Playing For Love

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Playing For Love Page 22

by Dana Burkey

  I watched him go for a little bit then turned and told Torri and Hayley the good news. It 'd be our chance to beat varsity, and we needed to try it if we were going to have any shot at all! So, we went out there and did our best to shoot low...and it worked! We scored a goal right away and then followed it with another! I was in total shock and when I looked into the crowd I saw that Jordan was giving me a big grin and a thumbs up. It was the best feeling in the world to not only be ahead of varsity, but also the fact that the whole reason we were ahead at all was because Jordan gave me a good tip to help get the ball past Becca!

  Sadly, the lead didn't last. Varsity came back with a vengeance and it wasn't long before they tied up the game and then got ahead of us. Once they were up one goal, they pushed extra hard to keep us from scoring. The last 10 minutes of the game was super hard and if felt like we were playing Northlake all over again! Our hardest was not enough, though. Varsity won. And sure, I could be sad, but then Skyler walked up to me and said something I never thought I'd hear.

  “Great game Fiona. I’m sure you’ll win next year when you’re on varsity!”

  She said it and walked away like it was no big deal, but I was in total shock! I mean, Skyler just told me that she thought I was good enough to be on varsity! Sure, it wouldn't be until next year. But it was crazy to think I started the team to just get Jordan to notice me and now here I was with a shot at making it onto varsity next year. I haven't really thought about whether or not I'd even try to play soccer again next year once Jordan's not at school anymore, but I guess when she mentioned it to me, it made sense. It would be kind of weird to not play next year, considering how great of friends I am with everyone on the team now.

  Oh, and on the way out Jordan came over and gave me a massive hug. He told me that he was really proud of how well I did in the game, and that he was excited to see how we're going to do at state on Saturday. I was happy for the hug, but then quickly told him that he needed to go tell Becca about not blocking low. He gave me a final hug then headed off to find her. Hopefully the tip will help varsity win this weekend, not to mention JV! But first...we have to get through practice tomorrow. It’s going to be a long one for sure!


  I think I'm actually floating right now! I'm lying in bed, but I'm floating! And there has to be at least a MILLION butterflies running around in my stomach right now too! Oh, and my face is like permanently smiling whether I want it to or not!

  But, before I get to that, I should say that yesterday was a super exhausting practice. We got pushed really hard so today I was pretty tired, but excited for dress down say at school. Since state is tomorrow we all wore jeans and our glitter team shirts that we got earlier in the year. We all looked great at school, but sadly had one last practice after our final bell. We'd been assured it was just going to be a short one before the football game was actually starting, and in the end it was just some conditioning and a long talk from Coach Garry about getting a good night sleep and all that.

  But none of that is why I'm so happy! The reason I'm so happy is thanks to what happened when I got to the football game. I rode over with Skyler, and since we were coming from practice I only had jeans and my t-shirt on. I of course didn't bring my hoodie or jacket with me since for some reason I thought I'd get to go home before the football game. So, after like 10 minutes of standing there cheering for the team I started to get super cold! I was basically freezing since it was really windy. It wasn't raining or anything, but that didn't mean much since it was still cold enough even without any of that. I was jumping up and down to keep warm, but it really wasn't working too well.

  “Are you okay?” Beth asked me, watching me do my little cold dance.

  “Kind of,” I said with a shrug. “I forgot to bring a coat.”

  “You better not get sick again,” Beth warned me. “Not before the big game tomorrow!”

  “Yeah,” Jordan agreed, having heard the conversation. “We better keep you warm.”

  At first I thought Jordan was going to take his hoodie off and give to me. So, I was going to tell him not to worry since then it would make him cold too, but instead he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around me in a big bear hug. I was instantly warmer, and not just form the soft fabric of his hoodie.

  “Thanks Jordan,” I smiled up at him. “But I don’t think you can stand like this all night.”

  “Sure I can,” he said with a grin. “If you turn around you can still watch the game.”

  And that was it! I turned around so I could see the game and Jordan kept his arms around me. He would rest his chin on my shoulder sometimes to make comments to me about the game, but other than that we kind of just stood there and shared body heat! I was for sure warmed up the whole game since I was so close to Jordan and also wrapped up in warm fabric. Oh, and a lot of the girls on the team saw me and Jordan and gave me funny looks, or would ask me if I was warm enough with a really silly look on their faces! It was clear they were thinking the same thing I was: Jordan totally has to like me!!

  After the game, I said goodbye to Jordan and rode home with Ross. The whole way he was talking about the football game and how it was great to see the team win their last game of the season like they did, but all I could think about was Jordan. He stood there and hugged me for basically two hours, and never complained or anything! I know I shouldn't really believe it until it is official and I actually hear him say it, but this has to mean he likes me. I mean, what kind of guy would do that if he didn't like someone?! Right?! Okay, time to get my fluttering heart to bed! Tomorrow is a big day!




  For the first time ever JV and varsity from the same won together too!!!! It was perfect and amazing and perfect and just…...AHHHHHH!!! I can’t even write I’m too excited!!!


  This weekend was amazing! It was a whirlwind from start to finish! There was just so many good things going on, and I was lucky I even got the chance to write the tiny bit that I did. There's way too much to catch up on, so I’ll do some highlights!

  1. State was crazy! We got there and half of the town was there! The whole crowd was wearing face masks on our side of the stands and a lot of people were coming up to me saying they saw me on the news. Even some of the girls on the other team said good luck to me, and I feel like they really meant it since they knew my story and all that! The game was hard, but in the end we won 3-2. Oh, and no big deal...but I scored the final goal!!!!

  2. The varsity game was the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever sat through! The score was 0-0 the whole game until the last ten minutes. Then, with 9:55 on the clock Northlake scored. We were crushed, but it was amazing when Skyler used the adrenaline from the other team scoring to catch them when they were still kind of celebrating and scored right away. Then, in the last minute of the game Skyler was able to kick a corner and it was headed in by Chelsea! So, they won too, making us the first school EVER to have both JV and varsity from the stame school become state champions!

  3. After the game, we all went to Skyler’s house, but this time we all just hung out and watched clips of the game. No swimming or anything like that, and I was having so much fun with the team that I didn’t even mind that Jordan wasn't there for the get together.

  4. Sunday I slept a LOT! I was exhausted and needed the day to stay home. Jordan and I were texting some since he wanted to apologize for not being at Skyler’s house. He said he wanted a chance to tell me how happy he was and everything, so since he didn’t so it in person, he wanted to do it over text. It was really sweet that he even thought about me, so I didn’t mind that I didn’t get to see his face and smile while he was telling me how great I did and all that!

  5. Today at school everyone was going on and on about the game, and how great we did and how they were super proud of me for getting the goal that won our game, and then also for
Skyler who was a part of both of the varsity goals! It made it hard to get anything done during school, but was fine by me since I didn’t mind a reason to have a bit of a chill day.

  So that's what I'm doing now! Sitting at home after a crazy few days! And, it looks like things are still going to be pretty amazing! Jordan's texting me right now about still getting together to run and more or less train for basketball. He said now that he's been training with me some, he wants to keep the momentum up! I’m all for that, so I’m going to get back to texting him since we're also talking about getting together to watch Jaws at some point soon now that I finally have all this free time since soccer's over!


  Okay, Friday is the day! It has to be! See, I found out today that Trey's having a bonfire at his house this Friday. I guess he does one every year at some point during the spring, but decided it would be a fun thing to do now since the soccer teams just won state. So, this Friday he's inviting everyone over for s’mores and to hang out. And, Beth and Corra agreed, it'll be the perfect time to have a moment with Jordan!

  Sadly, he was sick from school today. There's a flu that is going around, so I'm hoping that he'll be all better for Friday so he can take me aside and let me know he likes me when we are all at Trey's! And, just in case, Beth is going to come over before the bonfire help me get all ready. I want to do everything I can to make sure he's confident enough to finally make his move! The wait between now and then is going to be impossible to handle for sure!!


  Jordan was sick again yesterday, and today he was back to school but still not that better overall. It was clear he's still feeling a little under the weather, but he did tell Jordan in the car that he's planning on going to the fire tomorrow. To make sure I'm ready tonight I went shopping with Beth and Corra and Torri so we could pick out something cute for me to wear.

  “You need a cute dress,” Torri offered, handing me a fun fall dress as we were walking through a store in the mall.

  “For an outside party?” Beth asked with a frown. “I vote for a cute new scarf and earrings.”

  “What if none of that matters?” I asked, picking up a few more items to take with me to the changing room. “What if I'm crazy and he doesn’t like me?”

  All three girls immediately rejected that idea. It made me feel good, but there's still a little doubt in my mind! I mean, I could have it all wrong. But, at the same time, hearing Summer’s story a few days ago makes me feel like it really could work out for me and Jordan like it did for her and Nick. Sure, we're different people and all, but there really are a lot of things him and I have in common with her and her fiancé.

  “What if you just wear stuff you have?” Corra asked, picking up a sweater and holding up to herself. “If he likes you, will wearing a dress or new sweater really change things?”

  “No,” I said simply.

  “But it might help him know you are on the same page as him with everything, right?” Torri tried. She said it weakly, though, like she knew it was silly to even say the words.

  “You should do your hair and makeup like you did the day when he kept staring at you in the car,” Corra explained. “And then wear something you have that's blue so it makes your eyes pop and reminds him of homecoming. Keep it simple, ya know? I think when you start to really overthink it all then you'll get yourself more worked up about all of it. But you need to let it be kind of natural.”

  “In case he doesn’t like me?” I asked, playing devil's advocate.

  “No,” she said with an eye roll for emphasis. “So he sees that you're the same girl he’s always known. The one he always liked and all that. I don’t think you need tricks and stuff for him to finally make his move. I mean, he hugged you all night at the football game without even thinking twice about it. That means something!”

  The other girls agreed and it really helped me to make a final choice. I put away the items I'd picked up, and instead shopped for items I just wanted. In the end, I just got a new necklace and a purse since the one I have been using is getting old. Sure, I might use the items tomorrow, but that isn't the only reason I bought them. Instead, I can just be me and let Jordan see that I'm as interested in him and he is in me! Perfect, right?!


  I feel like I'm buzzing! I could like jump up and down for the next month and still have energy. But, I totally need to calm down! I'm leaving in a few minutes to go to Trey’s house and I can’t seem to stop my heart from beating out of my chest!

  Beth came over a little while ago and helped me pick out a nice outfit. I’m wearing jeans, the brown boots I wore to the pumpkin patch, and then a bright blue cardigan over a grey shirt. Then, I borrowed a scarf of Beth’s that has blues and greens and browns in it, to kind of tie the whole outfit together. I feel good about how I look and also how things are going to go.

  When Jordan got in the car this morning, he asked me if I was going tonight and looked really happy when I said yes. I’m pretty sure I told him I was going yesterday as well, but he was still just coming back from being sick, so I can’t really be bummed he didn’t remember. Instead, I 'm just excited I get to see him there in a few more minutes! In fact, we're leading now!!! I'm just so excited!!!!!


  Last night was terrible. Like, literally the worst day of my life, and I feel like it's just getting worse and worse the more I think about it! I just don’t even know where to start aside from this: I kissed Jordan!!!!! Okay, now that I've got that out in the open, I can go back and actually explain just how awful it all was!

  So, we got to the party and things were going great. Trey had stuff for s’mores all laid out as well as a lot of pop and hot cocoa, so we were all just kind of hanging out and staying warm by the fire. He had a big fire going, and then also a grill set up in case anyone wanted to cook their s’more without practically catching fire in the process! It was a smart idea, and I for sure took advantage of it.

  The other things that people were doing was playing volleyball since Trey had a net up from summer still, and then also playing on the tire swing that was in the far back corner of the yard. I wasn't willing to go check it out since it was too cold when I wasn't next to the fire, but some people were playing on even still.

  There was only a few people there when we arrived, but that was since Beth wanted to be there super early. We helped move some firewood around, and then I just had to sit and wait until Jordan finally arrived. He'd driven his dad's truck, and when I first saw him climbing out of the drivers seat I'd feel all the energy in me just bubbling up and over! He looked super adorable since he had a bit of stubble on his face and was wearing this really nice brown sweater. Basically, he looked amazing and our color pallet matched! Sadly, people were talking to him before I had a chance to even say hello and they convinced him to play volleyball for a while. That meant it was a while after he got there before I finally got a chat with him.

  “When did you get here?” Jordan asked, taking a seat in a lawn chair next to me. “I didn’t see Ross yet.”

  “He should be here soon,” I said with a shrug. “Beth and I walked over early so we could help set up.”

  “That makes sense,” he nodded. “Did you make a s’more yet?”

  “Two,” I said holding up two fingers. “I think it was a little too much sugar though. I feel like I have a ton of energy right now.”

  “We better play some volleyball then,” Jordan suggested.

  “I don’t want to risk hitting my nose,” I said with a frown. Really, I just didn’t want to run around and get tired and sweaty and all that. But, I didn’t think I really needed to say all that to Jordan.

  “You could go on the swing,” he tried again.

  “The swing?” I asked. “In the back of the yard? Where it’s dark? And cold?”

  Jordan stood up then and offered me his hand. “Come on Fabulous Fiona, I'll keep you safe and warm.”

  I to
ok his hand then and smiled when he didn't let it go right away. Instead, he held it for the entire walk to the swing. I think this could've been because the grass was a little slick thanks to how cold it was, but at the time I thought it was step one in him asking me to be his girlfriend. When we got to the back of the yard, Jordan insisted I sit on the swing so he could push me for a little. So, I sat there and tried to enjoy the ride while my heart was beating so loud I think he could hear it even over the voices of everyone playing volleyball and chatting by the fire.

  “Dizzy yet?” he asked when the tire swing came to a stop after a rather lopsided push that got me spinning.

  “A little,” I laughed. When I stood up from the swing, I kind of stepped funny and lost my balance for a second. And that's when it happened.

  Jordan grabbed onto me and I kind of turned to face him at the same time. Then, he looked right into my eyes and just stood there. He was like perfectly lit up by the moon or stars or something since I swear his eyes were sparkling. I just started at him, and he started at me, and I could feel my whole body melting from his touch. But then a few second went by and nothing happened. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t do anything, he was still just looking at me.

  But then it hit me. When Summer said her and Nick started dating he kissed her. It was snowing and he knew she liked him already so he just kind of went for it. Sure we weren't in the snow, and I was only like 83% sure Jordan liked me, but it was all I needed. Before I could really think it through, I stood up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to Jordan’s. At first he just stood there. Clearly he was shocked. But then he let go of me and took a step back.


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