Destiny Series Boxed Set

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Destiny Series Boxed Set Page 73

by Bronwyn Leroux

  “Now that would be handy,” Jaden agreed.

  Atu yawned. “It’s bedtime for me. Sleep is nature’s best way of curing what ails us. Can someone help me to my room?”

  Sven rose. “Of course! Then I will prepare another room for the girls.”

  “Sven, there are enough bunk beds in there for all of us to sleep on two per night if we wanted. We’ll make do, thank you,” Kayla assured him, placing a hand on his arm and giving him a warm smile.

  “We shall retire then and catch up some more tomorrow?”

  “Yes,” Jaden answered for all of them. “We could all use the rest.”

  It didn’t take long for the teens to settle into their old routine. They showed Iri where everything was as they went along, sharing some of the funny things that happened the last time. While they didn’t rush, they didn’t take their time either. They were eager to get some sleep.

  When Jaden woke the next morning, he felt more refreshed than he had in days. He wasn’t sure whether it was the mountain air or the exercise or them actually doing something that lifted his spirits, but he was thankful for it. Kayla might stop looking at him with her worried face now. Jaden glanced at his PAL, surprised to find it was mid-morning. Well, at least they hadn’t woken up to explosions as had happened on their last trip here. Small mercies.

  Noticing the others were still asleep, he dressed and slipped out of the room, heading for the kitchen. He wasn’t surprised to find it empty. Sven was probably in his workshop, designing some new marvel. Jaden helped himself to breakfast, almost dropping the bowl when he turned to find Iri right behind him. “Way to sneak up on a guy!”

  Iri grinned. “You were being so noisy, it was impossible not to.”

  Jaden grunted. “Cereal’s in this cupboard. Yogurt, milk, and eggs are in the fridge. Bread is in the bin over there on the counter. Knock yourself out.”

  Jaden felt Iri watching him as he padded toward the table and took a seat. He took a mouthful of cereal. “Quit staring at me.” He slurped back the milk that threatened to run out of his mouth. “What do you want?”

  “It’s nice to know you have such perfect table manners.” Iri put a bowl of cereal together for herself and took a seat opposite him.

  “And you didn’t answer my question.”

  Iri didn’t immediately respond. Jaden watched as she moved the cereal around in her bowl, not really eating it. How long would he have to wait before she told him what was on her mind?

  “I know we should be getting on with our next mission, but do you think we could perhaps stay here? I mean, for even a day or two? We don’t have to stay very long.”

  Jaden leaned back and eyed her, waiting. She was ogling him in that strange way she had. What was she seeing and smelling on him with those senses of hers?

  It must’ve been positive, because she resumed speaking. And this time, the words tumbled out of her. “Satinka and I haven’t really had much time to get used to flying together—only the short time it took to get here. And then she and Aren said that Taz had told them that we shouldn’t take any time doing routines. We did that, but when Atu was attacked and Satinka and I went to find him, all I could think was that I didn’t have a weapon, that I didn’t remember the plays, and that Satinka wouldn’t know any of the things I could or couldn’t do. I didn’t know if I was even going to be able to help Atu when we reached him.”

  The torrent stopped so suddenly, Jaden blinked. He was about to speak when Iri added, “And I don’t like not knowing what to do or feeling helpless.”

  Jaden gave it a beat. “I think that a day or two here getting you and Satinka caught up would be an excellent use of our time.” Iri’s shoulders relaxed. “Besides, we don’t even know where we’re going yet. And Sven will no doubt want to teach you how to use a DD before he lets you loose with it.” A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Iri’s mouth. “And what’s with this Satinka business? Give her a nickname already!”

  Iri giggled. Jaden leaned back, pleased he had been able to pull her from whatever uncertain place she had been in. “Alright.” She thought for a moment. “How about Tinks?”

  Jaden guffawed. “Oh yeah, that’ll be perfect.”

  Iri chuckled. “Yeah, she’s so formal. I can’t wait to see her face when we tell her.”

  “Whose face and tell her what?” Kayla asked.

  Jaden turned, still grinning. His breath caught. She always looked so angelic in the morning. Her hair was all over the place as usual, not yet tidied into the ponytails she preferred while they were flying, and her eyes were still half closed with sleep. Despite this, they itched with curiosity. Did Kayla think Iri and Jaden had been discussing her?

  “Satinka’s face when we tell her that her nickname is Tinks,” Jaden supplied hurriedly. When Kayla’s face morphed into a wicked smile, Jaden took a mental picture. This was how he wanted to remember her. Always.

  “I don’t know if that’s going to fly.” Kayla giggled. “But I’d like to be there when you tell her.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kayla gaped when Atu entered the kitchen. His head bore no sign of injury.

  “Dude, you’re all better!” Jaden exclaimed when he saw Atu.

  “You didn’t think I would be?”

  “I told Kayla this a while back, but I’ll say it again since it’s still true. The only thing I can expect on this mission is the unexpected.”

  Still not believing her eyes, Kayla closed in on Atu and took his head in her hands. After a thorough inspection of the area, she declared, “Incredible! You really have to tell me some day how you get things to heal so fast.”

  Atu only laughed. “So what’s for breakfast?”

  “Whatever you dig out of the cupboard,” Iri informed him.

  Muttering, Atu made for the refrigerator.

  “What’s that?” Kayla asked.

  “I said, considering we all survived attacks yesterday and that this is the first day we’re all back together again, we should at least share a decent breakfast.”

  With that, he slapped cheese, milk, peppers, onions, and bacon on the table. When Kayla saw the eggs in his hands, she dashed over and rescued the carton before he could slam it down as well. “Atu, what’s wrong?”

  He stood still for a second before crumpling into a chair. Then he stared blankly for a long time. “I could’ve died yesterday. And I wouldn’t have rescued my folks yet.”

  Kayla sat next to Atu. Pulling his hands into her own she held them until he looked at her. “But you didn’t die. And you have us to help you find your parents.” Although Atu nodded, he didn’t speak. Kayla wasn’t sure this was helping. Atu needed something to do. Knowing someone was on your side was all well and good, but sitting around just made you feel helpless. Kayla glanced at Jaden, relieved when he understood the plea in her eyes.

  “You just going to leave all these ingredients sitting there? How about you and I make that breakfast you mentioned?” Jaden goaded.

  Atu studied Jaden. For a moment, Kayla didn’t think he would accept. Then he sighed heavily. “Yeah, alright.”

  Iri picked up on Atu’s emotions and Kayla’s intentions with those senses of hers. She leaned back in her chair and deliberately pushed her bowl of cereal aside. “I could get used to this.”

  Kayla grinned and winked at Jaden. “Yes, boys, let’s see what you can cook up!”

  Jaden gave her one of his glorious grins. His mouth quirked so perfectly at the corners that Kayla was tempted to kiss him, then and there. But she resisted the urge. It’d undo all the work she, Iri, and Jaden had begun.

  When Jaden continued staring back, Kayla realized he was stuck in his own thoughts about her. Or she hoped so. Despite the happy bubble that surged inside her, Jaden needed to get back on task. When Atu poked his head in the refrigerator, Kayla gave Jaden a quick shooing motion and furious stare. He blinked and began discussing breakfast options with Atu.

  Slowly, they drew Atu into the conversation. By the ti
me the boys served breakfast, Atu’s depression had retreated, and he was somewhat back to normal. Although, since he was so quiet by nature, it was difficult to tell where his head was at. As she studied Atu, Kayla concluded this was a contented quiet, so she relaxed. When Atu turned away for another plate of food, Kayla smiled at Jaden and Iri and mouthed, “Thanks.”

  “So, what are our plans?” Atu took his seat and tucked into his food.

  Kayla almost choked. Atu was the one to raise the subject? Swallowing, she recovered from her bout of coughing. “I think Jaden and Iri have that covered.”

  When Jaden said nothing, Kayla gave him a pointed look. “Uh, Iri and I were discussing that earlier. She mentioned that she’d like some time to get used to her smart suit. She also wants to learn how to use her DD and practice with it. Then we need to get Tinks caught up on our plays—” Jaden broke off when Atu began laughing.

  “Tinks?” Atu sputtered. “That’s what you’re going to call her?”

  “What’s wrong with it?” Iri challenged.

  “Oh, it’s perfect. I just want to see her face when you tell her.” Atu chortled.

  “You and everyone else.” Iri grinned. “We’ll do that as soon as we see them today.”

  “Let’s just make sure we’ve had some time to let our food settle before we summon them,” Jaden begged. “I’d hate to spoil a good meal by going flying right afterwards.”

  The others agreed, and they finished breakfast, their levity restored. Afterwards, they went in search of Sven. They decided they would start their day teaching Iri how to use her DD. Then they would run her through the training programs Sven had made them do so she could get accustomed to her smart suit and acquire some self-defense skills. After that, they would take stock and make further plans accordingly.

  As it happened, they spent the whole day on the ground because their gliders didn’t reappear. Not that any of them were too concerned. It gave the voyagers time to bond without their gliders. Sven even spent time with them—first instructing Iri on the safe use of her DD, then later when he donned his own smart suit and showed the teens the mat in hand-to-hand combat. The teens were still commenting on Sven’s ability (and surprising agility) when they ended their day, tired but happy. Entering the house, they discovered Sven had another surprise for them in the form of a traditional Gotskienian dinner, all ready and waiting to be eaten.

  “Sven, you magician! How is it we got so lucky with you?” Jaden clapped the big man on the back.

  Sven’s booming laughter rumbled around them. “I think it’s the other way around. But we won’t argue, no? We eat?”

  “Absolutely,” Atu affirmed with enough enthusiasm to make everyone laugh.

  The evening was just as pleasant as the day. Kayla wasn’t the only one reluctant to leave the table.

  “I wish we didn’t have to be responsible and get some sleep.” Kayla groaned. “But if we don’t, what’s the bet Taz will be here at the crack of dawn to whip us through our training regimen?”

  “A bet not even worth taking,” Jaden answered. “Sven, thank you for a wonderful day and that delicious meal.” The other teens added their thanks before they succumbed to bedtime routines.

  Kayla slept soundly and opened her eyes the next morning, refreshed. But when she saw Jaden pacing their room, antsy and irritable, she knew today wouldn’t be so easy. A fact that was confirmed when she discovered that their gliders were already outside waiting for them before they’d even had breakfast.

  “What was that you were saying last night about Taz being here to whip us into shape today?” Jaden grumbled.

  Kayla only nodded. Jaden’s early morning pacing had her worried. Iri, on the other hand, looked like she would ricochet out of her chair before she’d even finished the breakfast they were scarfing down.

  “Why are you so excited?” Kayla asked.

  “We get to see how Tinks reacts to her nickname,” Iri bubbled.

  That brought a round of smiles. At least we have something to look forward to.

  Predictably, when Iri bounded out of the house and greeted her with, “Heya, Tinks! What’s up?” Satinka’s face was priceless.

  Tinks finally found her voice after her expression had gone from confused to taken aback to carefully studied. “If by Tinks you’re referring to me, then I am well. May I ask why you are using that name?”

  Taz spoiled their fun then. “Because that’s what they do—take a perfectly good name and shorten it to something they think is endearing. Don’t let it bother you. It means they like you. Now, shall we get to practicing? Satinka has a lot of catching up to do.”

  And that was the end of it. A merciless training session followed. Kayla struggled to keep her mind on what they were doing. She kept worrying about Jaden, who seemed even more distracted than she was. What was going on in that head of his?

  Jaden’s mind kept circling back to Kayla’s encounter with the Gaptors. Something was niggling at the back of his mind, something to do with the relic stones and their ability to nullify the numbing effects of the Gaptor’s EMP. The numbing effects. Yes, that was it!

  When his mother relayed her dream, she mentioned that when she woke up, she felt numb. She couldn’t move or speak. But she could smell his father. And hear him. That sounded a lot like what Kayla had experienced. Could that be what happened to his parents? That this was how they were subdued?

  Excitement tingled in his veins. He was onto something. Han flipped, and Jaden fell off. He hadn’t been paying nearly enough attention to what Han was doing or Taz’s instructions. Jaden relaxed, allowing his smart suit to turn him into the required pickup position. Han floated up under him, and they connected. Without a word, Jaden scooted back to his usual position.

  “What was that?” Han asked.

  “I fell off.” Jaden wasn’t in the mood for a lecture. He was trying desperately to hang onto the idea taking shape.

  “I know that,” Han snapped. “Why?”

  Jaden held back the sigh. “Because I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “And what happens when you do that?” Taz asked sternly, coming in fast and positioning herself to get up in his face.

  “I put myself and everyone else at risk,” Jaden replied by rote. He reined in his irritation. It would only result in a longer lecture.

  But surprisingly, Taz didn’t pursue the error. “I’m sure I don’t need to expand on the gravity of your lapse in judgement?” When Jaden gave a shocked nod, she said, “Excellent, because we still have a lot of work to do. Get your head in the game, and we can all end the day early.”

  End the day early? Really? Jaden doubted that would happen. Taz was such a perfectionist. But he would do as she asked, although not before committing his thoughts to something more permanent than memory. “Can you give me a moment to make some notes and then you’ll have my undivided attention?”

  Taz wasn’t the only one to give him a curious glance. Kayla’s sage green eyes lingered speculatively. Could she guess what he was thinking? No, that wasn’t possible. But Kayla always knew when he was up to something, so without question, he would have some explaining to do when they landed. Taz shrugged, then gave a quick nod of assent before moving toward Tinks.

  Jaden dictated his thoughts into a note on his PAL, aware Han could hear every word. At least the others couldn’t hear thanks to the mute button Sven had built into the comm system.

  When he finished, Han looked back at him, his eyes grave. “Is this something you’re really considering?”

  “Yes, but please don’t tell the others. I need to work out the details before I share the idea with them.”

  “As long as you do share it with them before you take action, I’ll keep your secret.”

  “Thanks, Han.” Jaden smiled, giving his glider a vigorous rub around his shoulders.

  “And if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to bribe me with that neck rub,” Han grunted.

  Jaden laughed. “No, I’m ju
st showing some gratitude. But we’d better get back to following her highness’s orders or we’ll be back in the dog box.”

  Jaden wasn’t sure, because Han turned his head, but had that question surprised Han? As Taz began yelling orders, the question was swept away, and Jaden threw himself into their training.

  The comm system was marvelous. It would be useful when the smoke from destroyed Gaptors filled the air, like when they were attacked near the temple. Jaden’s delight only increased when he discovered they could range further apart, allowing more maneuvers. They trained Iri and Tinks on the basics, then began working on enhancements.

  Jaden was just getting to grips with the new scenarios when Taz called it a day. “Don’t look so startled,” Taz told him when she and Kayla zipped past. “I did say we would end early if you applied yourselves. And you did.”

  Jaden could only shake his head and watch as Taz and Kayla took the lead. They were home in minutes, and the teens gratefully leaped off when their gliders swooped down near Sven’s home.

  “Well, the day went better than I thought it was going to,” Jaden commented.

  “Yes, finishing early is always a bonus.” The way Kayla grinned made Jaden wonder what she was up to. “Now that the gliders aren’t with us anymore, are you going to tell us what had you so distracted this morning? And about those notes you made on your PAL?”

  Oh yes, he had forgotten. “Why don’t we get dinner on the table, and I’ll tell you while we eat?”

  “I can live with that.”

  Chapter Twenty

  An hour later, dinner was ready, but Sven hadn’t joined them yet. Accustomed to his unusual work habits, the teens didn’t wait. They took their places at the table, tucked into their food, and listened as Jaden outlined his idea. “I’m going to go back in time and see if there’s another way I can help my parents.”

  Kayla’s face scrunched up. “Not this again! I thought we’d decided that wasn’t possible. And even if it is, you can’t pull them through from the parallel universe or wherever it is you go when you use the arcachoa. I also distinctly remember you saying you can’t communicate with them across timelines either!”


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