The Blood Witch Chronicles

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The Blood Witch Chronicles Page 21

by L. A. Stinnett

  “You’ve done well with your training. Your movement and technique look flawless.”

  “You can thank Master Shen for that. He worked me hard.”

  “It paid off,” she said, saluting him with her cup.

  “I’m just glad I can defend myself now. Wait...what’s that sound?”

  A low moaning sound filled the air. They peeked over the tree trunk to see Teek entwined with several other Green Folk. Vines and tendrils writhed around their bodies seeking deep crevices in each others bark. U’ka yelped and pulled herself deep inside the trees hollow, wrapping her cloak tightly around her, knowing what was coming next. She reached up to pull R.K. down, but he slapped her hand away.

  “Stop it. I want to see this. I’ve never seen them have sex before,” he said, tilting his head back and forth, trying to figure out what was what.

  Their moaning built to a crescendo. U’ka pulled her hood over her face. “You’re going to be sorry if you don’t get under here.”

  “Whoa . . . what is that thing?” R.K. said as screams of pleasure grew in intensity. A heavy cloud of red pollen exploded and rained down all around. R.K. slowly lowered himself, his face covered in a thick layer of powdery pollen. U’ka snorted, laughing uncontrollably.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so messed up in my life,” he said in a daze.

  U’ka fell over laughing again. “I tried to warn you,” she said, wiping tears from her eyes. “There’s a bucket of water near the fire if you want to try to wash yourself. The stuff’s sticky and hard to get off.”

  She laid out her bed roll while R.K. desperately tried to wash off the red pollen. She lay there for a while thinking of flora mating rituals before slipping into her own dreams of the Daemon orgy pits where she performed acts of carnal depravity for Queen Baht’ma pleasure. She drew her power from lust and sexual energy. The Queen writhed in ecstasy, absorbing their wanton energies into her being. U’ka smelled the deep, musky scent of the Daemons mounting her one after the other in a blur till Bahlmet’s face came into view, smiling above her.

  “Remember how much fun we used to have? We can have this all again so easily,” he said, licking the side of her face.

  U'ka pushed the images in her dream away and forced herself awake; her overheated skin covered in a thick sweat, heart beating fast. Letting out a heavy breath, she pressed her hand to her forehead, trying to collect herself. Bahlmet found a new form of manipulation to use on her. This she did not mind as much as the others. At first, the orgies were forced, but as time went on it was the only pleasure she was allowed and she indulged herself in the carnal delights, just as she had before being Daemon held. It was the only way she had to cope with the situation. Turning torture into pleasure kept her from going mad with despair. She wouldn’t allow Bahlmet to manipulate her with this tactic.

  'We'll see,’ he said, chuckling.


  U'ka raised the Healers Guild banner on the back of the caravan. Climbing onto Bud's saddle, they made their way onto the main road leading to the city. Not long into their journey, a light rain began to fall. She pulled up the hood on her cloak and wrapped it tightly around her, glad she’d infused it with a water resistance spell, so she stayed relatively dry. R.K. unfurled the awning above the caravans driver's seat to ward off the rain.

  Runt, with his tongue hanging out, happily splashed through puddles and ran through the tall wet grass by the side of the road.

  "Runt!" she yelled. "Disguise yourself. You can't enter the city as a Shadow Hound."

  Runt snorted and brought up his Arish Wulf Hound disguise, continuing to run happily through the rain. The trees and grasslands gave way to farmlands. Much of the land was burned by the Daemons armies after their unsuccessful attempt to breach the city walls. There were signs the farmers started replanting, but the crops were either dead or growing wild and unkempt. Why had they abruptly given up tending to their crops?

  R.K. brought the caravan up next to U'ka.

  "So tell me more about Mial and Myas. I haven't heard much about them, other than they're isolationists."

  "They were the only two tribes to survive a deadly plague in their homeland. They did not get along with each other, but they put their differences aside temporarily to sail here to find a new land where they could live in peace. Unfortunately, they were still plague carriers and sickened many of the other ancient peoples in Eleanthra. The Green Folk forced the Mial and Myas into this isolated area while the Healers worked on a cure to control the plague. They've kept to themselves ever since."

  "Are you sure they'll let us in, being isolationists and all?"

  "The Healers Guild banner should get us in. I have a feeling something's wrong in the city, so I think they're going to want my help."

  "If you think there's going to be a problem, why do we need to go there? Isn't there another way into the Sleeping Forest?"

  "No. Mial is the gateway to the forest. Besides, I'd like a night in a real bed and eat some real food again before facing this Daemon Lord."

  U’ka heard excited shouts as they got closer to the city walls. The massive portcullis creaked and groaned as it rose. Heavy doors swung inward as they approached the entrance to the city. The few guards at the gate looked at her with weary eyes. It was then U'ka knew something was terribly wrong in the city. R.K. looked around nervously; she knew he felt it too. A small group she assumed were city officials, came out to greet them.

  "Thank the gods. We’d just about given up hope," said an older man with long, stringy, unkempt salt and pepper hair.

  "I did not know the Healers Guild survived the war," said a middle-aged woman whose clothes were covered in blood, vomit and other bodily fluids.

  "This is the only caravan I know of that made it through."

  "This is it?!" exclaimed a younger man. "We've got thousands dying. Sorry, but this isn't going to help at all."

  The older man put a hand on his shoulder. "It will have to do. Please, we need your assistance."

  "What's going on here?" said U'ka.

  "The plague is active again,” said the old man.

  "What?!" exclaimed R.K. "I thought you said it was under control. I would have never agreed to come here during an active plague."

  U'ka motioned for him to shush. "There was no way for me to know the plague's active again. What happened?" she asked the old man.

  "There's a Warlord in the Sleeping Forest. He’s cut off our supply lines with Myas. We have not been able to make our serum to control the plague."

  "I want to leave NOW!" Exclaimed R.K.

  She heard the fear in his voice. "I have to try and help these people."

  "I'm out of here," R.K. said, grabbing his belongings and jumping down from the caravan to walk back towards the entry gate.

  "Wait! You can stay in the safe hall with the others unaffected by the plague," said the old man.

  R.K. glared back at them.

  "Please, R.K.," said U'ka. "I guarantee your safety."

  "You owe me big time," he said, pointing at her.

  The old man motioned to one of the guards. "Take him to the safe hall with the others."

  "Runt, go with R.K.," ordered U'ka.

  The hound let out a snort and followed after them. They disappeared around a corner; she turned back to the group.

  "Alright, I think introductions are in order. I am U'ka. I studied Healing at the Citadel. I'll do what I can for you."

  "I am Regent Ferra. This is Lady Luonne and Master Burse. We are all that's left of the city council I'm afraid."

  "Show me to the sick, so I know what medicines to prepare."

  She followed them through the streets to the city square. The gutters ran thick with dark, putrid water. The sour smell of sickness and infection tainted the air. What she saw in the square made her heart sink. Thousands of people lay on the ground, waiting for care. The dead were piled up in alleyways; no one available to bury them. Heavy coughing, crying and moaning came from th
e throng of the sick. People lay on cots or on the ground, their faces covered in oozing black pustules. U'ka turned to face the council members, completely overwhelmed.

  She raised her hand to her forehead in exasperation. "I had no idea it’d be this bad. I can't do this alone. Teek, bring Nallah and Calt here. I need more experienced healers. Have the Green Folk start gathering echina, manuka, coneflower. Call the Green Folk here. I need them to make medicines."

  "Are the Green Folk really necessary? We don't get along well with them," said Ferra.

  "Look, if you want your people to survive, you're going to have to put your xenophobia aside for now. I need all the help I can get."

  Ferra opened his mouth to object, but then closed it tightly before asking, "Is there anything else you require?"

  "How are your alcohol stores? I need as much as you have for cleaning the open sores."

  "What we have left is in the safe halls to keep everything clean there, so the infection does not spread. We can't spare any more."

  She turned back to Teek, "Have the Green Folk bring barrels of high proof alcohol from Forlorn, the Hilltop trading post and any other villages they know of than might have alcohol."

  Teek nodded and left to put the call out through the Green Ways. U'ka went to the caravan, pulling out vials of infection curatives and put them in a basket.

  "Leave the caravan here and put my animals in the stables," she said to Ferra.

  He nodded to a couple of guards who unhooked Daisy from her harness and led the animals away.

  "Have you kept the wells clean? No contamination?" said U'ka

  "Yes," said Lady Luonne.

  "Good. I'd still like the water boiled to be on the safe side. Please arrange that."

  Lady Luonne nodded and took Master Burse with her to get fires started under the massive copper cauldrons in the triage area.

  Completely overwhelmed, U'ka took a moment to gather her thoughts, looking up at the thick canvas tarps hung over the square keeping the sun and rain off of the infected. She heard her name being called and turned to see Calt and Nallah with their medicine bags slung over their shoulders, running down the street to the city square. The Magus from Lonely Hilltop followed with Master Shen, guiding him down the road. They both stopped in their tracks when they saw the full scope of the infected. U’ka went to give each one of them a hug.

  "It's good to see you all again. I'm sorry it's under these circumstances. Magus, Master Shen, what are you doing here?"

  "I came to help Nallah with the sick."

  "I couldn't leave Master Shen alone," said Calt.

  "What about Jae? Who's watching him?"

  "Ash. One of the other Green Jacks brought us here," said the Magus.

  "How are we supposed to deal with this?" whispered Calt.

  "I don't know, but we have to try," said U'ka, handing the basket of medicines to Calt.

  "Some of these people are too far gone. Even I won't be able to heal them," said Nallah.

  "I know. I'm going to triage them. I'll put an X on the chests of those too close to death, that way you can concentrate on the ones who might have a chance."

  "I'll go with you to give what comfort I can to the dying," said the Magus.

  They both touched U'ka on her shoulder before going to help the sick. One of the guards took Master Shen to the safe hall. U’ka pulled out her charcoal stylus, making her way through the rows and rows of the sick, leaving her mark on the hopeless. She hated that she marked far more people than not, but was glad the Magus was there to help console those who were close to death.

  The Green Folk entered the square carrying the plants and barrels of alcohol she asked for.

  "Lady Luonne, can you please show the Green Folk how to make the infection curatives?"

  "Yes, of course," she said, leading half the Green Folk to her workroom.

  The Green Jacks remained with the large barrels resting on their shoulders like they weighed nothing. They were the largest objects able to be transported through the Green Ways. She was glad they made it through.

  U'ka turned to the Magus. "Take all the soiled linens you see lying around and put them in the boiling cauldrons. When they’re clean, have the Green Folk dip them in alcohol and start cleaning out the sores of the sick. If we can get the infections under control, hopefully, we can slow down the illness."

  She continued to place her mark on those too far gone to help. The Magus worked with the Green Folk and gave comfort to the dying. Nallah and Calt moved among the sick cleaning wounds and providing supportive care. Nallah used her touch healing on those who were in the early stages of the disease. The ones who were mostly cured by her touch were moved to a building where they wouldn't get reinfected. The Green Folk emerged with the newly made infection curatives and attended to the sick as instructed. Lady Luonne approached U'ka looking very weary.

  "The curatives should be left to sit for a few days to reach maximum potency, but unfortunately, we can't wait that long."

  "It will have to be good enough," said U'ka, putting her hand on Luonne's shoulder to try and reassure her.

  "Thank you for bringing all this help. I thought we were truly doomed."

  "We still have a lot of work to do, but we're going to try and save as many as we can."

  "Indeed," said Luonne, taking her bowl of curative medicine and kneeling next to a young

  man to attend to his open, weeping sores.

  They worked into the early evening, making sure those with a chance were given the care they needed. She knew most of the people she marked with an X wouldn't make it through to morning.

  Slowly lanterns around the city were lit. Ferra came up to her with a grim look on his face. "You have done enough for today. Time to let the sick rest."

  U’ka signaled for everyone to follow them back to Luonne's workroom.

  "We need to clean up before we enter the safe hall. Please take off your clothes. I will arrange to have them cleansed and returned to you," instructed Luonne.

  They all took off their clothes and got cleaned up, rubbing themselves down with alcohol to kill the plague virus. Nallah sent her healing magic into every one to make sure they didn't become infected.

  Lady Luonne handed them clean clothes to change into. "I'll show you where the safe hall is so you can eat."

  "I'm going to check on my animals. I'll join you shortly," said U'ka.

  Heading outside, she saw the Green Folk leaving the city for the evening. She made her way through the silent and desolate city streets to the stables, where she found Bud with his head buried in a feed bin. U'ka gave him a loving pat on his neck. Daisy was in a large stall with a group of mules, resting his head contentedly on the back of a speckled, grey jenny.

  She leaned on the stall door with a smile on her face. "You make friends wherever you go, don't you, Daisy?"

  The mule exhaled heavily in response, not bothering to even open his eyes.

  "Enjoy it while you can, we'll be on the road again soon."

  U’ka made her way back through the dimly lit streets, past the eerily quiet taverns and Inns which should have been full of people enjoying the end of the workday, to the safe hall. She stopped at the entrance, cleaning herself again with alcohol before entering the dining hall, where everyone sat at a long table. She grabbed a roll and dipped it into a thick creamy stew.

  "I wish we could offer you more. Our stores are greatly depleted," said Ferra.

  "With what you are going through, this food is more than generous," said U'ka.

  "How did the plague get out of control like this?" said Calt.

  "The serum to control the plague is made from components in the blood of both the Mial and Myas people. A Warlord has taken up camp in the Sleeping Forest between our cities, stopping all shipments from getting through."

  "Wait. You mean to tell me Myas is in as bad a shape as here?" said Nallah, horrified.

  "Yes. I can only assume so," said Ferra.

  U'ka, Nallah an
d Calt looked at each other in dread and disbelief.

  U'ka laid her spoon down. "I'll talk to Teek about devising a plan to take out this Warlord."

  "What is a Healer going to do against a Warlord?" said Ferra.

  "You take care of your people, let me worry about the Warlord. We'll head out early tomorrow evening since time is of the essence for both Mial and Myas."

  "I cannot spare any men. What few guards I have left, I need here to keep the city safe," said Ferra.

  U'ka sighed. "I figured as much. Always my fate to go up against impossible odds."

  "Are you sure you can handle this alone?" said Nallah.

  "What choice do I have?" said U'ka. "I'll see Teek later and we'll figure things out."

  "I want to go with you," said R.K.

  "That's not a good idea. It's going to be very dangerous. You're the one he wants, remember?" said U'ka, suddenly not hungry anymore.

  "I'd rather take my chances with the Warlord than stay here with the plague," said R.K. "No offense, Regent Ferra."

  "None taken. If I had a choice, I'd leave too."

  Runt padded up to the table and let out a loud WOOOFFF!

  "Yes, I know I can count on you too, Runt," U’ka said, reaching down to give the hound a scratch behind his ear.

  "May I offer my assistance in this mission?" saidMaster Shen.

  "No, Master Shen. The journey will be too difficult for you," said Calt, touching his arm.

  "She’s right. We can handle this ourselves. You have taught R.K. well in the Art of the Bo."

  "My star student," Master Shen said with a chuckle.

  "I'd offer to help, but I'm no good in a fight, I'm afraid," said the Magus.

  Nallah took his hand. "I don't want anything to happen to you. Besides, you're needed here."

  U'ka smiled. She didn’t know they’d become intimate. "How is Jae doing, by the way?"

  "I was able to heal the darkness clouding his mind. Now we're dealing with his guilt from killing his parents."

  "Is this the Warlord's apprentice you are talking about?" said Ferra.

  "Yes. I confronted him several leagues from here. We met up with some soldiers from Treen who’d set out to defend Foggy Vale from the assassin. His men ambushed us. All of the soldiers from Treen were killed in the fight."


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