Mac (HC Heroes Series, #1)

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Mac (HC Heroes Series, #1) Page 4

by Donna Michaels

  And she vowed to never, ever, let a man control her again.

  Not even a little.

  As she sat in the kitchen at the apartment and ate a quiet lunch with Mac, her mind drifted to their kiss yesterday and the way he’d held her, sure and strong, and with a delicious purpose that had nearly stolen all the strength from her legs.

  Okay, so that kind of control she might be persuaded to allow.

  She studied him from under her lashes. The damn man was drop-freaking-dead-gorgeous in the three-piece suit cut to fit his impressive frame. Dex and Carter also wore tailored suits, but their handsomeness left her unmoved.

  No. Her stupid body had to pick the most overbearing, cold-shouldered of the trio to respond to.

  The furrow in his brow increased, and those talented lips of his were pressed into a tight line. Whatever he was studying on his laptop mustn’t be good, she mused, suddenly wishing she was witty and charming like Chloe. Then she could make the dour man smile.

  “Something wrong?” he asked, without looking at her.

  She snorted. The damn reaction cut loose before she could rein it in.

  He transferred his gaze to her, his trademark quirked brow reaching for the sky. But he didn’t repeat the question or ask a new one, just stared at her in charged silence.

  Never a fan of his reticence, she sat back in her chair and cocked her head. “So, the Nakamoris seem nice.”

  He shrugged.

  “Their daughters were adorable.” Having met the family briefly that morning, she guestimated the daughters to be around nine and ten. “Kind of remind me of Chloe and me at that age.” They’d been happy and carefree then, before their stepmother came into the picture a year later.

  He nodded and made some kind of non-committal sound in his throat.

  “Were you and your brothers ever animated like that?” she asked, having trouble picturing Mac excited at any age.

  He shook his head. “No.”

  She cocked her head. “If you’re going to be like this when it’s our turn to go upstairs, I’m going to have to put a gag on you, or they’ll never get any peace.”

  Amusement finally made an appearance in his dark eyes, followed by a glimmer of challenge as if he’d like to see her try.

  One thing Stefanie had discovered in her post-Craig days was her desire to tempt fate, take risks, live a little since being suppressed for so long.

  But messing with Mac wasn’t smart.

  He was a formidable, big league, driving a Harley Davidson the wrong way during rush hour on a freeway while blindfolded type of guy—a seasoned pro—and she was still racing down the sidewalk with her training wheels on.

  “Nice talk.” She snickered, standing up to gather her empty fast food containers and toss them in the trash.

  She walked back to the table and cleared his away, too. Not because he asked, or did anything to make her feel obligated, but because she chose to do it.


  It was nearly three years since she’d left Craig and she was still clarifying her reasons. Was she always going to be that way?

  God, she hoped not.

  “Thanks,” Mac said. “But you didn’t have to clean up after me.”

  “I know,” she said, then smiled, because it was true.

  In the twenty or so months she’d known Mac, Stefanie realized he wasn’t the type who liked to be doted on. He was a doer. A lead-by-example type person.

  Kind of like her.

  She’d just returned to the kitchen after freshening up when a text sounded on Mac’s phone.

  “Mrs. Nakamori wants to shop. Carter’s leaving with her now.” He shut his laptop, shoved an earwig in his ear while rising to his feet. “I need to cover upstairs. Let’s go.”

  Her pulse was already going at a fast pace...thanks to the sexy, agent persona thing he had going on.

  Why did he have to rock the look?

  She followed him out the door and into the public elevator, keeping her focus on the floor indicator above the door as they descended to the lobby to gain access to the penthouse elevator. Stefanie hugged the far corner, proud to note she was breathing nice and easy. Despite its large size, the elevator felt like a broom closet, due to Mac and his commanding presence. And his cologne? Or soap? Whatever he used smelled amazing and tickled her damn senses the whole ride down.

  She’d worry about the ride up—after she survived this one.

  By the time they reached the lobby, she had a good Mac buzz going on. Awareness spread through every cell in her body, pooling in some serious hot spots. When the doors finally freaking opened, she nearly ran into an octogenarian holding his poofy dog in her haste to get out.

  Thank God for Mac’s quick reflexes. He grabbed her upper arm and tugged her into him, giving the man and his Pomeranian a chance to step inside.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, her mind fogging over as Mac guided them out of the elevator and into the lobby. The shock of being pulled against his delicious, hard muscles, coupled with the distinct feel of a firearm digging into her side, stole her breath.

  Until that moment, she’d never thought about him and guns, which was stupid, considering she knew he was former Delta. Still, it hit home just now and caused two fierce, opposite reactions.

  A: It scared the hell out of her.

  If he shot a gun, it meant someone could shoot back at him. That was how her dad had died while deployed. Her stomach roiled at the thought of this strong, arrogant man meeting a similar end.

  B: The fact he had a gun in a shoulder holster strapped to his hot body turned her on big-time.

  She couldn’t stop the tremor that shook through her. He felt it. She knew, because he stiffened against her.


  Happy to have space to move now, she stepped away from his body, and he immediately released her. “Thanks for keeping me from smacking into that man,” she told him a little late.

  He nodded while leading the way to the private elevator, his expression impassive and jaw tight. That clenched jaw told her she wasn’t the only one coming down from a buzz. That knowledge made her heart skip a beat again. Not good. She used the time to draw in some steady breaths and center herself before round two began.

  When they reached the elevator, Mac nodded to the man standing in front of the doors and addressed him in Japanese. He received a curt nod in return and the guy moved aside and hit the button to open the doors.

  She remained quiet and followed Mac inside. But once the doors shut, Stefanie leaned against the side wall and decided to talk, instead of enduring another silent ride with all this awareness zinging between them. “So, what exactly are your duties today? Mr. Nakamori seems to have brought his own security detail with him.”

  He turned to face her but remained standing without the need of a wall to hold him up. Apparently, his heart rate wasn’t accelerating faster than the damn elevator. “He does, so we’re more chauffeur and gofer.”

  That made sense. She knew Dex had driven their client to McCall Enterprises shortly after Mr. Nakamori, his family, and his entourage had arrived. And now Carter was chauffeuring the wife.

  “So, one of you just kind of waits in the wings in case they need you to drive them somewhere, or you to make a chip run?”

  His lips twitched. “Something like that.”

  Amusement looked good on him. She liked the way his eyes warmed and the hard lines on his face softened to...human.

  The elevator halted, and so did his warmth. All traces of it disappeared as his impassive expression returned just before doors opened.

  Business as usual.

  They entered the foyer to find two men standing silently against the wall. Mac spoke to them in Japanese. Afterward, their gazes returned to stare straight ahead.

  Was that what they were supposed to do, too?

  Mac walked to the archway that opened into the living room and glanced around. Having no idea if she was expected to follow him, Stefanie remained in place, unt
il he crooked a finger and motioned for her to join him.

  “We’ll stand here and keep an eye on the girls,” he said, motioning with his head to the two cuties kneeling in front of the oversize coffee table, drawing.

  She nodded, and deciding it was safest to position herself across from him, she started her vigil on the opposite side of the archway. The elevator had taught her that distance was her friend where that man was concerned.

  After nearly an hour of staring at him, though, she started to question her decision. Perhaps standing next to him would be better. At least she wouldn’t have to look at him. Or notice the way he stood in an Army at-ease stance, with his feet apart and arms behind his back, which emphasized the width of his shoulders and breadth of his chest.

  She really didn’t need to notice those things and tried to find somewhere other than her sister’s hot brother-in-law to focus her gaze. If she peered straight ahead, her line of sight fell on his closed mouth and strong jaw, resurrecting memories of the delicious brush of his light beard on her face while his mouth had devoured hers a mere twenty-four hours this penthouse.

  Needing to dispel that memory, she lifted her gaze and met his dark, heated, and slightly agitated one.

  Too bad. Where else was she supposed to look? At the girls? She didn’t think that was appropriate, especially with the family’s guards only a few feet away.

  The ding of the elevator saved her from her muddled thoughts. Mac stood at attention now, his arms down by his sides, feet together, his gaze alert and face more relaxed for some reason.

  “Ah, Mr. McCall,” Mr. Nakamori greeted in English as he stepped into the penthouse with two of his men and Dex in tow. As he approached Mac, the conversation switched back to Japanese.

  Stefanie knew enough of the language from her college roommate days to pick up a word or two. He wanted to talk to Mac in private.

  The man nodded at her, and she nodded back, before he walked into the penthouse and his daughters immediately ran to him. A pang of loss Stefanie hadn’t felt in a while tightened her chest.

  “Dex, you can go back to the apartment and rest before your next shift,” Mac said, regaining her attention. “Carter’s on wife detail. He’ll join you later.”

  “Roger that,” Dex replied, before getting back in the elevator.

  Mac turned to her. “Mr. Nakamori wants to talk business.”

  She smiled. “That’s wonderful.” She knew he was hoping to secure future jobs from the man.

  “I’m not sure how long I’ll be,” he said. “Stay here. Do not leave the foyer.”

  She nodded, happy to have a break from staring at his suited hotness. It was just too disconcerting how her whole body was always on alert around him. She’d barely gotten back her control and hated how easily she lost it whenever he was near.

  Ten minutes after Mac had disappeared down a hall with Mr. Nakamori, one of the girls started to cry. Heart hitting her ribs, she glanced at them to make sure they weren’t hurt, but she couldn’t tell from this distance.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. “What’s wrong?” But she was fairly certain they didn’t understand English, and her mind raced to remember some useful Japanese words stored in her brain.

  One of the guards left his post to stop near her and peek into the living room. After a quick perusal, he apparently decided no one was dying, so he returned to guard duty.

  Listening to the little girl cry brought back dark memories from her childhood. No one had comforted her, either. The desolation and loneliness from that time washed over Stefanie, and a heaviness crushed her shoulders. She wished she knew what Mac would want her to do.

  The sister who wasn’t crying and couldn’t get her sister to stop, rushed over to her and grabbed her hand. “Kite,” she said, tugging her arm to get her to go with her.

  Stefanie recognized the word to mean “come.” Her pulse kicked up. She glanced at the guards, but they just stared straight ahead. Great. They weren’t any help.

  And how could their father and Mac not hear all this?

  Stay here. Do not leave the foyer...

  Mac’s words echoed through her head. But would he have wanted her to ignore the little girl trying to pull her into the penthouse, or the one crying?

  “Kite,” the girl urged again, rattling off something that might’ve been Japanese for “help” and “sister.”

  Torn between obeying Mac and the compassion burning in her chest, Stefanie decided in a case like this it was best to ask for forgiveness than permission.

  Hopefully, Mac would get over her disobedience, and Mr. Nakamori wouldn’t hold her actions against Mac.

  With her heart beating the crap out of her chest, she let the little girl pull her into the penthouse.

  Chapter Four

  Forty minutes later, Mac walked with Mr. Nakamori down the hall toward the living room at the penthouse, hope lifted his spirits for the first time in years. Hell, he didn’t think he had any left, thanks to Fiona. She’d snuffed out his ability to hope, love, trust, and a few other positives when she tried to snuff him and the rest of the joint ops team they were both on. The optimistic feeling cutting through the heaviness was foreign, and with good reason, but today, his future and that of his team, looked a little brighter. He’d just brokered a deal to put Eagle Security & Investigations on the map.

  As soon as Mr. Nakamori returned to Tokyo this weekend, he planned to set things in motion that would secure reoccurring business for Mac’s company and allow him to hire more of his soon-to-retire military buddies.

  It was strange how it wasn’t Dex or Carter who flashed through his mind when he thought about sharing the news.

  A pretty brunette, with gorgeous eyes that reminded him of warm Bermuda waves and his favorite, secluded vacation spot he frequented to de-stress in his early military career. Happier times. Less jaded times.

  The fact that he was even open to the possibility was a miracle, and he suspected it was due to time spent with family and friends the past two years. Again, incomparable blue eyes flashed through his mind.

  Was Stefanie his friend?

  They were acquaintances for sure, and loosely related, but the friend part needed a little work. Mostly his doing.

  Perhaps he’d change that when this assignment was over. After all, he did have to work with her on his branding. And although he was trying to fight it, he definitely wanted to do some special branding with her of his own.

  A smile tugged his lips.

  Perhaps he’d change that, too, when this assignment was over. She was definitely giving off the interested vibe. He’d seen it in her eyes, and felt in her body, the way she responded to his kiss yesterday, and trembled against him in the elevator today.

  Maybe he should cut himself a break and stop punishing himself for being human.

  That was the last thought Mac had as he and his host walked into the living room to find Stefanie in the damn penthouse.

  Shit! Mr. Nakamori hadn’t invited her inside.

  His heart crashed into his ribs. She’d just fucking cost him and the guys’ their future. Anger raced up his spine and heated his blood until he shook from the force.


  He’d told her—specifically—not to leave the foyer. How could she have misinterpreted that? She had known how important this job was to the future of his company. He couldn’t believe she’d jeopardize it for him. And for what? So she could sit? The woman was in decent shape. Surely, she could’ve managed to stand in the foyer until he returned. He’d been gone less than an hour, for Christ’s sake.

  He’d trusted her.

  And that was his mistake.

  She sat on the living room floor with Mr. Nakamori’s daughters, laughing and drawing, completely unaware of the rage burning a hole in his gut. Rage at her and himself, for being so stupid. Again.

  He glanced at his host, noting the disapproving frown he’d hoped not to see. Dammit. He had to try to salvage this somehow. Firs
t step was to get her out of here.

  “Stefanie,” he said, his tone a little sharper than he’d intended, but he was too pissed right now to care.

  She startled and glanced up as he neared, the smile slowly slipping from her face. “Sorry,” she said, rising to her feet, but when she opened her mouth to say more, he held up a hand, and thankfully, she remained quiet.

  “Go to the apartment,” he managed to say in an even tone, despite the turmoil happening inside. “Now,” he added, when her mouth opened again.

  Frustration and aggravation flashed through her gaze, and for a moment he thought she was going to ignore him. She blinked away a sudden sheen of tears until disappointment flickered through her eyes. He grit his teeth. What the hell was she disappointed at? She was the one who’d let him down, not the other way around.

  She turned to face the little girls who were now standing by their father. “Sayonara.” She nodded to them.

  They smiled and said it back. The younger of the two grabbed a drawing from the coffee table of a very detailed cat and held it out to Stefanie. He recognized the feline. It was Reggie. This wasn’t the time to be impressed by her skills, but he was...he just kept it to himself.

  She shook her head and pointed to the little girl. “You keep.” Her gaze met his, her expression sullen. “Tell her it’s for them.”

  He did and the girls smiled. The smaller one ran over to hug Stefanie’s hips and thanked her in Japanese.

  Stefanie smiled down at the girl and caressed her head. “Iie iie,” she responded quietly back in Japanese? The fact the woman knew to respond with “no thanks necessary” instead of “you’re welcome” because that was usually an insult, sent a ripple of shock through him.

  What other secrets was she keeping?

  Christ. He hated secrets. And women who kept them.

  Her gaze met his, and she opened her damn mouth again, but he shook his head.

  “Later,” he told her through clenched teeth. “Go.”


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