The Bear Naked Truth

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The Bear Naked Truth Page 8

by Stormy Glenn

  "Do you have a file on Jason?" Harvey asked. "If this goes before the council, having evidence to back up our claims will help."

  "I do, but I'll need Alpha Ker—" Sheriff Riley flushed as he glanced at Rob. "I guess I'll need your permission before releasing it."

  Rob smiled. "You'll get used to it."

  Harvey sure hoped his brother was right. Most new alphas didn't allow the old inner circle or alpha family to remain in the clan once they won a challenge. It had the potential to create ill feelings when clan members listened to the old alpha rather than the new alpha.

  "There is one more thing you need to know about Jason," the sheriff said. "His men carry guns. They don't spend a lot of time in their shifted forms. They tend to fight their battles with human weapons."

  Harvey growled. He knew what a bullet could do to the human body. He also knew what it could do to a shifter. And, while shifters tended to heal easier, they still bled the same, a bullet still hurt the same, and they could still die from a gunshot wound.

  "Are there any families in King's clan?" Ron asked. "Because it sounds to me as if he's just running a gang, not a clan."

  "There were a few women in the clan the last time I was there, but they are just as bad as the males, if not worse. Women have an innate viciousness men could never conceive of."

  Harvey couldn't fault the sheriff's logic. He'd run into some female terrorists during his time in the service that put the men to shame. Men tended to fight for stupid causes like love or money. Women fought for a cause they believed in deep down in their souls.

  Made him really glad he was gay and mated to a man.

  The ride to Alpha King's territory took longer than Harvey would have liked. He worried about what the man might be doing to Jasper. He'd only known Jasper a little while, but from what he'd seen, he was a lot like Casey. Young, innocent, and submissive. In the hands of Alpha King and his gang of goons, he could be destroyed.

  Harvey shuddered to think of what the man could do if he got his hands on Casey. "Babe? Everything still okay?"

  "Yeah," Dwayne replied. "Everything is quiet here."

  "Keep your eyes and ears open. I don't trust King not to try and pull something."

  "I'll be careful, mate."

  Harvey smiled despite the severity of the situation. "I like being able to talk to you like this."

  "Better than a cell phone."

  "Yeah, well, when I reach out and touch someone, I'd prefer that we be in the same room."

  Harvey was surprised when Dwayne's chuckle came through their bond. He could even feel the man's amusement. That was an unexpected development. "Can you feel me?"


  "I'm serious, Dwayne. I could feel your amusement."


  "Yes, really." Harvey rolled his eyes even though Dwayne couldn't see it. "So, can you feel what I'm feeling?"

  "I'm not sure."

  "Concentrate, Dwayne. This is important."

  "Well, I can tell you're aggravated."


  "I don't know what you want me to tell you here, Harvey. You're aggravated and anxious, scared, but you're also amped up for the fight. I don't know if I'm getting that from your feelings or because I know that's how I'd feel in your position."

  "Okay, fair enough." Harvey's sigh was resigned. "We'll try again later when we're both not so on edge. I think that connection is important." He just had no idea why. He was actually a little scared to find out.

  "I'll keep trying, Harvey. If something sticks out to me, I'll let you know."

  "Don't try so hard that you forget to keep watch on everything around you." Harvey would be devastated if something happened to Dwayne because of something he'd said.

  "I won't."

  "Just be careful, love."

  "Love." Dwayne chuckled, and a shot of warmth came through their bond. "I think I like that."

  Harvey smiled, but didn't say anything more. What he had to say needed to be said in person. He watched out the window until they turned off the main road onto a driveway that led up to a mansion that was a bit smaller than what he'd been expecting after listening to the sheriff talk.

  "Do you think we're expected?" he snarked when he saw the armed guards standing on the front steps.

  "Remember to hold on to your temper." Rob had a weird sort of grin on his face when he glanced back at Harvey. "Until it's time to not hold on to your temper."

  Message received loud and clear.

  Harvey almost laughed at the wary looks he received as he climbed out of the car. He kept his mouth closed and tried to look as intimidating as possible. It wasn't easy considering he was a couple of inches shorter than his baby brother, but he still stood taller than anyone standing there.

  "We need to see Alpha King," the sheriff said.

  "Is this a police matter, Sheriff?" one of the men asked as he glanced toward Rob and Harvey. "Or a clan matter?"

  "Both, actually," the sheriff replied. "There's been a report of a kidnapping. Your men were seen leaving the area at the time."

  "It wasn't us."

  Harvey almost snorted.

  The sheriff placed one hand on the butt of the gun in the holster on his hip. "I need to speak to Alpha King."

  "I'm afraid Alpha King isn't available at the moment," the guy replied.

  The smirk on his face sent Harvey's senses into overdrive. What did this guy know that they didn't, and why in the hell was he so smug about it?

  "Dwayne," he sent out through their bond, "is everything okay?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "We're here, and I don't like the look on this jackass's face. He's too damn smug."

  "Give me a minute to look around."

  Harvey's chest tightened as he waited. He couldn't shake the feeling that they were missing something. Like he'd told Dwayne, this guy was way too smug.

  "Nothing seems out of place, Harvey," Dwayne finally replied, "but I'll be extra cautious."

  Harvey really appreciated that Dwayne understood how worried he was. "Let me know if your situation changes."

  "You, too."

  "I will." Harvey turned his attention back to the men on the steps. The main guy still had a smirk on his face, but there was something else. Harvey narrowed his eyes and started watching his every move, his every breath.

  When the man's eyes darted to the left, Harvey knew he'd been right to watch him. He stepped partially behind Rob then glanced toward the left. He peered into the darkness, but didn't see anything except trees and shadows.

  When a scream ripped through the night air, Harvey took off running. He didn't know who was screaming, but he doubted it was good. He paused when he reached the tree line, trying to get his bearings.

  He lifted his nose into the air and drew in a deep breath. The strong metallic scent of blood flooded his nostrils. He started following the scent, moving faster and faster. He could hear footsteps behind him and knew the others were following him, but his main goal was to find out where that blood was coming from.

  The sound of harsh whispers cut through the thick forest. It was coming from the same direction the scent of blood was coming from. Harvey knew that couldn't be good.

  He ran faster.

  "It hurts," someone cried out. The voice was laced with pure agony.

  "Quiet!" someone else whispered. "They'll hear you."

  That told Harvey everything and nothing all at the same time. When he broke through the thick underbrush, the last thing he expected to see was Jasper trying to free another man from a bear trap.

  "Jasper." Harvey rushed over and dropped to a crouch next to the two men. "What happened here?"

  He asked the question simply to give them something else to concentrate on. It was clear what happened. The young man had stepped in a bear trap. Harvey knew it was painful without even looking at the tears streaming down his pale face.

  "Just hold still." Harvey stood. He placed one foot on the edge of the trap to keep it in pl
ace then reached down with his hands. Before he could grab both edges, Jeb was there, reaching for one side. "On three."

  Jeb nodded.

  "One, two, three." Harvey pushed with all of his might, pressing the teeth of the trap down and away from the young man's ankle. "Pull him out, Jasper."

  Harvey grit his teeth and growled as he waited for the man's ankle to be pulled free. Once it was, he glanced at Jeb. "Ready?"

  "One, two, three."

  Harvey jumped back, barely escaping the metal teeth as they snapped back together. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Jeb had escaped, as well. Unfortunately, they were all still in danger.

  "Can you shift?"

  "No." The guy almost cried when he said that. "They gave me something that keeps me from shifting."

  "What?" Harvey snapped. He slowly panned to look at Jeb when the man growled. Jeb shrugged. Harvey frowned then looked back down at the injured man. "Have you transitioned yet?"

  "Yes, a little over a month ago."

  Okay, that meant the guy could shift. That was a good thing. It meant there would probably be no lasting damage to his ankle.

  "I'm going to wrap your ankle for now. We'll talk to Alpha Kersey when we get back home and see if he knows what they might have given you. How's that sound?"

  The nod was instant.

  "What's your name? Mine's Harvey."

  "Erik Thomas."

  Harvey ripped off the bottom of his shirt and started tying it around the young man's ankle. "I know this hurts, Erik," he said when Erik whimpered, "but it's got to be done. We have to stop the bleeding."

  Erik nodded rapidly, his lips pressed so tightly together, they were white.

  Once Erik was all wrapped up, Harvey went to lift him. Jeb growled and pushed him out of the way, picking Erik up. Harvey lifted an eyebrow.

  "I've got him," Jeb said.

  "Okay." Harvey had no idea what that was about, and he didn't have time to question it. He had more pressing matters to deal with. "Jasper," he said as he turned to look at him. "Did your brother kidnap you?"

  "He sent some of his guys for me," Jasper said. "I didn't want to go, but they made me."

  "Did your brother tell you why he kidnapped you?"

  Tears sprang to Jasper's eyes as he nodded. "He knows I'm an omega. He was going to sell me to the highest bidder."

  Rage churned in Harvey's gut. "He was going to sell you?"

  "That's what he does," Erik whispers. "He kidnaps and sells people, and he doesn't care if they are shifters or humans as long as he can make money off of them."

  Harvey clenched his hands. "Where is he now?"

  "I heard him tell one of his men that he had one more package to pick up before the next auction," Erik said. "The auction is tomorrow."

  "How do you know all this?" Harvey knew he sounded suspicious, but he was. He'd never met this guy before, and he seemed to know just a little too much about what was going on.

  A tear slipped down Erik's cheek. "I was to be auctioned off."

  Well, hell.

  Chapter Ten

  Dwayne parted the curtain and peeked out into the darkness. He knew his nerves were strung tight because he was so anxious, but he couldn't help feeling as if the very air around him was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.


  Dwayne glanced over his shoulder to Casey then shook his head. "No, nothing, but…"

  "Your nerves are strung tight."

  Dwayne sighed. "Yeah."

  "I spent a lot of years running from Raymond. I learned to have a sixth sense about danger. I also learned to listen to my gut when it was telling me something was wrong. You should listen to yours."

  "I don't want to overreact just because I'm anxious about Harvey."

  "Overreact, dude, please." Casey's eyes widened comically. "It might save our lives."

  Dwayne chuckled.

  "Have you heard anything from the others?"

  "Harvey talked to me a little while ago. He wanted me to make sure to keep an eye out. He said something was up and he had a bad feeling." That was the condensed version anyway.

  "You can really talk to him in your head?"

  "Yeah." Dwayne smiled. "It's weird, but kind of neat."

  "And you had to…" Casey gulped. "You know."

  "I know your situation might be a little different because you're an omega, but things are pretty equal between me and Harvey. Of course, if that's something you've thought about, you should tell Rob. There shouldn't be secrets between you."

  "Yeah, but…" Casey's eyes rounded again, only this time, it wasn't comical. It was more abject fear. "What's that?"

  "What?" Dwayne turned to look out the window again. This time, when he looked into the darkness, he saw movement. "Get Albert and Mary. Let them know we have trouble."

  "What is it?" Casey asked as he moved closer to the window.

  Dwayne shot his arm out to stop him then swept him to one side. "Stay away from the windows, Casey. I'd prefer if no one knew you were here."

  Casey frowned. "People already know I'm here."

  "A few people know you're here. Albert hasn't announced the new regime change to the entire clan yet. For all they know, we're just visitors. With any luck, they'll all stay in their homes until this is over."

  Casey's brow puckered as his frown deepened. "I'm not sure I understand your reasoning, but I'm an expert at having my ass handed to me. If you have a better way to do this, I'm all ears."

  Dwayne couldn't help but chuckle. "Just stay away from the windows, do whatever I tell you to do, and if I say run, you run. Don't look back. Just run. I'll find you."

  Casey instantly paled. "Okay," he said in a really small voice. "I wish Rob was here."

  "Why don't you call him while I look around?"

  Casey's tone was pitched a whole hell of a lot higher this time. "You're leaving me?"

  "No, I'm going to make sure all the doors and windows are locked."


  "Call Rob." He knew it would make Casey feel better to hear Rob's voice. He kind of felt the same way. "Harvey?" he called out through their bond. "I think we might have trouble here."

  "What kind of trouble?"

  "I'm not sure yet." He checked the windows in the living room before moving on to the kitchen. "It could be nothing, but there seems to be some activity outside the house. I'm going around checking the doors and windows right now. I want to make sure those inside the house are safe before I venture outside."

  "Stay in the house, Dwayne. Board it up if you have to. This thing is bigger than we thought, and if who I think is there is really there, he's coming for Casey."

  "He who?" he asked, but he suspected he already knew.

  "It seems Jason has gotten into the slavery business. He's kidnapping people and selling them to the highest bidders. That's how he's been maintaining his lavish lifestyle."

  "Holy fuck!"

  "I don't think his parents know, Dwayne, so I'll leave it up to your discretion whether to tell them or not."

  Dwayne rolled his eyes. "Gee, thanks."

  "Let Albert and Mary know we're on our way back with Jasper and another young man Jason had kidnapped. We should be there soon."

  "Be safe."

  "Yeah, you, too." After checking the kitchen and pantry, Dwayne made his way through the rest of the first floor, checking to make sure everything was locked up tight. By the time he got back to the living room, Albert and Mary were there along with Billy Ray.

  He sent Mary a small smile when he saw the worry marring her face. "I've heard from Harvey. They are on their way back with Jasper."

  "He's okay?" Mary asked as she clasped her hands together and held them against her chest.

  "He's fine," Dwayne replied then grimaced, knowing he needed to at least tell Albert what was going on. "Mary, can you take Billy Ray and go upstairs and make sure all the windows up there are locked up tight? We need to make sure there is no way for anyo
ne to get into the house until the others get back."

  "Is someone going to try and get into the house?" she asked.

  "I hope not, but I don't want to take any chances." Dwayne waited until Mary and Billy Ray left the room before turning back to Albert. "Sir—"

  "Just tell me, please. Is it Jasper?"

  "No, sir. As far as I know, Jasper is fine and on his way back here."

  "Then it's Jason."

  "Yes, sir."

  "What did he do?" Albert asked.

  "Harvey says he's been kidnapping and selling people. That's how he's making his money."

  "Sweet mother of mercy." Albert dropped his head back and stared up at the ceiling. "I never thought I'd say this about my own flesh and blood, but he should have been a stain on the sheets."

  "Yes, sir." Dwayne winced. "Sir?"

  Albert glanced at him again.

  "Harvey believes Jason is on his way here to take Casey. I can't let that happen, sir."

  "No, no, of course not." When Albert wiped his hand down his face, he looked older than his years, tired, and a bit resigned. "You do what you have to do to protect your alpha mate. That is your sacred duty. Your alpha expects it of you."

  Those words were a little more formal than Dwayne would have liked, but he understood them, and even agreed with them on some level. But he'd protect Casey simply because the man was his friend and the mate of his best friend.

  "Is there somewhere you, Mary, and Casey can hide?"

  "Regretfully, nowhere my son does not know of."

  "What about a room with no windows?" Dwayne asked.

  "There's a half bath under the stairs."

  "Maybe we can board it from the inside. It might give you the extra time you need until the others get back."

  Albert lifted an eyebrow. "Are you expecting to die, son?"

  "No, sir, but there are only two of us and I have no idea how many might be coming. As you said, my duty is to Casey, but it is also to you and your mate. If dying is what it takes to keep the three of you alive, then so be it."


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