get Henry to canter. He just stuck to the same steady trot, barely seeming to notice as the waves lapped around his hooves.

  Amina turned around again. “We’ll wait for you at the end!” she called as Nutmeg cantered on, past Izzy and Misty, to join the rest of the group.

  Poppy gazed enviously at Misty, thinking how magical it must feel for Izzy. Then she frowned. Something wasn’t right. A big black dog raced across the sand chasing a tennis ball, suddenly swerving towards Misty who spooked dramatically, spinning around like a whirlwind. Izzy was thrown sideways and had to cling on. Then Misty was galloping back the way they had come, and, with the rest of the group far ahead, Poppy realised that only she and Henry knew what was going on.

  “Misty, please steady!” Izzy sounded desperate as Misty tore past Henry, who gave a snort of surprise.

  Poppy felt as if her heart had stopped. She knew there was no way she’d be able to catch up with the others to let them know what had happened. And Misty, her beautiful Misty, had galloped off! She had to go after him.

  “Come on, boy!” Poppy turned Henry around and, as if he knew what she wanted, he broke into a determined canter. Even speedier than he had been in the bending race, he followed Misty back up the beach and towards the dunes. Poppy crouched over Henry’s neck, urging him to keep going as they chased Misty and Izzy along the path.

  “Izzy!” she called. “Hold on!”

  Misty was slowing a bit and Poppy began to catch up.

  “Nearly there!” she cried. “Good boy, Henry.”

  But Misty snorted and made a sharp turn as the dunes got steeper and the path narrower. Izzy went flying through the air, tumbling over on the sun-bleached marram grass. Misty slowed to a halt as Izzy sat up with a cry, clutching her foot. “My ankle!”

  Poppy leapt off Henry and quickly put the reins over his head, just the way she remembered from her pony-care books, and led him while she ran to Izzy.

  “Izzy!” she said, crouching down next to her. “Are you OK?”

  Izzy winced and stretched her ankle a bit.

  “I don’t think it’s broken,” she said shakily. “But it really hurts.”

  “It’s probably sprained.” Poppy looked around her in concern. There was no sign of the other riders and Misty was loose. Although he had stopped, Poppy knew that if he broke into a gallop again and carried on to going the same way, he would head straight on to the main road. She had to catch him. It was time to use their special connection, their bond.


  “Come on, boy!”

  Handing Henry’s reins to Izzy, Poppy took a deep breath, thinking about the way she would call for the grey after school and how he would always canter over to her. “Silver Shadow! It’s me, Poppy.”

  Poppy was aware of Izzy giving her a funny look.

  “Silver Shadow?” she said, one eyebrow raised. “His name’s Misty.”

  “I know,” Poppy said through gritted teeth. “Come on, boy,” she called to Misty again. “Let’s get you home.”

  All those afternoons spent chatting to him, building up the trust between them, were now going to pay off, and she could show Izzy that she was just as good with Misty. His ears were pricked as he looked towards her. Edging forward, Poppy reached up to grab the trailing reins that had been thrown over Misty’s head when Izzy tumbled off. But as she closed her hand round them, Misty leapt into the air, knocking her over. She ended up sitting heavily on the ground, winded, with Misty standing a couple of metres away, quivering with nerves and energy, and staring ahead in the direction of the main road. He looked as though he was going to make a run for it.

  But then Henry, his reins still held by Izzy, made a soft whickering sound, and Misty answered, glancing towards his stable mate. Something suddenly struck Poppy. “Henry!” she said out loud, heading back to the dark bay. “Misty doesn’t want to leave Henry!”

  Henry nudged her hard, as though he’d been trying to tell her all along.

  “OK, Henry, let’s try something together.”

  Putting the reins over
his head and hopping back into the saddle, Poppy nudged him forward, walking over to Misty. She talked softly to the grey, who was still on high alert, his head aloft, his dark eyes searching for something in the distance. He let out a trembling whinny but stayed still.

  “Come on,” she said softly. “Look, Henry’s here.”

  Poppy had watched old cowboy films in which riders swung out of their saddles to catch loose horses. It looked so easy when they did it. But in reality, she knew leaning over to catch the loose reins would be much harder. It would be wobbly and unsafe and she really didn’t want to fall off. As well as potentially hurting herself badly, she didn’t want to spook Misty even further.

  But as they drew alongside Misty, Poppy realised that Henry had placed himself perfectly, just as he had done in the gymkhana races. He stood square, solid and unmoving as Poppy leaned out of her saddle as far as she dared and made a grab for the reins. She had him! Misty gave a startled lurch and for a split second Poppy was almost dragged off her own saddle. But Henry swiftly took a few steps back, mirroring Misty, who came to a stop, his sides heaving. His reins were still in Poppy’s hands and he was safe.

  Misty nuzzled Henry’s big soft nose before the dark bay gave him a gentle nip on the neck, as if telling him off.

  Shakily, Poppy nudged Henry on so he walked back to Izzy, and Misty followed quietly alongside him.

  “Izzy,” she said slowly. “Did you see that?”

  And Izzy nodded. “You and Henry worked together!” she said, her eyes wide. “You’re the perfect team!”

  Izzy managed to get herself up, standing unsteadily on her sore ankle. Sliding down from Henry’s saddle, Poppy gave both ponies a pat.

  “Shall I give you a leg up on to Misty?” Poppy asked.

  Izzy paused. “Actually,” she said in a shaky voice. “Can I ride Henry?”

  Henry nudged Poppy and she felt his solid, reassuring presence. He deserved a whole bucket of carrots when they got back!

  “OK,” Poppy agreed. “I’ll help you on. Let’s go and find the rest of the group.”

  It wasn’t quite as she’d imagined, but she was going to ride Misty, the pony of her dreams, along the beach. She didn’t feel the same rush of excitement she’d felt before she rode him during the gymkhana games.

  Misty seemed completely calm again and so she climbed up into his saddle, giving him a pat.

  “Thanks so much for coming after me,” Izzy said in a quiet voice, sitting safely on Henry. “Imagine if Misty had got on the road…” She shuddered, her voice trailing off.

  “I had to check Misty was OK,” Poppy said simply. “And you, of course,” she added. Izzy had been mean about Henry, but she had needed Poppy’s help.

  “But Henry is the one we both need to thank,” she continued, looking down at the dark bay.

  “I know,” Izzy agreed. “I’m sorry I was so horrible about him. He’s an amazing pony.”

  Reaching forward, Izzy gave Henry a hug, and Poppy wished she could do the same, and say sorry too. Sorry for being ashamed of his sticking-up mane and his big heavy head. Sorry that she’d been annoyed when she had fallen off in the jumping lesson, and when Henry had refused to canter on the beach. Sorry that she’d only seen him as a stepping stone to Misty, when really he was perfect in his very own way.

  As they walked down the path back on to the beach, a shout interrupted Poppy’s thoughts and Lainey appeared on her horse, her face tight with worry. The other riders were behind her.

  “Oh, thank goodness!” she cried. “Are you OK? What happened?”

  Poppy looked at Henry, so wise and kind.

  Reaching over and patting Henry’s neck, Poppy grinned at Lainey.

  “Henry saved the day!”


  “I always knew he was a special pony,” Lainey said a little later, after Poppy and Izzy had recounted their story. They were back in the yard and sitting outside Henry’s stable, where the little dark bay was eating his breakfast after a well-deserved roll. “He’s a hero!”

  “He really is.” Poppy nodded. She’d given Henry the biggest hug and his promised carrots. She’d hugged Misty too. It hadn’t really been his fault – he was a spooky pony and the dog had obviously scared him. My books were right, Poppy thought. Horses are unpredictable.

  “It must have been really scary!” Gracie said as Poppy sat down for breakfast.

  “It was a bit,” Poppy said truthfully. “But I knew Henry would look after me, once I realised I needed his help.”

  “And you got to ride Misty on the beach, just like you wanted!” Jess smiled.

  “I did,” Poppy said. And she had! But something hadn’t felt right. She’d missed Henry’s bristly mane, that solid, dependable neck, those sweet furry ears.

  Sophie sat down next to the girls and nudged Poppy.

  “I heard from Daisy that Izzy’s going home to let her ankle rest,” she said. “Lainey said she can join camp next week or the week after instead, so that’s OK. But that means Misty will be free!” She gave a big grin. “And I overheard Lainey saying she was going to ask if you want to ride him!”

  For a second, Poppy felt her heart stop. Misty, her Silver Shadow. But then a little movement caught her eye and she saw Henry’s big kind face reaching over his stable door, intent on snatching a mouthful of hay from the bale Zoe was wheeling past in a barrow. She chuckled. Typical sweet greedy Henry.

  “Poppy?” Lainey said in a quiet voice, once everyone had cleared up after breakfast. “Have you got a minute?”

  Her tummy fluttering, Poppy followed Lainey over to the cool of the barn.

  “I’m sure you’ve heard by now that Izzy is going to miss the rest of camp as her ankle gets better,” Lainey explained. “Would you like to ride Misty a bit more this week? I know how much you love him. We won’t be doing any more beach riding, but you can certainly ride him in the arena…”

  Poppy took a deep breath. Her head was spinning. She did love Misty so, so much. But there was another pony she had grown to love. A pony who’d shown her that pony books don’t teach you everything. A pony who had exasperated and embarrassed her, but then shown her what a hero looked like too. Her mind was made up.

  “Actually,” she said. “I think I’ll stick with Henry.”

  Lainey smiled.

  “Of course,” she said kindly. “Henry is a star. And perhaps you could pamper Misty a bit now he doesn’t have a rider? He’d love a good groom, and I know you two have a wonderful relationship. I’m sure he’ll enjoy a few days out in the field instead of at camp.”

  Poppy nodded. “I’d love that.”

  Now that she could hang out with her two favourite ponies, camp was going to be twice as much fun!

  But there was one more thing she needed to ask.

  “And can I ride Henry in my lessons, when I come for my Saturday job?”

  “Absolutely!” Lainey chuckled. “I think you and Henry are good friends now, don’t you?”

  Emerging back into the sunshine, Poppy headed straight for Henry’s stable and gave him a hug, before doing the same to Misty. Going back to Henry, she placed her forehead against his big generous forehead, and laughed as his bristly forelock tickled her cheek. Two ponies, so different, but both so special.

  And she knew now that when she rushed to the fields after school, there were two ponies she was going to call for. One, her Silver Shadow, the pony who cantered through her dreams. And the other, kind and loyal Henry, the pony who had cantered straight into her heart.





  a) A body brush

  b) A hoof pick

  c) A curry comb


  a) A pair of cream jodhpurs

  b) A plain sweatshirt

  c) A skull cap


  a) A nice view

  b) Fresh water and hay

  c) Smart rugs ready to put on


  a) Tell a responsible adult so they can call a vet

  b) Tell your friends

  c) Give it a few hours, to see if it gets better


  a) A pony with a triangles on its coat

  b) A pony with squares on its coat

  c) A pony with spots on its coat


  a) A girth

  b) A head collar

  c) A martingale


  a) Biscuits

  b) Crisps

  c) Carrots


  a) Heels down

  b) Toes down

  c) Moving about as much as possible


  a) Speed – the faster you go, the higher you’ll jump

  b) Aim for the middle and look forwards

  c) Drop the reins so the pony can do its own thing


  a) Good looks to win in the show ring

  b) Speed and ability to win gymkhana races

  c) A kind and willing temperament


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