The only problem was that quantum tunneling was a probabilistic mechanism and there was no way of knowing how long you would have to wait for such a transition although there was an average time.
Emmy got busy calculating with different premises to find that the earliest time from the appearance of the eight globe configuration to the transition from a false vacuum patch of spacetime into a baby universe coincided with the loss of New Eureka. But it was all probability so it could happen immediately, as was true in some cases, or never.
From New Eureka onward transitions would begin increasing to the average before falling off again. In other words more and more incidents of disappearance could be expected as the number climbed the shoulder of a Bell curve to its maximum value.
It would be important to get started on mitigating techniques as soon as possible. Those techniques included detecting and then healing the spacetime patches that were susceptible to tunneling. That would require reproducing her grandfather's entanglement detector and entanglement reservoir in quantity.
Emmy met the next day with the Centauri Two Council and with the Assembly Chairman attending remotely.
“So Ms. Gibbs this is excellent news,” said the Assembly Chairman. “Perhaps we can stop any further disappearances.”
“That is what I hope,” said Emmy. “But I should warn all of you that these incidents will occur more and more frequently as we go forward. So it is imperative we move with all due speed.”
“Understood Ms. Gibbs. If you will send your grandfather's designs and your instructions to the Assembly's Technical Department I assure you we will start immediately.”
“Very well.”
“Thank you for all your invaluable service to the Centauri citizens and indeed to all humans everywhere. Good day.”
Emmy put together an information packet as well as packing some models of her grandfather's devices and had all of it delivered by robotic courier to the Assembly's Technical Bureau in New Hope habitat. She then relaxed by contacting Jack through a wormhole link.
“Well I've turned it over to the government so we will see what they do.”
“That's all you could do honey.”
“How is the data capture going?”
“Not good. It's incredible. We're just scratching the surface and we're swamped. It's more than I thought or ever dreamed. I've sent Dag and Sigmund back there with the first load of datacubes which they will start analyzing. Unfortunately so far we've found nothing yet that would help us with the baby universes.”
“Dag's here?”
“He should be. He's probably at the university getting them started on the datacube analysis. You should see him in a day or two.”
“I hope so, I could use a friendly face. Anyway I'm sure if the answer is in there you will find it Jack.”
Jack looked in the camera and hesitated a moment.
“I miss you Emmy.”
Emmy never hesitated.
“I miss you too.”
“Can you come back to Earth now?”
“I'm afraid not. I have to start investigating how we can recover the baby universes in case you guys don't find anything. Also I'm afraid grandmother is not as well as she used to be. The stroke has taken a toll on her.”
“I understand honey, I love . . . '
The transmission cut out. Emmy tried to call the communications office to find out what happened. It was then that she noticed the darkness outside. The streetlamps had come on.
Chapter 30
Wormhole Physics 101, 9th Edition, by Dr. Elias Mach and Dr. Emmy Gibbs
Copyright 2650 C.E.- Appendix 10, Page 1002
Building a Calibrated Entanglement Detector
The entanglement detector is a Casimir effect device.
According to quantum field theory even a vacuum is filled with electromagnetic waves at many different wavelengths. The Casimir effect measures the existence of these waves between two extremely close parallel plates. As the plates in the device get closer together some electromagnetic waves are excluded from between them because the wavelengths of those waves no longer “fit.” To fit the wavelength must be equal to or a multiple of the distance between the plates.
Outside the device the electromagnetic waves are still the same at all wavelengths and these external waves will have a greater energy than the waves between the plates. The net result is a measurable force between the plates dependent on the distance between them.
What the entanglement detector shows is that when an object is transported or teleported through a wormhole the net effect is a weakening of the Casimir force. It is as if the electromagnetic waves external to the plates have been diminished. This effect is a direct consequence of the “atomizing” of spacetime. In effect spacetime is breaking down as a result of the loss of entanglement in the area of the wormhole mouth and can no longer support a surfeit of EM waves. An entanglement detector can be built as follows ...
“ALONE!” - The Centauri Journal, 6.15.2644.
“Gentlemen,” said Emmy at the emergency meeting of the Centauri Two Council. “We have been sequestered in a baby universe by quantum effects of the eight globe configuration that orbited the habitat months ago. However we have another problem. If in their roaming around the inside of our habitat any globes completed a closed path or if their paths crossed the paths of other globes sufficiently we are in danger of a breakup of the habitat through a similar effect but on a smaller scale.
“Since we have enough problems to worry about without adding the disappearance of sections of the habitat. We need to start immediately neutralizing those paths as soon as possible.”
“Okay Ms. Gibbs I agree,” said the Council Chairman. “We will start immediately using what detectors and entanglement reservoir equipment we have while also building more. But now I would like to ask you, do you have any ideas how we might be able to rejoin our space to the other universe?”
“That's parent universe,” corrected one of the council members.
“Yes, yes whatever. Ms. Gibbs?”
“Well I must say that I haven't worked out all the details but here are my thoughts in broad form.
“We know that these baby universes blow up almost like a soap bubble. So using the analogy. I think all of us have seen soap bubbles attach to each other and merge? Well I am thinking we will do something similar. We can use a wormhole generator to generate a mass large enough to cause a strong gravitational attraction between us and the parent universe. Hopefully by then we will be able to signal them and they can do the same thing. Once we touch the parent universe we should merge like two bubbles.”
“Excuse me,” said William Reich the Department head of Physics from Centauri University. “We all are aware of Ms. Gibbs excellent qualifications on the so-called production of baby universes. But I and my colleagues,” he indicated three other professors sitting behind him, “question Ms. Gibbs analogy. We believe that while it may be possible to do as Ms. Gibbs is saying it would mean the destruction of the habitat.”
“What do you mean?” said a council member.
“I mean when two structures like two universes merge the smaller of the two will undergo extreme accelerations. Let me show you using Ms. Gibbs analogy.”
The Professor cast his Emmie to the wallscreen and showed several iterations of bubbles merging. He narrated over the images.
“You will notice that with each merger between a smaller bubble and a larger the smaller bubble is greatly accelerated and deformed during the capture. We believe this will happen when our small universe merges with the much larger parent universe. For them it will be extremely small ripples in spacetime. For us it will be like an amusement park ride gone very, very wrong. Dare I say my colleagues and I would not expect the habitat or the habitat's citizens to survive.”
Professor Reich sat down obviously pleased with himself.
“Well if what you say is true Professor Reich then what do we do? It's obvious we can't survive too l
ong without a power source such as a star.”
“Council members we should use the wormhole generators at our disposal and their ability to generate exotic matter to inflate our universe. We have reason to believe that the increasing energy of an expanding universe will be expressed in matter creation which we can then use to keep our habitat supplied.”
The Council Chairman looked at Emmy.
“Ms. Gibbs would you care to comment?”
“Thank you. I would only say that Professor Reich is a very good physicist and it may work out as he says. I haven't seen his calculations. But if his theory about an expanding universe does not result in matter creation and there is no known reason to believe that it will. Then the only result is using up of our energy supplies sooner rather than later.
“But there is one comment I would like to make about the analogy I've used. It shouldn't be pushed too far. You see the soap bubble analogy is essentially a two dimensional coalescence in a three dimensional space. Whereas the merger of a baby universe and parent universe is a three dimensional merger in a four dimensional spacetime. The extra dimensions make a difference and according to my preliminary calculations dissipate a great deal of the energy of merger. So much so that it is like two high viscosity fluid drops merging rather than soap bubbles. There is no void as in a soap bubble for the merged entity to rebound as we saw in the Professor's videos. Therefore the merger is much less violent. However we will encounter gravity waves large enough to stretch and compress something as big as the habitat. But I believe it will survive such waves.”
Professor Reich was glowering at Emmy as she spoke. The other professors were looking like they would rather be elsewhere.
“Well Professor Reich I understand your concerns but I have to say that without Ms. Gibbs' expertise in these matters I doubt any of us would be here to debate the physics. So I think we will have to go along with her recommendation. Thank you for coming.”
The meeting broke up and Emmy saw Professor Reich give her one last glare as he left the chambers.
When the connection with Emmy broke Jack wasn't particularly worried. It was only later in the day when he was back in Eureka that he heard the news. Then he was worried. Worried to the point that he left and headed back to Centauri.
Upon arrival Jack went straight to the Assembly to get a meeting with Assembly Chairman Moor. He had to wait two hours before the Assembly Chairman could see him.
“Ah Dr. Jackson I did not realize you were back in system.”
“I came as soon as I heard the news about Centauri Two.”
“Yes of course. Very disturbing. We are doing all we can to rectify the situation. But it is difficult.”
“That's what I would like to discuss with you. You see there are things I think should be done while we wait for Emmy to initiate a annealing of the universes.”
“You mean you think that Ms. Gibbs has a way to rejoin her universe with ours?”
“I do. We had discussed it over the past couple of days. She was working on a theory to rejoin all the baby universes. However there are certain things we can do that will make it easier for her.”
“They are?”
“We need to set up a way to signal her just as they did in the case of Wolf 1016. When not signaling we need to setup a way to apply a strong gravitational field at the site where the disappearance took place. Ships with their wormhole generators can do this by using the Mach effect to create a strong gravitational point source where needed. This will attract the baby universe as I'm sure Emmy is preparing to do the same.”
“I see. Well Dr. Jackson I will take your suggestions up with the Assembly as soon as possible.”
“Yes we need to begin now to be ready.”
“Of course Dr. Jackson allow me to get back to you as soon as possible.”
After the meeting Jack felt there was something not quite right about Moor's attitude. He seemed to simply be indulging Jack without really listening. Jack was worried the Assembly would do nothing.
And he was right.
Amazingly Moor did not get back to him that day, the following day or even the day after that. So much for a quick response to an emergency. He couldn't imagine what kind of game Moor was playing but Jack would have to do something himself.
First there was the necessity of setting up the communications link. He needed a fusion ship with wormhole generator and a space based gravity wave detector.
The Jackson's were an old space-faring clan. A Jackson had originally led the way in the founding of human habitats in the Centauri System. That Jackson had established a company that eventually assisted Elias Mach in improving his wormhole generator and changing the nature of space travel. The wormhole generator had led other Jackson's into establishing space transport businesses. And one of those businesses was run by Jack's uncle Melvin.
“That's right uncle I need to borrow a wormhole ship and crew so I can signal the baby universe that I believe has swallowed the Centauri Two habitat.”
“And Ms. Gibbs?” said his uncle knowingly.
“Yes Ms. Gibbs.”
“She is a remarkable woman Jack.”
“I know.”
“Well I can't say I have wormhole ships just setting around but I think I can accommodate you in this case. I'll have the ship you need ready by tomorrow afternoon will that be sufficient?”
“That would be excellent uncle. I have some equipment to convince New Hope University to let me use.”
“I'm sure you will Jack.”
Jack used his contacts at New Hope University to get the necessary equipment and permissions. Particularly to use a space-based gravity wave detector which was already operating. Permission for Jack to use it for several hours a day was granted without other researchers complaining too much.
With that Jack was off. He was in his office the next day at the university busy getting the resources sent to the dock area and his uncle's ship when he heard a familiar voice.
“Dr. Jackson how are you?”
Jack turned to see Eric Jordan and another person. Eric had moved after Elias' death to be closer to New Hope University where he had transferred.
“Hi Eric I'm fine and you.”
“Fine. Dr. Jackson this is my friend from Titan, Ruthie Jem.”
“Hello,” said Jack.
“Pleased to meet you.”
“I wanted to talk to you before you left Dr. Jackson. I heard what you are attempting to do and I was wondering if I could help.”
“Well Eric I don't know. How about your studies here.”
“Dr. Jackson, Emmy Gibbs has given me opportunities that I never dreamed of. I owe her and I want to do something to help her. If you think I can be of any assistance at all I'm ready. I've already discussed it with my thesis adviser.”
“Okay Eric. Get your stuff together and meet me at dock area 4A. We want to be on our way to the point where the Centauri Two habitat disappeared by the end of day.”
“Great, I'll be there.”
After exchanging goodbyes Eric and Ruthie were on their way to Eric's apartment.
“You don't think it will be dangerous do you Eric?”
“Just to establish communications? No. The danger won't come until later when we try to reunite the baby universe with ours.”
“Yeah it will depend on how fast the two universes are moving when they merge. We will have to handle the collision between the two very carefully with a very low velocity. Otherwise its like a crash rather than a merger.”
Chapter 31
Sci-pedia - The Online Resource for Science - The Bulk
The bulk is the higher dimensional space in which our four dimensional spacetime is embedded. The concept of the bulk solves the so called hierarchy problem in physics. The hierarchy problem asks why do the known forces vary so greatly in strength? For instance, the weak force is a trillion trillion times stronger than gravity.
In theories where our spacetime, called
a brane (or membrane), is embedded in the bulk, the difference in strength between the fundamental forces can be explained by their different interactions with the brane. Electromagnetism, the nuclear strong force and the weak force are short ranged forces confined to the brane. But gravity is a long-ranged force and is weaker than the other forces because it is not confined to the brane (our universe) but “leaks” into the bulk. As far as is known it is the only such force that behaves this way.
Emmy was on the ship that would try to influence the drift of the baby universe in the bulk. It was not easy to know their position in relation to the bulk, how close they were to the parent universe. All they knew was how far they were from the habitat. Even if they were too close to the bulk it wouldn't be like running into a wall. Their path would simply curve to follow the closed curvature of their universe.
Emmy made a guess as to how far the ship should be from the habitat according to how long ago the separation had occurred and the amount of energy in their universe. She hoped it was accurate enough.
They would spend some time operating the wormhole generator and some time listening for gravity waves. The generator would cast but not completely cycle to create a wormhole mouth but would be held at the point where the created mass was just less than that necessary to open a wormhole mouth.
The ship cast as far as possible and held the mass level as constant as possible. The gravity at that point was intense. It reached out to warp the local spacetime requiring Emmy's ship, the Seven Centauri, to actively hold its position. Further the gravity reached out into the bulk and across where it weakly but noticeably caused a smaller warp in the parent universe.
Mach's Legacy Page 20