Return to Kiluemar

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Return to Kiluemar Page 13

by Kimberly Marraffino

  After decades of countless massacres, all beings with magic flowing through them, whether it be by possession, creation, or a curse, came together to figure out a solution to this seemingly endless battle. Good, neutral, and even evil, worked diligently over many months to formulate a plan to permanently hide all magical creatures from the non-magical world. The only way to isolate themselves from the outside world was to create a safe haven for all magical beings—a sanctuary where they could live freely, peacefully, and without prejudice. In full agreement, everyone within this new world would live cordially, respectfully, and with the willingness to maintain harmony, abiding by all rules set forth. This place would only be for those who, despite being diverse, would set all their differences and mistrusts aside and live as one community.

  Finding a place for all magical beings to reside was not easy. The constant bickering was starting to create tension among them. However, during one of the meetings, an angelic and soft-spoken young girl, a muse named Caerwyn, suggested they create their own place using magic. She thought finding an isolated island and modifying it to fit everyone’s needs was their best option. With many different types of magical creatures, they would surely be able to conjure up everything needed. Caerwyn’s idea was highly approved, but the only problem was traveling throughout the world to find an island large enough to support the many magical creatures.

  After many months, with the help of a group of mermaids, a Drolnogard named Symeon, and a Fire Dragon, a large, desolate island was discovered in the Atlantic off the northwestern coast of Norway. Stretching for miles in both directions, the island’s size was perfect. However, the mix of steep mountains and flat plateaus was not quite sufficient when it came to meeting the needs of the various magical beings.

  Nevertheless, Caerwyn’s plan moved forward and several magical beings made their way to the island. Those who could swim traveled to the island right away, but many had to find other means to get there. Over the course of several weeks, more arrived on the island. With the help of the nymphs, mermaids, dwarves, dryads, and conjurers, the island soon became a paradise to all who lived there. The island, with its vast terrains and underwater hideaways, soon became home, meeting the needs of all. Buildings were eventually added to the island as well.

  Many never left the island again, but those who did had to travel by a magically steered ship, atop a flying creature, or by swimming within the salty waters. With traveling only by ship, many, especially those like vampires, grew frustrated by this slow means of transportation. The vampires needed to feed and only being able to do so within a short distance of the island made their presence known among the villages along the coasts.

  Those on the island needed a better way to travel. They also realized they would need a protective barrier around their home to guard them from the outside world. Sooner or later, someone would find this place and alert the others. The barrier would need to be extraordinarily powerful—no magic one single creature could provide. It needed to be done by many, and they would have to work consciously and continuously to maintain it. If one of them died, it would break the link and the barrier would fall. The power needed to support this magical wall would need to be constant and more powerful than just one single being. It would require teamwork and, to the realization of many, the life of magical creatures. Not only would the barrier need to protect the outside world from seeing in, but it would also need doorways to travel.

  No one could create new magic, and no magical being could control it. It was its own lifeform. Only being able to grow by its own free will, magic’s ability to develop beyond its current capacity took time—decades, even centuries, depending on how much more power it needed or wanted. But time was not on their side, so a sacrifice was needed, a sacrificial ritual to give magic back its power and force it into the island, making it magical itself and creating a barrier with doorways between the two worlds. Allowing the island to possess magic would provide even more reassurance as the creatures flocked there. Now, the only problem was, who would be the sacrifice?

  The creatures discussed the ritual and countless ideas were given, but it was, again, Caerwyn who brought forth the best idea. After discussing how magic worked with the other muses, and how magic and the elements were the fundamentals of all those on the island, the only concrete thing to do was use elemental magic to bestow the island with the sacrificed magic, thus creating the magical realm. Tapping into the natural magic of a celestial event, the ritual would work best when performed on the night of a full moon. Also, the ritual would need to include a spell, which would allow those reciting it to focus their powers on the task. The magic needed for the spell would have to be powerful and balanced, so it needed to be performed by four elemental witches. Earth, air, fire, and water had to be represented, along with both male and female. The ritual would also include the sacrifice of four elemental magical creatures. Again, balance was needed, so the ritual needed to include the sacrifice of a cursed immortal being. The magic of the four elemental creatures and that of an immortal would be consumed by the island, therefore creating this new realm, protected by magic, and powerful enough to do what was necessary to conserve and guard those in it from the outside world. Death would come to those who agreed to be part of the blood sacrifice. However, to everyone’s surprise, the five spots were filled rather quickly.

  The first to offer themself up and forfeit their powers was a three-hundred-and-fourteen-year-old dryad. Kitra believed she lived a full life. Her elderly personality did not match her youthful appearance. Although her espresso skin was thick and cracked throughout her muscular body, her face was flawless. Her green eyes, though dark, were large and unrealistically ornate, forcing one into the depths of her kind soul. Her clothes consisted of large patches of moss placed on her unusually tall body. Being a dryad, Kitra was a creature of Earth.

  Next was the Drolnogard, Symeon. Though he himself would not be the sacrifice, but rather the Fire Dragon, Emrys. The ancient creature fulfilled the position for the element of fire. Being an immensely powerful creature, the dragon’s healing abilities would help aid with the eternal power needed to protect the island. Emrys was enormous—too large to walk the narrow pathways in the central village. Flying overhead, he circled the area as Symeon spoke for him. Emrys, being the oldest dragon on the island, was not afraid of dying.

  The third elemental creature who soon agreed to be a martyr for the cause was a winged horse named Lucien. The creature, with sand-colored hair and an off-white mane and tail, communicated using a telepath named Tavin. Both Lucien and Tavin had traveled together from a small village in France soon after they heard about the island. Having lived together for almost sixty years, Tavin was growing old and Lucien did not want to live without his best friend. The once-proud creature was well over a hundred years old, and with his uncharacteristically short legs, overly stout body, and a broken wing, getting around was becoming more difficult for Lucien.

  The final element needed was water. Many magical water creatures had not found their way to the island yet, so the options were minimal. No Water Dragons, selkies, or other water creatures lived around the island, except for a small group of mermaids who dwelled within the newly created underwater caverns and along the lagoon just beyond the valley on the northwestern side of the island. The mermaids were carefree and childish—living aimlessly and nonchalantly. However, they were an extremely loyal, helpful, and compassionate species.

  Among these beautiful creatures was a young adult mermaid named Arista. Slightly heavier than the other mermaids, she was graceful and beautiful with her long dark blue hair and sandy colored nude skin. Her deep violet eyes sparkled, and her soft-spoken voice made those around her happy. She was passionate about the sacrifice, believing being a part of it was her destiny. Giving her life would help continue the existence of the other merpeople and it would shelter them from the non-magical humans. After witnessing her mother’s murder while swimming along the shores near Ire
land, she decided she would do what was necessary to protect the others.

  The last thing needed for the ritual was the immortal cursed being. Now, many creatures had been cursed over time—werewolves, ogres, cyclops, trolls—but very few were immortal. The only immortals among the island were a large group of vampires who fled to the island after evading capture in a small town in Austria. The vampires, though friendly when need be, preferred being left alone on the eastern side of the island. But after word reached them, a vampire named Casteya eventually grew more in favor of the idea of helping others. Not all vampires valued their extended lives or enjoyed having to take another life to survive. Although hesitant at first, Casteya concluded she had lived long enough, especially since she lost her husband, who was also a vampire, nearly forty years prior. Being almost two hundred years old now, she decided it was time to pass on and meet her husband in the afterlife. The sulky, vain blonde-haired woman was unnaturally picturesque and unpleasantly monotone—never showing a sliver of emotion on her harshly pale face. Her black irises made those around her uncomfortable and fearful of meeting her gaze.


  The full moon beamed down through the transparent clouds, shining down on a stone circle in the center of a clearing among the sparse covered trees. The air was warm, but the breeze was cold, showing signs of the changing seasons.

  Four elemental witches stood on the outermost part of a stone circle, lined with medium sized boulders, while Kitra, Lucien, and Arista, waited inside, lined up with the corresponding witch. Emrys, standing behind the Fire Witch, towered over the trees which circled the ritual site. In the center of the larger stones was a smaller circle, lined with river rocks and sticks. In the center, stood a stoic Casteya.

  The ritual began as each witch recited the first few lines of the spell together.

  Powers of the elements combined,

  Unlink the magic once intertwined

  Blood within the stones,

  Their bodies will fade to bones

  Continuing alone was the Earth Witch, Demetrius. He stood along the northernmost part of the circle, dressed in green and brown robes.

  With a strain in his voice, he uttered,

  With the blood from the magic of earth,

  all will now show their worth

  With the final words spoken, Demetrius entered the circle and handed Kitra a large dagger. Kitra took the double-edged knife and sliced a deep cut along her wrists, trying to break through her hard, thick skin. Black ooze gushed from the open wound and dripped from her long fingers. She planted her bare feet into the ground as they slowly transformed into roots, tunneling themselves deeper into the soft soil. The dryad’s blood disappeared into the grass as more of her body changed back into a tree.

  A young Air Witch named Maevis, dressed in silver and lavender robes, wiped away her tears.

  With the blood from a creature of air,

  they will leave this world now bare

  Moving over the stones, she sobbed as she reached Lucien. He lowered his frail, heavy body down to the grass. Maevis raised her knife-wielding hand and stared down into the creature’s eyes, unable to complete the task.

  Tavin stepped forward, gently moving her aside. He drew a large sword from the sheath at his side and gazed down at his winged friend. The old man, though feeble-looking, was relatively strong, brandishing the large sword at his hip. Lucien rested down onto his side and silence fell as the gentle creature nodded his head. Tavin extended the sword upwards and then swiftly plunged the sword through Lucien’s heart. Without any reaction, the horse closed his eyes and his breathing stopped. Tavin removed the bloody sword, stepping from the stone circle, taking the distraught Maevis with him. He placed her back in her prior position and meandered away, crashing to his knees and weeping, his forehead pressed against the ground.

  Ember was next. Dressed in orange and red robes, the Fire Witch stood on the southside of the stone circle.

  She choked back tears.

  With the magical blood from fire,

  life given will soon expire

  Emrys, too large to fit within the circle, stood behind her. The black and ash-colored dragon lowered his head as Ember stepped closer to him, trying hard not to cry. With the help of Symeon, they raised one of Emrys’s scales along his neck and sliced a large gash across his skin. Blood poured from the dragon’s body as Ember collected it in a metal bowl. Having to take the blood from outside of the circle, the witch was not done with her part of the spell.

  Entering the circle, she added,

  Magic bind to this blood I yield,

  for it will flow among the field

  She tilted the metal bowl and poured out all the blood.

  With magic gone he cannot heal,

  for death is now what he must feel

  Emrys closed his eyes and died.

  Wearing royal and light blue robes, the Water Witch, Rayen, stood on the west side of the circle.

  Refusing to make eye contact with the mermaid, he spoke softly,

  With the blood of a creature of water,

  all will perish with this selfless slaughter

  Arista picked up a dagger next to where she sat and paused, flipping her tail as she lowered herself down onto the grass. She mimicked Kitra’s actions and ran the sharp, cold metal across both her wrists, crying out as her hands trembled. Blood poured from the cuts as the mermaid closed her eyes, tears flowing down her cheeks.

  Together, the four witches continued,

  Immortal life given at will,

  magic unbinds with the blood that must spill

  They paused, turning their attention to Casteya. The brave vampire raised the dagger in her hand and thrusted it into her heart. She gasped, yanking the dagger out and releasing her tight grip on the handle. The dagger landed on the ground just as Casteya’s body fell, dark red blood gushing from the wound in her chest.

  As each creature bled out and all the blood soaked into the ground within the stone circle, their magic emerged from each of their bodies, rising and swirling around each other.

  With the magical blood of all five creatures now flowing within the circle, the witches recited the final part of the spell.

  A ritual of great sacrifice,

  for they paid the final price

  Unlinked magic we now command,

  release and flow within this land

  Magic protect all within this place,

  provide what is needed to guard this space

  Future magic must return to survive,

  for the island must continue to thrive

  Our drops of blood will end this rite,

  and seal the magic within this site

  Each witch stepped into the circle and sliced a cut across their hand. Their blood dripped as Arista took her last breath, Kitra transformed into a large, barren Elm tree, and Casteya’s body crumbled as it turned into bones. Once each creature was dead, the magic dispersed, shaking the island as waves of magic crashed into the ground and burst outwards. A soft, white barrier rose from the ocean a few hundred yards off the coast and reached high into the sky. Creating a dome around the island, the barrier then became invisible. The magic from the five sacrificed creatures signified the birth of Kiluemar, the magical realm.

  Chapter 13

  The Prophecy

  Life on the island ran smoothly in the beginning. For years, the barrier made those within the boundaries feel secure, content, and hopeful. All who lived there found a place to call home among the various locations across the large stretch of land. Some lived peacefully among the rest while others kept solely to themselves or with their own kind. Nonetheless, life within the realm was perfect.

  It did not take long, though, before problems began to surface. One of the main issues was trying to safely spread the word of the realm to all magical beings of the world. Only five portals opened outside of Kiluemar during the sacrificial ritual and were placed randomly
outside the barrier. Communication during this period was difficult and time-consuming, making it hard to find trustworthy individuals to relay messages from the magical realm. Still having to keep this world a secret, the magic within the island came up with a solution to the first glitch in this magical utopia.

  Shortly after the birth of Kiluemar, the magic within it began to grow, giving out a surplus of power as more creatures lived and died within the realm, an excess of magic bound only to this world. The power created new and unique creatures to inhabit the island. Continuing the protection of all those living here, the magic within heightened the powers of a family of telepaths.

  To help aid in the lack of reliable means of communication throughout the non-magical world, the realm created the first generation of Telematras––trackers of other magical beings hiding out and seeking refuge. By enhancing their telepathic powers and natural ability to sense other magic, this family became the first-born creature of Kiluemar. The small family from South Africa took pride in their newly given powers. They traveled throughout the world searching for magical creatures to help and brought them safely to Kiluemar. Many flocked to the realm and the once small population grew from a few hundred to thousands in a matter of years. Soon, most of the villages and kingdoms around the world were free of all known magic.

  The numbers inside grew and many parts of Kiluemar were divided and deemed territories to help maintain peace among the different creatures. Still in full agreement, all those who settled on the island continued to keep a sense of community and harmony among each other. However, many of the creatures who were less inclined to observe this peaceful arrangement stayed on their sections of the island. Being encouraged to socialize and live by a certain set of rules was not easy for some, especially the less intelligent and unstable individuals. Many of the more evil and impulsive creatures agreed to leave the realm to conduct their inhumane deeds. Being able to live without the constant fear they once felt in the non-magical world outweighed the need to challenge the promises and understandings within the realm.


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