Return to Kiluemar

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Return to Kiluemar Page 19

by Kimberly Marraffino

  The burning tree along the hillside directly in front of them still raged. Orange and red lights flickered across their faces. They were mesmerized by the inferno, dancing within the rain-filled sky. Hypnotized, they carelessly made their way toward the fiery tree.

  A bolt of lightning struck the flames and Rhiannon screamed just as a set of thick arms lifted her into the air. She was pinned down, barely able to move. James twisted and another set of arms grabbed him, lifting him into the air as well. Thrashing his body beneath the tight grip, he yelled. The wind roared across their drenched bodies, both ignoring their uncontrollable shivering. Rhiannon and James struggled to get free from the dark shadows behind them as hands flung up and covered their mouths.

  “We found them!” a deep voice yelled from behind Rhiannon.

  James and Rhiannon continued fighting against their captors, but became limp as a tall, slender man holding a flashlight turned the corner. The bright beam reflected off the heavy rain and bounced back at him. He walked confidently with his shoulders pulled back and chest pressed out as he moved in their direction. His hidden features and brooding swagger made the children uneasy, but as he stepped closer, he became less threatening. His hair was dark, and his skin was light. He was roughly the same age as their mother. His eyes were soft and his smooth, chiseled face accentuated his strong jawline. The corner of his mouth rose, revealing a handsome sly grin. He did not seem like the type to harm innocent children.

  Following behind the handsome man was another individual. This person was massively plump and unnaturally tall. The individual shuffled their feet along the ground, sending loud sloshing noises through the air. Stopping within the shadows, they wheezed heavily as they stood motionless a few yards away.

  The poised man strode forward, stopping in between the twins. His eyes were hidden behind a narrowed gaze and his now serious demeanor made them feel uncomfortable again. They froze, their bodies heavy. The two holding them released their grasp and the twins crashed onto the soggy ground. Covered in mud and pieces of wet grass, they stared at each other as the brown-haired man squatted down.

  “Well, well, well,” the man chuckled in a soft Australian accent, “so, these are the famous lil’ spawns of Karramis and Will. Huh, I guess ya survived afta’ all.” He placed his hand under Rhiannon’s chin and lifted it. “Merrick will be very pleased about this.”

  “Don’t touch her!” James demanded.

  With a half-smile, the man directed his attention at James. “Well, aren’t ya a fearless lil’ bloke.” His smile faded. “Ya might wanna be careful there, mate . . . That just might get ya killed one day.”

  James lowered his brows and clenched his teeth. The expression across her brother’s face made Rhiannon reach over, placing her hand on top of his and shaking her head as she widened her eyes at him.

  The man stared intently at the children’s quiet interaction. “Interestin’. Nothin’. Notta single word.” He sighed and stood up. Towering over them, he added, “Look at me.”

  James and Rhiannon turned their heads upward, the rain falling into their eyes and causing them to squint.

  The man announced, “Ya two are a spittin’ image of your parents.” He knelt back down, tilting his head at James. “Except ya have your mum’s eyes”—he cocked his head over to Rhiannon—“and ya have your dad’s.” He placed his hands on his upper thighs and pushed himself up. Peering down at James, he clenched his jaw and curled his hands into fists. “Ya look just like ’im.” He reached down and pulled James onto his feet, dragging the young boy behind him. “Let’s see if your motha’ will come out now.”

  James tugged at the painful grip around his wrist. Fighting to free himself, he began hitting the man’s arm. The wind howled louder, and the gusts grew stronger. Rhiannon jumped to her feet and chased after James, but she was pulled back with a swift jerk. She screamed. The sky rumbled louder and the storm strengthened as rain poured violently from the darkened clouds. James yelled as Rhiannon was swept up into the arms of a tall, muscular man with long, black hair and a thick beard. The glow of the flames devouring the tree on the hill reflected off his bulky dark-framed glasses. Rain fell against his bronze skin and washed blood from the various scratches along his arms and face. He squeezed tightly around Rhiannon’s waist and she gasped under his constricting grip. He displayed an alarming persona with his emotionless scowl and complete disregard for her inability to breathe.

  Standing next to the tense and brazen man was another individual. He was much thinner, slightly shorter, and far less intimidating. His complexion and bleached colored tresses were undeniably prominent against the darkened night sky. He, too, was wounded. However, his single injury, though seemingly severe, did not faze him. The wound in his chest was prominent with a dark red stain encircling a small hole. James immediately recognized it as blood as it ran down the drenched material. Though the man radiated a menacing quality like his counterpart, he was, in fact, a character with emotions. With his spiteful grin and devious glare, he truly enjoyed the actions being played out in front of him.

  The twins both struggled, and James continued to yell. The man, still holding tightly onto James, grew annoyed by the weather. He noticed the wind blew harder the louder James got. So, to diminish the effects of the storm, he pulled the young boy in closer and with his other hand struck him across the face. James fell hard against the ground, splashing muddy water into the air. The wind steadied as the unconscious boy lay on the ground. Rhiannon became motionless and quiet as the man peered angrily at her. The rain slowed. She was unsure how to help her brother but trying to fight these men was useless. She cried as the man lifted James’s limp body from the ground, slinging him over his shoulder.

  The man walked in the direction of the individual hiding among the shadows. Pretending to still be passed out, James opened his eyes just as the man reached the unusual creature.

  “Watch her,” the man demanded in a slow, rough voice.

  The enormous individual was undeniably hideous and reeked of raw sewage. His broad, wandering eyes sat irregularly in his abnormally small head and his thinning hair lacked any pigmentation. His clothes stretched tightly against his splotchy, uneven skin as it folded into the copious amounts of fat along his stout body. With his sharp crooked teeth bulging from his large mouth and pressing against his thick lower lip, this monstrous creature was not human.

  The creature headed over to his sister and James panicked. Concentrating on Rhiannon, James came up with a quick and reckless plan, yet again. Without hesitation, he elbowed the man in the back and rolled from his loose hold. The man fell to his knees as James tumbled to the ground. Hurrying to his feet, James raced to Rhiannon just as she threw her head back into the face of the brooding man. She landed on her feet as he dropped her, but she slipped. Crying out in pain, the man’s hands flew to his bleeding nose. James raced over and helped his sister up, both scrambling in the direction of the burning tree on the top of the hill. The unexpected and unruly actions of the two children sent the four individuals into a confused frenzy.

  “Go get ‘em, ya idiots!” the Australian man yelled as he knelt on the ground.

  The children screamed for help as they ran up the side of the hill. The subtle incline was slick and difficult to climb. James and Rhiannon slipped multiple times as they hurried up the muddy slope. Rhiannon glanced back and saw the two men closing in behind them. The gruesome creature was much slower and staggered sluggishly in the distance, stumbling as he sank into the muddy grass. James slipped, sliding back down the hill. Rhiannon dug her bare heels into the soft ground and grabbed his hand as he passed by her. Terrified, the two frantically clutched the thick grass, trying to pull themselves up the hillside. The deep-rooted grass worked as anchors and the twins grasped it faster as mud covered their hands and arms.

  Deep yells raced up the hillside as the two men reached the bottom of the slippery slope. The rain poured down even harder, making it almost impossi
ble for the men to climb as water flowed down the side of the grassy incline. Both slipped as a rushing waterfall surged along the side of the hill, bringing thick, muddy water and uprooted grass down onto them. Deep echoing growls rang out as the creature met the men at the base of the hill. The three of them peered up at the children who stood at the top. Covered in mud and grass, the two drenched children laughed, glancing down at the three angry individuals. Their laughs were drowned out behind the clattering of the rain and the occasional roar of thunder. The sight of two children laughing sent rage through the men and creature. The two men pulled daggers out from under their shirts and thrusted them into the ground. The large, monstrous creature forced his hands into tight fists and started punching large handholds into the ground as he climbed upward.

  Rhiannon stopped laughing and nudged James. “They’re coming!”

  The bright light of the fiery tree gleamed behind her. A thick, gray smoke emitted from the blackened tree. Rhiannon grabbed James’s arm and headed toward the intense heat as the rain added steam to the fiery, smoke-covered hilltop.

  Entering the haze, she coughed. “Maybe they won’t see us in here.”

  James and Rhiannon’s eyes burned from the heavy smoke as they gasped for air.

  The rain slowed to a drizzle before stopping, the wind died down, and the flames dwindled. The clouds vanished, the moon lighting up the area around them. Stars twinkled as the smoke faded and the storm cleared.

  “What just happened?” James coughed.

  Rhiannon gazed at the smoldering tree, taking in a breath of fresh air. “I . . . I have no clue.”

  The twin’s curiosity was interrupted as footsteps sloshed closer. The men and the creature were closing in on them. Taking hold of Rhiannon’s hand, James planted his feet firmly into the ground and closed his eyes, Rhiannon mimicking his actions.

  “Leave us alone!” they screamed.

  A rippling shockwave soared from the twins and the earth shook around them. A tidal wave of wind burst outwards, throwing the three approaching individuals back. They crashed to the ground and collided into each other. Shocked, the twins stood frozen in place.

  They quickly turned as a familiar voice yelled unrecognizable words in the distance. It was their mother. Karramis stumbled, racing away from the manor, holding her arm against her lower rib cage underneath her hunched over body.

  “James! Rhiannon!” Their mother raced closer. “Run!”

  The twins peered back at the individuals. The two men were already on their feet, heading their way, while the creature struggled against its weight as it lay on its back.

  James and Rhiannon stepped back down the hill, but they slipped. Glancing at each other, the twins did not stand up, but instead they dug their heels into the ground and pulled their legs inward while pushing with their hands. The journey downhill was much easier than the one uphill. The men followed just a few yards behind them, both slipping as well. Rushing to their feet, they immediately slipped again. The children moved closer to their mother, waiting at the base of the hill. Afraid the men would catch up to them, she threw up an arm and opened her hand, but nothing happened.

  The pale, blond man caught up to the children and stretched out an arm, grabbing hold of James’s shirt and pulling him back.

  With her hand still open, Karramis called out, “No!”

  James turned and an invisible force flew from his body, tossing both men behind him into the air and back up the hill. One landed face down while the other crashed into the burnt tree. Karramis fell to her knees in shock as her children hurried to her side.

  James held her arm and lifted with all his strength. “Mom! Are you okay?”

  “I’m—I’m fine.”

  “Mom, what’s going on?” Rhiannon cried.

  “There’s no time. You need to go. I need to get you out of here.”

  “Go where?” the twins asked.

  “Home. I need to get you somewhere safe.”

  She pulled the children in front of her and nudged them back toward the manor, stopping at the waist-high stone wall lining the yard.

  “Lucas is coming,” she said breathlessly, “so, I’ll just do it here.”

  James narrowed his eyes as he came to a stop. “Do what?”

  “Lucas?” Rhiannon added.

  Karramis leaned over, shifting her eyes back and forth between the twins. “When you get there, look for your dad. He’ll know what to do.”

  “Our dad?” the twins repeated in a slow, surprised exhale.

  A voice yelled from the other side of the manor. “Karramis!”

  She jumped but ignored the urge to turn. Still holding her side with one hand, Karramis pulled a necklace from under the collar of her blood and mud-covered soaked nightgown. The necklace had a single stone in the center and even smaller stones lining it. Karramis faced away from the children and removed her bloody hand from her side and grasped the jeweled necklace.

  Closing her eyes, she whispered in a hurried tone,

  My blood, my power,

  remove all magic in this hour

  Release from my body and mind,

  place within this necklace and bind

  All powers hold within the stones so tight,

  and break free on a waning night

  All will fade and I will fall,

  but let my heart beat with a stall

  With magic gone they now will roam,

  guide them through to send them home

  Karramis removed the necklace from around her neck and placed the chain around her fingers.

  Breathing heavily, James asked, “Mom, what’s go––”

  Karramis placed a finger over her mouth and leaned in, wrapping her arms around her children.

  Squeezing them tight, she trembled. “I love you both . . . so much.”

  She pulled from the hug, water filling her bloodshot eyes as her drenched hair pressed against the side of her head. She turned sideways and raised her hands out in front of her, extending her fingers outwards as the necklace hung from them. Her hands trembled as her eyes focused on the empty space in front of her.

  Lucas, noticeably injured as well, stumbled closer. The others reached the base of the hillside and ran toward them. James and Rhiannon ignored the imminent danger approaching and stepped backwards as a gentle breeze blew, followed by a white mist circling in front of them. The twins stared wide-eyed and their mouths hung open as a portal swirled a few feet away.

  “Go!” Karramis said to her children as the others closed in.

  James and Rhiannon jumped, frightened by their mother’s harsh tone and the mysterious vortex in front of them.

  Their mother added softly, “I know you’re scared, but please just walk through it.”

  The twins stepped in front of it, but then they stopped.

  “Aren’t you coming?” James asked.

  “I—I’ll be right behind you.” Karramis smiled, her lips trembling as she cried. “I love you. Now go!”

  The twins stepped into the portal and disappeared.

  “Karramis!” Lucas yelled again. “No!”

  Tilting her head with her arms still extended out, she flashed a side grin over at Lucas and crashed to her knees. Removing the necklace wrapped around her fingers, she tossed it into the opening, both hands falling to her sides and her eyes closing. The portal grew smaller and vanished.

  Shuffling to a stop, Lucas stood next to her as she toppled over. He reached out his arms and caught her, lowering down and sitting on the grass. Cradling her limp body, he stared down at her, brushing the strands of hair from her face. Lucas pulled her closer into his body as Karramis took one final breath.

  Chapter 17

  Return to Kiluemar

  The twins, along with the three adults, stepped from the portal on the opposite side, the water-like matter swirling as it shrunk and disappeared behind them. The sun was high overhead, and the heat warmed the twins�
� numb bodies. The air was filled with the deep aroma of balsam, juniper, and a subtle hint of salt water. The landscape was painted in shades of sage and olive green, stretching out and meeting the line of dense trees on both sides of them.

  “Where are we?” Rhiannon asked, squinting as she canvassed the unfamiliar meadow.

  “Kiluemar,” James answered, “I think.”

  “I realize that—I mean, where are we geographically? And why is the sun up already?”

  “Oh. I guess you didn’t get the quick rundown of this place.” Rhiannon shook her head. “The realm is located on an island in the north Atlantic. We’re in a different time zone.”

  “Right. Okay, so . . .”

  Her mouth hung open and stretched into a wide grin.

  Rhiannon flung herself into her brother, wrapping her arms around him. “I remember!” She laughed, pulling away. “I remember everything. I’ve been here before—I mean, with you—together—not just in the astral projection.”

  James straightened up. “Yeah! Me too!”

  The others did not stop with the twins and strolled away, but James’s voice flew across the field and they all halted, turning and heading back over to them.

  “I remember everything,” James added excitedly. “I remember how I’m older than you.”

  “By only two minutes.”

  “Well, I’m still older,” he teased. “I remember how you always hated cooked carrots—”

  Rhiannon scrunched her nose. “Ugh, I still do.”

  “I remember how Mom used to read to us every night before bed—”

  “And how she would sing when she was in the kitchen,” Rhiannon added. “I also remember my fear of heights. Oh! And the crazy and dangerous ideas you always came up with. Especially the ones that usually almost got me killed.”


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