Rough Warrior

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Rough Warrior Page 9

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Yes, Master, I know, that’s why—”

  “That’s why you’re going to be punished,” Ulrick said sternly, cutting her off. “Pass me the spanking stick, take off the tunic, and lay over that rock.”

  Nervously picking up the long, thin rod and handing it to him, though she didn’t speak, she looked at him with pleading in her eyes.

  “Quickly,” he barked. “We must return to the beach and sail back to the other cove.”

  “Yes, Master,” she replied, removing the rope and lifting the loose garment over her head.

  Dropping it in the sand, she walked hurriedly to the round boulder a few feet away and bent over. Though the smooth rock was comfortable, and the surface cool against her skin, it did little to calm her nerves.

  “Take this,” he commanded, handing her the stick.

  She let out a breath of relief, but her respite was short-lived.

  “Reach back and deliver your punishment. If I don’t think you’re doing it hard enough I’ll take over. Don’t stop until I tell you to.”

  Though shocked by his command, she flailed the stick backwards, but she hit the top of her thighs by mistake. Crying out in pain, she lifted the rod and sought out her bottom, but when she lightly tapped to find out where it would land, the stick touched the same sensitive spot. Moving it up, she found it awkward, then realized she could probably just flick the rod using her wrist.

  The result stunned her.

  “Ooh, Master—it hurts so much.”

  “Don’t you dare stop.”

  Managing to shift the stick a little higher, she snapped it again, stamping her foot as she let out a yelp. Not wanting to anger him, she continued, trying to find a fresh target area with each blow. Sometimes she did, other times she didn’t, but she continued the painful punishment until he grasped her wrist and took the nasty tool from her hand.

  “You won’t do anything so foolish again, will you, Ailith?”

  “No, Master,” she whimpered breathlessly.

  “There is more to your chastisement, but it will be painful in a different way. You need to understand your place. Before our paths crossed you did whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted to. Those days are over. I explained this earlier, but as clever as you are, you obviously still have much to learn, not the least of which is humility. Place your hands on your striped cheeks and pull them apart, and Ailith, don’t make me ask a second time.”

  A tremble of horror rippled through her body, but she knew she’d be worse off if she didn’t follow his lewd instruction. Squeezing her eyes shut and taking a deep breath, she placed her palms on her stinging behind and spread herself.

  “This virgin hole,” he muttered, pushing his finger inside her, “will accept my big, hard cock.”

  “Master,” she bleated, her face burning with shame and humiliation, “please, will you—”

  “If you’re going to ask me for something,” he said gruffly, interrupting her as he shoved his thick finger in and out, “make sure it’s a request I want to hear.”

  She wanted to beg him not to do any such thing, and to take his hand away and never put it there again, but she took his warning to heart.

  “Well, what is it? Will I what?”

  “Ooh, Master, please, will you—uh—be gentle with me when it happens?”

  “That will depend on you,” he replied, exploring her pussy with his other hand. “If you cooperate it will be easier on you, but look how your body responds to my discipline. You’re slick and open. You want my stiff manhood, don’t you, Ailith?”

  “I do, Master,” she quivered, surprised how much she yearned for him in spite of the punishment and his decadent attention.

  “This will be your reward,” he grunted, placing himself at her entrance. “I will fuck you and allow you to have the pleasure at the end, but your punishment will continue. My finger will remain in this back hole. When you scream out your joy you’ll be reminded I’m your master, and every part of your body belongs to me.”

  She was mortified by his words, but as he plunged his member into her sex, her thoughts were extinguished by his quick, strong thrusts.

  “Your womanhood pleases me,” he growled. “When I get you home I’ll be taking you hard and often.”

  But she barely heard his promise.

  Her heart thumped, and she gasped every time his cock pitched inside her. Even his unwanted, probing finger stoked her arousal.

  He suddenly quickened his pace.

  As he pumped, his wiry hair grazed her sore backside, and her nipples rubbed against the hard rock.

  “That’s it, servant girl,” he grunted, grabbing her hair with his free hand and jerking back her head. “Feel it, feel it all. Feel my hard rod in your hungry womanhood and my finger in your backside. You’re mine. Tell me what that means.”

  “It means my body is yours to use as you wish,” she whimpered, barely able to speak.

  “And punish as I wish.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Hah! You’re already nearing the edge. Being owned and ravaged by a rough warrior is what you want. Say it!”

  “Ooh, Master, being owned and ravaged by a rough warrior isn’t what I want.”

  “Say that again,” he muttered, sure he must have misheard.

  “Being owned and ravaged by a rough warrior isn’t what I want,” she panted. “I want to be owned and ravaged only by you—not just any warrior—only you.”

  * * *

  Ailith’s passionate statement echoed through Ulrick’s head.

  Not just any warrior—only you.

  Not just any warrior—only you.

  Not just any warrior—only you.

  But suddenly pushing back from the rock, she let out a wild wail.

  Her pussy spasmed against his swollen manhood, hurtling him into his climax. Startled, and with her words still ringing through his brain, he groaned through the intense eruption, slamming into her with every convulsion... until his release began to wane, his thrusts lost their impetus, and his cock slipped out.

  Her cries were subsiding, but as he removed his finger, she unexpectedly spun around and threw herself against him.

  “Hold me,” she breathlessly begged. “Please, Master, hold me.”

  Though his heart thumped and he was breathless from his powerful climax, he wrapped her up, dropped on the sand, and leaned back against the boulder.

  The episode had been unnerving.

  Staring out at the open sea and trying to gather his thoughts, his eyelids grew heavy. Letting them close, he tried to make sense of the alien feelings sweeping through his heart.

  She had profoundly affected him, and he had seen what happened to men who professed to be in love. They became possessed by the woman, as if under a spell.

  He’d sworn never to be so weak.

  No female would ever have such power over him.

  But even as his vow shouted in his head, he was overcome with an intense desire to gently cradle her until she recovered, then protect her against the cruel world.

  Marriage in his clan was serious business, and searching for the right woman to bear his offspring had been an arduous task. The female needed certain physical characteristics, and after witnessing the difficulties men could have with their wives, he wanted an easy mate. With her unique cleverness, Ailith would be anything but easy, but the thought of training her held immense appeal.

  “Your heart is pounding so hard,” she murmured. “Are you all right?”

  “Of course,” he grunted. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  His voice had sounded gruff. He hadn’t meant it to be.

  “Sorry, Master,” she mumbled meekly. “I was just worried, and uh, we have to leave.”

  As his eyes popped open, he discovered the tiny ripples had become waves, and they were drawing close.

  “You were sleeping,” she continued, slowly slipping from his arms and rising to her feet. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “My men will
be wondering where I am,” he muttered, silently cursing himself for dozing off.

  “Over the rocks is the shortest way back to the beach, but the last time I tried I didn’t get very far. The bottoms of my feet are too soft, and now with the tide coming in—”

  “Wait,” he barked, cutting her off.

  Running to the edge of the craggy boulders, he climbed up the first one and studied the path he’d taken. If he slung her over his shoulder—

  “Master! Look!”

  Spinning around, he saw her pointing out to sea. It was easy to spot the swell driving toward the shore. Running back to her as she threw the tunic over her head and tied the rope around her waist, he reached her as the first large wave crashed over the sand. The white foam rolled toward them, lapping round their ankles as the second wave was about to break.

  “Go first,” he said urgently. “You know the way.”

  Scrambling up to the first boulder as he followed closely behind, as she reached to the second, her feet slipped. Throwing out his arm, he managed to catch her in the nick of time. She was a careful, methodical climber. The careless mistake wasn’t like her.

  “Ailith, you’re panicking,” he said, his voice calm and measured, though he was holding her over the waves now pounding into the tiny inlet. “Just put one foot in front of the other and look ahead like you always do. Are you ready?”

  He heard her gasp, and realized she was staring at the churning water beneath them.

  “Ailith! Pay attention! Look at me!”

  Her eyes darted up, and as they met his, he saw her terror.

  He needed to find the right words.

  Not just any warrior—you.

  “I want you too, Ailith. Not just any woman—you.”

  “Really?” she mumbled, her voice trembling.

  “I want you in my home as my mate. I want you to bear my children and share my life, but that will never happen if you don’t lead the way over these rocks. Our future rests with you.”

  “But I, uh, just feel so unsure, and I don’t know why.”

  “Take a breath, then climb the way you know you can,” he said sternly, interrupting her, “and Ailith, that’s an order!”

  Chapter Twelve

  Frozen in fear, Ailith stared into Ulrick’s riveting green eyes. She saw no alarm or worry.

  “Ailith, we need to step across to the next rock,” he said firmly. “I’ve got you. Just reach your arm out and grab it. Do it now. Right now.”

  She wanted to, but her limbs refused to move, and she didn’t want to shift her eyes from his reassuring stare.

  “It’s not here, it’s over there,” he said briskly, looking beyond her and jerking his head toward the waiting boulder. “You need to look where you’re going.”

  As he continued to stare past her, she dared to follow his eyes. The large rock was wide and flat. She’d stood on it many times, once even sitting down to study the vastness of the ocean.

  “That’s it,” he said, his voice calm and reassuring. “You know how to get there. Reach out, Ailith.”

  Slowly stretching out her arm, her fingers touched the cold stone.

  “Keep going!”

  His command sounded confident. Putting weight on her hand, she balanced, then swung her leg up, quickly following it with the other.

  Suddenly he wasn’t holding her anymore.

  Letting out a heavy breath, she leaned back against the cliff.

  “I don’t know why that happened,” she muttered, looking back at him. “I’m still a bit shaky, but I’m better now.”

  “Of course you are,” he said, smiling at her. “I never doubted you for a minute.”

  In all her life, it was the best smile she’d ever seen.

  Holding it in the forefront of her mind, she turned toward the next large rock and deftly stepped across. Gaining confidence, she continued, but he took his time following.

  “I am okay, honestly,” she called back to him, wondering why he was so slow.

  “I know you are, but there are times it’s better to move steadily and take greater care,” he replied. “This is one of those times.”

  She realized he was right.

  She’d been hurrying, and hurrying across the rocks was dangerous.

  Keeping a slower, more deliberate pace, they were finally above the beach. Just as she paused to glance down at his warriors gathered on the sand, he shouted down at them. Letting out a cheer, they ran to the base of the cliff.

  “We were worried,” Bjørn called as they scaled their way down. “We were about to set off to look for you.”

  “There was a problem,” Ulrick said solemnly, jumping off a boulder and onto the sand. “The tide came in with a heavy swell. It was too risky to swim and we had to make our way across the side of the cliff.”

  “Thank goodness you made it, and you’re right about the swell. The sky is clear, but there must be weather in the open ocean.”

  The rock from which Ulrick had jumped had been too high for Ailith, and climbing all the way to the bottom, she hurried across to join him.

  “The waves are even higher here,” she remarked, following their gaze. “I heard what you said. Is that why? Because of a storm at sea?”

  “That’s how it happens,” Ulrick replied gravely, studying the breakers. “We need to set off before it gets any worse.”

  “The horses are loaded and we’re ready,” Bjørn assured him as they began walking across the beach. “I was worried about Gander being in the hull with them, so I moved him into the storage room and tied his ankles and wrists. The last time I checked he was curled up in a ball like a sniveling infant.”

  “What about the other boat? I was only on it for a short time, but it’s extremely well built. Did you get any information from the prisoners?”

  “They’re not talking,” he replied, then taking a breath, he added, “Ulrick, did you go into any of the compartments while you were on board? I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

  “I wanted to but I didn’t get the chance. Why? What’s so special about them?”

  “They’re like nothing I’ve ever seen. It’s as if the rooms were made for royalty.”

  “Have you managed to find which of the fighters was the steersman? Has anyone stood out like a leader?”

  “Not that I noticed.”

  “Interesting,” Ulrick muttered. “Whoever brought that boat in must be hiding somewhere. Ah, well, Gander will tell me everything once I get him back to the other bay. Have you chosen the men to sail with you? It’s a smaller vessel so you don’t need many.”

  “It’s all been arranged, Ulrick, and that vessel will give us a speedy trip.”

  “I agree. We must find out where it came from. Gander was a tool of my unknown enemy, and that enemy must be uncovered.”

  Ailith had been listening to their conversation, and the talk of the elegant rooms on the intriguing vessel had captivated her imagination.

  “Master,” she said softly, “can I board that ship and see those rooms?”

  “Once we reach the other cove we can explore them together.”

  Thrilled at the prospect, she broke into a broad smile, but as they neared the water’s edge, her heart sank. The large waves pounding the shore were fierce.

  “You need to prepare yourself,” Ulrick declared. “It will be a rough journey, but at least it will be a short one and you can stay below deck.”

  Looking across at the surf crashing around the rope ladder hanging down the side of his boat, a shiver rattled through her body.

  “How will I make it? Is there any other way to get up there?”

  “I was just thinking the same thing. I don’t want you climbing that ladder in these conditions,” he replied. “I’ll carry you on my back.”

  While the prospect was still scary, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Prepare to leave!” he shouted, turning to face his men. “Take your time pushing the boats through the surf. Don’t take any chances.”

nbsp; Ailith watched in awe as the warriors immediately broke into a run and set to work. Most of them climbed on the boats to take up their positions behind the oars and deal with the sails, but others stood waiting to move the boats off the sand and into the water.

  “Jump on,” Ulrick ordered, looking over his shoulder. “Make sure you hold tight.”

  “I’ll be holding as tightly as I possibly can.”

  Wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, she clung to him as he strode into the surf. The waves were fearsome, and though he only had to wade a short distance, the crashing breakers still drenched the bottom of the tunic.

  It was unnerving, yet he remained unfazed, swiftly climbing up the ladder and stepping over the edge of the boat. Letting out a breath as she slipped off his back, she stared around the familiar deck.

  She suddenly understood her fear.

  It was where she would die.

  * * *

  Ulrick could see the terror on her face.

  “Why are you scared? The boat isn’t even moving.”

  “I know, but I don’t feel safe up here.”

  “I can see that,” he muttered with a frown, quickly moving her down the steps and into his cabin. “Stay down here. I have to be on deck as we head out, but once we’re underway I’ll come back.”

  “As long as I’m in here I’ll be fine,” she assured him. “I think it was just the sound of the rough surf.”

  “See if you can get some rest. You look tired, though it’s no wonder considering the afternoon you had.”

  “I am feeling very weary,” she admitted, sitting on top of the pelts. “I think I will have a lie down.”

  Sensing there was more to her edginess than the noisy waves, he wanted to coax it out of her, but duty called. Reluctantly moving through the door, he found his men in position and ready to leave. Marching across the deck, he shouted the order to push off.

  As his boat began to move, he glanced across at the other two vessels. They were in unison, but watching Bjørn command the small, stylish ship, Ulrick wished he’d explored it more thoroughly. It was bound to contain clues of its ownership. When they reached the other cove his first order of business would be interrogating Gander, but then he’d make a thorough search of the mysterious boat.


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