Mac (HC Heroes Series, #1)

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Mac (HC Heroes Series, #1) Page 11

by Donna Michaels

  She laughed. “Sometimes.”

  “How about with Mac?” Mel smiled at her from across the table.

  She frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “Pacing yourself.” The smirking redhead rolled her eyes. “Come on, Stef. It’s obvious you two have slept together.”

  Abby’s palm hit the table. “You slept with Mac?” Her voice was loud enough for people in the next county to hear. “When?”

  “Shh...” Stefanie’s heart rocked in her chest as she glanced around to see if anyone nearby had caught their conversation. Thankfully, the booth behind her was empty, and the couple sitting behind Mel and Abby appeared to be engrossed in each other.

  Mel set her forearms on the table and cocked her head. “It’s a secret? Why?”

  Stefanie couldn’t believe she was having this conversation. And in public.

  “It was a one-time thing. Last Thursday,” she said quietly. “And we don’t want it to get back to his family.”

  “Ah.” Abby nodded, reaching for her drink. “Yeah, that could make things awkward.”

  She nodded. “Exactly.”

  Especially since she wanted another one-time...or two. Or three.

  But they’d agreed to indulging once to burn off that chemistry, so it was important to her not to treat him any differently than before they had the wild monkey sex she couldn’t get out of her head.

  “Wait...last Thursday?” Abby narrowed her eyes. “Where? At your sister’s house that night?”

  She cleared her throat and ran her finger through the condensation on her glass of water. “No.”

  Mel leaned forward. “Then where? His place?”

  She transferred her gaze to them and met a pair of eager ones. “Yeah...well on his property.”

  “Shit, woman. Come on, you’re killing me,” Mel said. “Just tell us where?”

  Abby’s brow creased. “Yeah, you have to tell us now. We need to know.”

  She couldn’t believe she was going to tell them. How had the conversation gotten here?

  “Stefanie,” Mel growled.

  She wrinkled her nose and prepared for their responses. “In the back of his chopper.”

  “Oh. My. God. You’re my new hero,” Abby gushed.

  Mel’s brows shot up. “Damn. His helicopter?” A grin spread across her lips. “Nice.”

  It was. Better than nice.

  After glimpsing such unforeseen ecstasy, she was pretty proud of herself for managing to keep Mac at arm’s length and at-ease. His family was way too astute. Giving in to the need to touch him—that had burned through her every single time he was close—had led to her keeping her distance.

  She didn’t want to be that woman who clung. Her stomach tightened. She’d rather he thought of her as the woman who’d rocked his world, not the woman he couldn’t get rid of. Sighing inwardly, she reached for her drink and held a silent pity party.

  “So you don’t want to have more sex with him again?”

  She choked on her water. This always happened. She really had to learn not to take a drink of anything when Mel was around.

  “Sounded like a yes to me,” Abby said with a grin.

  Mel nodded. “Me, too. Because you can’t tell me a man as competent, commanding, and virile as Mac isn’t killer in bed. Or your case, helicopter.”

  “Commanding...” Abby sighed. “I like a little of that at times.”

  “Me, too,” Mel agreed. “I’m not submissive, but there are times when I like it when a guy takes control.” Winking, Mel slapped hands with a cheering Abby.

  Stefanie’s mind drifted back to Thursday morning, and her body heated at the memory of how he’d been in control of her quivers, moans, and prolonged orgasms. She sighed. “Mac has great control.”

  Mel slapped the table and nodded. “I knew it.”

  “Damn.” Abby sighed, too. “Where can I get one?”

  She smiled. “I don’t know. I just got lucky. Literally.”

  The girls snorted.

  “So, if you were supposed to come home Friday, but didn’t, and Mac did come back Friday—I know, because my brother told me they had another security detail job yesterday,” Abby said, “then how did you get home today?”

  “Mac,” she replied.

  “Really?” Mel tilted her head to the side. “He flew up there today, just to get you?”

  The way her friend said that made it sound like he was giving her special treatment. Stefanie’s pulse hiccupped, then leveled out. “No, not just to fetch me,” she said, keeping it real. “To see his niece, too.”

  Abby’s back straightened. “He’s not afraid of her? Because I read somewhere that most alpha males are.”

  Mel’s head jerked back. “Where in the world did you read that?”

  “I don’t remember exactly.” Abby shrugged. “Some magazine article.”

  “Well, I don’t know if that’s true, but if it is, then Mac seems to be an exception.” In more ways than one. “Because he fed her twice already, and he and Logan had a pow wow meeting of sorts to figure out how to change her.” It’d been at his mother’s insistence while Chloe was asleep, and Stefanie was out running errands...and checking with admissions about Naomi’s supposed friend.

  “One-time thing, my ass,” Mel said with a twist of her lips. “Trust me, his niece wasn’t the only reason he flew to Comfort.”

  Stefanie’s pulse picked up at the thought of her friend being right. But Mac had given her no indication he was interested in another go-round.

  In fact, today, not long after they’d landed at his ranch here in Harland County, he’d bid her goodbye, hopped on his bike and took off, leaving her to walk the lengthy trek alone to her car parked in his driveway.

  Next time, she was going to drive over the yard and pull up to the hangar.

  She caught that train of thought and derailed it. Next time, she should probably drive to her sister’s, because being cooped up in that tight cockpit, sitting close but not touching the man responsible for her hot-as-hell, out-of-herself experience, was too taxing on her control.

  “Well, he’s had several opportunities since Thursday to make another move, and he hasn’t,” she said.

  “He’s biding his time. Fighting it.” Mel smiled. “He’s alpha, remember? They don’t go down without a fight.”

  She smiled but shook her head. “No. We had our one-and-done. So, I’d appreciate if you kept this quiet,” she said, and after they agreed, she sat back and changed the subject. “Dinner’s on me, by the way. My way of thanking you for taking care of Reggie for me while I was at my sister’s. I know it was short notice, so thanks.”

  Mel waved her away. “No problem.”

  “Yeah, he’s great.” Abby smiled.

  She nodded. “I missed him.” She flagged down their server and asked for a container for her remaining food.

  Mel sat back with a hand over her heart. “Stop the presses. Stefanie didn’t finish her burger.”

  She snickered. “I’m taking it home for Reggie to try to make up for my recent absences.”

  “Ah.” Mel nodded.

  “That’s sweet,” Abby said. “But be careful, once he tastes Kerri’s food, he might want you to go away more often.”

  Stefanie laughed, and was finishing her water when her phone dinged with an email alert. She withdrew it from her purse and accessed her inbox to find an email from Mr. Nakamori, asking her if she was available to video chat. “I’ve got to go.” She pulled money from her wallet and slapped it on the table, hoping it was enough to cover the bill and tip. “I have to call Japan. I’ll see you two tomorrow.”

  Stefanie left the pub and rushed home, hoping the brisk walk would give her a clear head for her meeting and leave the foolish thoughts of Mac behind.


  “Right after I grow wings and fly around the county,” Dex said, and Mac nodded, only half listening to their conversation, his gaze on Stefanie sitting across the room at the Pub with her friends.

  She hadn’t seen the guys and him playing darts, or when they’d grabbed a table near the back, but he’d spotted her right off. And when her laughter had drifted across the room, the sound sent licks of heat down his skin, springing his body to life. The unexpected reaction was as unwelcome as it was enjoyable.


  Carter chuckled. “Looks like the lights are on, but nobody’s home, Dex.”

  A flush rose up into Stefanie’s face, deepening the blue of her eyes, and they sparkled as she talked, pulling him in without even trying.

  How could that happen? Jesus, he had no control over his body where that woman was concerned. And it had gotten ten times worse since he’d buried himself balls deep inside her lush curves. For three days now, he’d tried to devise a strategy to combat his lack of defenses around her.

  A knot formed in his stomach and twisted.

  He hated weakness. Hated operating at a deficit. He didn’t demand anything from his men that he didn’t give himself, so not performing at a hundred and ten percent was unacceptable. He needed to figure his shit out. Today was a real eye-opener. It’d started off fine. Then he picked Stefanie up at his brother’s house and flew her home.

  By the time they’d landed, he’d been so goddamn pent up, he’d barely said two words to her, jumped on his bike and drove the hell away before he did something offer her another ride in the back of his bird.

  Silently cursing, he lifted his beer to his mouth and watched Stefanie glance at her phone, toss money on the table, then leave. His body relaxed and the ability to breathe grew easier. But the room felt colder.

  “Well...” Dex pushed his chair back and rose to his feet. “My boss expects me at oh-dark-thirty because we’re hitting the road a first light. I’d better get my rest, so I’m in top form.”

  Carter rose, too, and cupped the grinning man’s shoulder. “Not enough sleep for that, Dex.”

  “Idiots.” He laughed with them as he stood. They’d paid their bill twenty-minutes ago but had lingered over their drinks.

  It was only early evening, but he could call it a night too. The new assignment tomorrow was in San Antonio. A quiet night and good sleep would keep them in top form for their third security detail in as many weeks. Close proximity to Stefanie’s curves this morning had ratcheted up tension, and the lack of release combined with too damn much overthinking, caused a dull throbbing behind his eyes.

  But Mac wouldn’t sleep. Not for a while, anyway. It was too early, and he was too keyed up to sleep. He’d probably fix a scotch and sit outside on his porch for a bit.

  “I heard your boss was a hardass,” Mac joked as they headed for the door.

  Carter laughed as he stopped at his sister’s table. The one Stefanie had just left. “Hey, Abs. Just checking to see if you need me to do anything tonight. And to remind you I’ll be in San Antonio for the next three days.”

  He and Dex greeted the girls then hung back while Carter and Abby talked.

  “The shop is good, thanks,” she said. “But I could use some help upstairs. I have an entertainment center that Mel and I were going to assemble but I can’t move it inside. We tried, but it won’t budge.”

  The redhead nodded. “The yahoo delivery guys left it outside her door but never told her it had arrived.”

  “Yeah.” Abby nodded. “I would’ve met them here and had them bring it inside. So if you guys could help with that, I’d appreciate it.”

  Carter nodded. “Sure. We can help you right now, if you’re done.”

  Boxes with unassembled prefabbed pieces were heavy as shit. No way did he want Abby and Mel to try to move it. “Yeah. Just ask. Don’t ever try to move it yourself.”

  “Thanks.” Abby smiled. “And now is good.”

  “Uh oh. Stef forgot the rest of her food,” Mel said, holding up a takeout container. “Can you take it to her, Mac? She had an email from Mr. Nakamori so she left without finishing.”

  Damn. His pulse picked up. He was trying to avoid being alone with her. “Okay. Is she home or at her office?”

  “Home.” The redhead handed him the container and smiled. “Thanks.” Then she slid from the booth and Abby followed, a small smile twitching the woman’s lips as she shook her blonde head for some reason.

  “Come on, Dex. Looks like you and I are on our own with on this one,” Carter said, then glanced at him, mischief twinkling in his eyes. “Night, Mac.”

  “Yeah, have a good night, boss.” Dex smirked as he turned around and walked with the others toward the back door of the pub.

  Not at all pleased with the situation he found himself in, Mac eyed the scotch behind the bar, thinking longingly of the bottle he had at home, but left with the damn container in his hand instead. Storing it in his saddle bag, he drove the short distance to Stefanie’s house, half hoping she was still in her meeting with Nakamori. The last thing he needed was to be alone with the woman, with easy access to her bed.

  Hell...they didn’t need a bed.

  Her sweet scent had driven him crazy that morning. She’d smelled like candy—strawberry flavored—and he’d wanted to lick, lap, and eat her up.


  Now he was hard. Again. His zipper dug into the erection he’d sported most of that flight.

  Container in hand, he walked to her door and set a time limit in his head. One more than two, to hand her the food and leave. Shoulders back, resolve set, he checked the time on his phone, then knocked on her door.

  Chapter Ten

  One minute. Two, tops.

  That was all he was staying.

  Stefanie opened the door, her gaze lighting up upon seeing him. “Hey, Mac.” Her response messed with his pulse and sent a surge of warmth through his damn chest. “Everything okay?”

  “” Fuck. He cleared his throat and shoved the container at her. “Mel and Abby said you forgot this and asked me to bring it to you.”

  Mission accomplished in less than a minute, and he was still outside.

  “My leftovers for Reggie. Thanks.” She took the container and smiled. “Since you’re here, can you come in a minute? I could use some translation help.”


  “Sure.” He kissed the two-minute tops thought goodbye and entered her house.

  She waved him toward her computer. “I have the screen pulled up. Let me give this to Reggie, first and I’ll be right there.”

  Her scent lingered and tantalized when she moved to the kitchen to transfer a piece of hamburger to a paper plate and chop it up. Her gaze lifted to him, and she frowned.

  It dawned on him. The woman was wondering why he hadn’t gone to the computer. Because he was an idiot. He cleared his throat and brought what he hoped was a smile to his face. “I’ll wait.”

  She smiled back. “Okay.” Then she carried the plate to a sleeping Reggie, who must’ve gotten a whiff, because he immediately sat up before he even opened his eyes.

  Mac chuckled. “He’s happy to get that.”

  “For sure.” She laughed. “And I’m happy you can help. Thanks, again.”

  He followed her to her computer, his gaze straying over her sweet ass brushing the fabric of another of her sexy, damn dresses, before trailing down her long, bare legs. Memories of the last time he was alone with her flashed through his mind and heated his body. His dick twitched.

  “I was trying to do a little research into Mr. Nakamori’s company, you know, to get a feel for it and him, but I wasn’t able to figure out the translation to this.” She sat in her chair and pointed to her monitor.

  Pushing back the need to touch her, he forced his focus to the screen, and spent the next few minutes translating for her. When he finished, he ordered his body to straighten and move away, but the damn thing wouldn’t respond. Seems it only responded to Stefanie’s body, which was currently trembling a mere inch away.

  He sucked in a breath and grit his teeth, fighting the urge to dip down and kiss her neck. With her hair pull
ed up in another of her sexy-as-hell messy buns, he had clear access to all that beautiful, smooth skin.

  “Mac...” She sucked in a breath too.

  The questioning need in her voice sent his resolve teetering on the edge and heat coursing through his body. He had an answer for her, standing at attention behind his zipper.

  Wrinkle free.

  The same couldn’t be said for his mind—rutted with caution and restrictions—as it battled with his body’s need to eighty-six his resolve and respond to the silent invitation evident in her tone.

  “W-what are you doing?” she asked, her voice unsteady, while her gaze remained on the computer, as if afraid she’d lose control if she looked at him.

  He wanted her—there was no denying the fact—but if he gave into need this time, if he let go, he was agreeing to have sex as friends for more than just another one-time thing.

  Sex with the woman who’d rocked his world?


  Why was it even a question? Of course, he fucking wanted that.

  Removing the restrictions from his mind, he gripped the back of the chair and bent down to inhale near her ear. Damn...strawberries... “Wondering if you were up for another ride?”

  The thought made him fucking throb.

  She sucked in a breath and rose to her feet to face him. “Yes.” A hot, wicked gleam entered her eyes and boosted his pulse. “But first, I think we need to be clear on what we’re doing. Agreed?”

  His heart dropped to his knees then sprung up to his chest. “You want me to tell you blow-by-blow?”

  Christ, he was going to blow right then and there in his jeans.

  She trembled. “I...uh...I didn’t mean the sex. I meant us, together. So...what are we doing, Mac?”

  Damn, he hoped this wasn’t a trick question, because he wasn’t firing on all cylinders. His blood was congregating south of the border. A serious, albeit heated, blue gaze bore into his...waiting.

  He swallowed and latched onto the first thing that came to his mind. “Extinguishing chemistry?”

  Apparently, it was the right answer, because her smile returned—the one that always reached in and chased away the chill around his heart.


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