Return to Kiluemar

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Return to Kiluemar Page 9

by Kimberly Marraffino

  Fire Witches were the only ones truly feared throughout history, for they could never be burned at the stake. Most Fire Witches who were placed on the pyre turned the flames on those who meant to do them harm. Finding other torturous ways to kill a Fire Witch was a game to most witch hunters. Fleeing the non-magical world was their only hope for survival. Unfortunately, only a handful of Fire Witches made it safely to Kiluemar. Over the centuries, the magic within elemental witches started to fade from the bloodlines.

  Kiluemar was home to Keya. She never had the desire to leave a place where she was free and safe. Free to practice and master her powers and safe from persecution for being more powerful than the other witches. Keya was the only Fire Witch left from the original bloodline. Not only was she the last one, but her powers were not like the ones before her. She was not only able to control fire, but she could conjure it as well—summon it from the depths of the earth, making it appear anywhere within her line of sight. Her new powers were strong and not easily manageable. When she first found out about her new power, it was a complete accident. She was practicing on a small bonfire beyond the ridge and ended up setting the underbrush behind her on fire. Luckily, her ability to control fire was nearly mastered so she was able to put it out in time without causing any significant damage. Over the years, her powers grew stronger, and her proficiency was even more extraordinary.

  Keya’s magic did not go unnoticed, especially among those in higher standing in the realm. She was recruited by Zarrius shortly after his return to Kiluemar. He was the only Guardian left, and with his children being too young and not having their powers yet, he needed help protecting the portals and other parts of the island. The biggest fear at the time was magic hunters finding their way into the realm.

  Magic hunters were just that, hunters of magic. Searching high and low, they were lowly humans determined to find any magical being and kill it. The fear of the unknown outweighed the possibilities of magic being useful and beneficial among non-magical beings. Throughout history, hordes of magic hunters would form hunting parties and go from village to village raiding any place rumored to contain anything magical. Now, more than ever, they were determined to end any and all magic, especially those more powerful than themselves. The rumors about Kiluemar traveled within the inner circles of these hunters and many tried to get through, but with the protection of the Guardians, the realm was kept safe throughout the years.

  Kiluemar could never remain fully safe with only one Guardian, so Zarrius took matters into his own hands and limited access to and from the realm. Then, he recruited other magical creatures to help guard and protect the portals for the time being. Keya was enlisted last after a highly intuitive elf named Tenarick and an oversized humanoid gargoyle named Viktor. The three of them helped Zarrius by guarding the main portal located in the middle of the central village and the others on the western side of the mountain.

  Tenarick was an elf trainer who specialized in making weapons and sword fighting. His extremely muscular physique did not match his below average height. Standing eye to eye with Keya, with short, tight curls and honey-colored eyes, he was not very intimidating. Although, appearances were deceiving when it came to this agile and volatile creature. Even though many magical beings no longer trained in physical defensive tactics, Tenarick still believed everyone within the realm should be prepared for anything. Elves were once passive creatures in the beginning of their existence, but over the years many were tortured and massacred. They had to learn how to defend themselves, and without defensive powers, physical hand-to-hand fighting was the solution. It paid off too, and they soon evolved. Elves learned to be fast, highly alert, quick thinkers, and masters of interpreting their opponent. Some elves, like Tenarick, lacked compassion and followed the motto “kill or be killed”. These were the exact traits Zarrius needed.

  Viktor, unlike Tenarick, was not a fighter, nor did he possess any magic like Keya. Instead, he was a supernatural being created by magic. Gargoyles were regular statues originally created to scare off evil spirits from holy places. But in the sixteenth century, a large coven of witches, from a small northwestern village in Italy, were massacred. Through their cries and screams, they released their magic using a spell. With this spell, their words traveled throughout the land and woke many of the stone statues. Viktor was one of them. The witches’ magic brought these stone creatures to life to help protect all good magic. Gargoyles were the guardian angels of magical beings. Perched high in the sky, gargoyles kept a watchful eye out for any dangers. Again, something Kiluemar needed.

  Viktor took pride in his duties over the centuries and did not hesitate to continue them within the realm. Many creatures within Kiluemar loved Viktor and his fatherly demeanor because, in spite of his towering height and stony, monstrous appearance, he was docile and kindhearted.

  The three of them worked closely with Zarrius and friendships grew. Love soon developed between Keya and Zarrius as well. He was still heartbroken by the loss of Vivian, but Keya brought out the joy and love in him again. For her, he was something she secretly wanted all her life but chose to ignore. She never saw herself as a wife, let alone a mother, but she loved Pavian and Kavana as if they were her own. It was not long after they started a relationship when she got pregnant. With her maternal instincts already active due to the time with Zarrius’s children, Keya was overjoyed by the news.

  This blessing was Zarrius’s chance at happiness again—a life stolen from him. Keya filled the missing piece within his heart, and he was determined to protect this new life he was building for himself and his children. He was not going to let anything happen to her, even if it meant breaking a few rules.

  On a beautiful, warm winter morning, Zarrius took Keya out for a walk along the shores on the northern beach of the island. The short travel through the portal made her motion sick, but the cool, fresh air helped alleviate most of the nausea rumbling around in her stomach. They strolled a good distance before they were met by Fayemeara, who was standing next to a large blanket stretched out on the sand. Each of the four corners were held down by a different item—a golden bucket of ice with a long rust-colored glass bottle in it, a picnic basket woven out of white oak, a large rock, and a well-mannered gray-and-white hawk.

  Zarrius helped Keya down onto the blanket and turned to thank Fayemeara. Pulling from the quick embrace, Zarrius lowered his head, nodding slowly and pursing his lips. She returned the gesture and smiled, turning and walking away. Watching her grow smaller, Zarrius took in a deep breath through his nose and slowly let it out of his mouth.

  Keya was stroking the hawk, Hermes, and enjoying the waves when Zarrius sat down across from her. Removing the bottle from the ice, he poured her a drink, swirling it around before handing it to her. She smacked her lips after taking a sip and raised the glass back up to her mouth. Zarrius grinned, watching her down the rest of the crimson beverage.

  The moment he planned for was finally here. Zarrius was going to propose. He, along with Fayemeara, organized every aspect of this occasion perfectly—right down to the four objects placed on the blanket. They all represented the four elements, the fundamentals of Kiluemar. An old superstition of the realm stated if one was to propose and get married within the realm, they had to have something nearby to represent the elements. The lack of these essentials was considered a bad omen among the beings in Kiluemar, and Zarrius did not want any bad luck surrounding this event and their future.

  The rock and basket represented earth. The ice in the bucket and the ocean were for the element of water. Hermes was the symbol for air, and the rust-colored bottle and the contents within it represented fire. The bottle was made from blown glass and the drink inside was called Sweet Fire. This special drink was a mixture of sugar, pineapple juice, dark rum, and bourbon and it was set aflame for a short time before it was served. The drink was very popular among the citizens of the realm during special occasions. However, this batch was made especially for Zarrius. T
o minimize the danger to the baby and limit the chances of Keya getting sick, the drink was cooked longer to burn off more of the alcohol. Although, those were not the only fire elements placed before them. What Keya did not know was Zarrius snuck something into her glass when she was not paying attention before handing it to her. He was so worried about the safety of both her and the baby, he poured in the last of the dragon’s blood—a Fire Dragon—Kiluemar had left.

  Dragons were one of the most powerful creatures in the realm. Each elemental dragon retained magic unique to its species. In addition to having their own magic, dragons had a rare ability. Their blood could heal. Their healing power was what made them immortal. Even though no creature was ever truly immortal, dragons could heal the damage inflicted upon them as well as hinder the effects of aging. With this knowledge, many used dragon’s blood to heal others. But the blood affected each person differently so, eventually, the use of their blood was forbidden. The new rule was easy to abide by because it was rare and hard to obtain. The last of the blood, taken many years ago, was placed into vials and hidden. The ability to collect more dragon’s blood ended many decades ago when the last Drolnogard—a dragon telepath—died. He was the last-known magical bloodline of the Drolnogards.

  Dragons, being neutral creatures, were neither good nor evil. Only doing what was best for them, dragons were always feared. They were unpredictable and hostile. But when Drolnogards were around, dragons were allies and friends to most in the realm.

  With Keya being a Fire Witch, and now having the healing blood of a Fire Dragon running through her veins, Zarrius was able to rest easier. He had no reason to believe his plan would not work or fail to protect Keya and his unborn child.

  After completing the hidden agenda of this special occasion, Zarrius reached over and picked up the large rock from one of the corners of the blanket. Underneath it, inside a small hole in the sand, was a small, burgundy wooden box inlaid with orange and black. Inside the box was a round ruby with two heart-shaped black sapphires on either side nestled perfectly along a gold band. Keya was shocked at the beautiful ring and jumped into his arms before he could even ask the question.

  Determined to hide the heartbreak still lingering inside of him, Zarrius arranged for them to be married in a small ceremony only two weeks later, on the one-year anniversary of Vivian’s death. The handfasting ritual took place on the same beach where Zarrius proposed. Fayemeara presided over the ceremony while Tenarick and Viktor acted as witnesses. Young Pavian and Kavana stood quietly next to both Keya and their father as the couple ended the ceremony with a kiss. This was the happiest Zarrius had been in a long time. Unfortunately, it did not last long.

  Months later, Zarrius experienced another loss. He awoke on a crisp, late summer morning to the sounds of Fayemeara screaming his name from outside his home. Rushing to greet her, he saw what she was yelling about when he pulled open the front door. A huge fire burned in the forest just outside of town on the western border. The look in Fayemeara’s eyes told him it was not just the fire causing her alarmed expression. Her face was ghostly white, and tears trailed down her cheeks. Knowing both Pavian and Kavana were still safely inside, Zarrius knew it was Keya. She was among the flames.

  Zarrius sprinted to the stables, still dressed in his long-sleeve and pant pajamas. He flung open the doors and raced over to the back stalls. Panting, he jumped onto an exceptionally large solid black horse and dug his bare heels into its side. The exquisite creature trotted from the stables, stretching out its flawlessly camouflaged wings as it exited the rustic building. The wingspan extended out longer than the creature itself and flapped loudly as it took flight. Zarrius pressed his knees into the barebacked creature and leaned in, grasping the mane.

  The fire was raging as Zarrius, and his trusty companion, Galahad, flew in and out of the thick, black smoke. Searching for Keya, he wondered why she had not put out the flames herself. He called out her name, scanning the area for any signs of unusual movement and listening for her cries. Fearing the worst, he leaned in and the winged creature swooped lower to the ground. He could not find her within the inferno.

  The sunny sky shifted to gray, casting shadows as clouds rolled in overhead. The dark pewter and slate-colored rainclouds moved in fast, thick and ominous. Roaring sounds echoed across the sky as a torrential downpour erupted from the clouds, plummeting rain onto the fire. Among the gloomy clouds soared a stark-white creature swooping in and out, disappearing and then appearing again. Zarrius squinted up at the creature as it flew below the clouds, fading within the heavy rain. Recognizing the creature, his curiosity loomed. It was an Air Dragon. How was the creature able to do what it was doing? Before he could contemplate the strange event any further, the rain stopped and the clouds disappeared, along with the dragon. Ignoring his curiosity, he glanced down. The fire was out.

  Tugging on Galahad’s mane, he coasted above the smoldering forest, trying to find any signs of Keya. Spotting the remains of a figure burned among the charred ruins of the forest, he screamed her name, kicking Galahad to fly faster. He jumped from the flying horse, who was still a few feet in the air, and stumbled, crying out as he crashed to the ground. He hurried to his feet and limped over to the body lying motionless a few feet away.

  Keya’s gravely scorched body lay lifeless at his feet. Smoke billowed from her smoldering body and her once-long auburn hair was now blackened and barely visible along her badly burned head. What was left of her clothes had melded to her blistered skin. Collapsing to his knees, Zarrius grabbed and pulled her limp body closer, heat radiating from her. He could taste the horrid smell of burnt flesh and singed hair as it filled his nose. He choked back the urge to vomit. Rocking back and forth, he squeezed tighter and sobbed.

  She was gone.

  A twitch along her body made him jump and his emotions halted. Glancing down at Keya’s body, Zarrius searched for another sign of movement. He placed her body down on the ground and put his ear over her mouth, his hand on top of her chest, and waited. But she was truly gone. The last bit of hope faded, and Zarrius placed his cheek against her chest and wept. His hand moved over her stomach.

  They were both gone.

  A jolt against his hand made Zarrius toss his head up and his body fell back. Keya’s stomach moved. Placing his hand back over her protruding belly, he waited. It happened again. The baby inside her was still alive. He had to get it out of Keya, and fast. With no knife on him, he pushed himself up and searched frantically for something nearby. His eyes caught sight of Galahad, and he ran to the creature. Outstretching one of his wings, Galahad raised it high into the sky as Zarrius crouched down under it, pulling a silky feather from the fold. At the base of the feather was a long, sharp point.

  Sprinting back over to Keya’s body, Zarrius slid to a stop, mud and soot covering his pants and bare feet. He hesitated. She would want him to try and save the baby. He took in a deep breath and quickly peeled what was left of her charred clothes from her body, placing the sharp point of the feather on the outer layer of her lower abdomen. He had no clue what he was doing, but he knew Keya was gone, and he needed to get the baby out before it suffocated.

  Pressing down firmly, Zarrius sliced through her swollen and rubbery skin. The fire did major damage and made cutting through the skin and muscle easier. The sharp, magical feather might have also been a contributing factor. The odor of burnt flesh and the innards of her body was horrendous, but he kept going. The U-shaped incision across her lower body was large enough now to pull back and reach the uterus. Fully exposing her insides, he gagged and winced. The baby was still moving, but barely. Lower in the uterus and closer to the pelvic bone, the baby was positioned just right. He placed a hand over the top of the uterus and gently pushed down—moving the baby away from where he was about to cut. He sliced a large opening, blood and fluid gushing out, along with a tiny foot. Tossing the bloody feather aside, Zarrius reached in and grabbed hold of the other foot and gently coerced the rest
of the baby out.

  It was a little girl.

  Zarrius held her against his body, carefully removing the placenta from the uterus. Wrapping the tiny baby and placenta in his shirt, he ran to Galahad and the creature took flight.


  “Is this why I have the power to create fire?” Karramis asked. Trying to hold back the brittle tone in her voice, she added, “I was still inside of her when she . . . burned to death?”

  Karramis finally heard the story about her parents and the truth behind her mother’s death. No one ever talked about her parents’ short love story before, let alone the circumstances surrounding her own horrible and gruesome birth.

  Popping her head toward Fayemeara, she asked in a broken tone, “W-wait a minute. Why wasn’t she protected by the dragon’s blood? Is that why I have different powers? Because the blood healed me instead?”

  Sitting next to Karramis, Fayemeara answered, “Possibly. No one really knows why you have special abilities, but many—mainly your father—think your powers are linked to the events surrounding your mother.”

  “My dad knew? Thought this the whole time? My whole life? He knew I might have powers beyond the normal limits because of the blood and the circumstances surrounding my birth?”

  “He suspected but didn’t know for certain . . . I think.”

  “And why are my Guardian powers different from the others?”

  “That is something none of us know. We all assumed it was magic’s way of growing the Guardian powers. You’re the first Guardian in a long time to have magic from both sides. Your magic and blood are pure. But again, you’re the only one with this ability. Not even your—”


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