The Mike Black Saga Volume 3

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The Mike Black Saga Volume 3 Page 35

by Roy Glenn

  I laughed a little. “That’s a damn good idea.” Even though Black was thinking legit he was still gangster. You know how we do it. That meant you send a guy in and tell him they need a security guard and here’s what it’s gonna cost you.

  “You get with Wanda and tell her to find out what it’s gonna take and make that happen.”

  “I’ll talk to her about it.”

  “I know Wanda has her own ideas about this. She wants you to take over the finance company. I know that ain’t you. So have you thought about what you might want to do?”

  “I was thinking about the game.”

  Black laughed. “Don’t think Jackie can handle it, do you? I know Bobby and Wanda don’t.”

  “How do you think she’s doing?”

  “She got her boy Travis up there with her now.”

  “Which means?”

  “Which means I’m not saying no to you. Not yet anyway. Give her a chance. Which means you check on the game every night.”

  “Just the game or do you want me to check on everything?”

  Black looked out the window and didn’t say anything at first. Then he looked at me. “Freeze checked on everything.”

  “He definitely stayed on top of shit.”

  “Somebody needs to step up and do it. Everybody knows you. Everybody respects you. It should be you.”

  “Whatever you need, Black. You know that.”

  “Me and Bobby been talking about this and I was gonna talk to you about it.”

  “About what?”

  “I need you to run things.”

  I looked at Black and didn’t say anything. I was only talking about running the game. I didn’t know if I was ready or if I even wanted to run the whole show. But how could I say no to him. “Like I said, Black, whatever you need.”

  “We can start making this happen tonight. You ride with me tonight. We’ll roll by our key people, the earners; you know what I mean. Let everybody know you run the house now.”

  Just like that.

  The first person we saw was Howard Owens. He was a bookie who did a little loan sharking. Howard had been with Black from the days when Black first separated from André. He was a good earner.

  “What’s up, Black?” he said and turned to me. “What’s up, Nick?” He looked in Kevon’s direction and nodded. “How you gentlemen doing on this beautiful New York day?”

  “I’m good, Howard. What’s up with you?” Black asked.

  “Let me holla at you for a minute, Black,” Howard said and started to walk away. Black motioned for me to follow them.

  When Howard noticed that I was walking with them, he stopped. “It’s okay. Say what you gotta say.”

  He went on to explain that he had loaned a guy named Charles Watson fifty thousand dollars to expand his construction business and now the guy was ducking him for the last two months. After he gave us all the information he knew, Black turned to me.

  “What you think, Nick?”

  “I’ll put a couple of people on it,” I said and looked Howard in the eye.

  “From now on, if you have any problems you see Nick. Understand?”

  Howard nodded his head and we walked away. And that was that until we got back in the car.

  “Here’s what’s gonna happen with Mr. Watson. We’re gonna checkout his business and see if it’s something we’re interested in. If it is, you’re gonna tell him to forget about the money and then make him see how it’s to his advantage to give us…” Black thought for a second. “I’m not gonna be greedy, say ten percent of his company.”

  That’s how the entire day went. Everywhere we went, everybody we saw, all of them had an issue that they wanted Black to handle. I imagined that it had been awhile since some of these people had seen Black, because some of them had a list.

  Black would sit and listen and then he’d turn to me and ask the same question. “What you think, Nick?” And every conversation would end the same way. “From now on, if you have any problems you see Nick. Understand?”

  Once we were back in the car, Black would tell me if he agreed or disagreed with the solution that I proposed. If he didn’t, he would tell me what I should do. “Use your best judgment for the little shit,” Black said. “If it’s something major, play them off and we’ll talk about it.”

  Between stops, we spent most of the time talking. Black talked a little about the future according to Wanda, but then he turned to the other side, about the house. How he saw things now that Freeze was gone, and how he wanted things to go; ideas he had and ways to accomplish it.

  When Kevon parked in front of Clay’s garage, a chop shop run by a guy named Bo Freeman, and we went inside.

  “Wait here,” Black said and walked up to Bo.

  He and Bo walked off together and then Bo stopped.

  “What?” he said loud enough that everybody in the place looked at them. Bo looked back at me; tried to stare me down. I looked him in the eye. I knew if anybody blamed me for Freeze, it was Bo. Freeze brought Bo in, taught him the game. It was Freeze who put Bo in this spot. I knew I would have to watch him.

  Black put his arm around Bo. Whatever he said, Bo shook his head and Black walked away. “Let’s go,” Black said to me and Kevon and we headed for the car.

  As the night rolled on we had seen just about everybody who could be found. Kevon rolled up at the game I thought I’d be taking over.

  It had been awhile since I’d been there, so there were a few faces that I didn’t recognize. I looked around for Jackie and Travis, while Black made his way around the room. I was about to knock on the door to the office when Jackie opened the door.

  “Hello, Jackie.” I must have caught her off guard, because she was about to reach for her gun. I put up my hands.

  “What’s up, Nick?” Jackie asked and relaxed.

  “I’m good. How’s it going tonight?”

  “For the most part—” That’s when she saw Black on the other side of the room. She smiled and started walking toward him. “It’s been a good night. Lost a little early; but its breaking back our way. Other than that, I’m good.”

  “Where’s Travis?”

  Jackie looked at her watch. “He’ll be here in a little while,” she said, when she got to the spot where Black was talking to Sonny Edwards, one of the regulars at the house.

  “Good evening, Mr. Black.”

  Black looked up at her, nodded his head, and went back to his conversation. Jackie folded her arms and stood there. Since she seemed content to stand there and wait for him to get through talking to Sonny, I went and joined Kevon at the bar.

  I had been at the bar, talking to Kevon, who is a pretty funny guy when he does talk, which isn’t very much, when I looked around for Black and didn’t see him. Since I didn’t see Jackie, either, I figured they were in the office, and I should be in there.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said to Kevon.

  “No need. Jackie ’dem know you boss now,” Kevon said and raised his glass to me.

  At first, it felt funny hearing him say it; you boss now. I was having a hard time accepting it, but as the day went on, it became more and more apparent to me.

  Somebody needs to step up and do it … it should be you.

  Suddenly, I felt powerful and for the first time I really thought about what that meant and whether I wanted to carry that type of power and responsibility. It really didn’t matter at that point. It wasn’t like I was about to tell him no. If that’s what Black needed, then that’s just the way it was.

  The last place we went to was Cynt’s. She ran a strip club that had gambling in the basement and has for years. Historically, Cynt’s had always been one of my favorite spots. Naked women have always had a haunting pull on me.

  Cynt, who had an ass that just wouldn’t quit, started out dancing, doing a little tricking as most of the dancers did, and had developed a reputation for the things she could do with her mouth. It was a skill that attracted Bobby’s attention back in the day.
That all ended when a customer roughed her up pretty bad, and she quit and swore that she would never do that again.

  After she recovered from her injuries, Black, being loyal to his people, put her to work behind the bar. As time went on Black noticed that she had other skills that proved to be more useful to him and when the opportunity presented itself, he put her in charge of the spot.

  Unlike everybody else we saw that day, Cynt had no issues. She had been around long enough to handle her own issues, and Black felt comfortable enough with her to let her handle them anyway she saw fit.

  “From now on, if you have any problems that you can’t handle,” Black told Cynt, “which I know you won’t, talk to Nick.”

  “You know I can handle mine,” Cynt said and then she turned to me. “Congratulations Nick. I’m happy for you. If you ever need anything, you let me know.”

  “I will.”

  “See that you do,” Black recommended to me. “Cynt can be a big help to you.”

  The three of us had been talking for a while when I noticed one of the dancers who called herself Mercedes talking to Kevon. Trying to get past him really. She had been staring at Black the whole time we were talking to Cynt.

  Once we were done with Cynt, Black signaled to Kevon that he was ready to go. I followed Black to the door, but when I turned back, Kevon seemed to be having problems separating himself from Mercedes. When we got in the car and were on our way, Black tapped Kevon on the shoulder as he drove.

  Chapter 11

  Mike Black

  “What she say?”

  “Her say she can’t understand why I am trying to keep her from you. That I know you want to see her,” Kevon said. “Her think I must be working for Miss Maria and not you.”

  I laughed. “She’ll be all right.”

  Then I turned my attention back to Nick. “It’s all you now. I know I can count on you. From here on out, you and I need to talk at least once a day. And if you don’t mind, for the time being, unless it’s a legal matter, I want to keep Wanda out of the loop. I don’t need her thinking that you have to report what’s going on to her. If she has a problem with it you tell her that’s the way I want it and she can talk to me. I know she ain’t gonna wanna hear that shit.”

  Nick laughed. “She’ll be all right.”

  Nick didn’t say anything else on the way to his apartment. Probably thinking about what he had in front of him. I knew I put him in a tough spot, but I also knew he could handle it.

  Once we dropped Nick off at his apartment, I told Kevon to call Maria. We were going to Impressions, and I wanted her to be ready when we got there for a change. But I knew when I got there she still wouldn’t be ready. She never was.

  Maria used to dance at Cynt’s, where she went by the name Mystique. She’d been dancing at Cynt’s for years and I always marveled at how much she looked like Cassandra. I ran into her about a month after Cassandra died. At first, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. There are still times when I wondered if Maria and Cassandra could be sisters. Could she be one of Chicago’s many children? Maria never met her father and her mother was dead, so there was no way I would ever know for sure.

  “Nick say anything about Jackie?”

  After Freeze was killed, it was a couple of days before I got around to checking things out. When I got to the game, there was Jackie holding it down. Since she’d been watching Mylo for me, Jackie knew how things worked. Everything was going fine. I owed Jackie for putting me on to Mylo. And besides, I respected the way she stepped up and ran the game when I needed her, so I left her there.

  “He start to come in the office, but I tell him, Jackie ’dem know you boss now.”

  “What he say then?”

  “Nothing. Him lost in thought after that. We drink and wait until you come out.”

  “Lost in thought, huh?”

  Yeah, I know, I shouldn’t have just dropped it on him like that. I shoulda talked to him about it, made sure he understood what I wanted him to do. You know, made sure he wanted to do it. But you know what? Either he’ll step up to the job or he won’t. If things had happened the way they were supposed to, it would have been Nick running the day-to-day operations when me and Bobby made the decision to take a less active role.

  If Bobby hadn’t threatened to kill him over Camille, he would have never joined the army. I would have chosen Nick over Freeze. Not that I had a problem with Freeze or the way he ran things; it woulda just been Nick’s time.

  When we got to Impressions, I found Bobby at the bar surrounded by women, as usual.

  “What’s up, Bobby?”

  “Chillin’,” Bobby said and dismissed the women he was talking to. “How you doing tonight, Mystique?”

  “I’m fine, Bobby.”

  “Yes, you are,” Bobby said to her and then turned to me. “You and Nick do y’all’s thing today?”

  “Just dropped him off.”


  “He’ll be all right.”

  “Come on, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  “I’ll be right back, Maria,” I said and kissed her on the cheek. “You want me to leave somebody with you?”

  “No, Kevon is around here somewhere.”

  I followed Bobby to his office. As we made our way through the crowd, it seemed like he knew every woman we passed. Waving to him, blowing kisses and shit. “I thought you were gonna call me today,” one woman said.

  “I thought so too,” Bobby said and kept walking.

  “What happened to you last night?” another asked.

  “That was so long ago that I don’t remember,” was his answer.

  “Am I gonna see you later?” asked a woman in a red dress.

  “I never make plans that far in advance,” Bobby told her and dismissed her.

  Lately, Bobby’s head hasn’t been on business. He’s been in some kind of early mid-life crisis, or some shit like that. He brought a new Cabriolet convertible Benz and went back to running the club, which he didn’t really have to do since Tara has been running the joint for years.

  I mean he’s still with Pam and he’s a good father to his children, but he’s on a mission to fuck as many women as he can. I can’t say shit about that because I’ve been on a tear my damn self.

  In addition to Maria, and the occasional stray, I fucked Mercedes. The day after I’d made Maria stop dancing at Cynt’s, she set the pussy out for me. To be honest with you, I really don’t even like her. Probably because she got about as much sense as a box of rocks, but she is so fuckin’ fine that I had to have her. The last time we were together she told me that she was gonna change her name to Diamond, because when I call her box of rocks she thinks I’m talking about diamonds.

  Then there’s Jackie’s fine ass. Jackie is bi-sexual and likes to invite her girlfriends along to play with us, which always makes for an interesting night. And Jacara; she’s a nightclub singer that I met in the Bahamas. I only see her when I’m down there visiting Michelle.

  Maybe it’s both of us in mid-life crisis.

  I know Bobby loves Pam and would like for things to be different between them, but it is what it is. I know what my problem is. I love Cassandra and I miss her. Miss everything about her. The hole she left in my life has grown, and no matter how I try to fill it with these women, I know I never will.

  When we got to the office, Bobby made us some drinks while I went and stood by the two-way mirror that overlooks the club. I looked out on the floor for Maria and spotted her on the dance floor. I looked around for Kevon, he was on the dance floor too, but his eyes were on Maria.

  “What you wanna talk about?” I asked when Bobby handed me my drink.

  “I want to know what direction you’re going in.”

  “What you mean?”

  “I mean you got Wanda wide-open; making plans for us to get out of the game and at the same time you got Nick stepping up to run things.”

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Other than it making for some long nights in that house, you mean?”

  “Yeah, other than that.”

  “Nothing, I guess. I just wanna know where your head is.”

  “One is the future; one is the past.”

  “I know that shit. Wanda’s in my ear with that shit all the time.”

  “Right now, as long as we’re making money and nobody’s fuckin’ with us for a change, I don’t see any reason why we can’t do both. But us going legit is where we’re going.”

  “Fair enough. So what y’all got planned for me in this bold new world?”

  “I don’t know. What you wanna do?”

  “What Wanda got you doing?” Bobby asked.

  “Going to boring-ass meetings with boring-ass people talking a bunch of boring-ass shit that I only half understand. But the numbers look good, so I ain’t saying nothing. Wanda is making us a chunk of money that way.”

  “Any women at these boring-ass meetings?”


  “Probably a bunch of stuck-up hoes who think they’re better than everybody.”

  “Some are, some aren’t,” I said and thought about Meka Brazil.

  She’s a very smart and very interesting investment banker who Wanda and I met with about a week ago. Sometimes I wonder why I’m attracted to powerful, professional women like her, but gravitate to women like Maria and Mercedes.

  “Well, next time you have one of these boring-ass meetings, I want to be there. If that’s where we’re going in the future, I need to be a part of it.”

  “I got no problem with that. Tomorrow afternoon we got a meeting with some real estate agent. Wanda wants to buy some warehouse and office complex in Long Island. It’s your money too; you should be involved. I really didn’t think you were interested in shit like that.”


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