In The Assassin's Arms (Daggers 0f Desire Book 1)

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In The Assassin's Arms (Daggers 0f Desire Book 1) Page 14

by Katherine Hastings

  Charlie came in from the pasture and laid down on the bed. “I’m tired,” she yawned, stretching out, her red hair sprawled in waves around her.

  John felt himself stirring below at the sight of her splayed out, as if she’d done it to cater to his every whim. “You should be. We made love and talked all night. That will take a lot out of a person.”

  “We’ve done that for three nights now. It’s taking its toll,” she said, but her smile gave away her true feelings.

  “Any regrets?” he asked.

  “Not a one.”


  “Any regrets from you?” she asked.

  “Only one.”

  She sat up on her elbows and furrowed her brow. “What?”

  “That I’m not in that bed with you right now.”

  He leapt on top of her. Charlie shrieked in false protest as he pinned her down. He couldn’t stand not touching her. He had to be with her, on her, in her. His lips melded with hers as he pulled her dress up around her waist. She let her knees fall open as he knelt between them.

  He looked down at the warm, pink skin she offered to him. He wanted to touch her, taste her. He wanted to know every part of her. John leaned down and kissed her between her legs. She moaned as he blew his warm breath across her damp skin, and, writhing under the pressure, pushed her hips up, begging him to taste her.

  He touched her heat with his tongue. She squealed as he worked it around the softest part of her. He slipped his fingers inside of her as he manipulated her with the tip of his tongue. He could feel her building as he quickened his pace. Charlie bucked against him, pulling his hair as he felt her release.

  He slid down his pants and lowered himself between her legs. She grasped at his skin as he pressed his manhood against her slick opening, practically begging for him to enter her. With a push, he was inside. He moved with slow and deliberate thrusts and slid his lips up to hers. John needed to taste her tongue and inhale her sweet breath. He melted with her as he moved inside, a tangling of two bodies and two souls. The pressure built to a level he couldn’t stand. His lips pressed hard against hers. He moaned in her mouth as he let himself go inside of her. With a groan, he collapsed and pulled her into his arms.

  She felt so soft against him. So vulnerable and small. It was hard to imagine this sweet creature in his arms could kill almost any grown man she came across... including him. He squeezed her and kissed her forehead.

  “You have good ideas,” she said with a sigh.

  “That I do. Starting with pursuing you until I finally wore you down.”

  “Yes, your best idea yet.” She snuggled in harder.

  “What made you change your mind?”

  “I couldn’t resist the pull any longer. You were right. I was scared. I decided not to let fear drive me anymore. Fear doesn’t control the rest of my life, so why let it control my relationships?”

  “I’m glad you changed your mind. You make me so happy.”

  Black smoke plumes crept over to the bed and with them, the smell of scorched meat. “The fish!” he shouted as he leapt to his feet. John raced to the fire and saw the filets charred and crumbled into little black piles.

  “I told you not to burn it!” she said with a laugh.

  “I was distracted!”

  “Excuses, excuses.”

  “Just crack the door, you tantalizing little minx. You seduced me. I’m blaming you.”

  Charlie laughed and hopped off the bed while John waved the smoke toward the open door.

  “You do know she can’t cook, right, mate?” a voice asked from outside.

  “Viktor!” She pulled her dress down and raced to the door, tossing her arms around his neck as he stepped inside. “Connor, you’re here!”

  John tried not to get jealous at the sight of her hugging him.

  “I burned the fish actually,” John corrected him.

  “That you did,” Viktor teased. He stepped back and tipped his head, looking Charlie up and down. A sly smile crept across his face as he turned to look at John. “Well done, mate! I knew you had it in you!”

  “Excuse me?” John asked.

  “She’s positively glowing! I’m proud of you, John. Thanks to you, Connor owes me twenty pence.”

  “Viktor. Watch it,” Charlie warned, but amusement still danced across her face. “John, ignore him. Please.”

  He nodded but he flashed a look to Viktor that wouldn’t be mistaken for anything less than a threat.

  “Connor! You owe me twenty pence!” Viktor shouted out the door.

  John nearly jumped across the room, but Charlie stepped to his side and placed her hand on his chest. “It’s fine, John. He’s just teasing you.”

  Taking a breath, he slipped a possessive arm around her waist. It felt good to do that. Especially, in front of Viktor.

  “You won?” Connor poked his head inside the cabin. His eyes lit up when he saw John standing with his arm around her. “Bloody hell. You did. Here you go.” He slipped the coins into Viktor’s open hand.

  “Could we focus, please?” Charlie pleaded.

  “Of course, love,” Viktor crooned.

  John felt the hair on his neck bristle.

  “John,” she soothed, rubbing his waist with her fingertips.

  “Come in, boys!” Viktor waved his arm and he made his way to the table. John and Charlie joined him, with Connor sitting on the opposite side. Five more men filed inside.

  “Pirates?” John asked, looking the motley crew up and down. They looked more likely to skin him alive than help him find proof of his uncle’s betrayal.

  “Only the best for you and Charlie!” Viktor boasted.

  “What’s the plan?” Connor got straight to business.

  “My uncle has an estate just a few hours ride from here,” John told them. “It has been his home for decades. His betrayal started seventeen years ago when he murdered Charlie’s father. He must have left some shred of evidence in all these years. We need to get in there and find it. We need to prove my innocence.”

  “Explain again why we care about that?” Viktor asked.

  “Because he’s been framed by the man who killed my father,” Charlie defended. “We will prove his innocence and then we will exact revenge on Thomas Douglas.”

  “If you insist,” Viktor continued. “I still think we should just rid the world of this Thomas Douglas tonight.”

  “It’s important. To me.” Her eyes begged him to understand.

  “If it’s for you...” he trailed off. “Where is this place?”

  “I’ll lead us there,” John said. “My uncle has taken up residence in my father’s estate since he has taken control, so his old estate should be empty. There will be guards, but I can’t imagine there will be many. We will sneak in while several others keep watch outside. We should try to avoid fighting unless we have no other option.”

  “Where the hell’s the fun in that?” Connor snorted.

  “These men do not know they are guarding a traitor. I want no more lives lost than necessary. Once my uncle is exposed, these men will serve me.”

  “And fight against us,” Connor grunted. “Bloody Order. You are nothing more than paid hands, doing the bidding of the rich and corrupt.”

  John shook his head. “When I take charge, we will work together, all of us, to right the wrongs that have been done.” John looked over to Charlie. She smiled and nodded at him with reassurance.

  “It’s about time you arseholes got on the right side of the fight.”

  “We all need to change our ways,” John warned. “That goes for the Liberta as well. There is progress that can be made on both sides... and we can do it together. But not until my name is cleared and my uncle pays for his crimes.”

  “Well, when do we leave?” Viktor smiled.

  “Now.” John stood up and pushed away from the table. “Gather your men. Let’s go find the evidence.”

  Charlie stepped to his side and squeezed his hand. “We’ll do
this. Together.”

  John leaned down and brushed her cheek. He kissed her soft lips and paused for a moment, just taking in the taste of her.

  “Atta boy!” Viktor cheered from the doorway.

  “Viktor!” they both scolded in unison.

  “All right, all right. I’ll give you two a moment.” He winked and disappeared with his men.

  “Maybe you should stay here. It could get dangerous.”

  Charlie’s eyes narrowed. “Just because you’ve taken me to bed doesn’t mean I’m any less capable than I was before, John. I fight. It’s what I do. It’s who I am. It will not change. Ever.”

  John threw his hands up in submission. “All right, all right. You’re right. Let’s go mount up.”

  She flashed one last glare before pulling her leather suit on and fastening her red cloak around her neck. She slid her daggers into the holsters on her thighs and her sword into the sheath around her waist. John slid back into his cloak as well, and secured his weapons. They pulled up their hoods and stepped out together.

  They tacked their horses in silence and mounted up. The crew’s horses danced behind them. The seven men awaited John’s command. “Let’s go!” he shouted, and he spun Duke around. They broke into a gallop and thundered across the fields toward his uncle’s estate.

  “I SEE FIVE GUARDS,” Connor said, squinting as their horses all stood side by side. He stared down at the estate below.

  “There are likely two more on the inside,” John added. “At least there used to be.”

  “So, seven of them, nine of us. Walk in the park.” Viktor smiled.

  “No bloodshed unless we have no choice,” John reminded him.

  “You really like this boring guy, Charlie?”

  “Viktor,” she growled.

  “All right, what’s the plan?” Viktor went on.

  “Two of your men will ride down the road and attract their attention. Just seeing you will force the guards to investigate. Do not engage. Just ride by like you’re on your way to market. While they are distracted, Charlie and I will sneak in through the east gate and up into the house. We’ll search for evidence and get back here when we have it.”

  “What about us?” Connor asked.

  “You will wait nearby for any signs of trouble. If you see guards running, or hear men shouting, get in and help us.”

  “I’ll try not to fall asleep,” Viktor said, rolling his eyes.

  “If you see anything unusual, come in and find us,” Charlie said.

  “Fine. We’ll be down there in the woods if you need anything. Getting our beauty sleep,” Connor scoffed.

  “Speak for yourself, Connor. Look at my face. I’m beautiful enough, aren’t I?” Viktor stroked his black mustache.

  Charlie chuckled. “Just wait patiently and come in if there are any signs of trouble.”

  “All right, love.”

  “Come on, John.” She tugged on his hand. They crawled behind the hill and slid out of sight. Viktor and his men went one way while John and Charlie went the other. They wound through the trees, keeping out of sight until they were just outside the east gate. Two guards stood motionless at each side of the stone pillars, their cold eyes staring fixedly into the distance.

  They waited. A guard’s voice from the west side of the estate finally broke the deafening silence.

  “Who goes there?” he shouted off toward the road. The two guards at the east gate turned toward the sound. A quick glance at one another and they departed their post and disappeared inside, moving toward the road.

  “Now!” John whispered, and they bolted from the shadows. They slipped over the wall and landed in unison in the bushes surrounding the house.

  John grabbed the bricks and scaled up the wall to the window on the second floor. Charlie moved with equal skill behind him. They slid through the window and crouched down while they looked around, listening for any sounds of movement. Nothing but silence met his ears. He put his finger to his lips and crept out of the bedroom to the railing above the parlor below. Two guards stood side by side at the door.

  He crept back to the room and whispered to Charlie, “Two guards downstairs as suspected. Just search quietly and they won’t hear us. My uncle’s office is in the next room. I’m going to look in there.”

  “I’ll search in here,” she responded. “What am I looking for?”

  John shook his head, “I wish I knew. Just look for anything that might prove what he did.”

  Charlie nodded. John slipped down the hall and picked the lock to his uncle’s office. He held his breath as the door creaked open. He paused, listening for movement downstairs. Nothing. He slipped inside and closed the door behind him.

  The huge painting of his uncle greeted him from the wall. John glared at the likeness, his dagger itching to slash it to shreds of destroyed canvas. But revenge fantasies would have to wait until later. He needed to search and do it quickly. Tearing open the desk and thumbing through papers and documents, he scanned everything, looking for any hint of guilt. Business ledgers and meeting notes were all he continued to find.

  He closed the last drawer and moved around the room. There must be a safe of sorts in here somewhere. He slipped his hand behind paintings and under chairs. He pulled on lanterns and waited for a hidden door to swing open. John felt defeated that yet another search yielded nothing. He hoped Charlie was having better luck in the bedroom.

  John heard feet thud on the wooden floor as someone dropped in through the window. He drew his sword and spun around, at the ready.

  “John! We’ve got problems!”

  “Viktor! What the hell are you doing up here?” John snapped.

  “There’s a small army surrounding the estate as we speak.”

  “An army? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “A big fellow just rode in with at least fifty men at his back. Tall, grey hair, an irritatingly square, chiseled jaw, not unlike yours.” He stopped to scratch his chin and stab a finger toward the wall. “Resembles the asshole in that garish portrait.”

  “My uncle,” John hissed. “He’s here?”

  “Yes, and he’s on his way in. You and Charlie need to go. Now.”

  John glanced at the door, only to hear thundering feet moving up the stairs. They were already in the building.

  I’m too late.

  “Where is she?” Viktor asked, the concern in his voice mirroring John’s own feelings.

  “In the room next door. We have to help her.” John rushed toward the door.

  He heard the clanking of swords as he whipped the office door open. Charlie stood on the railing swiping away blow after blow, sending one guard after another tumbling down the stairs.

  “Charlie!” John called out and leapt to her side. Viktor joined suit and the three of them sliced through the wall of bodies, one after another falling dead at their feet.

  “I’m allowed to kill them now, right?” Viktor smiled as he plunged his sword into another man.

  John spun his sword around, blocking a blow from landing on Viktor’s head. He slid his dagger into the assailant’s throat.

  “So that’s a yes!” Viktor exclaimed, and he continued working his way through the men. “Remind me to thank you for that!”

  “I won’t forget,” John said, flinging a man from the balcony. They stood over the pile of bodies, huffing in unison. “You can start by not calling my woman love.”

  “We need to get out of here. The window!” Charlie shouted as she rushed into the bedroom. John and Viktor followed her, leaving a trail of bloody and lifeless bodies in their wake. Viktor leapt first. Charlie hopped onto the stone ledge and glanced back at John, her red cloak blowing in the breeze.

  “Go, Charlie!” he shouted just as an arrow buzzed past his head, plunging into her stomach.

  “Charlie!” he shouted, and he leapt to catch her. She collapsed into his arms, her hands grasping at the arrow embedded deep in her body. With a pained shriek, she pulled it out and let
it drop to the floor. Blood bubbled out of the sizeable wound.

  “Hello, John.” His uncle’s superior voice sent a shiver down his spine. John looked over his shoulder to see Thomas standing in the door, his bow clutched tightly in his hand. “I see we’ve got a problem.” He slid his sword from its sheath.

  Rage radiated from John as he locked eyes with the man who had betrayed him. “I know it was you. You killed my father, you killed Henry. You’re not trying to protect me from the Order at all. It’s you who framed me and started this manhunt.”

  “When I got word you were coming here I knew you had figured it out. It’s nothing personal, John.”

  “I will kill you, Uncle Thomas.” John snarled, his blood boiling in his veins.

  “I implore you to try.” He raised his sword as if he hadn’t a care in the world. John’s heart plummeted to his feet. In that moment, he realized how cruel and calculating his uncle had become. Too bad he didn’t have even one second to mourn the loss.

  John wanted nothing more than to leap across the room and finish this once and for all. Driving his sword into his uncle’s flesh would give him no greater pleasure. Charlie’s coughing drew his gaze to her limp form. He looked down and gasped. Her fierce blue eyes were filled with fear as she clutched her stomach. Warm blood pooled at his feet. He needed to get her to safety. He lifted her into his arms and leapt to the window sill.

  “I’ll be coming for you,” John growled as he looked back at his uncle.

  “And I’ll be waiting,” he said, his face twisted into a sinister smile.

  John leapt from the second-story window and was on the run before his feet touched the ground.

  “John! Over here!” Viktor called to him from atop the stone fence surrounding the property. John scaled the wall, Charlie fading in and out of consciousness in his arms. He landed on Duke while Viktor held him steady on the other side.


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