Hot Stuff

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Hot Stuff Page 18

by Virginia Page

  I’d been dry-heaving a lot in the morning. It would take me at least a half hour to get myself to do anything. I’d lost all motivation.

  Chapter 38

  After a week, I’d quit looking at my book sales report because I didn't want to disappoint myself any further. I’d actually quit going to the library altogether, me just moping around the streets feeling sorry for myself. The idea of me becoming a bestselling author was probably a stupid idea anyway. I should’ve known better, feeling so helpless. I’d thought for sure someone would’ve liked my writing, because it had been so important to me, but I was wrong. I’d put every shred of myself into my novel, my heart and soul. Just because I felt strongly about something didn't make it so for everyone. Feeling pitiful, I decided to go to my special place, so I could renew. I needed time to lick my wounds and heal, feeling even further away from getting Chloe back.

  When I got to the park, I immediately ran to the swing set where I used to swing Chloe. I swung back and forth, thinking back to the good times, remembering Chloe’s sweet smiles and giggles. I looked down at the ground at my tears which had fallen into the dirt.

  The low-pitch rumbling of a motor cycle passed by the side street. I looked up, hoping Dylan had been looking for me, but it wasn’t him. A moment later, another motorcycle roared, but I didn’t look up because I didn’t want to disappoint myself any further.

  The motorcycle’s engine stopped. Footsteps approached. I could see leather boots and jeans.

  “Where have you been all my life?” Dylan asked. “I missed you, my love.”

  I couldn't believe how thoughtful he was. He’d actually listened when I’d talked before, otherwise he would have never found me.

  I couldn’t help myself. I’d become so emotional I couldn’t even articulate my words, incoherently sobbing.

  “Calm down, baby,” he said. “Please speak slower. I can’t understand what your saying. Is everything okay?”

  He held me, tight.

  “I need my baby,” I cried. “I have to get her back. There has to be a way.”

  He listened to me patiently, not interrupting me as I continued pouring my heart out to him. He just watched me with understanding eyes, feeding on my every word. His brow raised, sympathizing with me.

  “I’ll do my best to help you,” he said.

  At that point, I was beyond turning down his assistance. I needed any break I could get.

  “You really scared me,” he said. “Please don’t ever do that to me again. I can’t bear the thought of being without you.”

  I could see the sincerity in his eyes, me feeling so special. I soaked in the warmth of his hug.

  Dylan squeezed me tight while he looked deep into my eyes.

  "I thought I’d lost you forever," he said. "I’m so grateful to have you back."

  I couldn't help but smile wide. I’d never been appreciated so much by a man, feeling so valued, so desired, so loved.

  The look on his face changed slightly, almost blushing.

  “I saw the video of you online,” he said.

  Humiliation washing over me, apparently the video of me kicking and screaming had gone viral.

  “Were you in jail?” he asked.

  “No,” I replied. “They let me go. William didn’t press charges.”

  How embarrassing? I imagined William had the video looping in every room of his house, probably showing Chloe to turn her against me. I wondered who else had seen the video. Sophia and her friends had seen it, but who else knew? Several passersby looked over at me with strange expressions on their faces, whispering as they stared. Had everyone seen me online? Mild paranoia toyed with me. After a few minutes, I came to my senses and realized I didn't give a shit anymore. All people saw was a woman fighting for the right to see her child. Maybe I didn't go about it in the right way, but I’d always been a passionate woman, and sometimes I’d done things that were not rational. Things I wasn't proud of doing. Things that had to be done.

  Dylan moved the hair out of my eyes.

  "Let me know if you need my help," he said. "I'd be happy to do anything to make your life easier."

  “Thanks,” I replied.

  “I know this William guy’s been giving you trouble,” he said. “I’d do anything to stop him from keeping your daughter away from you.”

  For a split second, I thought Dylan meant anything, as in he’d do something permanent.

  "What do you mean by anything?" I asked.

  Dylan laughed out loud, with a knowing look.

  "I meant help you financially," he replied. "What did you think I meant?"

  How embarrassing.

  "I don't know," I said. "You're a scary looking guy. I thought you meant anything."

  "I believe in handling things in a rational manner," he said. "Don't believe everything you see in the movies."

  I grinned. It was amazing how Dylan was always able to cheer me up. Feeling bad for stereotyping him, I’d made an assumption, since he was a biker, assuming his first course of action would have been violence. I realized he was a level headed successful man with resources way beyond most. He was one of a kind, and I’d been lucky he was investing his valuable time in me. What did I do to deserve him? Feeling blessed.

  "Although," he said. "I may have to kick his ass, but only enough to get my message across."

  Shining his pearly whites with that shit-eating grin. I laughed uncontrollably. I couldn't believe how edgy he could be when I didn't expect it. Dylan never ceased to amaze me.

  "I really appreciate the offer," I said, "but this is something I must do alone."

  "The offer stands," he said. "I'll keep my fists warm."

  Dylan winked, smiling.

  Chapter 39

  Dylan had a look of concern on his face.

  “So where did you disappear to?” he asked. “What were you up to? Why did you leave me?”

  I didn’t realize Dylan had taken me being gone so personally. I had heavy regret.

  “I needed to get my shit together,” I said.

  “How did that turn out?” he asked.

  “I’d wasted my time.”

  “What were you doing?”

  “I’d written a novel, but nobody bought it,” I said. “I don’t even know why I thought anybody would.”

  “I’d love to buy it,” he replied.

  I perked up. Finally, someone was interested.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yes, of course,” he replied.

  I was touched at first, but then I began to worry. A lot of the details from my novel were about us and our love. If he read it, he might figure out the connection. Before I could stop myself I blurted out, “I’d love for you to read my novel.”

  “Where can I get it?” he asked.

  Dylan pulled his phone out and handed it to me, and I navigated to my novel online, and he purchased it. I was so excited to finally pop the cherry of my book sales report.

  “Please can I use your phone?” I asked. “I want to check my book sales report, so I can see if the book you just bought shows up.”

  “Sure thing, babe. Anything for you,” he replied.

  I couldn’t believe how nervous I’d become, thinking the book he’d purchased wouldn’t even be there. After I logged in, I checked the report. Not believing my eyes, the bar graph displayed purchased books of approximately over one million units sold. Even my short stories had sold over one hundred thousand units. Something must have been wrong. There was no way the report could’ve been true. It had to be a glitch. I refreshed the report several times and the number of units kept increasing. Was I dreaming?

  I jumped up and down hooting and hollering, him not understanding what was going on.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he asked.

  I was speechless. I tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out. The moment had been so surreal. I showed him my book sales report.

  “Wow, babe,” he said. “I’m so proud of you.”

jumped up into his arms kissing him all over his face. It was a time for celebration.

  But first, I navigated to see if I had any reviews, and I was shocked to see that I had thousands of five-star reviews, mentioning how they loved my novel, and I was their new favorite author, and some readers had even given me reviews that said, “Best story ever!” I couldn’t believe my good fortune. I’d finally made it, my dream come true.

  “I need you to take me somewhere.”

  “Sure thing.”

  I got on the back of his motorcycle and had him take me to Sophia’s place. As much as I didn’t want to go back there. I wanted to see if I had any mail.

  In spite of Sophia’s feelings of resentment regarding me lately, she gave me the mail that had come for me. I opened it up and my financial troubles were over. The sales were real and so was the money.

  Dylan had taken me to a bank and helped me open up an account. Then he helped me find a decent apartment near his condo, because I wouldn’t move in with him. Not that I didn’t want to. I just wanted to get my own place, because I knew it’d be easier to get Chloe back if I had a place of my own.

  I still couldn’t believe that I’d actually sold that many books. My sales had doubled since I’d last checked, and I found out that I’d hit several bestseller lists. I’d checked my email, and my inbox was filled with readers asking when my next novel was due to be released. My career as a romance author had taken off, and I was ready to write my next novel.

  After I was able to cash my first check, I’d found the taxicab driver I’d stiffed and gave him a thousand dollars for his trouble. Then I’d gone back to the grocery store and also gave the store manager a thousand dollars for all the grazing that had kept me alive while I was on the streets. I’d finally written a check to Sophia for one hundred thousand dollars as gratitude for her allowing me to stay with her.

  My life had changed, and I was financially independent, so I was ready to confront William to ask for Chloe back, because I finally had the means to take care of her by myself.

  Chapter 40

  I asked Dylan for a ride to drop me off at a beauty salon. Although, I had completely different plans. He took me there, agreeing to pick me up an hour later. Then he rode away. I peeked around the corner making sure he was gone. Then I ran down the street to William's office building. When I got there, I was breathing heavy. I couldn’t tell if I was hyperventilating due to running or the idea of dealing with William. I mustered up as much courage as I could to go inside, hoping to talk with him rationally, hoping for mercy, hoping he might have a heart.

  Before William's secretary had a chance to stop me, I stormed past her, opening his office door, making my way in. She chased after me, but I’d closed the door before she could get all the way through. Her high heel was caught at the bottom of the door, her face peeking through the crack, wearing a sour expression. She tried to reach me through the crack in the door but couldn’t.

  "I'm sorry, William," the secretary said. "She ran past me before I could stop her."

  William smirked.

  "That's fine," he replied. "I'll handle her."

  The secretary pulled her heel free, and the door slammed shut.

  Before I had a chance to speak, he slammed his fists on the desk and shouted, "I heard about that dirty, filthy, hippie your dating. What the fuck is that all about?"

  "My personal life is none of your business."

  “That’s going to stop, now.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do.”

  A look of frustration appeared on his face, turning red like a spoiled child who hadn’t gotten his way. Then he let out a big sigh, calming himself down.

  "Please come here."

  William wasn't one to ever utter the word please, so I was curious of what he might have been up to. I walked up next to his desk. Once I got closer to him, I noticed his eyes looked kinder than I’d remembered.

  "I've been thinking..."

  Oh no. What horrible thing was he going to mention next?

  "Maybe we can give our marriage another chance."


  “I’ll take you to Las Vegas and marry you again.”

  His puppy-dog-eyes blinking, waiting for an answer.

  "Have you lost your mind?"

  “I read your letter,” he replied. “After I got through all of your blubbering, I found your message very touching, so I’ve decided I’m willing to give you another chance.”

  Was he toying with me? I couldn’t tell if it was sarcasm or if he was really being sincere.

  "It will be beneficial for both of us," he said. "I need you, and you need money. It's win-win."

  My nostrils flared. Who did he think he was, acting as if I were going to fall to the ground and kiss his feet for an opportunity to get back together because he was feeling a void in his life.


  "What do you mean, no?"

  "You heard me," I replied. "No. Not going to happen."

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because you’re a motherfuckin’ dickhead.”

  He swung at me, punching me in the gut, disorienting me, causing me to fall to the ground on my ass.

  I couldn’t believe he’d just hit me. The pain in my stomach was sharp.

  “How could you do that to me?” I cried.

  William’s face filled with shame and regret. He looked like he was trying to conceive of a reason for his awful behavior but couldn’t.

  "How will you live? How will you survive? You don't have any skills? Your beauty has faded. Who’s going to want you now?"

  His hateful words caused me to tear up. He knew what buttons to push. He reached forward, offering me his hand.

  “Who’s going to take care of you?” William asked.

  Just as I got back to my feet, the office door slammed open, startling both of us.

  "I’ll take care of her," Dylan shouted. "She's my woman now."

  William rolled his eyes.

  "Who is this Neanderthal?" William asked. “Is he your new boyfriend? The scumbag Biker I heard about.”

  My hero to the rescue.

  "He's the best lover I've ever had," I said, "and the love of my life."

  William smacked me in the face.

  Feeling ill, I threw up.

  Clinching his fists, Dylan charged toward William.

  "I don't think so, pal," Dylan shouted as he punched William in the face. "Have you got a death wish? Nobody touches my old lady."

  Dylan grabbed William, gripping his wrists, smacking William’s face with his own hands, like an older brother would, over and over and over.

  “You never hit a lady,” Dylan said. “How do you like it? Doesn’t feel good, does it?”

  Dylan repeatedly thrashing William, throwing him to the ground, kicking him, making him pay for smacking me. William attempted to swing back, but his punches never even reached Dylan.

  Grunting, swinging his leg back aggressively, Dylan kicked forward into William’s gut repeatedly, thrusting with great force, nailing him harder than ever, finishing what he’d started.

  On his knees, cowering on the ground, holding his eye, trying his best to fight back, even though he didn’t stand a chance, William seemed as though he might have given up because he wasn’t fighting back any longer.

  Dylan stopped striking him, motioning his hands for William to get up.

  William stood up and charged toward Dylan, knocking him into a wall, causing him to chuckle. Dylan couldn’t stop laughing. He seemed entertained by William’s efforts.

  “Listen here, little man,” Dylan said. “It’s over.”

  Dylan cocked back his arm and hammered his fist against William's jaw, stunning him, causing him to collapse.

  "You can't do this to me," William cried, his voice cracking. "You’re breaking the law. Do you know who I am?"

  Dylan knelt down and smiled at him as he smacked his fist one last time across William's jaw. William breathed heavy, tears runni
ng down his face. He whined and cried while Dylan gave him a beating.

  "You're going to pay for this!" William shouted.

  Dylan’s expression looked amused.

  "Okay, okay. Quit crying," Dylan replied. "Send me an invoice for the damage."

  “Oh,” William replied. “You’re going to pay.”

  Dylan raised his fist again.

  William cowered further down on the floor, not moving a muscle like a pathetic weakling.

  "By the way," Dylan said. "If you don't let Molly see Chloe, I'm coming back, and I don't believe you want that to happen, so you need to make the right decision."

  William's scared eyes filled with anger.

  "Take the fucking brat," William shouted. "Just get the fuck out of here, now."

  Dylan reached over toward William, teasing. William winced. Dylan laughed.

  "I thought so," Dylan replied.

  I could tell Dylan had taken it easy on William. The ass kicking he’d given him was like two siblings fighting. I was so relieved Dylan hadn’t seen William punch me in the stomach, otherwise William might have really gotten hurt, instead of just some bruises and scratches.

  Dylan walked over toward me.

  Feeling green, breathing heavy, dry-heaving, I could barely get up.

  "Something is wrong," I whimpered. "Please take me to emergency."

  Dylan picked me up and carried me out of the office building. He propped me on the back of his bike and drove like a bat out of hell to get me to the hospital.

  My vision was blurry, and I’d come in and out of consciousness throughout the ride. Excruciating pain troubled my stomach. Becoming woozy, I almost fell off the back of his bike. Shaking profusely, I had the cold sweats.


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